Add One, I Don’t Know How To Fight

Chapter 293 292: Son of the Wind, come on! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

Whether Li Ang did it or not has become a hot topic recently.

But whether Li Ang did it or not, O'Neal definitely did it.

It wasn't Shaq who did it, it was O'Neal who did it, Jermaine O'Neal.

He was suspended for three games, which made Phoenix fans a little worried about the Christmas Day game.

The Christmas game between the Suns and the Pistons can be said to be the most important of all Christmas games this year.

From the day the schedule was announced, everyone has been looking forward to it.

Who can resist the temptation to go home?

After looking forward to it for so long, Phoenix fans won't be able to bear the excitement if they lose.

If we lose to the Pistons, God knows what disgusting things that little old man Larry Brown can say.

No, before the game even started, Larry Brown had already started making noises.

When the Suns had a complete lineup, Larry Brown didn't even dare to fart.

Now it's better to tell everyone "We are the defending champion" and "We must have no problem" whenever we meet.

If you can't pull it hard enough, you'll be the defending champion if you open your mouth or shut your mouth.

It was as if the championship last season had nothing to do with him.

Regarding the issue of the Christmas War, Li Ang also made a lot of responses.

He always emphasized that it was just an ordinary game.

I will treat it with a normal heart.

Li Ang's original intention was just not to want his teammates to panic too much.

As a result, Larry Brown thought that Leon was showing weakness.

What kind of normalcy? Isn't it just to keep a low profile now, thinking that it will be less embarrassing after losing?

My big piston will definitely make you lose your pants!

Don't tell me, the Pistons have performed really well in the last few games.

In the three games before the Christmas game, the Pistons defeated the Mavericks, Wizards and Spurs respectively.

Among them, the Mavericks and Spurs are both tough contenders in the Western Conference.

Moreover, in these two games, the Pistons also limited the scoring of the Mavericks and Spurs to less than 80.

This good state, coupled with O'Neal's injury, has made Larry Brown's confidence burst.

He has even thought about how to eliminate Li Ang after the game.

"As a player, it is good to be confident. But being overconfident is inappropriate. Indeed, he has won a championship, but he cannot attribute the team's victory to himself."

Brown decided to express his connotation to Li Ang after the game.

Be an onmyoji!

On the other side, after losing O'Brien, Li Ang led the team to play the last game before the Christmas game against the SuperSonics.

Since the SuperSonics formed the double-gun lineup of Ray Allen and Lewis, they have become a veritable three-point team.

In today's game, although O'Neal was absent, the Suns' performance was actually not bad.

But he can't stand up to a team like the SuperSonics. Once he takes a shot, you really can't beat him.

Today, the Sonics don't just have Ray and Lewis shooting right.

But the whole team shoots extremely accurately.

It feels like anyone with good hands can shoot a three-pointer when he stands up.

Li Ang's biggest feeling at the time was that the Sonics were really rich!

A three-pointer costs 2,000 dollars, and it seems like you don’t have any money for it.

Your family owns a banknote printing factory, right?

The SuperSonics scored three points, which angered Haslem on the bench.

"Brother Li, you're returning the favor! I'll give you the 2,000 yuan, brother!"

Laughing to death, 69 Li Ang can play, but 69 Li Ang is really not good at shooting three-pointers.

If you want to score a 69 three-pointer, you must meet the three conditions of wide open space, catch-and-shoot, and long-range three-pointers.

If one is missing, these three points will not be scored.

What's more, even if all the conditions are met, it's not 100% possible to enter.

Under the terrible firepower of the Sonics, the Pistons lost to the Sonics 103 to 110 in the game before the Christmas game, experiencing two consecutive losses for the second time this season.

Larry Brown suddenly slapped his thigh at that time. Even a team like the SuperSonics can beat Leon, so doesn't it mean that you can beat a dog and win?

If you can't win, wouldn't you be worse than a dog?

In Brown's view, a team like the SuperSonics that relies on three-pointers to survive is fundamentally wrong.

