Add One, I Don’t Know How To Fight

Chapter 244 243: The most gorgeous team in history (please vote for me!)

As the regular season comes to an end, the media are also predicting the final victory of each team.

This year, three teams are considered likely to win 60 games in a single season.

The last time three or more NBA teams could win 60 games in a single season was the 1997-98 season.

Exactly five years ago.

That year, the Bulls and Jazz won 62 wins and 20 losses, and the SuperSonics and Lakers also won 61 wins and 21 losses. It can be said that a hundred birds are contending.

Danzi's victory brought a perfect end to that great season.

This year, the three teams that have a chance to win 60 wins in a single season are the Spurs, Kings and Pistons!

Neither the Spurs nor the Kings are actually too surprising. After all, the Kings already won 61 games last season.

The Spurs won 58 games last season, a very wonderful victory.

The real surprise is the Pistons. Although the Pistons were already a strong team in the Eastern Conference last season, they only had 50 wins in the regular season.

And last summer, the Pistons basically completely reorganized their lineup.

Billups, Hamilton and Li Ang are all new to the team.

Before the start of the season, many people felt that the record of this temporarily formed Pistons might not advance but retreat.

As a result, the Pistons are now heading towards 60 wins in a single season!

The Bad Boys have always been good at fighting and basketball. When you are good at fighting, you will be good at playing.

Because the Pistons' record this season is so dazzling, many media have also regarded the Pistons as candidates for this year's finals.

Most people believe that the Lakers and Pistons will meet in the Finals, and the Lakers will continue to win the championship easily.

Although the Lakers played rubbish in the regular season, this is not the first time after all. Last season, the Lakers had no sense of presence in the regular season, but their playoff win was a crushing success.

After winning Kobe Bryant, he could not wait to send Li Ang 20 text messages a day.

And for a team like the Lakers, even if they only rank eighth in the Western Conference during the regular season, more people think they can beat the eighth team than those who think they will go out in the first round.

This is the wealthy effect.

No, the playoffs haven't even started yet, and Lakers fans all over the world are chanting Mr. Lu Xun's famous saying - Lakers championship.

Media across the United States are basically saying that the Lakers will crush the Pistons. Everyone in the Bad Boys is actually used to this.

From the beginning of the season to now, the Pistons have been crushed in various ways in the newspapers and crushed others on the court.

I have been crushed over and over again, and now I am trying to hit 60 wins.

If I don't get crushed, I'm afraid I won't win the championship directly with 82 wins.

So seeing this kind of report is like seeing those female fans shaking the ball and saying they want to give birth to their own children - Li Ang doesn't feel anything at all.

It's really hard to challenge your weaknesses when your ex-girlfriend is Theron and your current girlfriend is Carolina.

And when you are often looked down upon, you will no longer be angry about similar news.

Faced with reports like "they will be crushed in the Finals," the Pistons remained calm and not angry. They were just quietly preparing for the playoffs.

Even my brother gave up martial arts and started practicing shooting for the playoffs.

I know very well that the playoff stage is full of targets and any weaknesses will be amplified.

In the playoffs last season, I was tortured by man-killing tactics a lot.

He's had enough, he wants to get rid of this situation!

So I made up my mind to start special training on shooting from today.

Li Ang saw that Ben was so motivated and thought that his appearance would not turn Ben into a DPOY who can shoot, right?

As a result, after seeing Ben's training in the afternoon, Li Ang realized that he was simply thinking too much.

I saw Big Ben standing under the basket, raising the basketball with both hands and aiming at the basket.

This was the first time for Li Ang to practice shooting so close to the basket.

Why else are you shooting in this position? Why not just go for a layup?

In my opinion, this shooting training should be done step by step. If you shoot from far away from the beginning, you will never be able to shoot accurately.

You have to grasp the rhythm from near to far, from deep to shallow.

I held up the basketball and threw the ball stiffly under the basket. However, I didn't make a shot with a negative difficulty coefficient. After the basketball bounced out of the frame, it hit my brother's explosive head.

"Ah this." Li Ang couldn't help but shook his head when he saw that Ben couldn't even make such a basket.

It seems that my shooting has nothing to do with whether I practice or not.

It's because my mother carried this kind of flaw in her womb.

Although my shooting was terrible, he still picked up the basketball after rubbing his head that was just hit, and was ready to continue practicing!

No matter what, at least the Pistons have a good attitude towards the playoffs.

Li Ang was also inspired by his brother and decided to practice shooting for half an hour and sandbags for half an hour after training every day.

Faced with doubts from the outside world, the Pistons chose to work hard silently, while everyone on the Kings team saw a climax.

How can the Lakers advance to the Finals just because of the joke? Those two animal-type guys are also worthy of them?

