After clearing the game, I became the villain BOSS

Chapter 224 Rapid Strength Advancement

Wachai's legs were broken, and he was stepped on by Su Mo, who kept screaming: "Hey! Guard! My general's guard! Come and save me! Hey!!!"

"You *edge of civilization*!" Su Mo raised his foot and kicked him hard, breaking the bridge of his nose. "What the hell are you calling yourself a general? You must be a singer!"

Su Mo grabbed Vachai by the collar and picked him up, cursing: "I finally came to St. Rivland for vacation, and I have to work overtime to deal with a waste like you. It's a waste of time and life."

Wachai turned pale in pain and kept breathing coldly: "Hiss. What does that girl have to do with you? I checked, she is obviously a commoner. She has no background."

Su Mo: "He is indeed a commoner. He has no background and has nothing to do with me. He is just a passerby."

Wachai exclaimed: "You came all the way to Borderlands to mess with me just for a passerby?!"

Su Mo said solemnly: "We Crescent City people are like this: we are hospitable and like to act bravely when we see justice."

"Do you have any last words to say? I have to go back and continue my vacation."

Just as Vachai was about to say something, Su Mo interrupted him: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to waste time listening. Goodbye."

The black mark on his heart began to stir, and tentacles surged out, converging along his arm to the palm of his hand, forming a black sharp sword.

"Pfft! The black sharp sword pierced Wachai's heart and continued to devour the flesh and blood. His body continued to shrink, and his screams became more distorted and tinny.

In the end, the dragon flame blood code was captured by the ancestor blood code and entered Su Mo's body.

Wachai, the leader of the armed forces outside the Great Wall who called himself "General" ended his life of many evil deeds.

Su Mo mobilized the newly obtained dragon flame blood code, and some inflammation spots began to surge on his body. He felt a burning power rising in his body, spreading upward along his abdominal cavity.

He did not resist the scorching power, but opened his mouth and let it spit out.

"Hoo--" Flames poured out from his mouth, forming tongues of fire more than one meter long, which continued to burn Vachai's body on the ground.

Vachai's body slowly turned black, flames were dancing on his skin, and the smell of barbecue filled the air.

This dragon flame blood code was just hunted. It was only at the initial level of awakening, and its power was not even comparable to that of an ordinary engineer flamethrower.

But it doesn't matter. The ancestor blood codes have been redeveloped in the future. Devouring similar blood codes can be used as nutrients to upgrade existing blood codes.

And now, the "experience pack" is around the corner.

There are 16 blood code carriers under Wachai, and they haven't had time to run far.

Most of these carriers are at the intermediate or high level of awakening, and a few have reached the upgraded level. Their bodies are full of "antique blood codes" such as Crazy Bones and Crimson Rose.

The so-called antique blood codes refer to those blood codes that came out earlier and have a history of more than ten or even decades.

The blood code itself is not strong or weak, but there is a difference between old and new.

New blood codes are more popular because their usage rate is low and their capabilities have not been specifically studied.

In battle, new blood code carriers can easily catch them off guard and have a natural advantage. Of course, the price of blood codes has also increased.

Antique blood codes are often thoroughly studied.

For example, everyone knows that you should not confront the Crazy Skeleton Blood Code, do not consume the Crimson Rose Blood Code, and wear armor when facing the Python Blood Code.

Blood codes have been around for a long time, and many people know how to target their abilities, so the price will be slightly lower.

Wachai's own Longyan blood code is a new type of blood code that has been introduced in recent years.

The treatment he gave to his men was stingy, and those who carried them had antique blood codes in their bodies.

Su Mo happens to have the blood codes of these 16 carriers in his body. This is in line with his wish. He can use the blood codes of these people as nutrients to complete the advancement of his existing blood codes.

With the dual blessing of burning blood and bullet time, Su Mo was extremely fast and caught up with the fleeing blood code carriers in the blink of an eye.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The black sword constantly pierces the hearts of the carriers and captures the blood code in their bodies.

Some people tried to resist during this process, but in the face of Su Mo's absolutely overwhelming power and speed, resistance was meaningless.

Those differentiated mad bones were easily cut open by Yueyin's arm blade, and the Crimson Rose Blood Code had no room to recover when faced with the forcible devouring of the Ancestral Blood Code.

The black sword was like the Scythe of Death, constantly harvesting those mature lives, killing 16 carriers in a very short time, and devouring the blood code in their bodies.

