The start of the Lantern Festival Party has made netizens from all over the four states who have been waiting for a long time become anxious.

Because it is both a Lantern Festival party and a Hezhou festival, the programs submitted by each state are very exciting!

What Qingzhou and Yangzhou reported were basically songs and skits, programs that fit the characteristics of the two states, and the names of various big-name artists were common.

Because of their local characteristics, the programs reported in Yongzhou and Jingzhou are interesting.

Those old artists whose names were only heard but never seen in the past years have come out. Those who cannot come out have also let their proud disciples show their faces.

For example, an old man in Yongzhou who was 100 years old but could still walk freely ignored the dissuasion of his relatives and disciples and insisted on going on stage to box in order to congratulate the Great Xia!

After all, it is of great significance. Even if there is a risk of something happening, the person in charge of the Lantern Festival Party is willing to take on this responsibility!

As a result, after checking the old man's physical condition, the person in charge arranged the program without saying a word.

The body of a hundred-year-old man does not have many diseases of old age.

Not to mention that he is very energetic, but in terms of his body, even if you don’t look at his ID card, you don’t know whether he is sixty or a hundred years old!

After the old man's program was confirmed, other ancient martial arts families and martial arts schools in Yongzhou that were originally unwilling to show their faces also signed up for ancient martial arts routine performances and other programs.

This situation made the person in charge of Yongzhou feel very proud!

But there are so many ancient martial arts families and martial arts schools that it is impossible to choose them all.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second.

In order not to embarrass the martial arts schools and aristocratic families who actively signed up, the person in charge of Yongzhou directly asked everyone to draw lots to decide.

Then two other programs besides the old man were selected.

When the three programs were announced, everyone in Yongzhou who knew about these three programs became excited.

What is different from Yongzhou is that in Jingzhou's program selection, except that the quality is equally high, the other situations are exactly the opposite.

Jingzhou opera does not have as strong a position as Yongzhou ancient martial arts in Yongzhou, so the response from the people is not great. After learning that classic songs will be performed on stage, only the older generation in Jingzhou is happy.

But not many of the older generation know how to use the Internet, so so far, there are very few netizens discussing this matter on the Jingzhou Internet.

In addition to the different public response from Yongzhou, the attitude of Jingzhou opera circles towards coming to power is also different from that of Yongzhou.

The Yongzhou ancient martial arts family and martial arts school came to the stage because they were moved by the old man, so they put aside the idea of ​​​​disgracing themselves and took the stage.

But the Jingzhou opera scene is different. As long as the old artists are somewhat famous, they all want to put their own lineage on stage and become famous.

In the end, it was a matter of background and strength. After overall planning, two programs were selected.

There are still many people dissatisfied with this, giving Jingzhou management a headache.

Of course, Jingzhou's management also knew the situation in the opera industry, so they just felt helpless about their actions and did not feel it was inappropriate.

Against this background, the program that Sizhou has prepared for a long time is finally about to be unveiled. How can we not be excited?

On the Internet, netizens also started this round of discussions.

"Is ancient martial arts good? The martial arts I learned in Yangzhou don't feel like you can fight ten with one. At most, when fighting one-on-one, the aggressive moves can make the opponent think carefully and have a chance to stop the fight before it starts. .”

"...You successfully attracted my attention upstairs. When I have a fight with someone in the future, I will never apologize to those who scare me before I fight."

"I am a native of Yongzhou. Ancient martial arts is real, but it may not be the same as the martial arts you are talking about. There are no martial arts schools that truly teach ancient martial arts in other states except Yongzhou and Zhongzhou.

You can learn ancient martial arts in Yongzhou, but Yongzhou ancient martial arts will not set up martial arts schools in other states. If you see a martial arts school outside Yongzhou that teaches you ancient martial arts under the name of Yongzhou ancient martial arts, it is either a liar or Violated the rules of Grandmaster.

Just make a call and someone will handle them!

One more thing, if you were to watch the Lantern Festival show this time, you would have to pay money to watch it.

Those who are really interested can take the replays and practice on their own later, and maybe they can learn something, which at the very least is better than the so-called martial arts. "

After listening to the introduction from Yongzhou locals, many netizens from other states suddenly realized.