How many?

The Kings come into this season with the determination of revenge.

Because they feel that they lost unfairly last season.

If you put a drum in the middle of the court, the Kings players can smash it.

It’s really such an injustice.

Last season's Western Conference Finals G6, this game is definitely worthy of being recorded in history.

Not because of how exciting it was, but because the referee's actions were too shady.

In the sixth game of the series, from 6 minutes and 51 seconds to 53 seconds, in half the game, the Lakers did not score a single goal in a sports game, but they scored 11 points.

Throughout the fourth quarter, the Lakers made a total of 27 free throws. Throughout the game, the free throw ratio between the Lakers and Kings was 40 to 25.

During the game, the Kings players were called for too many inexplicable fouls.

Forcibly, the series entered a tiebreaker.

Looking at it this way, it seems that the loss was quite unfair.

So after the game, Divac, the Kings starting center and the man who replaced Kobe Bryant, bluntly said: "The referee needs to extend this series, so it is better to tell us directly that we can't win at all."

Therefore, everyone on the Kings team is very unconvinced.

If it weren't for the league's hard support, you, the Lakers, might not even be able to make it to the Finals.

It’s too early to say anything about the Lakers championship this season!

In order to deal with the Kings, Li Ang has been making up the video of the Kings' games from last season these days, which naturally also includes the video of last season's Western Conference Finals.

To put it bluntly, Li Ang doesn't think the Lakers' victory depends solely on the referees.

Indeed, the king of the G6 series was hacked. NBA referees who were later arrested for match-fixing, including the notorious Donaghy, admitted that there was indeed something wrong with the 2002 Western Conference Finals.

But what they did was not to send the Lakers into the Finals, but to control the game to achieve the goal of playing seven games in the Western Conference Finals.

The Kings actually only suffered a loss in G6, but in the previous G5, O'Neal at his peak made one free throw in 18 shots, and Divac made 10 free throws in 10 shots.

The king took advantage of this.

And in terms of the number of free throws, the Kings' free throws in G2 and G3 also far exceeded the Lakers.

There is also a conspiracy theory in G2, saying that Kobe got food poisoning from eating a hamburger and the waiter who delivered the burger was a close friend of Kings player Bobby Jackson.

Of course, I don’t know whether this is true or not.

However, judging from the number of recorded fouls and free throws, both sides were cheated, and generally speaking, they took advantage.

If the Kings hadn't taken advantage, they might not have been able to lead the Lakers 3-2.

The most critical G7 was precisely the most honest game of the referee, and basically no mistakes were made.

The results of it? The huge pressure almost overwhelmed the Kings. They only made 16 of 30 free throws in the entire game, including only 3 of 9 free throws in the third quarter that could have opened up the score.

An overly flashy playing style has no effect in the most critical fourth quarter, because no matter how powerful the system is, it needs a strong support.

But Weber is not the kind of player who can stand up in the fourth quarter.

So don't be dissatisfied with the Kings. They lost the Western Conference Finals last season largely because of themselves.

Facts have proved that the Lakers are indeed the stronger team.

After watching the video, Li Ang felt more and more that there was really no chance of defeating the king.

After all, the Lakers have won before. Why can't the Kings, who are slightly weaker than the Lakers, not win?

Of course, the Kings players may just want to motivate themselves if they think they are being hacked.

No, this season, even though Webber was injured for a long time, the Kings' record has hardly deteriorated.

Because all the players of the Kings have a revengeful heart, they will not admit defeat easily.

In the next game against the Pistons, the Kings will definitely want to show off their strength.

Not only can the Lakers crush the Pistons, but so can we!

The only truly valuable opponent for the Lakers is us!

March 2, Sleep Train Arena in Sacramento.

Kings fans are looking forward to their team being able to knock off the No. 1 spot in the Eastern Conference.

After all, in their minds, they are the ones facing the Pistons in the finals.

So in the eyes of Kings fans, this can be regarded as a preview of the finals.

When the Pistons players changed their clothes and came out, they found that there were a lot of security guards in the tunnel today.

After seeing Li Ang, the security guards all took out their walkie-talkies and muttered something.

Li Ang thought to himself that Sacramento is indeed California's first casualty. Look at how well the security work is done.

No dangerous person can act recklessly here.

As everyone knows, the content of the conversation between the security guards is actually as follows:

"Attention all departments, dangerous elements have walked out of the locker room, over."

"Received, received, the dangerous man Li Ang has been seen at the exit of the player tunnel. Everything is normal, everything is normal."

"Remember, never look at him! No matter what happens on the court today, we must ensure that two people control Li Ang at the same time. He is very dangerous. I repeat, he is very dangerous!"