Waves of restless heat converged into the black mark at the heart, spreading along the blood veins to the whole body. Su Mo felt that a majestic power exploded deep in his genes, rising higher and higher, rolling like a wave.

The four blood codes of Crimson Rose, Crazy Skeleton, Python Poison, and Dragon Flame have all been promoted to "Advanced Level" in this round of power extraction, and are only one step away from the watershed "Critical Level"!

More than half of the soldiers on the playground were slaughtered before the first batch of reinforcements arrived on the scene.

A tank rolled over the iron fence and entered the battlefield.

This was discovered by Wachai in an underground military base in the old days. It was renovated after being brought back. It is a powerful weapon for dealing with medium and large ferocious beasts.

The tank engine roared, billowing black smoke, and the muzzle turned to aim directly at Sumer.

"Boom!" A dazzling flame flashed from the muzzle, and the armor-piercing bullet spun out of the barrel, causing a burst of hot turbulence in the air.

Su Mo dug his hands into the ground, and a huge wall of crazy bones rose in front of him, tilting at an angle of thirty degrees.

With a "ding" sound, the armor-piercing bullet bounced off the surface of the bone wall, leaving only a fist-sized dent.

Before the gunner had finished reloading, Su Mo had already used his speed to bypass the machine gun tower, jumped onto the car body, and activated the newly upgraded high-level dragon flame blood code in his body.

Raging flames appeared on his body surface and gathered in his throat. The dragon flames he spat out turned incandescent in the high temperature and hit the top of the tank directly.

"Huh--" This blazing dragon flame has a temperature of thousands of degrees. The armor in the center of the burning area becomes fiery red and melts continuously. The remaining flames flow along the body of the tank and cover the surface of the tank.

As Su Mo continued to spit, the armor on the top of the tank was burned through, dragon flames poured into the compartment, and the crew members screamed heart-breakingly.

One after another, charred hands stretched out from the melted hole, but because the hole was not big enough, their bodies could not get out at all. They could only wave their arms wildly in the dragon flames, like burning torches.

Su Mo held back the dragon flames, let the tank burn, and continued to chase the fleeing soldiers.

The playground was surrounded by a tall iron fence, with only a few entrances and exits. Soldiers scrambled to squeeze together, which greatly slowed down their escape.

Su Mo, who had received a large-scale promotion of blood code, shuttled back and forth on the battlefield like a storm. Dragon flames surged through one after another, burning the soldiers wherever he passed into carbon.

Those soldiers who were lucky enough to escape from the playground were not spared. Su Mo chased them down and killed them one by one. Everyone who had witnessed his ability was completely killed, leaving no possibility of leaking the secret.

Wachai's base is very large, and there are many soldiers in other areas who don't know the truth. They have never met Su Mo, and they don't know what happened on the playground. They are running around like headless flies.

Su Mo really couldn't kill these remnants, so he didn't care about them anymore.

He walked straight to a low building next to the playground and entered Vachai's office.

Wachai had used the computer before, and the screen was still on, which saved him time looking for the password.

Su Mo clicked on this month's income and expenditure accounts in the folder, and then browsed them carefully in combination with the chat records in the communication software.

As he looked at it, he smiled briefly and said to himself: "You Songsangla, I have actually been fooled by you."

He found a USB flash drive in the drawer, copied all the information on Vachai's computer, and left the office.

At this time, the Wachai base has fallen into complete chaos, and the movement has also attracted many wandering wild beasts. They broke through the gate and broke into the base, wreaking havoc among the crowd.

The sound of guns, the roars of beasts, and the howls and cries of humans. All kinds of sounds are mixed together, intertwining into a chaotic movement.

Just as Su Mo was about to leave the base through the side door, several people suddenly came up to stop him, crying and begging: "Brother, brother! We were all in the same boat before, please take us together!"

These people were all stowaways who came over on the same boat as Su Mo. They had beautiful fantasies and hoped to make a difference here, but they were hit hard by reality.

Su Mo both sympathized with and looked down upon such people.

What I can sympathize with is that they are all low-class people who have been squeezed by this cruel world. They are bullied every day, but they have no chance to stand up. They can only try their best in another place. This feeling is understandable.

What makes them look down upon is that before they set out, most of them knew that Borderlands was full of black people who made a living by sucking the blood of others, but they were still determined to make dirty money. They were nothing more than blood-sucking insects that had not yet hatched.

