That evening.

KK and Odayou are alone in the detention room.

KK was lying on the bed bored.

Oda sat on the futon on his right side and looked at him without slacking off.

KK yawned: "Brother, are you boring just staring at me like this?"

Odayou said with a straight face: "It's not boring, this is a task given to me by the group leader."

KK: "Then you don't have to really stare at me! It makes me feel a little nauseous."

Oda Right: "No road race, stop talking nonsense."

KK turned over and said feebly: "I have nothing to do anyway. Let me get two game consoles. Let's play games to kill time."

Oda punched the wall with a right "dong" as a warning.

"Okay, okay, if you don't want to fight, I won't fight. Why are you so anxious?" KK could only continue to lie on the bed.

He yawned, looking like he had nothing to do.

However, in fact, his eyes occasionally glanced at the cracks in doors and ventilation ducts.

More than half an hour later, he suddenly saw a small black spot next to the ceiling ventilation duct.

That little black spot was so inconspicuous that it almost blended in with the rust. Even if you stared straight at it, it was difficult to notice anything strange. So KK didn't know if it was what he was waiting for.

As if to convey some kind of signal to KK, the little black dot moved slightly, and then continued to remain still.

A deep look appeared in KK's eyes, and he asked casually: "Oda-kun, have you read the news these days? Do you know about the gold robbery at Crescent Commercial Bank?"

Xiao Tianyou frowned: "So what if I know."

KK shook his head thoughtfully: "A ton of gold, what kind of quantity is that? A border boy like me has no idea."

"Hey, you tell me, where did those robbers hide the gold? The Public Security Bureau has been looking for it for so long and still has no clues."

Odayou said coldly: "It's none of my business."

KK raised his chin at him and said with a smile: "You won't let me play games, and we have nothing to do, so we can just chat, right?"

"Just imagine it casually. If our Tooth Tiger wanted to hide that ton of gold, where would be a better place to hide it?"

Xiaotian frowned and said nothing.

KK put his hand on the back of his head, crossed his legs on the bed, and said to himself: "Hiding outside? I don't feel safe. The inspections are so intense these days, and those usually inconspicuous houses, warehouses and the like are the focus. Target for inspection.”

"I think it's good to hide it in the base. For example, find a few safes to store it? Well, it seems too obvious."

"Hiding in a warehouse? Well, it's even more impossible for people to come and go in the warehouse. There are too many witnesses."

"The head's office seems to be fine. Not many people come in there. It would be very hidden if there is a hidden compartment in the wall."

KK rambled on, mentioning many possibilities.

He continued: "Hey, those garages dedicated to the management are also good. Access is restricted, there will be no outsiders, and they are close to the vehicles. It will be easy to transfer if anything happens."

Xiaotian's right eye flashed, he came over, grabbed KK's collar, and slapped him across the face.


KK's face was swollen with a red palm mark.

Oda rightly lifted the confused KK in the air, and the prosthetic blade popped out of his palm and pressed against his throat, and said coldly: "I have no intention of brainstorming with you here. If you keep talking nonsense, I'll cut your tongue!" "

KK clasped his hands and waved, forcing a forced smile: "No more talking, I'll be quiet. I'll turn up the Silence Warlock, and the whole area will be silent. Is this okay?"

Oda right threw KK back on the bed.

KK covered his red and swollen face, lay down on the bed, and looked deeply at the little black dot.

Su Mo's room on the 88th floor of the Edge Building.

Su Mo, Future, Dongdong, and Chu Nanyi gathered here.

Sitting in front of a computer in the future, he is remotely controlling a self-developed micro-robot.

The screen showed the picture sent back by the micro-robot. KK was lying on his back on the bed, staring at the camera thoughtfully, as if he was looking at his companions outside the screen.

Seeing KK being slapped fiercely, her fists became hardened. She pointed at the screen and cursed: "This little devil belongs to me. When the time comes, no one on the edge of civilization can rob me. I will open the ladle and give him to him." KK takes revenge!”

Su Mo also clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "Oda didn't react at all to the places that KK reported before. Finally, when it came to the special garage, Oda reacted very much. Let's go there first."

Future fingers dance across the keyboard, tiny robots begin to move, and the footage on the screen changes accordingly.

The micro-robot has strong adaptability and can overcome any obstacle. Whether it is crawling on walls or ceilings, it can quickly crawl from ventilation ducts to the outside world.

