After drinking, Su Mo went home from Huayu Street and slept until he woke up naturally the next day.

After getting up, he went to the office to open the financial statements and browsed them carefully.

I spent a lot of money on my previous trip to St. Rivland, and because everyone was on vacation and no commission orders were taken, various expenditures continued, so the accounts were not very good these days.

Nowadays, the mercenary group is expanding rapidly and needs money everywhere, especially the gold-eating beast in the future. Various experiments are getting bigger and bigger, and the equipment requirements are getting higher and higher. They can easily reach millions, and they can't stand it without any income.

Su Mo leaned on the sofa, looked at the ceiling and said to himself: "Hey, the current commissions are too small. Each order only has tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. It can only be piled up. I'd like to have a big commission sometime." ”

In the afternoon, Su Mo was sorting documents in the office and suddenly received a call from KK.

"Brother, a girl came to the lobby and said she was looking for you."

"Girl?" Su Mo was a little confused.

Apart from the people in the group, the only women he knew were Nuo Bai, O'Diana, and Shangguan Li.

The latter two KKs all know each other.

Could it be that Nobel is here?

Su Mo went downstairs to the lobby and asked KK, "Where is it?"

KK pointed to the guest sofa: "Over there, the one in black clothes."

I saw Qi Ling sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone. She changed her clothes again today, wearing a very casual black sweatshirt, jeans, and Martin boots. Compared with the soft girl dress yesterday, she looked cooler and more sassy.

When Qi Ling saw Su Mo, she smiled and said hello: "Ah ho."

Su Mo scratched his head: "Who are you?"

Qiling said angrily: "Yesterday, Huayu Street, did you forget?"

Only then did Su Mo react: "Oh oh oh, I changed my clothes and didn't recognize him. It's you."

Qi Ling held her cheek and asked lazily: "I asked you to take me home yesterday, why did you run away by yourself?"

Su Mo was stunned: "Ah, didn't I take you to a taxi?"

Qi Ling laughed: "Is this how you send a girl home?"

Su Mo asked awkwardly, "How else could I give it away?"

KK poked his waist and reminded in a low voice: "Brother, of course it will be delivered to your doorstep."

Don't look at the way Su Mo shared his views on love in Truth or Dare. As a single mother, he didn't even have dating experience, let alone dating. He was just a simpleton, so he didn't know the ropes.

He could only apologize in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I don't understand this very well."

"Forget it, let's not mention what happened yesterday." Qi Ling looked around and asked with a smile, "By the way, this is the legendary fringe mercenary group, right?"

Su Mo: "It's not like they are a fringe mercenary group according to legend."

Qi Ling blinked: "Then I want to send a commission, will you accept it?"

Su Mo looked at her doubtfully: "How old are you? Come and send the commission. I don't accept orders from minors."

Qi Ling opened the electronic identity certificate on her phone and said, "I am over 18 years old this year and am an adult."

Su Mo glanced at it a few times and thought to himself: Good guy, the ID photo can be taken so beautifully. This girl's appearance is so scary.

Su Mo coughed lightly: "Okay, Qiling, right? What commission do you want to send?"

A smile appeared on Qi Ling's face, and she said sweetly to Su Mo: "I want you to be my one-day boyfriend and accompany me on a date tomorrow~"




"Pfft." KK was the first to lose control.

Su Mo poked him in the waist and said with a straight face: "Why are you laughing? We mercenaries are professionally trained. No matter how funny our employer's request is, we can't...Pfft."

Su Mo couldn't hold himself any longer as he talked.

The corners of their mouths kept twitching, and later they didn't know who couldn't help it first and started laughing.

"Hahahaha! Little sister, are you awake? Are you running to the mercenary group to find someone to date?"

"Are all young people today so thoughtful? Little girl, do you know who I am?"

Qi Ling held her chin with her hands and showed a cute smile: "I know, you are the leader of the fringe mercenary group. Why, there are rules in your industry. The leader cannot date anyone?"

The two laughed even louder.

Su Mo held his stomach and smiled: "Do you know what mercenaries do?"

Qi Ling: "I know, mercenaries get paid to do things. I will pay for the date."

Su Mo was so happy that he waved his hand and said, "For dating, I suggest you go to Chu Nanyi. He is the best at pleasing girls."

Qiling tilted her head and asked, "Who is Chu Nanyi?"

Su Mo opened the photo album on his mobile phone and took out the vacation photos of St. Rivland. He pointed at one of them and said, "Here, this is the one in the photo. He looks so handsome."

Qi Ling only glanced at him and shook her head in disgust: "No, he looks like a scumbag."

"You made me laugh so hard. You're pretty good at judging people." Su Mo and KK laughed wildly.

Qi Ling shook her little head and asked, "So, Commander Su, will you accept my commission?"

Su Mo smiled helplessly and said, "Girl, I'm very busy. I really don't have time to play dating games with you. You can find someone else."

Qi Ling asked reluctantly: "But, in the mercenary business, don't you accept anything if the price is right? You can set a price for how much it will cost to be my boyfriend for a day."

Su Mo lost his temper and decided to end the topic directly, deliberately misquoting the price: "10 million monthly coins, scan the QR code on the table and pay half of the deposit first."

Qi Ling took out her mobile phone and scanned the QR code, pressed her fingers on the screen a few times, and then said: "Okay, the 5 million deposit has been transferred."

"Hahahahaha!!!" KK burst out laughing, "You are really better at acting than me! Okay~ turn around~ Oh my god, how did you say this so shamelessly?"

Su Mo also laughed loudly: "Little girl, do you know what 5 million is? The daily transfer limit for personal accounts is only 50,000. You don't even check the bank's common sense, so you just say it?"

Qi Ling said seriously: "I know. But my savings card is a Diamond Privilege Card, and the daily transfer limit is 100 million."

"Hahahahaha! This serious nonsense, I really can't stand it anymore!" The two laughed so hard that their stomachs almost cramped, and the air around them was filled with joy.

"Ding ding ding." KK's cell phone rang with a smile.

When he took it out and looked at it, his laughter stopped abruptly: "Brother, she has really changed."

"Ha." Su Mo's laughter stopped.

KK is currently working in finance and is in charge of the accounts of the entire mercenary group. He will receive text message reminders for large amounts of income and expenditure.

He couldn't believe his eyes and read the text message:

"Transferee: Qi Ling."

"Amount: 5 million monthly coins."

"Remarks: Hello, Su Mo, my one-day boyfriend."

"Fuck, this!" After KK finished reading, his eyes widened and he looked at Qiling in shock.

Qi Ling stuck out her tongue and smiled like a bad cat.

She picked up the gift box beside her and said earnestly: "By the way, Su Mo, I heard that you like to play games, so I bought you the latest 90 series graphics card as a greeting gift. I hope you like it."

KK was stunned: "Brother, she."

Su Mo shouted loudly: "What is she? Call her sister-in-law!"

KK quickly stood up straight and bowed to Qiling: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

Su Mo looked solemn, put his hand on his heart like a knight, and said to Qiling reverently: "Calling me Miss is too frivolous, calling me Madam is too alienating, calling me sister is too much, why don't I call you wife."

He greeted directly and confidently: "Hi, wife."

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