After clearing the game, I became the villain BOSS

Chapter 220 Dog-licking Cultivation

[Saint Riveland Central Hospital, Surgical Clinic]

A patient looked at the medicine list in his hand and asked cautiously: "Doctor, I just got burned by a cigarette butt. Can I just apply some medicine and it will be fine? Do I have to take these internally?"

Wen Ye patiently explained: "Don't underestimate burns. Although your wound is small, it is relatively deep. However, if it is not treated simultaneously with internal and external medication, it is likely to cause serious infection."

"We once had a patient who didn't take it seriously after being scalded. His condition deteriorated rapidly and he eventually had his limb amputated."

When he heard about amputation, the patient was so frightened that he quickly put away the list and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you doctor!"

After the patient left, Wen Ye stretched.

I got the commission and felt comfortable.

This is the last patient. Wen Ye goes to the changing room to change clothes and get off work.

He left the hospital on his bicycle, saying hello and farewell to his colleagues along the way, looking friendly.

He came to a nearby shopping mall, parked his bicycle on the side of the road, and walked to the underground garage.

Not long after, he came out and his car was replaced by a multi-million sports car.

He drove his sports car to the seaside and raced along the coastal roads.

It was night, and there were usually no cars on the coastal road, so he drove very fast.

The car stereo was playing intense rock music, and his head followed the rhythm little by little, and he kept saying "Oh, oh, oh, oh".

Suddenly, the headlights illuminated a short figure on the road ahead.

Wen Ye almost peed in fear and slammed on the brakes.

"Squeak--" The sports car dragged out a long tire mark and stopped suddenly in front of the other party.


Wen Ye honked the horn wildly, stuck his head out of the car window and cursed: "You're looking for death, Fenmao! Standing in the middle of the road at night, are you trying to reincarnate? I am *civilized seaside* your whole family!"

Dongdong put his hands in his pockets and shook his legs, spitting the bubble gum in his mouth on the car window with a "tui" sound.

Wen Ye roared angrily: "I just picked up the new car!!!"

He was just about to get out of the car to argue, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of someone walking next to him through the headlights.

Wen Ye was shocked: Could it be that he was cheating?

He reacted quickly, turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator, preparing to drive away from the group.

Dongdong activated the prosthetic spine, and instantly turned into an afterimage and struck in front of the car.

"Bang!" She punched the front windshield, dragged the screaming Wenye out of the cockpit and threw him to the ground.

Su Mo came over and kicked the stunned Wen Ye: "Hey, I'm living a good life. I'm a small attending doctor and drive a multi-million dollar sports car. I usually cheat on patients, right?"

Wen Ye asked in horror: "Who are you?"

"You will know." Su Mo raised his chin at Dong Dong and said, "Take him away."

Dong Dong picked up Wen Ye and looked at the sports car: "What should I do with his car? Isn't it better to just leave it here?"

Su Mo said solemnly: "Of course it's not good. We are good citizens of Crescent City. We need to be qualified in other places to maintain the image of Crescent City."

"Call your brothers and ask someone with a clue to come over and drive the car away and sell it. If you don't make money, you won't make it in vain."

"Okay." Dong Dong knocked Wen Ye unconscious with one punch.

"Wow." Cold water hit his face.

Wen Ye woke up with a start and found himself in a small, dimly lit room.

Su Mo and Dongdong stood on the left and right.

Su Mo got straight to the point: "Let's get straight to the point. The night before yesterday, you admitted a little girl with Rh-negative blood. Her name is Chen You. Who did you give her organ model data to?"

Wen Ye swallowed his throat and his eyes wandered: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Su Mo shook his head: "You just have to waste my time."

He patted Dongdong on the shoulder.

Dongdong was holding a baseball bat in his hand, stepped forward, grabbed Wenye's hand, and pressed it to the table.

Wen Ye couldn't get away and asked with horror on his face: "What are you going to do?!"

Dongdong blinked: "I'm beating you, can't you tell?"

"Boom!" The baseball bat hit Wen Ye's hand hard, breaking all five fingers.

"Ah!!!!" Wen Ye let out a heart-rending scream, so painful that he even leaked urine.

Seeing this, Su Mo said helplessly: "Dong, there are only ten fingers in total. If you break five of them with one click, you will smash them all with two clicks. How can you ask later?"

Dongdong scratched his head: "What should we do?"

Su Mo grabbed a finger from Wen Ye's other hand, pressed it on the table, and said seriously: "Come one by one."

"It makes sense, I learned it." Dongdong grabbed the finger and hit it hard with the bottom of the bat handle.

"Boom!" His finger was smashed flat.