Su Mo glanced at them and said coldly: "You have long legs. I don't care where you go. You can follow if you want. But I have no obligation to protect you. I don't care if you die on the way."

He got a motorcycle from the garage and left the base towards the dock.

The stowaways also drove to follow one after another. They were lucky enough to encounter no ferocious beasts or other armed forces outside the Great Wall on the way, and they all followed Su Mo to the dock.

Before the chaos spread here, Su Mo cleared away the remaining Wachai forces nearby, turned on the communicator and contacted Shangguanli: "I'm at the dock, how are you doing there?"

Shangguan Li replied: "It's all good. We have entered the waters of St. Rivland. I have chartered a boat to pick you up. It's red. Please pay attention."

Su Mo soon saw the red fishing boat parked on the sea in the distance and waved to it.

The red fishing boat confirmed that there was no danger around and sailed to the shore.

Shangguan Li chartered the entire boat, and the number of people on board was the same. The boss of the boat did not stop the stowaways who boarded the boat with Su Mo.

A stowaway jumped on board and suddenly found himself empty.

He looked back at a man with glasses standing on the shore and said, "Brother, what are you standing for? Come up!"

The man with glasses clenched his fists, remained silent for a moment, and then managed to say: "You go ahead, I won't go back."

The stowaway said in surprise: "Brother, are you confused? So many people died without seeing it? You want to stay in a place like this?!"

The bespectacled man's eyes were full of sadness: "What will happen if I go back? I owe a lot of gambling debts, my fiancée dumped me, my family has severed ties with me, I sleep on the street all day, dig through trash cans, and live like a dog." !”

"It's so free here! I really can't afford to eat, so I'm going to kill people with a gun. Maybe one day I'll be like Wachai and become a warlord, with thousands of people in charge, who want money and beauties! "

He tore off his tie and threw it to the ground with all his strength, his expression full of ambition and hostility: "I've had enough of the useless days in the past! It's not that I'm incapable, it's just that the environment didn't give me a chance! It's all society's fault! "

"Now I am free! Just wait, one day I will make a difference here and make those who look down on me regret it!"

Facing the bespectacled man's impassioned speech, the stowaways looked at each other and were speechless.

Gradually, several stowaways woke up from their panic and remembered why they came here in the first place.

The same look appeared in their eyes - resentment, violence, ambition and desire.

One after another, stowaways jumped off the boat and stood next to the man with glasses.

Only one stowaway remains on board.

The boss of the ship leaned on the edge of the rear cabin door, with a look on his face like he was watching a show. He smoked a cigarette and said: "If you want to get off, hurry up. If you don't, go into the cabin. The ship is about to leave."

The stowaway gritted his teeth and looked sometimes at the cabin behind him, sometimes at his companions with firm eyes.

In the end, the same look appeared in his eyes, and he jumped off the boat resolutely. He turned back and said to the boss of the boat: "You go, I won't go back."

The boss of the ship seemed to have been used to this kind of thing for a long time and refused to dissuade him. He waved his hand to the crew: "Weigh anchor and set off."

The boat sailed away, getting further and further away from the dock.

Viewed from the boat, the figures of the stowaways gradually become flat, almost blending into the vast coastline.

The waves are rolling, and the light cast by the sun is constantly refracting on the sea surface.

The last big wave rolled over, and those figures disappeared among the waves, never to be seen again.

The boss of the ship finished his cigarette, threw the cigarette butt into the sea, walked into the cabin and sat opposite Su Mo.

He handed Su Mo a bottle of mineral water and said casually: "Those people came here with you, why don't you say a word to persuade them?"

Su Mo said calmly: "We are all adults and have the ability to act independently. We can do whatever we want. Do I have to control it?"

The boss of the ship laughed loudly: "This brother sounds like an old man when I hear him. Let me tell you, I have been in this business for so long, and every few days I see young people like this who want to come to Borderland to pursue their dreams."

"Sometimes I feel strange. The conditions in the World Government's territory are so good, civilized and orderly. Why do people who can't live well in a stable environment think that going to Borderlands can change their lives? ?”

"Of course, it does not rule out that there are a very few buried talents who are losers in the World Government's territory, but they really turn into shining gold in the Borderlands."

Having said this, the boss of the ship looked outside the cabin in the direction of the unclaimed land and said meaningfully: "But more people will have no choice but to die like garbage."

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