After being broken by Qingmei, I became a top player

Chapter 395 Before taking action, teammates defected

In order to monitor the real-time number of people in the Xingye group, Ren Bai used other accounts to join groups 4 and 5 respectively.

Seeing that the number of people in the 5 groups has exceeded half, and there are only 1,000 people short of 10,000 people, Ren Bai became a little anxious.

"Is Brother Shu thinking of a solution? Do you really not care about the harm these people may cause?"

When thinking this way, Ren Bai felt that if Chen Shuren really did this, he might suffer a loss.

At this moment, news came from Ren Bai's WeChat, and it was from Tang Yingcheng.

Seeing what Tang Yingcheng said, Ren Bai's eyes lit up and a surprise smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Shu is really going to settle in Brother Shu, right?"

Ren Bai typed a string of words.

"Yes, there will be an explanation for this incident later. When the time comes, you can pin the post and then observe the situation in that group."

Seeing Tang Yingcheng's reply, Ren Bai typed two words hard.


Later, when Ren Bai looked at the approaching number of 2,000 people in Group 5, he no longer felt the anxiety he felt before.

About 5 minutes later, Tang Yingcheng sent a link to the post.

At the same time, Ren Bai also saw someone applying to join the Tieba backstage message.

When I clicked on the message, I saw a name with tags such as "Second-tier artist", "Qudad" and "Friend of the blind".

If not Chen Shuren, who else could it be?

As a bar owner of an artist fan bar, nothing can excite the bar owner more than having an artist join us.

Even before that, Ren Bai had become a member of Chen Shuren's small team, but there are two different feelings between being an artist and becoming an artist's assistant.

So when he clicked the confirmation button, Ren Bai's hands were shaking a little.

Taking a deep breath, Ren Bai controlled his mood, and then clicked the confirmation button with burning eyes.

Then he quickly returned to the Tieba homepage and pressed the shortcut key to refresh the page.

After the page was loaded, a red banner floated from the top of Brother Shu Bar.

[Welcome wooden people to settle in Shuge Bar]

Under the banner, under the title 'Brother Shu Bar', there is an additional avatar.

The picture used for the avatar is of Chen Shuren grinning.

Seeing this smiling face, Ren Bai felt that he was also infected and smiled the same as in the photo.

But now is not the time to be happy, Brother Shu’s business is not finished yet!

Immediately, he opened a post edited by Chen Shuren's account through the link given by Tang Yingcheng. Before he could see the content clearly, Ren Bai pinned the post to the top and refined it.

Then he sent a message to all the members of the bar through the authority of the bar owner.

"Big news, Brother Shu himself has joined our blog and posted his first post. Come and watch!"

After sending the complete website message, Ren Bai was still not satisfied, so he took the screenshots and ran to the groups hosted by Master Xing.

After all, not everyone spends time in Tieba all the time. Compared with Tieba, WeChat messages are conveyed in a more timely manner.

But when Ren Bai opened the group and was about to send a message, he was shocked to find that the group had exploded.

"Damn it! Go back to the bar, something big has happened!"

"What's the matter? I'll go take a look."

"Damn it, something big has happened. Brother Shu has joined the forum! There are pictures and the truth, so go and watch!"

"Ah? Really or not, haven't we taken action yet? Why did Brother Shu suddenly appear?"

"Haha, what the heck, Brother Shu has settled in Tieba, so what are we fighting for? There was no way before, but now Brother Shu has settled in Tieba. I don't believe he will ignore us fans. I'm so obsessed with him. Years...well, a year-old fan!"

"Stop talking and go back to the bar. There's no use keeping this group. I'll leave first."

"Let's go, let's see what Brother Shu said."


Ren Bai blinked his innocent eyes and watched the number of people in groups 3, 4, and 5 suddenly drop rapidly. In just one minute, half of the 6,000 people in the three groups disappeared.

Based on this situation, the 1/2 group is probably about the same.

If Brother Shu appears more frequently in the forum in the future, who else can incite the fans of Shu?

"Tsk, should I say that you are just a bunch of people, or should I say that you love Brother Shu deeply and are deeply responsible? Haha."

After laughing twice, Ren Bai did not rush to leave the group, but turned around and returned to the post.

At this time, he had time to read the post posted by Chen Shuren with others.

Hello everyone, I'm a wooden person. I'm sorry that I joined Shuge Bar so late and made you wait for so long.