"Ah!!!" Wen Ye screamed again.

Su Mo sat back in the chair and said calmly: "After smashing the fingers, there are still toes. Before the toes are smashed, just smash them up inch by inch along the wrist."

Torture methods were not used nearly as much.

As soon as he hit the second finger, Wen Ye collapsed: "Stop hitting!!! I said!!! I said!!!"

Su Mo: "Tell me."

Wenye's face was filled with tears in pain, and his voice couldn't stop trembling: "Wachai. I told General Wachai."

Su Mo: "Who is this General Wachai?"

Wen Ye: "He is the leader of the armed forces beyond the Great Wall across the sea."

Su Mo: "What's your relationship with him?"

Wen Ye: "Cooperative relationship. His subordinates are in the organ business and will regularly send me some client's organ data to let me pay attention to whether there is anyone in the hospital whose data matches."

"If there is, he will send someone to sneak over and tie the target to Borderlands."

Su Mo: "What does he look like? How many people do he have? Where is the base exactly?"

Wen Ye: "I don't know."

Su Mo put the gun on his head: "I don't know?!"

Wen Ye opened his eyes wide and shouted: "I really don't know! We only communicate online. I have never met him or been to his territory!"

Dongdong grabbed his middle finger and smashed it with a "dong" sound.

"Oh!!!" Wen Ye collapsed and cried, "I really don't know!!! Stop fighting!!!"

Dongdong wanted to continue fighting, but Su Mo stopped her: "Forget it, he looks like he really doesn't know. Don't waste your time with him."

He took out his mobile phone and called Shangguanli: "I asked for information here. The person behind it is Wachai, an armed leader outside the Great Wall across the sea."

Shangguanli: "Oh, what next?"

Su Mo: "I only asked about his name. This guy doesn't know anything else. We need to find someone who knows the information to continue asking."

Shangguanli: "We? The 'we' you are talking about doesn't include me, right?"

Su Mo: "Shangguan, who do you think will know the information about Wachai?"

Shangguanli: "Brother, you promised to accept this commission at noon. It has nothing to do with me. I'm here for vacation."

Su Mo: "How about we go find those intelligence dealers?"

Shangguanli: "Hello."

Su Mo: "Where is the black market?"

Shangguanli: "Are you listening to me?"

Sumer: "It's my first time coming to St. Rivland, so I'm not very familiar with this place."

You can clearly hear Shangguan Li sighing.

She said: "Wait for me at the intersection of Cansha Road and Luyin Road. I'll be there in a minute."

The phone hangs up.

Dongdong: "What did she say?"

Su Mo looked at the phone thoughtfully: "Dong dong, let me interview you. What are you girls thinking about when you act arrogant?"

Dongdong kicked his butt, blushed and said, "You are the arrogant one! Climb!"

Before the two left the dark room, Su Mo poured gasoline on Wen Ye and lit it on fire.

This kind of ruthless black doctor kills people as if they are doing harm to the people.

The two drove to the agreed place, where Shangguanli was already waiting.

Her face was reluctant, but her mouth was honest: "I have been to St. Rivland a few times and I am familiar with it. There is no black market here like in the border areas, but there are still local smugglers who are very well-informed."

She took Su Mo into an alley, turned deep, and came to a wall.

"Tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk." She stretched out her hand and tapped on the wall.

"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk." Regular sounds also came from the wall.

She tapped again with another regular sound in response.

After three rounds of this, the sound of a mechanical bearing rotating came from the wall, and a crack opened in the wall, opening to both sides, revealing the hidden passage.

The three of them walked into the passage and headed underground. They passed several sentry posts along the way, guarded by many strong men with fierce faces. This must be a gathering place for local violent groups.

Soon, the three of them met the leader of the group, a middle-aged man with gold teeth.

Shangguan Li raised his chin at him: "Old Bang."

Laobang was wearing a fancy shirt and swayed coquettishly to welcome him: "Sister Shangguan, are you coming to St. Rivland again?"

When he saw Su Mo, he immediately exclaimed: "Oh, the Death Star is here too."

Su Mo: "Do you know me?"

Laobang laughed loudly: "If you can't recognize the famous Crescent Moon Seven Stars, I won't do this intelligence business. Are you here for the kidnapping case at the B\u0026B at No. 73 Fengsha Road? Where did you find out?"

Since the other party was so well-informed, Su Mo also said bluntly: "I found a person, Wachai, and I want all his information."

Laobang simply quoted the price: "For the sake of Sister Shangguan, I'll give you the acquaintance price, 850,000."

Su Mo: "Give me the account."

After transferring the money, Lao Bang took Su Mo to a computer, opened a folder and said, "There are 10G of information, both text and video. Take your time and read it."