Shooting three-pointers is sinful and unclean.

The SuperSonics can defeat Li Ang by relying on three-pointers in the wrong way.

Then why can’t I, Larry Brown, defeat Leon with the correct method?

My Larry Brown team is fundamentally correct!

Although he lost the game against the SuperSonics, Li Ang was not depressed.

After all, this game was not a clear-cut loss.

To put it bluntly, it means losing because of the three-pointer and being unable to hit the opponent accurately.

Can't explain what the problem is.

At least, the defeat in this game cannot be directly linked to the Pistons.

But the reporters didn't think so. At the post-match press conference, the reporters all acted like "Leon Pills."

"Lee, will you go crazy if you can't beat the Pistons in the next game?"

"Uh" Li Ang looked at the reporter in front of him. To be honest, he was completely confused at the time.

The game hasn't even started yet, what do you mean by saying I'm going to lose?

It seems as if the Pistons can also defeat the Suns with three-pointers.

It's not that the Pistons don't have the ability. The key is that they have the ability, and Larry Brown doesn't do it either.

Three-pointers are like a crime to him.

Li Ang originally thought that the reporter was deliberately looking for trouble, but later he discovered that most people felt that the Suns might not be able to win.

"Lee, why are you so confident? You should know how important Jermaine is to the team. Without him, do you really still have a chance to defeat the Pistons?"

"Why not? Jermaine is gone, and I still have Steve by my side." Leon said, hugging Nash next to him.

Nash looked at Li Ang and smiled.

The reporters below were laughing too.

But there was a hint of ridicule in their smiles.

Do you still have Nash?

What is Nash good enough for?

Indeed, Nash's statistics this season are very good. He averaged 15.2 points and 8.8 assists per game. He is an excellent shooter and an excellent organizer.

But no one ever thought Nash was the kind of player who could break the deadlock.

From when he arrived in the NBA to now when he returns to Phoenix.

No one ever treated him as a true All-Star.

They all felt that Li Ang was joking.

But Li Ang didn't mean this. He always regarded Nash as an important partner.

The press conference ended amid jeers from reporters.

As soon as Li Ang and Nash left the press conference hall, Nash stopped Li Ang.


"What's wrong?"

"On the day of the Christmas battle, I will work hard."

"Of course, I know. Get some rest, Steve. The 25th is destined to be a fierce battle for us."

After playing against the Sonics, Leon and the Suns team will have a day off on the 24th until the Christmas Day game against the Pistons begins on the night of the 25th.

On Christmas Eve, the 24th, although the surrounding festive atmosphere was very strong, Li Ang just wanted to stay at home and rest.

First of all, Li Ang had no interest in foreign festivals. Secondly, Li Ang also wanted to recharge his batteries for tomorrow's battle.

As a result, Carolina, who came over to spend Christmas with Li Ang, insisted on giving Li Ang a catwalk show that belonged to him alone.

Just like that, Li Ang sat on the sofa and watched a whole Christmas women's clothing show.

God knows where Carolina got all these messy clothes.

It must be said that these clothes are very suitable for Arizona's climate characteristics.

Because this place is in the center of the desert, even in the winter of December, the temperature is not low.

The highest temperature of the day is around 19 degrees.

Therefore, Carolina's series of Christmas outfits all have one thing in common, that is, they are particularly cool.

Very economical on fabric.

A top model dances in front of you in several cool Christmas outfits.

Li Ang patted his thigh at that time: "Brothers, who can withstand this!"

At this time, Larry Brown was thinking that Leon might be too scared to sleep.

Ben was thinking that Li Ang must be recharging his energy, and he will have a battle with his brother tomorrow!

Billups was thinking that Li Ang might be working overtime to explain the Pistons' tactics to the whole team.

But in fact, Li Ang was practicing more physical fitness without shame.

This is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination.

The next day, Li Ang appeared in the training hall in high spirits.

Everyone asked Li Ang how his festival was yesterday.

