[Late night, underground laboratory of Edge Building]

Scientific researchers are always very busy at work, and often have no concept of day and night.

Because various experiments often require long running times, researchers must make adjustments on-site at any time.

Sometimes the time that starts during the day does not end until night, or even spans one or even several days and nights, which also leads to researchers' generally irregular work and rest.

And working overtime like this, what we pursue is nothing more than the most accurate data.

The data stored in the experimental computer can be said to be the most valuable existence in the entire edge laboratory.

Among the new fringe researchers, Luo Mingsheng is the best and the most hard-working.

His excellent professional standards and hard work attitude made him admire him so much in the future that he was already promoted to be his assistant.

That night, Luo Mingsheng was organizing data in front of the computer and importing it into hard drives and cloud storage terminals for backup.

At this time, the communication software window lights up with information prompts.

Luo Mingsheng opened it and saw that it was from Su Mo, with a file attached.

Su Mo: [Lao Luo, you and I will follow up on this new project as soon as possible. It will be useful later]

Luo Mingsheng replied "Okay" and then downloaded the file.

I just finished downloading it, but before I had time to click on it, my computer screen suddenly froze.

"Huh?" Luo Mingsheng was stunned, shaking the mouse that could no longer move, "What's going on?"

Other researchers also raised their heads one after another, with confused expressions on their faces:

"My computer is stuck."

"Me too, the data hasn't been saved yet, damn it."

"Don't be hackers on the edge of civilization again. Is there something wrong with these people? They are staring at us all day long."

"It's probably not a hacker, the firewall didn't pop up a prompt!"

Not long after, Future hurriedly ran out of the cubicle: "What's going on? Are you infected with the virus again?"

The researcher said blankly: "It seems that everyone has crashed."

Future asked anxiously: "Which station had the problem first?!"

Luo Mingsheng quickly raised his hand: "It should be me. The team leader sent me a file, but as soon as I downloaded it, the computer crashed."

"Are you sure it was the boss?" Future quickly ran over to look at the screen.

Luo Mingsheng was so anxious that he was sweating: "It was sent by the regimental commander, I confirmed it."

Future was so anxious that he took out his mobile phone and called Su Mo.

"Hello, the number you dialed has been turned off, please call again later."

There was only a cold tone on the other end of the phone.

Future frowned: "What are you doing, boss?"

Just when everyone was in a state of panic, another change occurred.

The computer screen that was originally stuck suddenly started to move. Although no one was operating it, program progress bars kept popping up and loading, forming a digital torrent.

Looking at the prompts on those programs, Future's eyes were full of fear, and he screamed so hard that his voice broke: "It is destroying the underlying system!!!"

Everyone was in chaos in an instant.

Once the underlying system is destroyed, all data on the computer will also be lost. This is all the hard work of everyone working overtime.

Some data are precious samples obtained with extremely low success rates. Their existence itself is a miracle and difficult to reproduce. Once destroyed, it will take an unknown amount of time to restore it in the future.

Future screamed: "Quick! Force shutdown!"

The researchers desperately pressed the shutdown button, but the invading virus locked the shutdown process, and it was useless no matter how hard they pressed it.

"Unplug the power! Unplug the power!" In the future, he squeezed under the table with all his strength. His head was hit by the corner of the table and he didn't realize it. He struggled to unplug the power from the socket.

This physical partition allowed the computer to shut down successfully, but it did not stop the virus from spreading.

There are too many computers in the laboratory, and each one has permission to access the terminal database. However, there are only a dozen researchers on duty late at night, and there is no time to unplug all of them.

Just when they risked damaging valuable equipment and turned off the main power supply, a torrent of virus programs had flooded the terminal and destroyed all systems including the database.

Future collapsed on the ground and said in despair: "It's gone. It's all gone."

The disaster in the lab was just the beginning.

This virus is like a ubiquitous ghost, spreading silently to all electronic systems in the entire Edge Building.

The printer began to run at high speed, and sheets of white paper were swallowed into it, and then sprayed out continuously, flying in the air like snowflakes.

A sharp-eyed researcher discovered the clue: "There is writing on the paper!"

Everyone went over to pick up the paper and check it, and suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

I saw it written on the paper:

[Go, die, die, die, die, die]

Every piece of paper contained the same content, with the word "go die" written all over it.

The computer screens that were not unplugged started to light up one after another. First, countless obscure codes flashed through, and then suddenly went black, and densely packed characters filled the screen:

[Go, die, die, die, die, die]

The smart lights in the laboratory started to flicker frequently, then suddenly went out.

In the darkness, the projector on the ceiling was activated, and the interweaving light cast blood-red words in all directions:

[Go, die, die, die, die, die]

Papers full of text were flying in the air, characters were scrolling crazily on the computer screen, and projector images were all around, almost dyeing the entire laboratory into a world of blood.

Even though the researchers present were all staunch materialists, when faced with such a strange scene, their scalps became numb and their hands and feet became cold.

In this strange movement, a "buzz" sound suddenly came.

At the end of the laboratory corridor, the transport elevator started and was sinking underground.

Everyone's hearts suddenly tightened.

It's late at night now, and except for the researchers on duty in the laboratory, everyone else should be resting.

Who will come down?

A researcher swallowed his throat and said in a trembling voice: "It should be our internal personnel who have the authority to activate the elevator to the laboratory."

"No, not necessarily." Future said blankly with empty eyes, "The network system of the entire edge building is common. If a virus can invade the laboratory with the highest defense level, it can invade the entire building."

"All systems in the Edge Building, including the permission recognition library, may have been infected."

The researcher's expression froze: "Then those who are coming down now."

"Buzz." With a muffled sound, the transport elevator arrived at the floor of the experimental area.

Everyone's hearts became entangled, they huddled together unconsciously and backed away in fear.

"Ding dong." The door opening prompt sounded, and the originally crisp sound seemed extremely strange in this environment.

Slowly, the elevator door opened.

When they saw what came out, everyone's breath suddenly froze, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

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