Add One, I Don’t Know How To Fight

Chapter 109 108: Sorry, I have no choice (Thanks to Zangyue Yaoyue for the 10,000 reward)

Olympic Tower Building, 645 Fifth Avenue, New York City, NBA Headquarters.

Li Ang looked at the bald man in front of him and resisted the urge to hit him.

"Wait a moment, Mr. Stern's meeting will end soon."

Adam Joke looked at Li Ang with a smile.

But Li Ang is now thinking about how to throw Sabi down from the upstairs in a reasonable and legal way to avoid future troubles.

The joke at this time is that Stern is still the special assistant.

So he will entertain Li Ang for the time being.

Li Ang was too lazy to talk to this idiot, so he casually picked up the newspaper on the bookshelf and read it.

As a result, newspapers were still reporting on Bowen’s anal fissure, and the trending search remained unavailable for a day.

Li Ang is also convinced. My beautiful double-double data of 12+18 has been eaten up by you again?

I keep catching this big shit every day!

Can you please focus on my superb basketball skills?

At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a group of people in suits and ties walked out. They would glance at Li Ang unconsciously when they passed by him.

David Stern was the last to walk out of the conference room. He looked at Li Ang and showed a kind smile.

"Li, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay, I just arrived." Li Ang stood up and shook hands with Stern.

Hearing that Stern wanted to see him yesterday, Li Ang got on the plane arranged by Grunwald and rushed directly to New York. He arrived at the NBA headquarters early this morning.

Stern shook hands with Li Ang and patted him on the shoulder: "I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. The last time we shook hands was at the draft."

"Well, we haven't seen each other for half a year, not too soon." Li Ang deliberately rambled on.

"Yeah, time flies so fast. It's been half a year in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, you have gone from a rookie who has no experience in the world to the main force in three fights.

You have been the main protagonist in several tough battles in the NBA this year. You are now simply the most ruthless person in the Toronto area. "

Hearing what Stern said, Li Ang scratched his head in embarrassment and replied: "Hey, it's mainly because I have grown up very quickly in the past six months in the NBA."

"Ah this."

Stern was speechless. There is really nothing you can do when you meet such a shameless person!

Also, if it was a shame, could Li Ang say to him "I'm really not good at fighting"?

After a brief chat, Stern took Li Ang into his office.

Now, they are going to talk about some transactions between two people in this office without a third person.

"Xiao Li, everyone can see that you are talented. As for me, Stern, I am not the kind of person who cares about things. But if you do this, I am also very sad.

Look what this is? Larry Brown has sent me three emails in a row, hoping that I can severely punish this matter.

To be honest, I'm not blind. It's not like I couldn't see that Bowen kicked McGrady on purpose.

You were originally in charge of this matter, but what if you changed the situation? Why did you attack your butt?

I can't even suppress it if I fuck someone's butt directly until it blooms. The impact is very bad. "

Stern's attitude was not very tough, and Li Ang listened and nodded like a student facing the principal.

I know, I know. From now on, when you hit someone, just hit them on the head.

Don't ask, that's what Stern told me to ask.

"I didn't mean it. I just wanted to go up and talk to him, but I tripped."

Li Ang continued to maintain an innocent smile.

Stern shook his head. Li Ang had an extremely strong psychological quality. No matter how shameless he is, he will say it without blushing or heartbeat.

What do you mean by being tripped? So what about that time you punched someone's nose and crooked it before they tripped?

"This incident is very bad. To be honest, I don't want you to be suspended for too long. However, I am also very embarrassed. Although I am the president of the league, I do not have the final say on this matter. .

The two of them even let the fans watch in front of their teammates.

You should calm down about this kind of thing. "

"Yes, yes, be careful next time."

"As you can see, I just finished the meeting. They all said that banning this kind of thing for ten or twenty games would not be enough to satisfy the public outrage. Larry Brown writes to me every day, and people all over the world are writing to me. I apply pressure.

However, I think you still have a bright future and you still have a long way to go. I just told them that if they suspend that kid for ten or twenty games now, his rookie season will be wasted!

He no longer has any rookie lineup, all-stars, or competition for the best rookie!

You can't be so cruel to a child!

So, I tried my best to keep you.

For your future, you only need to be suspended for three games! "

"Pfft!" Li Ang, who was drinking water, almost slapped Stern in the face. The last time he hit a candy man, he was suspended for five games. Why did he get a discount this time because he was bleeding profusely?