But Li Ang just waved his hand and said that Santa Claus in Arizona is very tasteful and fashionable in his clothes.

In the afternoon, as the game approaches.

Li Ang found that a few teammates were still very nervous.

For example, Voskull is about to start this game instead of O'Neal.

About to face the 2-meter-12 big man from the Pistons, it is understandable that Voskull was nervous.

When he was in the locker room, he couldn't help but ask Li Ang: "Brother, we all know that you have a good relationship with Ben. See if you can discuss it with him and ask him to be gentle when he plays the game later."

Big Ben is also famous now. Since the Pistons won the championship last season, Big Ben has become a nightmare for the entire league.

Everyone has heard that there is a Chinese man in Detroit who is as tall as Yao Ming and as strong as a shark.

Fighting against him would be a disaster.

Seeing Voskul being so nervous, Li Ang patted him on the shoulder.

"Are you good at dribbling?" Li Ang asked Voskull.


"So, are you good at shooting?"

"I understand a little bit, I understand a little bit."

"Okay, so you've been bettered offensively by Wallace. So, what are you afraid of?"

"Ah, this." Voskull thought for a moment, and it seemed that this was indeed the case!

After appeasing everyone's emotions, Li Ang led the team into the stadium.

Today, there are many fans coming to watch the game, and there are also many Chinese fans who come from afar.

This shows how hyped this game is.

Mike Breen and other well-known commentators also appeared at the American West Arena today.

Stern has high hopes for this national live broadcast.

In this game, both sides have more than just stories. Moreover, it is difficult to interrupt the game due to things like fighting.

Although Li Ang and the Pistons were unhappy, Li Ang still had a very good relationship with his Pistons teammates.

It's basically impossible to fight.

Therefore, Stern definitely won this game.

When the Suns players took the court, the Pistons players were already warming up on the court.

Larry Brown was already sitting on the bench at this time, staring at Leon fiercely.

He will never forget the sudden attack from the sky last season.

Based on the experience last time, in order to ensure his own safety this time, he deliberately brought a pen in and put it in the upper pocket of his suit.

On the surface, this pen is just a decoration. But in fact, this is a weapon of mass destruction.

If Li Ang dares to do that thing to him again where his fat butt falls from the sky.

He raised the pen and inserted it into the anus hard!

Let Li Ang never come back!

After Li Ang walked onto the court, he looked at his old teammates opposite and smiled.

Billups still looks like a flounder.

Hamilton, still wearing a mask.

Prince still looked drained.

Okur, indeed, is still practicing three-pointers.

As for me, that afro seems to have grown a few centimeters longer.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for half a year. Have you grown taller again?" Li Ang walked to the Pistons' half court naturally, as if he himself was a part of it.

"Hahahaha, no, no, it's the same as before, still 2.12 meters." Daben replied without shame.

"Prince, how are you and your girlfriend doing?"

Prince did not answer, but scratched his head sheepishly.

Li Ang hugged everyone on the Pistons one by one, and reporters also recorded this moment.

At this time, Mike Breen also said in response: "The Detroit Pistons finally welcomed back their MVP!"

Later, Li Ang took a photo with everyone from the Pistons. This is the first time the Pistons' top five have reunited since winning the championship last season.

After hugging the brothers, Ben quietly put his mouth to Li Ang's ear: "Junior brother, in fact, after Larry Brown came, we were also very unhappy with him! He actually didn't let us shoot three-pointers. This is not My talent is in vain!"

Li Ang smiled awkwardly: "Yes, who doesn't know that senior brother, your shooting talent is astonishing."

"So, we are still on the same side as you, don't think too much about it. However, this personal relationship is a personal relationship, and the game is a game. We will definitely try our best to win today's game!"

After speaking, Da Ben squeezed Li Ang's shoulders hard.

Li Ang also nodded: "We are brothers, come and chop me! Come on, let's fight with real swords and guns!"

After saying that, Li Ang looked at Larry Brown on the sidelines.

