After being broken by Qingmei, I became a top player

Chapter 362 Huh, what a shame! (2-in-1)

In the humble garden, in an elegant two-story attic, Chen Shuren was drinking tea with Shi Lei, Tang Yingcheng, and Fan Zhengzhi, while on the other side, Mei Qingling and her assistant were looking at the screen displayed on the laptop.

"Brother Shu, the old lady is really serious about it, but she doesn't smile very much."

Shi Lei glanced in the direction of Mei Qingling, and then said to Chen Shuren curiously.

Chen Shuren smiled when he heard this but said nothing.

What Mei Qingling is watching is "Running Together: Yongzhou Chapter".

If she had watched this variety show at other times, Chen Shuren believed that Mei Qingling would definitely be amused by the content, but now she was not just having fun, but observing, observing what Chen Shuren told her, that she could exchange the right to use a loft in Zhuoyuan. plan!

"Mr. Chen, I wonder what your relationship is with everyone Mei?"

Fan Zhengzhi looked at Chen Shuren and still couldn't help asking the doubts in his heart.

Chen Shuren glanced at him and said with a smile: "I've met him twice, it doesn't matter."

Fan Zhengzhi showed an expression on his face, but he had another thought in his heart.

If just meeting Mei Qingling twice can attract everyone's attention, wouldn't he be able to recognize Mei Qingling as his godmother?

There must be something going on, but since Chen Shuren didn't say anything, there was nothing he could do.

Before entering the Humble Garden, he could still use the name of guiding Chen Shuren and making connections to get Chen Shuren to say something. But now, he is the one being cared for, so he is not qualified to ask questions.

"After we go back, we must have a good chat with Yue Jingwei about the origin of this great god!"

When Fan Zhengzhi was thinking about how to have a good relationship with Chen Shuren, there were footsteps behind him.

When he turned around, he saw that Mei Qingling and her assistant were walking over after watching the video.

Seeing Mei Qingling sit down, Fan Zhengzhi quickly stood up, picked up the teapot and filled Mei Qingling and her assistant with tea. This action made Mei Qingling's assistant sit back down after raising his buttocks.

While Fan Zhengzhi's operation made Chen Shuren and the others look strange, the assistant looked accustomed to it.

"Xiao Chen, the "Run Together" you mentioned is also going to be filmed in Jingzhou?"

Mei Qingling asked softly.

"Yes, the reason we came here this time is to learn about the customs and culture of Jingzhou in advance and see what things can be captured."

Hearing Chen Shuren say this again, Mei Qingling's mood was very different.

"So you came to Humble Garden to record a program there?"

"Originally I wanted to come and take a look. If I thought it was okay, I would discuss the shooting issues with the Humble Garden. Now that I have seen it, it has exceeded my expectations, but..."

When Chen said this, he turned to look out the window at the picturesque garden scenery.

"But now, I don't want to shoot here anymore."

"Huh? Why?"

Mei Qingling said nothing, and it was the assistant who asked the question.

Looking at the assistant, Chen Shuren smiled bitterly.

"The situation in Humble Garden is so good. I can't bear to bring so many people here to shoot and break the tranquility and harmony here. "Run Together" is still a relatively noisy program after all."

"Besides, even if I want to take pictures, Humble Garden may not let me take pictures."

Thinking of the former gatekeeper, Chen Shuren felt that Zhuoyuan might not be easy to talk to.

After hearing Chen Shuren's concerns, the assistant stopped talking and turned his attention to Mei Qingling.

Mei Qingling thought for a moment and then asked Chen Shuren.

"If I were to take a picture of you, how would you take it?"

Hearing this, Chen Shuren's heart moved and he made some guesses, so he started to talk about his thoughts based on the Zhuoyuan he saw along the way.

Mei Qingling listened quietly and nodded from time to time.

When Chen Shuren stopped, she asked her question.

"I can understand what you are saying, but you said before that it is also helpful to the inheritance of opera. How is that reflected?"

Chen Shuren smiled and said: "I saw a relatively large venue where we passed by before. If possible, I will find some opera artists in Jingzhou to come here to coordinate with the program and perform a play."

"The element of opera is indispensable in the Jingzhou chapter. Starting with the Humble Garden is a good start. I think it will be of great benefit to the spread of Jingzhou culture in the future, and I will also look forward to more content in the future. I will find ways to incorporate opera elements into it, just like the ubiquitous 'wu' in the Yongzhou chapter."

After hearing Chen Shuren's description, Mei Qingling's eyes lit up after having just read the first issue of the Yongzhou chapter.