The micro-robot is equipped with an optical invisibility module. As long as it is turned on, it can adapt to mimic the surrounding environment and is almost impossible to detect.

It shuttled around the Tooth Tiger base, and the camera captured the Tooth Tiger mercenaries walking back and forth from time to time. They were talking and laughing, discussing what to eat for dinner and where to go to play in the evening. They didn't know that the leader had buried a big heart in their home. thunder.

I don’t know the layout of the Tooth Tiger Base in the future, but for Su Mo, he can walk with his eyes closed.

Under Su Mo's guidance, the micro-robot quickly found the special garage mentioned by KK.

However, the garage door was closed tightly, leaving no room for crawling, and there were no windows nearby.

Su Mo frowned and said: "This special garage is a closed structure, and only the door can enter and exit."

Future calmly replied: "What a big deal."

She operated quickly on her laptop. The micro-robot ejected a laser beam that was thinner than a hair, opened an inconspicuous micro-hole in the curtain door, and then got in.

Everyone said in unison: ".6."

The micro-robot continued to crawl and saw several floating vehicles used by managers on the surface, but they did not find traces of gold.

Su Mo reminded: "There is a compartment under the special garage. Enter through the door in the northeast corner."

The micro-robot repeated its old trick, burning a small hole in the door and crawling to the underground compartment.

Gradually, human voices came out, becoming clearer and clearer. There were several people talking below.

"Move quickly, install them in batches, memorize the sewer route tonight, and try to clear it all in one go tomorrow."

"Heavy darlings, I won't see you tomorrow. Let me give you a kiss. Forget it, don't leave any traces."

"Don't let this go crazy, hurry up."

The micro-robot crawled into the secret room where the sound came from, and a shocking scene was revealed in front of everyone.

There is a large long table in the center of the secret room, which is covered with dazzling gold bars. They are piled up in several layers, making people almost unable to open their eyes.

Several core members of the Tooth Tiger Mercenary Group are packaging the gold bars, preparing to handle them secretly.

Su Mo clenched his fists and his eyes seemed to be burning with fire: "Ou Chenyu, this is the end of your life!"

Crescent City Municipal Center District, Municipal Building.

When Schenkov came out from the report meeting, it was already dark.

He didn't know how long it had been since he got home before dark.

Today, as expected, I was criticized again at the meeting.

Just because of that gold robbery.

The Public Security Bureau investigated for so many days, but still found no clues about the gold.

If the gold is secretly stolen by gangsters and never recovered, political opponents will have reason to attack him in the future.

Thinking of this, Schenkov felt a headache.

"Ding ding ding." At this moment, his cell phone rang.

Seeing the name on the screen made him feel slightly better.

This seems to have become some kind of conditioned response.

Because every time this person calls, he always brings good news to himself.

Schenkov answered the phone and his tone became brisk: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Su Mo: "Go to your mailbox and see the email I sent you. Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"What's so urgent?" Schenkov muttered, logging into his phone's mailbox and opening the video sent by Su Mo.

It was nothing at first. It was just some kind of reconnaissance robot crawling and taking pictures. The pictures it took were all mercenaries.

Then, the robot got into the underground of a garage, and a bright golden light suddenly appeared on the screen.

When he saw the table of gold appearing on the screen, Schenkov's eyes gradually became dull and his eyes went straight.

He put the phone to his ear and almost screamed: "Hey, brother! Where was this taken? When was it?!"

Su Mo: "Two minutes ago, the Teeth Tiger Mercenary Group base in Rusty Wall District. I was checking the enemy's intelligence on a daily basis, but I didn't expect to stumble upon a shocking case."

Schenkov was so excited that his whole body was trembling: "Are these things shot realistically? Weren't they synthesized in post-production?!"

Su Mo smiled and joked: "As we all know, videos cannot be edited, so this is true. I can't tease you about this kind of thing, can I?"

Schenkov's face was filled with joy and he almost jumped up: "Brother, first of all, I am not an address book, but now I really want to kiss you hard!"

Su Mo: "Well, that's not necessary. I just want to ask you to do me a favor."

Schenkov: "You say it! Just say it!"

Su Mo: "My brother was caught and is now trapped in the Tooth Tiger Base. Ou Chenyu is not that easy to deal with."

"So this time the Public Security Bureau's operation against the Tooth Tiger hopes that I will be the commander-in-chief and all arrangements will be made by me."