Old Brown raised his head slightly, feeling quite proud.

He was somewhat proud of the team that defeated Li Ang.

It's like taking over the beautiful wife of the old Wang family next door, you will have a sense of accomplishment.

Li Ang looked at the triumphant Larry Brown, but just smiled: "You will never win the championship in your life, Larry."

After that, Li Ang returned to the Suns' half.

Larry Brown still had a smile on his face, but he was almost pissed off.

The phrase "never win a championship" simply broke Brown's heart.

Brown has won every honor as coach until now, except for an NBA championship trophy.

This is his biggest pain point.

He will never let anyone look down on him because of the championship!

The starting players from both sides are in their positions and the game is about to begin!

For the Suns, except for the starting center being replaced by Voskull, everything else remains unchanged.

As for the Pistons, the starting five are similar to last season, namely Billups, Hamilton, Prince, Big Ben and Okur.

Except for Li Ang, nothing else has changed.

Although Okur is the starter, Larry Brown actually does not allow him to shoot three-pointers.

So far this season, Okur has only averaged 0.7 three-pointers per game. Basically, except for garbage time, there are not many shots.

To be honest, this is a bit of a waste of Oku's talent.

The game is about to begin, and everyone is looking forward to this battle.

Dumas was also very nervous at this time, although he personally had no prejudice against Leon. But if the Pistons lose this game, God knows how he will be criticized for letting Li Ang go.

In front of everyone's attention, the referee stood in the center circle and threw the ball high.

The war is about to break out!

After all, Ben was one centimeter taller than Voskull, who was 2.11 meters tall, so he got the basketball first.

Voskull scratched his head. Why did he feel that this big man was not as tall as Brother Li except for his hair?

An illusion, definitely an illusion.

Billups took possession of the ball and walked up, and Hamilton began to run around the half court in a familiar manner.

Okur stepped forward and set a screen for Billups. Billups used the screen to break through, but halfway through, he gave the ball to Hamilton.

Johnson has been thrown away at this time, and Hamilton only needs to catch the ball to get a shooting opportunity.

As a result, just when he was about to catch the basketball, Li Ang suddenly came out and intercepted the basketball!


Hamilton smiled and cursed, "I can't help it. Leon is too familiar with the Pistons' tricks."

Li Ang knows when and what posture the piston should use to achieve the effect of gushing out.

After Li Ang stole the ball, he quickly got down and headed towards the Pistons' penalty area.

At this time, all Suns fans stood up, ready to watch Li Ang's next shocking dunk.

As a result, as soon as Li Ang jumped up, Ben rushed over, ready to fuck Li Ang from behind.

My speed is really not slow, and explosive power is his specialty.

Don't forget, I was an all-around athlete in high school.

Basketball, rugby, track and field, disco, they are all perfect scorers.

Therefore, as a sprinter, chasing risks has always been Daben's strength.

It's just that last season, many people only remember Prince's century run.

But he ignored the fact that I am also very strong as a junior.

As soon as Li Ang jumped up and lifted the basketball, the ball was slapped away by Ben. Daben successfully chased Li Ang and destroyed Li Ang's fast break that he was almost determined to win!

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, Li Ang was the boss, this was also a dream collaboration.

In the past, people have been discussing that since Li Ang's offense is so powerful and Ben's defense is so strong, can Ben Ben defend Li Ang?

Now, people finally have an answer.

From the get-go, the style of this game is very Pistons-like.

Li Ang made a steal and Ben made a block.

Anyway, there is one purpose - no one can even try to score!

After Big Ben got the basketball, he handed the ball to Billups.

Billups beat Nash and made an easy layup.

At that moment, Larry Brown jumped up with excitement, and then deliberately shouted on the sidelines: "Okay, okay!"

Li Ang glanced at Brown, this goal is none of your business.

You have to pick up everything and stick it on your face.

"The Pistons' defense is still so strong. This game is really not easy for the Phoenix Suns."