"If that's the case, then let's shoot. As for the Humble Garden, I'll say hello for you. You don't have to worry about the shooting affecting the Humble Garden. Jingzhou itself often shoots in the Humble Garden, filming movies, promotional videos, and even some big companies. All commercials will be shot in the Humble Garden. As long as you promise not to cause any damage, there will be no problem with the filming."

Hearing what Mei Qingling said, Chen Shuren secretly thought that it was indeed true.

From the attitude of the gatekeeper when she first entered the Humble Garden, and the familiarity of the assistant around her with all the treasures of the Humble Garden, Chen Shuren understood that Mei Qingling had a close relationship with the garden.

Hearing the other party's assurance at this time, Chen Shuren was also heartened.

If it can really be filmed in Humble Garden, the start of the Jingzhou chapter will definitely not be worse than that of the Yongzhou chapter!

Just when Chen Shuren was thinking about what specific arrangements could be made in Zhuoyuan, Mei Qingling suddenly stood up.

"Let's go, I'll show you the place behind. There's a stage in the back. It should be enough for you to shoot. You don't need to set up a stage in the open space."

Chen Shuren was naturally surprised when he heard that there was a stage behind Humble Garden.

"There's a stage? That would be great."

"Hehe, not only is there a stage, there are also Liyuan disciples here."

The assistant said with a smile.

Chen Shuren was stunned. At this moment, Fan Zhengzhi next to him was startled and walked up to talk to him.

"Mr. Chen, do you know why Humble Garden has to be closed for a month?"

Chen Shuren turned his head and glanced at Fan Zhengzhi, seeming to understand something.

"Because there is a gathering of Liyuan disciples in the Humble Garden?"

"Yes! It's not appropriate to say it's a gathering. It should be about exchanges and learning. I've also heard that there are such exchange meetings every year in several places like Zhuoyuan in Jingzhou. I've been to other places before, Zhuo This is my first time here.”

Fan Zhengzhi showed a hint of excitement on his face.

"I heard that the exchange meeting here in the Zhuoyuan Garden is the largest and most top-notch in the entire Jingzhou. I was entrusted by Yue Jingwei to only take you to see the Zhuoyuan Garden. Even if you come in, you can't go to the location of the exchange meeting."

Having said this, Fan Zhengzhi still had a hint of embarrassment on his face.

I had thought too well before, always thinking that with my connections, it would be okay to just visit the Humble Garden without attending the exchange meeting.

What he didn't expect was that at this time, he couldn't even enter the gate of the Humble Garden. He still overestimated himself and underestimated the situation of the Humble Garden exchange meeting.

After hearing this, Chen Shuren became more curious about the upcoming Humble Garden exchange meeting.

The group walked for another ten minutes before arriving near their destination.

It took nearly half an hour to walk from entering the Humble Garden to here.

On the one hand, Chen Shuren lamented that the humble garden was not small, and on the other hand, he lamented the health of the old lady Mei Qingling.

Is it possible that the physical fitness of Liyuan disciples is so good?

Before he arrived, Chen Shuren heard a voice.

"Someone is singing an opera!"

Shi Lei was the first to speak.

As the people got closer and closer, the voice became clearer and clearer.

After they passed through several doorways, they finally saw the stage that Mei Qingling was talking about.

It’s similar to the stage in Chen Shuren’s imagination, except it’s bigger and more retro.

At this time, on the stage, there was a graceful woman in Tsing Yi singing an opera that Chen Shuren had never heard before.

Under the stage, at the front was a row of ten Taishi chairs, with nine people already sitting on them, most of them with gray hair.

Not far behind the Taishi's chair, there are more than a dozen rows of long stools. Sitting on the stools are many upright spectators, wearing clothes similar to those of the gatekeepers of the Humble Garden.

While listening, these people would reach out to cover their mouths and turn sideways to communicate with the narrator.

In addition, the most conspicuous thing next to the auditorium is a big tree surrounded by two people.

The tree canopy almost covered half of the auditorium.

Several people walked forward with Mei Qingling, which also attracted some people's attention. Because they were still in the process of singing, it was not convenient to say hello.

Everyone who saw Mei Qingling had a look of surprise on their faces, and then nodded, but no one came forward to greet her.

Seeing Mei Qingling still walking forward, Chen Shuren was just about to follow when he was stopped by the assistant.

"We sit here."

The assistant whispered something, and then pointed to the last two rows of benches.

Only then did Chen Shuren realize that Mei Qingling was heading towards the first row, and it was pure chaos for them to follow her.

After several people sat on the stools, Mei Qingling in front of her also nodded to the people next to her and sat on the chair.

"Brother Shu, why are these people so... so..."

Shi Lei didn't know how to describe the people around him.

"So well behaved?"

Chen Shuren thought of a word and said.

