After being broken by Qingmei, I became a top player

Chapter 247 The Attacking Chen Shuren

After Chen Shuren returned to the office, he began to think.

What he said to Zeng Juan was not a joke, nor was it hot-headed.

Wu Changqin's incident alerted him. He might not encounter such a thing in the future. Even with his ability, the possibility is not small!

If he encounters it, how will he deal with it?

After thinking for a while, Chen Shuren came to a conclusion.

Background, connections, status.

If he had a strong enough background, enough connections, and a high enough status, then even if such a thing happened, it would not be the result of Wu Changqin.

Status is something that will gradually improve in the future. At this stage, background and connections can produce results relatively quickly.

In terms of connections, the more important people who can help Chen Shuren are Director Zhang and Director Gao, and Master Mei can barely make some connections.

They might help Chen Shuren, but it's basically just a chance, and they might not take action even if something involves a big deal.

Therefore, Chen Shuren feels that he must continue to deepen his relationship with these big-shot figures in the future.

In this regard, he is confident.

In terms of background, Tianyu can be regarded as his background, Jiang Qinghe and Zeng Juan can be regarded as connections and background.

These two people have a closer relationship with him than Gao Dao and others, but they are only close, not to the point where they are indispensable to Chen Shuren.

If someone who can replace Chen Shuren appears, perhaps Chen Shuren's relationship with Tianyu and Jiang Qinghe will become estranged.

As for Zeng Juan, Chen Shuren felt that she might be the only person who could make him feel at ease.

But he didn't know whether Zeng Juan could block the more dazzling light he was about to show in the future.

Therefore, he had to think more.

For example, this time, Wu Changqin was grateful for rescuing Jiang Qinghe, and even made his fame even bigger!

As for Zhou Yiqing and the others, Chen Shuren thought for a while and concluded that they could only be regarded as connections. In terms of background, Chen Shuren felt that he might be their the music world.

After thinking clearly, Chen Shuren stopped worrying and exchanged the memory pills directly to recall the variety show that had a deep impression on his memory. Then after remembering it, he directly used the customization function to customize the plan.

An hour later, Chen Shuren took his plan and went directly to Jiang Qinghe.

Jiang Qinghe was smoking in his office.

Since coming to Yangzhou, he has smoked less frequently.

This time, it was really annoying.

By asking Wu Changqin to go to Hanzhou to find a planner, he thought it would give the variety show department a chance to rise, but who knew the reward would be like this!

He didn't know whether it was Wu Changqin's bad luck or himself.

"Hey, I didn't encounter this kind of thing when I was a supervisor in Qingzhou, but I did when I came to Yangzhou and became the general manager."

Jiang Qinghe smiled bitterly.


There was a knock on the door. Jiang Qinghe put out his cigarette and let the people outside the door come in.

"Brother Shu? Why are you here?"

Jiang Qinghe said in surprise.

"Well, I have some ideas about the variety show department."

Chen Shuren said straight to the point.

"Haha, forget it, I can see that even if Wu Changqin can be fished out today, she may not be able to do it well. Mingxiu Entertainment is too well prepared, so they will give up in this case. "

Jiang Qinghe said helplessly, and he seemed to be a little slumped after saying the word 'admit defeat'.

When Chen Shuren saw this, he did not give up his idea.

"Mr. Jiang, I have a variety show planning project here. I think I can have a try with Mingxiu."


Hearing what Chen Shuren said, Jiang Qinghe didn't show any surprise.

"I understand, but now it is no longer about the planning. If there is a planning, but there are no first-line actors, Mingxiu Entertainment will still make a fuss about it. Rather than letting them be proud, it is better to just disappear."

Jiang Qinghe's mood was waning, but Chen Shuren smiled.

"Who said variety shows must be top-tier? Who said variety shows can't be popular without top-tier stars?"

"Mr. Jiang, you have misunderstood the nature of variety shows. In other words, Yangzhou and Qingzhou have learned the wrong thing."

Jiang Qinghe almost laughed when he heard Chen Shuren say this.

Co-writing others who specialize in variety shows, but you, as a composer, don’t understand?

Chen Shuren ignored Jiang Qinghe's strange expression and continued his speech.

"Qingzhou and Yangzhou have been catching up with Hanzhou variety shows over the years, but in the end the results are mediocre. Is it really that Hanzhou's planners are inherently better than others?"

"I don't think so."

Jiang Qinghe nodded slightly, and he recognized this.

But if this is not the case, then why are Korean variety shows so good?

"I have watched some variety shows from Qingyang Liangzhou over the years, but in the end what I can remember are the first-line artists. In addition, the planning or hosting of the variety shows, and the non-first-line guests , there are very few that I can remember!”

"Whether a variety show is good or not should not be judged by how many first-line artists participate in it, but by its content. In the variety show, the hosts and guests are arranged under the planning and arrangement, and how bad the sparks of the variety show are. !”

"The reason why Korean programs are popular out of the state every year is not because of how good their planning is, nor how strong their hosts are, but because they can make the hosts and guests produce corresponding effects in a planned project. , thus making the show more enjoyable to watch.”

"These do not require first-line artists, even amateurs have the opportunity to complete the recording of a good variety show."

Jiang Qinghe's eyes suddenly lit up. Based on what Chen Shuren said, recalling the Korean variety shows he had watched, it seemed that he could really correspond!

For a moment, Jiang Qinghe suddenly felt a glimmer of hope that he shouldn't have had in his heart.

"As for my planning project this time, in conjunction with the guests I have in mind who can participate in this variety show, I think I can achieve the effect of the Korean variety show, or even better!"

"So Mr. Jiang, do you want to try again?"

After Chen Shuren finished speaking, Jiang Qinghe was not as decisive as he was at the beginning.

At first, he thought that no matter what Chen Shuren said, he would never be able to use Chen Shuren's plan to create a program that did not require first-line artists.

But now, he kind of wants to break his promise.

After much hesitation, thinking of Chen Shuren's past genius performance, he finally made a decision that went against the reality.

"Show me the plan."

When Chen Shuren heard this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then handed over the printed plan.

"'Run Together, Brother'?"

Looking at this name, Jiang Qinghe frowned slightly. It didn't seem like a serious variety show name.

At this moment, Jiang Qinghe felt a little regretful again.

But the plan has been put in front of my eyes. It would be a bit rude not to look at it.

So he turned to the first page of the plan and started reading.

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