Mike Breen shook his head. The top-level showdown was so exciting from the beginning.

Li Ang continued to attack. Master Tang's strategy today was to let Li Ang use the pick-and-roll to find scoring opportunities.

Because he knows very well that the Pistons' defensive strategy is to put pressure on the ball.

Therefore, whether it is attacking with the ball or passing the ball, it will be blocked.

Only by using the pick-and-roll to create a gap can you have a chance to score.

Li Ang generally agrees with this strategy, not because this strategy is so brilliant, but because there is no better way than this.

Because the Pistons don't have Rasheed now, their real weakness in defense is that they are afraid of nuclear-weapon insiders like Yao Ming and Shaq.

A nuclear-weapon-level inside line like this one-on-one defense actually doesn't have much of an advantage.

But let me tell you something, there are so many teams in the league, how many teams have such a center?

At least the Suns don't.

Li Ang used Voskull's screen to break through. Because Voskull also had some shooting ability, Prince stayed with Voskull after the pick-and-roll and did not directly flank Li Ang.

Li Ang thus got a chance to hit the basket directly.

However, can the pick-and-roll really deal with the Pistons?

If the Pistons' defense could be cracked so easily, the Lakers wouldn't have lost so miserably in F4, and the Spurs wouldn't have had to fight the Pistons in seven games.

As soon as Li Ang was about to hit the basket, Ben immediately switched defense!

With Ben's near-invincible defense switching speed, the thing he's least afraid of is the pick-and-roll!

Li Ang did not back down, because there was no target to pass the ball to, so Li Ang had no choice but to challenge his senior brother.

Li Ang tried to make a layup, but he just made a fake move.

When it was over, Li Ang took back the basketball, then turned around and shot a jump shot!

But Ben was never deceived from beginning to end. DPOY last season was so terrifying!

Li Ang leaned back and took action, pausing in the air.

Although Ben didn't cover the ball, he still took a shot of Li Ang's shooting hand.

The basketball bounced out of the frame again, but fortunately the referee blew the whistle and called a foul on Ben, and Li Ang got the opportunity to go to the line and make a free throw.

Although it was a foul, Ben's defense is indeed worthy of praise.

At least, he once again successfully prevented Li Ang from scoring directly!

"Ben Wallace committed a foul, but it can be seen that he still didn't give Li Ang any chance! These two guys, you really know my strengths and weaknesses, and I know your depth!"

Li Ang also shook his head, he was taught by the same master, so he couldn't break the moves!

Li Ang stood on the free throw line, adjusted his breathing, and then made the first free throw steadily.

At this time, according to custom, Li Ang will high-five his teammates.

As a result, when Li Ang took a step forward to high-five his teammates, Li Ang found that Ben had also walked up and extended his hand.

The two looked at each other. After a second, Daben realized that Li Ang and he were no longer wearing the same jersey, so he retracted his hand.

This scene is very similar to the first time Francis met Mosaic after joining the Magic.

At that time, Yao Ming made a free throw, and Francis habitually wanted to go up and give Yao Ming a high-five.

Then I realized something was wrong, so I pulled my hand back.

Li Ang smiled, smiling, but also a little sad.

You said, if it weren't for Larry Brown, there wouldn't be so many messy things.

Forget it, now is not the time to think about this.

In the second free throw, Li Ang still made the ball steadily.

2 to 2, Li Ang equalized the score.

As soon as this game started, it officially entered the fighting stage.

After that, the game was very intense and the score difference was not big.

Moreover, the physical confrontation was very fierce. The Pistons did not show mercy to Li Ang just because he was the FMVP last season.

Although the score difference was not big, Master Tang frowned.

At this time, the game has entered the second quarter, and Li Ang is confronting Prince outside the three-point line.

Prince defended Li Ang very tightly. Li Ang made several triple-threat moves after holding the ball in the mid-range.

After all, Li Ang's current triple threat is not like before. He can only rely on stomping his feet and facial triple threats.