"Yes, that's the rule! Look at them, even if the communication is limited to two people, they still return to their sitting position after chatting for a while, and most of them are looking directly at the stage. It's weird."

Shi Lei's words made Chen Shuren and the assistant dumbfounded.

This is watching a play, not a concert. The person on stage doesn’t even have a microphone. If there’s a quarrel down there, it’s nothing!

Of course, Chen Shuren didn't say that to Shi Lei.

"As the Romans do, we do what others do, and enjoy the show!"

Hearing this, Shi Lei shut his mouth.

He couldn't help it. Several people in front of him had frowned and glanced at him. It seemed that his so-called lowered voice was still a bit loud in these people's ears.

Several people sat and listened like this for more than an hour.

At first, Shi Lei was still sitting upright, but as time went on, he couldn't hold on any longer. From time to time, he stooped, turned his head, and relaxed his body.

When no one else came on the stage and other people started talking loudly, Shi Lei took a deep breath.

"I never thought that watching a movie would be so tiring!"

Hearing Shi Lei's words, Chen Shuren shook his head and laughed.

At this moment, Chen Shuren saw something was going on with Mei Qingling.

Whether they were people sitting on the chairs or on the benches behind, they all went over to say hello to Mei Qingling.

This kind of treatment also made Chen Shuren realize Mei Qingling's status in Jingzhou, or in other words, among the Liyuan disciples!

Not long after, Chen Shuren saw Mei Qingling looking towards him and waving.

Chen Shuren walked over quickly.

"This is the composer from Qingzhou I told you about, the young man who composed the two opera-style songs "Chi Ling" and "Exploring the Window"."

Following Mei Qingling's introduction, the eyes of several old men and women were cast on Chen Shuren.

Chen Shuren originally thought that after Mei Qingling's introduction, these people's eyes would be full of 'appreciation'. What he didn't expect was that half of the big guys sitting on the Taishi chair looked at him with some indifference. , and even one or two had a little disgust in their eyes.

Chen Shuren originally thought that he had seen it wrong, but when he heard the man with disgust in his eyes speak, he knew that he had seen it right.

"Opera is opera, and pop music is pop music. It's inappropriate to sing opera as pop music."

"Theatrical style? Haha."

Listening to the words of the two old men and the dissatisfaction with him on their faces, Chen Shuren smacked his lips and looked at Mei Qingling.

Mei Qingling saw Chen Shuren's gaze and said nothing, but an old lady stood up next to her.

"You two old stubborns, you insist that opera is opera, and we don't stop you. Now there are young people who have taken a different path, why are you jumping around?"

After the old lady finished speaking, she smiled at Chen Shuren.

"Xiao Chen, right? Don't worry about them. We have listened to those two songs of yours. The lyrics are good and the music is interesting. At least they are not songs that have been changed beyond recognition. They have everything that an opera should have. Not bad. keep it up!"

"Yes, Xiao Chen, we have also heard about your ability from Qing Ling. It is indeed not easy for a young man as talented as you to set his sights on opera. If you have time, go to our theater to sit and listen. Listening to the opera, you might get some inspiration again.”

Another kind-hearted old man came forward and said to Chen Shuren.

Chen Shuren, listening to the compliments from Mei Qingling's side and the cold snorts from the two old men next to him, finally understood.

Co-author: Are there still conservatives and innovative factions in your opera world?

While feeling amused in his heart, Chen Shuren thanked several old people who praised him and invited him one by one.

As for the other elderly people, Chen Shuren stopped being hot-faced and cold-hearted, so as not to be scolded.

After a few words of conversation, Mei Qingling spoke.

"Xiao Chen came here this time because he has something to do."

Immediately, Mei Qingling told Chen Shuren's thoughts and the news about "Run Together: Jingzhou Chapter".

The eyes of several old people who had been smiling at Chen Shuren suddenly lit up when they heard that Chen Shuren was going to film an interstate program to promote the opera.

This is an interstate program!

If you really want to be on a show, sing in a few plays, and play a few roles, I'm afraid it won't be a problem.

In recent years, even in a major opera state like Jingzhou, opera has gradually become a niche art, and the chance of being successful has become much smaller.

Not to mention that in other states, Chen Shuren’s so-called opera-style songs may not appear. Opera is something that few people in other states know about.

Ever since, after learning about this situation, the enthusiasm in these old people's words became a little more enthusiastic.

On the other side, the old people who had always had cold faces were stunned when they heard this. After hesitating for a moment, they walked up to Mei Qingling one after another, wanting to hear what the specific situation was.

Only the two old men who had criticized Chen Shuren before looked at the others gathered around Mei Qingling, with expressions on their faces that were a bit indescribable.

...(End of chapter)

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