Su Mo clicked on it and browsed it carefully, quickly grasping the other party's information.

Wachai, the leader of the armed forces outside the Borderlands, calls himself a "general". He has 1,109 armed soldiers under his command and possesses a large number of weapons and equipment, including various light and heavy armored vehicles and even tanks.

In addition to ordinary soldiers, there are many extraordinary people in Wachai's forces.

Among them are 16 blood code carriers, 13 at the awakening level, 2 have reached the low level, and 1 has been promoted to the intermediate level.

22Those who have prosthetic implants mostly have general-level and strict-level prostheses in their bodies.

A spiritual brain reformer raises 5 beasts of construction, 4 of which belong to the special rank of servant, and one reaches the madness level of scorpion.

Wachai himself is also a blood code carrier and possesses the "Dragon Flame Blood Code" in his body.

This is a superpower blood code. By combining it with dragon-like heterogeneous genes, the carrier will gain the power to control high-temperature ionic substances, and can also transform into a dragon to a certain extent.

Wachai's dragon flame blood code is upgraded to a high level.

In addition to personnel information, information such as the location coordinates and station structure of the Wachai forces on the other side of the sea are available.

There are also a large number of videos captured by special means, which show various daily activities of the Vachai forces.

It's worth buying such detailed information for 850,000 yuan.

Su Mo closed the intelligence file and gave a short smile: "I thought how old they were. These birdmen are not even as good as a single feather in the crow's nest."

Laobang joked: "Of course there's no comparison. Wachai is just a small warlord in the Borderlands. How can he be compared with the famous Border King of Crescent City? Oh yes, it's no longer the case this year. The throne has changed hands. ”

Crescent City is one of the five giant cities in the world government's territorial area, and it is also recognized as the most dangerous giant city with the most dangerous social environment. It can be called a "monster house", and it has raised one monster after another that is so powerful that it is abnormal.

Wachai's little power was thrown to the border, and the seven people in the Crow's Nest could defeat them with just one move. Su Mo really didn't take them seriously.

Dongdong asked: "Boss, let me wake everyone up and kill them together?"

Su Mo shook his head: "No, you can rest in peace while I go with the captain."

Dongdong snorted: "No, I'm tired of swimming. How can fighting be fun? You must take me with you."

Su Mo: "Well, you can come too."

Dongdong: "Call a few more people and bring Xiao Chu with us. He's the only one left alone."

Su Mo: "Chu Nanyi has flirted with a lot of beauties. I'm sure he won't be happy to hang out with them these days."

Dongdong said confidently: "It doesn't matter. He is my dog ​​licker. If I shout, he will come."

Su Mo almost lost his temper.

Laobang interjected at this time: "Try to keep the number of people as small as possible. Four people are enough. With too many people, rumors will easily leak. Don't forget that it is illegal to go to the Borderless Land without permission."

"If you want to cross the sea, you can only use stowaway boats. You won't be able to get through with a big fanfare. The three giants will definitely cause trouble for you."

Su Mo looked at Lao Bang playfully: "I guess you can definitely arrange this business."

Laobang rubbed his fingers together and made a finger that could be used all over the world. He grinned and showed the gold teeth in his mouth: "Yes~ with this, I can help you arrange anything."

The two parties finalized the price and details, and Su Mo began to sway.

He sent the location to Chu Nanyi and then made a call.

The delicate laughter of several beauties kept coming from the other end of the phone. Chu Nanyi said lazily: "Captain, what's wrong? Oh oh oh, bite it gently, bite it gently!"

Su Mo said shamelessly: "Xiao Chu, come to this position, there is work to do."

Chu Nanyi: "What? The signal is not good, I can't hear you!"

Dongdong jumped up and grabbed the phone, and said fiercely: "Come here quickly, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Chu Nanyi was immediately overjoyed: "Hey! Sister Dong is here too? I'll put on some pants and I'll be there soon!"

Before hanging up the phone, Su Mo clearly heard the dissatisfied complaints from the beauties.

Twenty minutes later, Shangguanli brought Chu Nanyi in from outside.

Chu Nanyi put his hands in his pockets and looked carefree: "Captain, what's the matter?"

Su Mo: "Let's go across the sea to the Borderlands and save someone."

Chu Nanyi complained: "No, we agreed on a vacation, why do we have to go to a ghost place like Borderlands?"

Su Mo: "Save Loli."

Chu Nanyi's face was filled with solemnity and solemnity in an instant. He clasped his hands on his heart and his eyes were as bright as fire: "It is my honor to play for Margin. I am willing to burn for the team at any time and keep burning!"

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