Prince was forced by Li Ang's triple threat to change his focus.

After getting a little space, Li Ang made a jump shot.

But when Li Ang shot, Prince still relied on his abnormal wingspan to interfere with Li Ang.

With a "bang" sound, the basketball strikes the iron.

Master Tang felt that his head was buzzing, because Li Ang had already beaten him not once, not twice, not three times like this today.

Let's put it this way, Li Ang was simply performing a full range of fancy blacksmithing today.

The pull-back iron, the turn-over jump shot iron, the three-threat shooting iron, and all kinds of iron postures, Li Ang has them all here.

Only if you can't think of it, there is nothing that Li Ang can't beat.

Li Ang is also embarrassed. Why am I possessed by Kobe?

Isn't this my style?

Carolina, who was sitting on the sidelines, also blushed and bit her lips.

Could it be that my various Christmas costumes yesterday were too exciting?

With Li Ang's physical ability, shouldn't it?

Wait, he won't cheat! ?

He must be paying public wages to other women outside!

Don't be surprised, a woman's mind is sometimes bigger than a black hole.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Li Ang is not the kind of soft-footed shrimp whose legs get weak when he walks on water.

After the second quarter, the Pistons had a 6-point lead, and the score was 49 to 43.

Considering the Suns' league-leading offense this year, this score is considered very low.

If it weren't for the Pistons' own poor offense, the point difference would probably be even greater.

After returning to the locker room, Li Ang, who was playing crazy in the first half, also fell into deep contemplation.

Why? Why?

Could it be that he really waded into the water and shot too much?

After thinking for a long time, Li Ang finally figured it out.

This has nothing to do with whether he is wading into water or pornography, but it plays into the Piston's hands!

On the surface, Li Ang was playing a pick-and-roll with Voskull.

But in fact, Li Ang is equivalent to a one-on-one duel in the middle distance.

The Pistons' defensive system is least afraid of mid-range one-on-one masters!

Because of his strategy of putting pressure on the ball, Li Ang shoots almost every ball during interference.

Back then, Kobe was lost in such a defensive system, which made Shaq so angry that he traveled east.

Therefore, in the first half, not only Li Ang was iron, but Johnson, the singles king as the second point of attack, was also iron.

Li Ang couldn't continue to play like this in the second half.

Even though the point difference doesn't seem to be big now, that's the Pistons' style.

Although the score difference is not big, if you are prevented from catching up, you will not be able to catch up.

If you want to defeat the Pistons' defensive system, you must

Li Ang knows this Pistons very well, not to mention that he knew about this Pistons when he was a fan before, not to mention that Li Ang personally played with this Pistons for a year.

The way to defeat this Pistons is to need a cunning breakthrough player to break the game!

Back then, the Spurs relied on the breakthrough of Ginobili, a surprise player, to disrupt the Pistons' defensive system.

And now.

Li Ang set his sights on Nash.

At the same time, Master Tang also set his sights on Nash. After half a game against the Pistons, Master Tang seemed to have discovered the problem.

Nash looked at Li Ang, then at Master Tang, and swallowed.

Isn't this because I secretly wiped my hands with Johnson's towel?

Jonson, who was wiping his face with a towel at this time, said he didn't understand what you were talking about.

"Steve!" Master Tang stood up and walked to Nash.

"Ah, coach, please listen to my explanation. I didn't do it on purpose. I picked up the wrong towel."

"What's this mess? In the second half, I need you to break the press with the ball in both hands!"

"Okay!?" Nash was a little surprised after reacting.

Do you have to rely on me to break the Pistons' defense?

The second half of the game was about to begin, and Larry Brown appeared on the court five minutes early.

He is so happy. Sure enough, without O'Neal, the Suns are not that strong.

After the game was over, Larry Brown decided that he wanted to praise O'Neal.

It alludes to the fact that the Suns' victory depends entirely on O'Neill, and there is no such thing as Li Ang.

At this time, Brown saw everyone from the Suns returning to the game.