In fact, I had already paid attention to Brother Shu Bar before. When I saw a few posts pinned to the top of the bar, I really had the urge to drag the owner of Brother Shu Bar out and whip his corpse for five minutes!

But then I thought about it, it’s not bad to have such a place for all friends who like me to communicate, and the content in the post is quite normal, so I let the owner go.

As for why I wanted to join this time, it was naturally because of the very popular post in the bar. I was afraid that you would cause trouble for me, so I took the initiative to accept the punishment.

I didn’t expect that because of my habit of not replying to messages online, it was my fault that your emotions had nowhere to be released.

So I decided that if I have something to do in the future, I would hang out at Brother Shu Bar and use this place as a platform for us to communicate with each other.

Of course, don’t expect me to reply within a few minutes like I respond to WeChat messages.

What I can guarantee is that after work, when I have a break, I will come to the post bar to have a look.

After all, the people here are nice to talk to and all of them are talented people. It would be a big loss if you don’t come.

Okay, let’s first address one of the things that everyone is most concerned about, which is why they don’t give out new songs during the Chinese New Year.

First of all, I didn’t ask Brother Zhou to sing the song in the Spring Festival Gala. It was the Spring Festival Gala program team that wanted him to sing that song.

As you know, I can give Brother Zhou a song for every episode of "Who Knows the Singer"? How could I be stingy with songs on such a big stage as the Spring Festival Gala?

So I won’t take the blame for this!

But as you said, did I really not prepare any new songs?

Of course not. Whether it's "Crazy Stone" on the first day of the Lunar New Year or the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month, you can all hear my works.

Also, if I really want to talk about the Spring Festival Gala, it’s not that I don’t have new songs, it’s just that the new songs are not here, but in the Yongzhou Spring Festival Gala.

If you want to hear it, you can use your own means. You can also watch the Yongzhou Spring Festival Gala on New Year’s Eve.

But what I want to say is that the situation in Yongzhou is different from ours, so my works may not be liked by friends in Qingzhou and Yangzhou. Please make a decision after considering it.

So, are you satisfied?

If you are satisfied, then let me shamelessly say:

On New Year's Day, I'm waiting for you at "Crazy Stone"~

Looking at Chen Shuren's short post, all Shuge fans felt a long-lost sense of satisfaction.

It turns out that interacting with your favorite artists is such a fun thing?

This kind of question appeared in the minds of countless tree fans.

As the saying goes, what you don't get is always turbulent. It may be because of Chen Shuren's "cold" persona on the Internet that these poor tree fans are so happy after receiving Chen Shuren's favor.

After reading Brother Shu's post, Ren Bai refreshed the page, and then a scene that left him speechless appeared.

The originally empty comment area suddenly received thousands of replies.

"Hahaha, is the bar master sitting on the wax? If you dare to put [Brother Shu's romantic past] on the top of the list, I would like to call you the strongest bar master!"

"After reading it, I suddenly discovered something. The cold and cold male god in my impression is actually so approachable? I even feel that Brother Shu is a bit funny? It must be my misunderstanding..."

After reading the post, some fans questioned their souls.

"Analyzing the writing between the lines, if this is not a ghostwriting, then Brother Shu is indeed a somewhat funny artist, but this does not mean that he is really like this to the outside world.

You must have come across classmates and friends who talk to you about everything on WeChat, but in reality, they are like mutes, unable to say a few words for a long time. Therefore, everyone should be prepared that Brother Shu is also such a person. "

"I don't care what Brother Shu is like in reality, anyway, the chance of me and Brother Shu talking face to face is infinitely close to zero, so I decided that the Brother Shu in the bar is the real Brother Shu! What the hell do I think of such a Brother Shu? Love it so much!”

Some people analyze it, but some people don't listen to it.

But without exception, these people became a little excited because of Chen Shuren's appearance.

The original intention of this incident, the issue of new songs, was not discussed until more than two thousand floors later.

"Brother Shu said there are new songs! Sure enough, Brother Shu will not let me down! According to Brother Shu, at least during the Chinese New Year, I can hear two new songs by Brother Shu?"

"If you can enter Yongzhou, you can add one more song, but don't expect any more songs there. A singer like Su Xiaoxiao is not popular in Yongzhou. Can you believe it?"

"Haha, I went to see the program list in Yongzhou. Do you know the Phoenix Miracle in "Run Together Yongzhou Chapter"? Do you remember that song "The Most Dazzling National Style"? In the Spring Festival Gala in Yongzhou, this group sang Brother Shu It’s a new song, so don’t look forward to it.”