We are all human, why should Bowen be inferior to others!

You just don't treat him as a human being!

You can't discriminate just because the injured area is his butt.

"But, there is a condition!" Finally, after talking for a long time, Stern finally showed his businessman face.

This little Jewish old man is very smart!

"What are the conditions? I won't commit murder and arson, and I won't commit deception and abduction."

"No need for that, you just need to agree to participate in the dunk contest. I promise, you and Oakley are safe!"

Okay, now we’re talking about picking up the legs again.

But it is true that if he is really suspended for more than ten games, the selection of the best rookie team may be affected.

The result of this best rookie lineup will directly affect the completion of the copy.

Okay, I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person, Stern!

Seeing that Li Ang was seriously considering his proposal, Stern smiled proudly.

Isn’t this appropriate?

how? Participating in a slam dunk contest, he Yunlong wants me to treat him with an entire eight-carriage sedan chair?

Facing the smiling Stern, Li Ang sighed.

When people are in the arena, sometimes they can't help themselves.

All afternoon, Larry Brown stared at the phone.

He is waiting for the league's punishment results against Leon and Oakley.

He believed that with his influence in the American basketball world, after writing so many letters to Stern in a row, Stern would give him some face.

"Don't worry Bruce, I will definitely give you justice in this matter! If it's 10 games less, he might be suspended for 15 games, and he might even be asked to apologize publicly. You have to believe in my power, Bruce!"

Looking at Bowen lying on the sofa, Larry Brown patted his chest and said.

Don't ask why Bowen is lying on the sofa, because he can't sit down

"Master Qingtian! Master Qingtian!" Bowen cried as he lay on the sofa.

Bowen even considered retiring on the spot yesterday.

It's not because I can't play basketball after suffering an anal fissure, but because this injury is really embarrassing.

The sports media across the United States are laughing at him, and he will not know how to behave in the future. If Ugly Country still has a moon landing plan, Bowen would like to follow it and never come back.

At this time, the phone in Larry Brown's office finally rang.

Old Brown looked at Bowen firmly, justice may be late, but it will not be absent!

"Wai, I'm Brown!

ah! ? Oh, that’s good, okay, I get it.”

Brown's tone went from strong to soft, just like that, but the softening process was a bit fast.

"How's it going? What did the league say?" Bowen got excited and prepared to stand up, but his butt was pulled and the pain made him lie down.

Larry Brown looked at Bowen and his expression became serious.

He didn't even know how to speak!

"Coach, let me tell you, Li Ang has been suspended for more than ten games? Does he still want to apologize publicly?"

Brown didn't answer, just pointed out three fingers.

"Thirty games!?" Bowen was overjoyed. Coach Brown is indeed Liu Bei. He is really capable!

"No, three games."

"Hahahaha, great. No, how many games?" Bowen's smile suddenly stiffened, and he thought he heard wrongly.

"Three games."

"Three of my buttholes are worth three games?"

"No, your butt is not worth three games because you have to be suspended for five games."

Bowen:? ? ?

Is there any royal law? Are there any laws?

Bowen's brain is short-circuited. The league won't think it was my butt that moved first, right?

Although Bowen's butt is so rotten now, he won't be able to play for a while. But being suspended and missing due to injury are different in nature.

Suspended due to injury, although he can't play, his salary will still be paid.

But if you are suspended by the league, your salary for those five games will be gone!

As an older player who entered the NBA as a free agent, Uncle Bao only earned $510,000 this season.

If you deduct five more games, what will be left?

"They said that you maliciously hurt others first, and Li Ang's last blow was not intentional. He was just dragged by Snow. Therefore, he was only suspended for three games."

Larry Brown's face also turned dark. He had just boasted in front of Bowen about how much face he had in the industry. Isn't this a slap in the face?

Moreover, Brown always thought that he had some say in the NBA, but Stern completely ignored him.

Larry Brown doesn't matter, fans' joy is the real money!

Can Larry Brown save the All-Stars? Can the Dunk Contest be saved?

You can't tell me a few words, don't delay me from making money!

Bowen and Larry Brown both doubted life. Facts have proved that in this league, capable people can be successful wherever they go.

Meanwhile in Toronto, Oakley was shocked.


Suspended for three games because of bleeding?

Three games are enough!

If word of this spreads, people will look down on me, Old Oak!

He was suspended for three games after a fight, oh, it’s a shame!