Seeing Li Ang's serious look, Brown smiled slightly.

Come on, give me another half of the game, and I can step on you and take the top position!

Facts have proved that the Pistons will become better with Larry Brown!

The second half of the game started quickly. Nash controlled the ball for half the game. Not many people cared about the skinny Canadian defender.

In the first quarter of the game, Nash's defense was as stretched as ever, and there was almost no threat to Billups.

Naturally, Billups did not let Nash take any advantage on the offensive end. In the entire first half, Nash only contributed 5 points and 3 assists, which is not worth mentioning at all.

This season, Nash can only shine in the seven-second offense when playing against weak teams or teams whose point guards don't defend that well.

Otherwise, he is just a walk-on.

Everyone thought that Nash would hand the ball to Li Ang after dribbling the ball across half court, but this time he did not do so.

After Nash reached the three-point line, he first called Stoudemire to pick and roll with him.

Billups was about to go up and guard Nash, but Nash took the lead and walked towards the side of Stoudemire's pick-and-roll.

Billups hurriedly moved sideways to block and prepared to squeeze through Stoudemire's pick-and-roll.

But just when Billups was leaning against Stoudemire, Nash suddenly turned around and rushed towards the side where there was no pick and roll!

Nash was very fast, and Billups tried to steal the ball, but not only did he miss the ball, he also fell over due to the sudden change of center of gravity.

Seeing this situation, the Pistons, who are particular about putting pressure on the ball, naturally want to cover Nash as soon as possible.

However, it was too late for Nash. Before the rest of the Pistons could catch up, Nash broke into the three-second zone.

Use a hook gesture in the air to score the ball steadily!

Steve Nash was like a sharp knife, piercing the heart of the piston as soon as he came up!

Although under the current rules, most of Nash's abilities are sealed.

But Nash is not incapable of breakthroughs at all.

As a "skills museum" level player, Nash's breakthrough never relies on his body.

This goal caught everyone on the Pistons off guard, and no one expected Nash to suddenly become nervous.

Therefore, most people don't pay much attention to it.

If it were the Pistons' offense, Billups wanted to give Nash back, but as a calm team brain, he would definitely not act impulsively.

Billups finally broke through and attracted a double-team from Voskull, and then made a pass to Ben for a dunk.

The score difference returned to 6 points again, and Larry Brown continued to be complacent.

At this time, he naturally wouldn't take Nash too seriously.

But both Li Ang and Master Tang knew that they were on the right track!

To deal with the Pistons' defense, you need a cunning breakthrough player.

Historically, the Spurs relied on Ginobili to mess up the Pistons' defense.

Therefore, Nash is the key to breaking the game today! He is Li Ang's demon sword!

Nash was not discouraged, picked up the basketball and handed it to Voskull, and then continued to advance with the ball!

This time, the Pistons' defensive focus is still on Li Ang.

Li Ang also pretended to move without the ball as always, making Prince and Ben extremely nervous.

They all thought that the Suns let Li Ang play without the ball in the second half.

Unknowingly, Nash's side has been emptied, and only Billups is left!

Seeing this situation, Nash was ready to break through again.

Billups was also a little annoyed. Why did he come to blame me?

Who do you look down on?

If I don't defend myself hard, you think I'm as weak as Garnett!

Nash first changed direction to the left and prepared to break through Billups. Billups tried his best and planned to give Nash some color.

Don’t think that since you are Li Ang’s little wife, I won’t be willing to take action!

Billups was just about to fight, but Nash turned around nimbly and passed by Billups!

Two passes, Nash used almost the same method.

The only difference is that this time, Nash didn't even bother to use the pick-and-roll.

This turn gave Nash about half a body lead, but half a body was nothing to Billups, a defensive warrior.

All he had to do was grab Nash's jersey and there would be nothing the skinny Canadian could do.

However, before Billups could grab Nash's clothes, Nash jumped up first.

Before he even entered the three-second zone, he had already jumped up.