After hearing this, Schenkov's first reaction was to refuse directly.

Are you kidding me?

Throughout the history of the development of Crescent City, and even the history of the establishment of the entire world government, it has always been that the government has only commanded mercenaries to do things, and there has never been a precedent for mercenaries to take over the government's troops.

If this is not done well, the person responsible for making the decision will go to jail.

But quietly, Schenkov thought of how Sumer had helped him again and again.

Half of the credit for being able to sit where I am today is due to this brother.

After a while, he made up his mind and said: "Brother, it's definitely not okay to let you take command first. It will break the rules."

"But this matter can be changed. Nominally, I am still the commander-in-chief of each security force, but I will listen to your arrangements and convey them to you on how to deploy them."

Su Mo smiled happily and said, "Thank you. You can make arrangements first. Just gather the right people and contact me."

The phone hangs up.

Schenkov dialed the hotline of the director of the Emergency Command Center of the Public Security Bureau and said, "I am Schenkov, and here is my order. All the peace officers' vacations will be cancelled, and they will return to their posts immediately."

"I want every armored vehicle, every fully automatic Titan mecha, and every aerostat in this city to be in a state of war preparation!"

That night, at Sumer's request, Schenkov sent the "Alpha Team" of the Fourth Anti-Violence Section to the Edge Building.

Su Mo looked at the Alpha team members headed by Ivan in front of him, and his heart was filled with excitement and joy.

The Alpha Team of Counter-Violence Section 4 is the most elite force in the Crescent City Public Security Bureau.

In the game "Dawn", if players openly commit illegal acts in Crescent City, they will be wanted by the Public Security Bureau.

One-star criminals will be beaten with a baton by the sheriff and fined.

Two-star wanted persons will be attacked by the Sheriff's firearm.

Samsung's wanted list will be included in the ACDS anti-crime emergency response system hunting list.

The four-star wanted ones have to face the encirclement and suppression by high-precision mechanical troops such as fully automatic Titan mechas.

Five Star Wanted brings the famous Four Anti-Violence Lessons.

And if the player kills all the way and gets "six-star wanted", they will face the city's most powerful security force, the Anti-Violence Section 4 Alpha Squad.

Alpha team members have either completed full-body "military level 1" prosthetic body replacement, are "critical high-level" blood code carriers, or can use their spiritual brains to control "noble-level mad-level" constructed ferocious beasts.

There are 24 masters of this level.

As for Ivan, the captain of the Alpha Team, his whole body of prosthetics is "Fearless-level" and he is truly the top expert of the Public Security Bureau.

This is just a small group of cutting-edge combat forces.

In this huge Crescent City, there are tens of thousands of police officers standing ready at their posts, preparing to launch an encirclement and suppression of the Tooth Tiger mercenary group headed by Ou Chenyu.

Su Mo switched the communicator to the dedicated frequency band and asked Schenkov: "How is the situation at the Tooth Tiger Base?"

Schenkov replied: "A Black Crow stealth unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is performing a mission over the Tooth Tiger Base. The layout of the entire base has been scanned and transmitted back, and all personnel have been located."

"However, the whereabouts of Ou Chenyu, the leader of the Tooth Tigers, have not been found yet. He is not at the base now."

For Su Mo, what he wants to destroy is not the Tooth Tiger mercenary group, but Ou Chenyu, the "original protagonist".

The Teeth Tiger Mercenary Group is not special, what is special is their leader.

Ou Chenyu is not dead, and there is no point in destroying Tooth Tiger.

Su Mo: "The biggest fish is not in the nest. Let the intelligence department continue the search and tell me immediately if you find Ou Chenyu's whereabouts."

Schenkov: "No problem."

Communication hang up.

Ivan made a suggestion at the right time: "Should we raise the alert level throughout the city? Or directly issue a wanted order?"

Su Mo immediately shook his head: "No, this will easily alert the enemy. With so many reconnaissance planes over Crescent City, they will definitely be able to find Ou Chenyu."

"I haven't found him now, but it gives me time. I just want to find someone."

Ivan: "Who?"

Su Mo showed a mysterious smile: "An old friend."

He took out his cell phone and found the number he had written down in his address book when he first entered Crescent City.

A text message was sent:

[Nobai, do you have time to meet? 】

Ten seconds later, the reply came.

The answer is concise and to the point:


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