The dangerous person turned out to be Li Ang himself.

The Kings sent so many security personnel today because they were afraid that Li Ang would "beat" the Kings like he did in the last game.

As a team aiming to hit the championship, the Kings really can't afford to be injured.

Seeing that the playoffs are about to start in a month and a half, no more players must be injured.

Stepping onto the court, deafening cheers hit us.

What impressed Li Ang the most about the Kings was that they had not made the playoffs for 15 consecutive years.

What is the concept of not making the playoffs for 15 consecutive years? It has really turned a group of fans into old age.

Therefore, in Li Ang's impression, the Kings are not a super popular team.

But in fact, in this era, the Kings' attendance is not inferior to that of the Lakers and Knicks.

The Kings' gorgeous style of play has made them one of the top-grossing teams in the league.

Indeed, what man doesn’t love this flirtatious style?

Soon, the cheers seemed to have doubled in volume.

Li Ang turned to look at the opposite half, and his opponent finally appeared!

Mike Bibby, former teammate Christie, super shooter Peja, Divac, the man who only replaced Kobe.

And the fourth position known as the most talented, the most gorgeous power forward in history, the Kings' forever No. 4 Chris Webber!

Li Ang is gearing up to complete the mission and the final battle is finally here!

In order to beat Weber, Li Ang has been holding back recently and dare not make any big moves for fear of being suspended.

I have to let it all out today.

The starting lineups of both teams are in place and the game is about to begin.

As former teammates, Christie and Li Ang hugged each other.

This scene made countless Raptors fans shed tears.

The tears they are shedding now are all the brainwashing of the Raptors management back then.

If Carter, Leon, McGrady and Christie are still playing together, what's the deal with other teams in the Eastern Conference?

The Raptors are like central air conditioners, providing warmth everywhere.

As Kings fans cheered, the referee threw the ball into the air.

Ben fought for the basketball and Billups pushed it up.

As soon as he came up, Ben provided Li Ang with an off-ball screen.

It seems that the Pistons will look for Li Ang in their first attack.

Li Ang's running attracted the attention of Divac and Weber, and Ben quickly followed.

Don't underestimate my offensive threat, you bastards!

Billups has quick eyes and hands, and he passed the ball to Detroit's skyhook tacitly.

Ben put his hands together with the ball, took a big step, and prepared to dunk directly.

But at this moment, Divac returned to his base in time.

The experienced European power center looks very strong and ready to attack the frame in hand-to-hand combat.

As a result, Ben had just touched Divac, and before the formal confrontation, Divac screamed: "Ouch!"

With a scream, Divac fell heavily to the ground, clutching his chest.

The referee also blew the whistle immediately and gave Ben an offensive foul!

"Ah, I didn't do it!" Daben was like a man at the scene of a prostitute being caught, saying I didn't do it every time.

She and I are really just chatting, you have to believe me!

But will a just referee believe Big Ben's lies?

You pushed everyone to the ground and you still said you didn't do it?

The Pistons' offense was stopped just like that, the ball rights were exchanged, and the Kings' defense was successful!

Leon looked at Divac and almost couldn't help but want to applaud him.

NBA players are divided into many schools, including the beast school, the technical school, and the fighting school.

Of course, there is also the acting talent that everyone hates.

As the earliest famous acting player in the NBA, Divac can be regarded as a master of flopping in the league.

The emergence of Divac has affected future players to some extent.

Divac's acting skills are not exaggerated or artificial.

The fall was very natural and the expression was just right.

Let's put it this way, even if Divac doesn't play basketball, he should be able to achieve something if he makes movies.

I feel so aggrieved, there is really nothing you can do when meeting someone like Divac.

It was the Kings' attack. Bibby took the ball across half court and quickly passed the ball out.

In the Kings, there is almost never a situation where one person plays and four people watch. Also, the ball rarely stays in one person's hands for too long.

Princeton has unlimited counter-running, unlimited air-cutting, and unlimited passing and cutting.

It’s both flashy and efficient, looks good and wins games.

Weber finally received the basketball in the low post on the right side. Li Anggang hurriedly put pressure on Weber and tried to push him out.

Although Webber is in the fourth position, he is just like Dirk now, not very good at post-up play.

His back attack is basically a move where he turns around and slides down the baseline for a dunk. Turnover jump shots are not something Webber is good at.

Therefore, even if Li Ang suffers from height disadvantage, he is not afraid of Webber's shooting.

Obviously, Li Ang, who has strong athletic ability, will not let Weber break through easily.

Li Ang thought he had caught Weber, but Weber suddenly made a back pass with his back to the basket!

When it comes to passing ability, Webb is undoubtedly the best among the star power forwards of this era.