Nash naturally does not have such terrifying physical fitness to be able to jump for a layup from such a distance.

Nash turned around and made a pick-up basket!

From changing direction, to turning around, to picking up the basket, the whole process is done in one go, without any sloppiness!

"Steve Nash has already scored four points in the second half! Is this a coincidence? Or is this Coach Tomjanovich's strategy?"

Mike Breen realized something was fishy. In the second half, Nash suddenly became active. This was not like his past style.

Larry Brown and everyone on the Pistons can no longer turn a blind eye to Nash at this time. Is it possible that the Suns will be surprised in the second half?

Li Ang gave Nash a thumbs up. Starting today, let you experience the terror of the MVP point guard!

In the subsequent defensive round, Li Ang used his active defense to block Hamilton's mid-range shot, and the Suns had the best chance to continue narrowing the point difference.

After Li Ang blocked the shot, he immediately gave the ball to Nash, who quickly advanced with the ball.

This time, Billups is no longer taking it lightly.

There is no way he would allow anyone to score 6 points in a row on him.

Billups concentrated on chasing back while observing Nash's movements.

Although Billups is not known for his physical fitness, his physical fitness is definitely much better than Nash.

Let's put it this way, Nash's physical fitness is basically among the lowest in the NBA.

Nash looked back at Billups, who was chasing after him. He knew very well that if he chose to go for a layup, there was a high probability that he would be missed.

If you choose to pull the lever for a layup, the opponent may also foul.

Although Nash is very confident in his saliva free throw method, it is definitely better to score directly if he can score directly.

So, when Nash rushed to the mid-range position on the right side, he suddenly braked with his feet, stopped suddenly, and prepared to combine the ball with his hands, as if he was going to stop for a jumper!

Billups knew very well how strong Nash's shooting ability was, and he didn't dare to slack off. He quickly jumped towards Nash and interfered with Nash's shooting as much as possible.

However, Billups was surprised when he jumped in front of Nash.

Nash's hands didn't hit the ball at all!

This is a fake act of worshiping Buddha!

As a defensive master, if most people want to use this kind of action to dazzle Billups, they are humiliating themselves and making themselves unhappy.

But Nash’s fake act of worshiping Buddha just now was so lifelike, so lifelike!

After tricking Billups into jumping, Nash changed the direction of the ball with his left hand and passed Billups!

Because the whole process was very fast, no Pistons player came back when Nash broke into the penalty area.

In this way, Nash used a series of beautiful combos to score six points in a row, narrowing the point difference to only two points!

Son of the Wind, come on!

Larry Brown's eyes widened. This was not the kind of game he wanted to play.

If the Pistons fell into the hands of a weakling like Nash in this game, Larry Brown would probably be pissed to death on the spot!

Brown decided to call a timeout and reset.

Li Ang rushed towards Nash, knowing that the Son of the Wind would not disappoint.

But after rushing to Nash, Li Ang was embarrassed.

Hug him, lest Nash spit on his clothes.

High five, that's equivalent to direct contact with the source of infection.

Touch your head, Nash’s hair is also covered in saliva.

Damn it.

It highlights that there is no way to start!

So, Li Ang just patted Nash on the shoulder: "Well done, buddy, I said, it's enough to have you by my side!"

O'Neal on the bench: So, love fades, right?

After Nash returned to the bench, Master Tang waved his hand.

"Then execute the second phase goal!"

Nash scored on his own, just part of the plan.

If Master Tang's prediction is correct, if the Pistons strengthen their defense against Nash.

Then what follows is the real beginning of Larry Brown’s nightmare!

The famous marshal from the Mi Li family who likes to pick fruits will definitely leave Arizona in embarrassment today.

Thanks to the leaky kid and the Bingxue Hehe boss for the 5,000 reward, thank you! Today I will update my 10,000 words directly, and deliver it to my stomach in one step! This month has been updated with 10,000 words for 9 consecutive days. Please beg for monthly votes!

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