"No wonder those people who said they learned ancient martial arts in the past didn't have much benefit, and some even couldn't defeat my king's eight punches. It turns out they weren't true!"

"If you have a chance, you must go to Yongzhou and find a master!"

As netizens started talking, the old man who wanted to congratulate Daxia also came on stage.

I don’t know whether it was because of the old man’s righteousness or because he was afraid that his body would not be able to bear it. The person in charge of the party directly put the old man first.

Seeing the old man dressed in white, showing off his slow but steady boxing routines, all the audience were affected by the old man's spirit.

At this moment, no one would doubt the old man's grace when he was young.

When the old man finished his punch, stood on the stage and clasped his fists, the young people in most families in Yongzhou also clasped their fists in return!

Some parents and wives saw their children and husbands doing this, and secretly recorded it on their mobile phones.

As a result, within a few minutes of the end of the old man's show, countless short videos of people holding fists in return appeared on the Internet.

Topics brought about by the first hotly searched program also appeared in the front row of hot searches after the merger of the four states.

# inherited #

When netizens from three states outside Yongzhou saw this scene, they felt a little envious for some reason.

Qingzhou and Yangzhou were fine, as they did not have this tradition, but the mood of the people in Jingzhou was much more complicated.

They also had this kind of inheritance, but somehow, Jingzhou's inherited art became a niche art.

It is far from the taste of inheritance that Yongzhou gives people.

Just when the people of Jingzhou were thinking deeply.

Jingzhou's first opera program is about to begin.

With Master Yongzhou’s treasures in front of them, both locals in Jingzhou and those from other states are looking forward to Jingzhou’s operas and imagining how shocking the show will be on stage!

But after five minutes passed, the topic that appeared in the barrage comments was not the topic that Jingzhou people wanted.

"It looks good, but I can't tell what is good about it..."

"Well, I was shocked after listening to it. Let's start the next show."

"Although I don't understand it, compared to the ancient martial arts in Yongzhou, it is indeed an art that is not accessible to ordinary people."

"There is nothing wrong with what was said above. As a Jingzhou native, I can tell you that my grandparents clapped their hands and applauded the opera just now, but I was not impressed at all. After all, opera is not a product of our era."

"Hey, although I also want to spread Jingzhou culture, it seems that there is still a long way to go. I hope Jingzhou opera has not died out before that day comes!"

Netizens from other states who didn't understand opera originally thought it was their own problem, but when they saw that the local netizens in Jingzhou were similar to them, they immediately sighed.

"There is also a gap between art and art. It seems that ordinary people like me can only accept popular art like Guwu."

People in the Jingzhou opera community were speechless after seeing the comments from netizens.

Before taking the stage, they fought openly and secretly to get on.

After taking the stage and seeing the audience's understated reaction after the top opera troupe finished singing, some of them felt for the first time that perhaps opera is really not suitable for this era.

After Jingzhou opera, there are Qingzhou songs and Yangzhou sketches.

This form of performance accepted by modern people has received applause from the audience under the performances of many famous artists.

Hot searches also skyrocketed.

Jingzhou opera, which had not been discussed much before, has also been submerged in a new round of discussion.

Backstage at the Lantern Festival Party.

The Jingzhou area was somewhat silent at this time.

The excitement before going on stage and the disappointment after seeing the audience's comments after coming off the stage made both those who had performed and those who had not performed yet become taciturn.

After a long time, when the performers of the second show left, someone finally spoke.

"Is Jingzhou opera really coming to an end?"

One of the Liyuan disciples said decadently.

"Don't say frustrating words!"

The voice of the elders lecturing sounded.

But I could only say one sentence like this, but I couldn't say anything to refute it.

"It's not over, and it won't be over! There is still hope for Jingzhou opera!"

At this moment, a group of people in Jingzhou District wearing opera robes all turned to look at the place where the sound came from.

There sat two people who didn't fit in here.

Others either had makeup on their faces or costumes on their bodies, but these two people, one in casual clothes and the other in casual dresses, just stayed in the fringe area.

If they didn't speak, many people would have thought they were staff or people from other states who had gone to the wrong backstage.

But some people recognized the man and the woman after seeing them.

"Mei Xiaofang, if you have nothing to do, just go outside and watch the show in the auditorium. Why are you making trouble backstage?"

