Chapter 319 Aunt Xu’s gift

To be honest, this news was too sudden, there was no news at all before.

 Even if someone in the family works in a relevant department, they have not received any news.

It can be said to be airtight.

 The area divided for demolition completely includes all the houses of Aunt Xu’s family and Chen’s family.

And everyone sees that the scope of compensation for demolition is unprecedentedly large.

I heard that this place is being demolished to build a subway.

Those who have houses at home and happen to be included in this demolition area are secretly happy and happy.

Those who are not included in the demolition scope can only look at the ocean and sigh.

And those who happened to have sold their demolished houses during this period were even more thumping their chests.

If the house is not sold, the government can compensate them with a lot of space and money.

 Now, they have lost, completely lost!

 It can be said that a demolition is actually an opportunity to make a fortune.

And they just watched helplessly and ruined this opportunity to make a fortune with their own hands.

How could they accept this fact?

 So they went to make trouble with the people who bought their demolished houses. Either they paid back the money and then returned the demolished houses to them. Otherwise, they also wanted more than half of the compensation for the houses and money after the demolition.

 The families who bought the demolished houses did so according to formal procedures for some time, and they did not know that there would be demolition beforehand.

It is their luck to be demolished now.

 Their purchase was reasonable and legal, so there was no reason for them to be asked to take it back or to pay compensation.

So the two families got into a fight.

This scene happened not only from these two families, but also from many others.

 As for who will win in the end, it is not clear.

When Lin Xingzhong saw this document, his eyes were filled with joy.

Fortunately, I couldn't do the house purchase deal with the Chen family, and because I heard the news from Chen Shuhao at the Chen family, I decisively chose to believe in the decision of Xu Aian and Chen's father. Within this month, I finally found a There is a family in the neighborhood who wants to go abroad and urgently needs to sell their house. The house has been transferred to his name and has become his, and that family also settled abroad a week ago.

Although the house is only about 100 square meters, it is still very good. If it is demolished, you can get a house and a lot of money.

Lin Xingzhong was so excited that he immediately called Chen's father to tell him the good news.

“Brother Xingzhong, you are a quick-thinking person. It’s your luck that you just happened to hit it.”

 “Yes, it is my luck and my blessing.”

 Father Chen was not surprised by Lin Xingzhong's approach, but he did not expect that Lin Xingzhong would believe in his and Xu Aian's decision so much.

 After hanging up the phone, Chen’s father faced the Chen family who were equally happy.

Not only Chen’s father’s family, but also his two younger brothers also agreed not to sell the house after hearing Chen’s father’s decision.

 That’s why now we can get such an ending that everyone is happy with.

"Qingqing, thank you. It's not that you asked Wen Tao to tell me the news. Maybe our family would have sold the house." Chen Shuhao was very grateful to his wife.

"You're welcome. You and I are one person. Naturally, I want to think of you and the entire Chen family." Xu Qingqing replied gently.

 A month after her marriage, Xu Qingqing was living a good life, and the Chen family treated her very well.

 The conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, or other family conflicts that would occur in other places, did not appear in her case.

After getting married, she and Chen Shuhao went back to school. It was only when they received confirmation of the demolition today that they rushed back after class.

On Chen’s father’s side, after returning to the room, he said to Chen’s mother: “Tomorrow, prepare a generous gift and send it to your mother-in-law.”

"I know, this is what it should be. In addition, I also prepared a set of jewelry for Qingqing."

“Well, when the time comes for the demolished houses, there will be an extra copy written in Qingqing’s name.”

 This surprised Chen’s mother, “Is this the case?” In fact, regardless of whether there is demolition or not, the couple will transfer some properties to the names of Chen Shuhao and his wife.

 After the demolition, there must have been more transfers.

 “If you want it, just transfer it to Qingqing alone.”

"Okay, I understand." Mother Chen knew that her husband was the backbone of the family and the decision-maker of the family. His decisions had not gone wrong in these years, and had kept the whole family afloat in these decades of ups and downs. , and even achieved certain development.

 You must listen to your husband’s words.

 Father Chen fell into deep thought.

The news of this demolition was really not disclosed at all. It seemed that it was decided suddenly and the documents were just sent out.

 But such an important matter was definitely not decided suddenly.

 But it must be confidential.

 Otherwise, no one related to the Chen family has received any news.

 I almost thought it was fake.

 I didn’t expect that this document would come out today.

 However, Xu Aian was able to learn the news a month in advance and told their family, indicating that Xu Aian was positive about the news.

This is enough to show that Xu Aian's energy and connections are greater than he imagined.

Although the notification about the demolition was in the name of Xu Qingqing, Xu Aian's permission must have been included.

 So, this gift must be given.

 A gift is naturally not enough.

 So, let’s transfer the house to Qingqing.

 Father Chen believes that Xu Aian would be more willing to see them return their gratitude to Qingqing.

 In fact, this is indeed the case. Aunt Xu, who loves her children so much, naturally hopes that her children will be good, and she also hopes that others will treat her children well.

 Seeing that Qingqing got married, the Chen family treated her well and she felt relieved.

Of course, now that it is certain that the house can be demolished, there is one person she cannot forget!

So, two months later, Xu Jinning suddenly received a call from his aunt.

At this time, a telephone had just been installed in the small courtyard house they rented.

“Auntie, what are you talking about? You want to give me the one floor you got after the demolition and transfer the two shops to my name?”


 “Why, why?” Xu Jinning was so shocked that he was speechless.

Aunt Xu on the other end asked mysteriously, "Why do you think it is?"

Xu Jinning:…

 Well, she knew why.

 But, this floor and two shops are more than enough. She was just reminding her, Auntie, there is no need to be so generous.

She knew about the building that my aunt was divided into after the demolition and the shop that was replaced with the compensation money.

That is the commercial center of Miraijin City. Let alone one floor, there is only a toilet. The price in the future will be astonishingly expensive.

“Auntie, you don’t need to give it to me, you really don’t need it, just give it to your cousins, cousins, and the others.”

 “That’s too valuable, I can’t accept it.”

"They all have it. You must have it. If it weren't for you, none of these would exist now. So, Ning Ning, you must accept it!"

 Ningning, if you don’t want it, just give it to me.

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