The second best player is Li Ang. His accuracy in passing the ball to hit his teammates' heads is still unrivaled.

Weber passed a back pass to the inside, and Divac just hit the ball. After receiving the basketball, he easily made a layup.

It stands to reason that with my athletic ability, it should be easy to handle Divac.

But the key is that Divac has a particularly wide offensive range, and his shooting range can even extend beyond the three-point line.

Therefore, Ben was very afraid of Divac's shooting, and his position was very outside.

Unexpectedly, Divac suddenly cut in and caught Ben by surprise.

In just one round, Li Ang saw the power of the king's gorgeous attack.

Why is the king so difficult to defend? Because it’s useless if you just defend against his arrow figures.

They are not like the Mavericks. Although the Mavericks are also very good offensively, they basically find ways to push the rhythm and counterattack or take turns in singles.

So against the Mavericks, you only need to press the rhythm and hold down their offensive arrows to crack their offense.

But the king is different. The king is slow and gorgeous.

Under this gorgeous passing and cutting system, anyone has the possibility to stand up and score.

Li Ang quickly counterattacked and continued to play pick-and-roll with Ben.

Because the quality of Big Ben's pick-and-roll this time was particularly high, he was firmly blocked and unable to continue to pursue Li Ang.

Li Ang then planned to break through Divac and go straight to the basket.

Although Divac's legs and feet can't keep up with Li Ang, Li Ang won't be able to overtake easily.

The two still had a confrontation, and during the confrontation, Li Ang habitually used his upper elbow to separate Divac in an attempt to clear his breakthrough route.

As a result, as soon as Li Ang's elbow touched Divac, Divac flew out and rolled on the ground holding his stomach.

Li Ang laughed, I have the force, right?

Can such a fake flop really deceive the referee?

Unless this referee is blind, otherwise.

"Beep beep! The Pistons committed an offensive foul and the Kings have the ball!"

Li Ang looked at the referee who made the decision with a confused look on his face.

No, are you too dedicated? Even though he was blind, he still insisted on calling the game.

You really deserve an award!

I have to say that Divac's diving was really good, but today the whistle was indeed a bit biased towards the Kings playing at home.

Calling two technical fouls in a row is a bit excessive.

But after all, the King is one of the league's box office guarantees, and it is normal to have some privileges.

Ben looked at Divac on the ground and was furious.

Inflicting offensive fouls in two consecutive rounds is a sign that the diving technique has reached its peak.

Li Ang went to the referee to argue. Although everyone knew that the referee could not change the decision, he still had to put pressure on the referee.

Just like playing basketball, you can't just say that Kobe is a big guy and just stop guarding him.

You still have to put some pressure on him.

In the Kings' second offense, their passing was still very fast.

Li Ang continued to stick to Weber throughout the whole process, giving him the most ferocious confrontation.

Weber changed hands and direction in the middle distance and broke through Li Ang along the baseline.

But Li Ang's tight blocking gave Weber no room to take off.

As long as he dares to jump, Li Ang will hunt his head.

There was no way, Webb could only pass the ball to Divac with a back pass while traveling.

Li Ang finally discovered that Weber couldn't pass the ball well. The preferred method of passing the ball was back pass.

What a show.

In fact, Weber's back pass is not only for show, but also because it will be more secretive and the opponent will not be able to detect the passing route easily.

This is completely different from the back-passing of Ku's slam dunk king that has no work to do.

It stands to reason that a team like the Pistons that plays a pressing defense is best at blocking passing routes.

But why can't it be blocked today? It's because the Pistons players don't know when the ball will be passed or where it will be passed.

Although Divac is a center, as the king's pivot, he is somewhat of a playmaker.

Once the Kings' offense stalls, the ball is usually passed not to Bibby or Webb, but to Divac.

Divac is now in the middle of the three-second zone. He only needs to take a step forward to make a layup.

Li Ang and Ben then both shrank to the center of the basket, preparing to show off with Divac, a nasty actor, to avenge their past humiliation.

As a result, Divac took a big step after getting it, but instead of attacking the frame, he made another back pass and passed the ball to Christie who cut in!

By the time Li Ang and Ben reacted, Christie had already cut in from the side and dunked!

With two consecutive back pass opportunities, the Kings showed their gorgeous style to the fullest as soon as they came up!

"Keep your eye on the ball, man."

After the dunk landed, Christie teased Li Ang, then turned around and high-fived Weber and Divac.

Kings fans couldn't be more excited when they successfully dunked under the basket guarded by Li Ang and Big Ben.

Our great king’s Princeton is invincible in the world!

The league's No. 1 defense has encountered its biggest crisis.

Today I have two updates with 10,000 words, please beg for your monthly votes!

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