"Damn it, I was still thinking about entering Yongzhou's network on New Year's Eve to see what the song was. Now that you say that, that's nonsense! It's so late at night, and I don't want to dance in the square to the song!"

"Haha, awesome!"

After hearing about the Spring Festival Gala in Yongzhou, the singer Chen Shuren's new song was the Phoenix Miracle Group, and all the thoughtful people gave up the intention of listening to another new song.

For some things, more is not always better, even with Brother Shu’s new songs.

"Speaking of which, is this Brother Shu's first time doing publicity? No matter what, I have to support such an artist. It's only a few dozen yuan. Look! Brother Shu, you are waiting for me on the first day of the new year! "

"Haha, me too, but I went to listen to the music, the movie is an accessory!"

"Even if Brother Shu's movie is terrible, I will still support him."

Seeing the wave of crisis dissipated under Chen Shuren's post, Ren Bai, who had been observing the development of the situation, couldn't help but sigh.

"All conspiracies and tricks are like paper in the face of absolute strength."

Although he thought so, Ren Bai still did not get rid of Xingye's group of less than a hundred people.

After thinking about it, Ren Bai, who was sitting at the front desk of the Internet cafe, laughed twice, and then sent a friend request to Mr. Xing who was chatting on WeChat.

His sinister laughter startled a couple who had just entered the Internet cafe to apply for a card.

At this time, Cui Xing, the instigator, was furious in his bedroom!

The mouse and keyboard have been smashed to pieces.

"What the hell, a bunch of dogs, if someone gives me a bone, you just run over and chew it. You deserve to be treated like social animals!"

After getting angry, Cui Xing lay down on the chair completely weak, staring at the ceiling of the room in a daze.

In the first half hour, he was still the star with a bright face and able to command nearly ten thousand people, but after only half an hour, he became a polished commander.

This battle has not even started yet, but his teammates have switched sides. What can he do?

A crime other than war!

Just as Cui Xing was staring at the ceiling in a daze, his cell phone rang.

Seeing that the call was from Chen Xiang, Cui Xing was a little confused whether he should answer it or not.

After thinking about it, he still took it.

"Old Chen, what's wrong?"

"The people on my side have arranged it. When will you launch it, I will give you the dirty information..."

Cui Xing was a little embarrassed when he heard that what Chen Xiang was really talking about was about Chen Shuren.

"What about that, Old Chen? I'm afraid this matter won't work out..."

On the other side, Chen Xiang frowned when he heard Cui Xing's words.

"Why can't it be done? Don't you have nearly ten thousand people? Even if you can't do anything to Chen Shuren, you can still disgust him. Aren't you cowarded?"

"How is it possible? It's just, just..."

"Just what?"

Chen Xiang had some bad thoughts in his mind.

"Hey, that guy Chen Shuren suddenly came to Shuge Bar, and then he posted a post, and all the 10,000 people I gathered were gone..."


After hearing Cui Xing's explanation, Chen Xiang almost cursed on the spot.

This fool, as he promised before, made Chen Shuren lose his skin, but this is the result?

Thinking that I had spent tens of thousands of dollars on dinner invitations, sending cards, and arranging duties, only then did a few classmates on the same floor as Chen Shuren create some dirty stuff. In the end, you said you couldn't do it. Already?

Chen Xiang was very angry.

It's not that he feels sorry for tens of thousands of dollars, he feels like a clown. He has been busy for so long, but he can't compare to Chen Shuren's posting!

The gap in this was what made him most intolerable.

"Okay, I understand, that's it."

Chen Xiang said something impatiently and hung up the phone.

Walking out of his room and looking at the scenery outside the window, he suddenly felt confused.

"Are my achievements in school meaningful?"

the other side.

Cui Xing, who heard Chen Xiang's unhappy tone, became even more irritable.

At this moment, a message suddenly appeared in his WeChat chat.

After getting a new mouse and keyboard, he clicked on the message. It was from several groups he had created before that someone had added him as a friend.

He didn't want to ignore it, but after seeing the other party's note, he somehow managed to pass the friend application.

After thinking about it, Cui Xing typed out a line of words.

"You said you want to continue messing with Chen Shuren? Are you not a fan of his?"

In the Internet cafe, Ren Bai, who saw Cui Xing's reply, typed out a line of text with a smile.

"Chen Shuren and I are at odds with each other!"

...(End of chapter)

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