After being broken by Qingmei, I became a top player

Chapter 148 We are Qingzhou, we are Yangzhou

Chapter 148 We Qingzhou…We Yangzhou…

In the days that followed, Chen Shuren would take some time out from time to time to do his own things.

The script of "The Tuner" was also written in these days. Compared with the millions of pages of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Chen Shuren wrote the script of "The Tuner" in only one night.

Reviewing this story again, Chen Shuren still felt amazing. Although the story took less than 20 minutes to shoot, the various twists and turns really made people feel emotional. In the end, it ended with a piano music, leaving An open ending.

"At the end of the piano music... you can put "Kikujiro's Summer" in it and use it as a promotion. By the way, you can also add "Zhi Qin Baby". The popularity of pure music is too low. If there are no publicity channels, Gaining preaching points is too slow.”

Chen Shuren came up with this idea when he was writing this script.

He even thought that if this method of combining pure music with film and television works well, then he would no longer have to worry about the future of pure music.

The day when January ends and February begins.

There are suddenly a lot of discussions on the Internet about the merger of the two states. Although the official announcement has not yet been made, the fact that such news can be spread indicates that the announcement is not far away.

Sure enough, on February 2, the official announced something.

The Lantern Festival Gala on February 5th will be jointly hosted by Qingzhou and Yangzhou, and people in the two states can watch it.

Although there was no mention of the merger of the two states, everyone knew that something big was definitely going to happen at the party that day.

Chen Shuren, who had already speculated about all this, naturally lacked the enthusiasm of some netizens.

The New Year is coming to an end soon. Every day when he has nothing to do, Chen Shuren will code in his room.

With the talent of a human-shaped code machine and a physical fitness of 80%, Chen Shuren can now code 50,000 words in only five hours a day.

If anyone knew this, they would definitely call him a tentacle monster.

The days passed like this, and on February 4th, Chen Shuren suddenly received the news that the editor of Lingdian Literature was in trouble.

"Mu Da! All the processes for the physical publication of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" have been completed. Five sets of physical books have been sent to you. Tomorrow, which is the Lantern Festival, the book will be on the shelves for sale!"

The news brought by Liu Huo also made Chen Shuren very happy.

The eight volumes of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" are priced at 100 yuan by Lingdian Literature, which is more expensive than reading it directly from Lingdian Literature.

But Lingdian Literature believes that with the current popularity of this book, a lot of people will support it even if it is priced at 200.

The price of 100 was set after Chen Shuren thought it was a bit high and negotiated with Lingdian.

For this reason, Chen Shuren was originally able to talk about a 15% share, but in the end it was reduced to 12%.

Although he lost a lot of Daxia coins by doing this, Chen Shuren felt a lot more comfortable. After all, many people may have spent money on Lingdian Literature, and the second purchase was just for the person 'Mu Linsen'. In this case, he Naturally, I have to repay him with Li.

"Okay, I remember last time I said the first printing was 300,000 copies? Have they all been printed?"

Chen Shuren asked.

"Yes, not only has it been printed, but online channels and various offline bookstores in Qingzhou have also eaten up all 300,000 copies. That means the company is a bit conservative. I think printing 1 million copies is a bit low!"

Editor Liu Huo is more confident about the physical sales of Chen Shuren's book than Chen Shuren himself.

Of course Chen Shuren also hopes that this book can sell more copies, so that his income will be more.

But as mentioned before, readers on Lingdian Literature have already paid. If they want to buy again, unless they are new users or people who like to read physical books, they will only rely on those who have already read Ghost on Lingdian Literature. In terms of users, 300,000 is really a lot!

Chen Shuren is not greedy either. After the 300,000 copies are sold out, his profit share will be basically the same as the profit from the previous buyout. At least his decision to choose a share will definitely not be a loss after the 300,000 copies are sold out!

Every time a copy is sold, Chen Shuren feels that he has made a profit.

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

After finishing the conversation with Liuhuo, Chen Shuren suddenly felt motivated to code again.

"What I'm coding is not words, it's Daxia coins!"

With this idea in mind, before the Lantern Festival party started, Chen Shuren finally finished coding the tenth chapter of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". In other words, he had completed the more than 200,000 words of the first volume of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Got it!

"Next, I just need to wait for the eldest sister to go back to work, and then contact the eldest sister in the name of Mulinsen and submit the article."

When Chen Shuren was thinking this, people downstairs had already begun to ask him to eat.

eight pm.

People in Qingzhou and Yangzhou were either sitting on the sofa in the living room, or watching the opening of the Lantern Festival Party in their rooms with computers.

The long-awaited big event has finally arrived.

Those who watched TV were fine and could not feel that this Lantern Festival Gala was any different from previous years.

Only those who watch the live broadcast on a computer will understand how much attention this party has received through the dense barrage.

"I'm coming!"

"Hey! Are there any netizens from Yangzhou in the barrage?"

"The coordinates are Yangzhou, netizens upstairs in Qingzhou, hello!"

"Damn it, it really does happen! Did you guys hear about the news that Hezhou is coming this time?"

"There is no clear news, but everyone knows that this party will definitely be announced!"

Many people who interacted with netizens from other states for the first time felt it was amazing.

Although the Daxia live broadcast platform can see the situation in some other states, netizens cannot communicate with netizens in other states.

This time, communication suddenly opened up, and many people felt it was both novel and polite.

"If it is really merged, then you must come to our Qingzhou to see the great rivers and mountains, and listen to the famous songs and new works of our Qingzhou!"

"The same goes for you. After the merger, our Yangzhou movies and novels, big and small, can also be searched online. You usually see only a small part, but there are more movies and novels. In fact, they are no better than those sold to you. Qingzhou’s novels and movies are terrible!”

"Yes, yes, many of the theme songs, ending songs, etc. of your movies in Yangzhou were produced by our composers in Qingzhou, but those are not all. When they are released, you will hear them More and better music!”

"Yes, yes, you don't have many movies in Qingzhou. When the time comes, we will definitely compile a must-see list for you. I think you can watch it for a whole year without repeating anything!"

"We Qingzhou..."

"We Yangzhou..."

At first, netizens from both states were very polite, but as they talked, the smell of gunpowder started to rise.

Qingzhou says that Yangzhou’s music is too bad, and Yangzhou says that Qingzhou’s movies and novels are too rubbish.

They are all native-born locals. How can it be that people from other states say that they are not good here?

The anger was ignited unconsciously.

But after all, the two states have always been in a state of isolation. If we really want to compare, we can only have a chance after tonight after the merger.

But at this moment, someone suddenly posted a screenshot of Chen Shuren stepping on Yangzhou Qudad during the Yangzhou commemoration event, ranking second on the list.

"What am I talking about? The music in Yangzhou is really not good. The gold medal songwriters here can knock down the songs of your father Qu."

Many people in Yangzhou were stunned when they saw this screenshot.

Those with memories suddenly remembered the original song, and for a moment, they were speechless.

Thanks to the owner of Baoyuxuan for the reward, and thanks to everyone for your votes!

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