A woman who knew Mei Xiaofang scolded.

"Does the backstage belong to your family? I'll leave if you tell me to? Besides, I'm Zhou Lu's assistant. You have the ability to drive Zhou Lu away too!"

Mei Xiaofang originally wanted to boost morale, but after being criticized, she immediately forgot her original intention.

"Haha, the hope you just mentioned didn't refer to that out-of-state person, right?"

Although the woman's face was covered in paint, it did not affect his mocking expression at all.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with the people from outside the state? I'm talking about him! If you can't do it, Zhou Lu can do it! When people talk about opera, the first thing they think of is Zhou Lu. When I saw you, you thought you were orthodox. People, will you be ashamed!"

Mei Xiaofang's words not only hurt women, but also hurt other middle-aged people who have a deep love for opera.

"Mei Xiaofang, if you keep talking nonsense, I will tell everyone to go away!"

Someone who knew Mei Qingling threatened him.

"Why would a foreigner want to get involved in our Jingzhou opera! If he hadn't taken up a spot on the stage, we would still have an opera troupe in Jingzhou!"

"That's right, Mei Xiaofang, apologize, or else I'll sue Master Mei for looking down on Jingzhou opera!"


Listening to everyone blaming herself, Mei Xiaofang was very angry.

These people don't have the ability to let others recognize themselves, but they play it clearly in the nest.

Just when Mei Xiaofang rolled up her sleeves and was about to continue yelling at others, Zhou Lu finally stopped Mei Xiaofang.

Looking at Zhou Lu's eyes, Mei Xiaofang groaned and sat on the chair.

Zhou Lu patted her shoulder, then turned his head and cupped his hands towards the others.

"Everyone, since I recognize Mr. Mei as my master, I am a member of the Jingzhou opera community. As long as I perform opera performances outside, I represent Jingzhou opera, so please stop saying that I am from outside the state. .”

"After all, isn't what Mei and other old artists want to do now is to spread Jingzhou opera in Hezhou?"

"If according to what you said, people from outside the state should not engage in opera, then why would your masters and elders go to all the trouble to get you here?"

Seeing all the seniors in the opera industry speechless, Zhou Lu continued.

"Although opera is niche and the threshold is high, if the base becomes larger, it still cannot be ignored."

"In addition, my existence is to find other ways for the inheritance of opera. Since it is difficult for people nowadays to accept traditional opera, it is better to combine traditional opera with pop songs and let the opera be spread first."

"If opera-style songs are liked by the public, doesn't it mean that opera has its own unique charm?"

"When the time comes, more people will naturally step into the opera world, understand opera, and learn opera."

"Drama will not disappear into history because it is niche and highly professional."

"Everyone, are you right?"

Zhou Lu's words made everyone fall into deep thought.

If you haven't been on stage, you haven't seen the outside world's evaluation of traditional opera.

They may still sneer at Zhou Lu's words.

But now, doesn't the attitude of the audience indicate that the opera is about to reach a life-or-death moment?

In this case, why should we exclude those who are looking for a way out for opera?

At this time, many people present who had not understood Mei Qingling's behavior of running away to find a way out for opera suddenly understood.

Seeing everyone's silence, Zhou Lu said nothing more and turned around to sit down.

At this moment, he saw the group of people who had been on stage before, standing at the door of the backstage.

Suddenly, the leading man in costume gestured to him.

When Zhou Lu was about to bow his hands in return, everyone else behind him also bowed in unison.

Not only that, the group of people who had just attacked Mei Xiaofang also stood up again and bowed their hands to Zhou Lu.

Although he was speechless, Zhou Lu felt infinite power pouring into his body.

This feeling is called recognition!


"It's almost over, and besides the fact that I can't understand the Jingzhou opera, the other programs are of very high quality, much better than the Spring Festival Gala!"

"Haha, isn't this nonsense!"

"By the way, what other show is coming next?"

"Let me see, there is another program next. After it is over, it should be time to announce Hezhou."

"Well, let's get ready. It's time to go to sleep. By the way, what's the next show?"

"Single solo, a second-tier singer."

"Second-tier singer?"

The people in Yongzhou and Jingzhou were a little surprised and puzzled.

But netizens in Qingzhou and Yangzhou are just the opposite!

...(End of chapter)

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