When Old Oak found out Bowen had been suspended for five games, he knew something was wrong.

Although Bowen's flying kick was bad, under today's standards, a five-game suspension is honestly a severe punishment.

What exactly did Leon and Stern talk about?

Could it be

Li Ang returned to Toronto that night, and McGrady and Carter drove specially to pick him up.

Maizi was sitting in the passenger seat, holding a garbage bag in his hand, which made Li Ang laugh.

"As an experienced driver who often speeds, why do you still get carsick?"

"Did he get motion sickness? He had a slight concussion that caused dizziness and frequent morning sickness!"

Carter shook his head, Maizi had been miserable these past two days. He is either elegant or simply floating now.

Fortunately, there is Li Ang, otherwise who would I have to talk to to reason with being kicked like this?

"By the way, what did Stern talk to you about? Isn't it about suspending you for more than ten games? I want to go to New York in person to seek justice for you!"

Maizi was very excited. He knew that Li Ang came to help him out of deep brotherhood and had absolutely no other thoughts mixed in with him.

Brother stood up for me, how could I let Li Ang suffer!

"Oh, he let me participate in the slam dunk contest, and then he only suspended me for three games. By the way, he suspended Bowen for five games."

Carter and Maddie both turned to look at Li Ang, very surprised.

Can bans be discussed?

Then why can't we discuss it? Make money, don't be embarrassed.

"So, did you agree to him?" Brother McCain asked in unison.

Li Ang nodded: "I have no choice!"

"Hahahahaha, great! Tracey, it's up to you now!" Carter was overjoyed. Someone was joining him, so he wasn't nervous anymore.

Tracy was stunned again, Li Ang, you actually betrayed the revolution!

You actually compromised with the evil capitalism!


"I dont go!"

Maddie answered decisively.

I am starving to death. Even if I jump out of the car now, I will not participate in the dunk contest.

Carter originally planned to drive Li Ang home directly, but Li Ang said he wanted to go back to the arena first and drive away his car parked in the parking lot.

So after throwing Li Ang into the arena, Carter and McGrady drove away.

Li Ang hurriedly found the old man who was the security guard of the arena and asked him to open the door of the training hall.

Li Ang actually didn't come here to get anything, he just wanted to test his current dunking ability!

Although the 75 breakthrough dunk is not particularly high, it will definitely allow Li Ang to make some more complicated dunks.

After arriving at the training hall, Li Ang picked up the basketball, looked at the basket, started running from outside the three-point line, and jumped high.

In the air, Li Ang did not dunk directly as usual, but changed hands with his crotch!

This kind of action that Li Ang never dared to think of before, he actually did it!

However, since it was my first time trying it, I was a little nervous and had no experience, so I didn’t get into it.

Li Ang missed the ball and hit the basket.

Li Ang, who was hanging on the frame, grabbed the bounced basketball with his big hand and pressed it into the frame again.

Who knew that the ball would actually be dunked!

Li Ang grabbed the basketball again and stuffed the ball into the frame. However, because Li Ang was hanging awkwardly on the basket, he still failed to dunk the second ball.

In this way, Li Ang tried three make-up dunks while hanging on the rim, but failed to score.

Li Ang discovered that he really had the destiny to become a historical dunker.

Although the ball was not scored, Li Ang was still very excited.

Just now I actually completed the crotch change of hands in the air!

As long as he practices a little and tries a few more times, Li Ang believes he can definitely do it.

After all, the moves in the slam dunk contest were all performed by the players after they had practiced countless times.

And this is just the beginning. If you can change hands under your hips, you can do windmills, you can turn around 360° and dunk, the possibilities are endless!

Li Ang discovered this dunk contest.

Maybe you can actually do something yourself.

In the current dunk contest, the players' movements are actually quite satisfactory, and are far less creative than future players.

If Li Ang combines his future dunk creativity with his current dunk ability.

The Millennium Slam Dunk Contest is destined to go down in history!

Li Ang returned home happily and began to play various dunk moves in his mind.

Late at night, the ringtone of the mobile phone beside the pillow interrupted Li Ang's fantasy.

Li Ang picked up the phone impatiently, thinking it was that annoying cauliflower snake again.

As a result, I picked it up and saw that it was not him this time.

Thank you to brother Zangyue Yaoyue for the 10,000 rewards, thank you very much! At the same time, I would also like to thank the freshmen and the big guys for their kind words. Thank you all!

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