For Zero, no matter how dark her life in Daystar Eden is, there is always a ray of light that supports her, and that is Xiaoqi.

Even if the two of them have said goodbye, I don’t know when they will see each other next time, but so what?

In a few years or more than ten years, as long as she escapes here and works hard to survive, one day she will meet Xiaoqi again.

At that time, Xiaoqi must have lived a good life. She would become a graphic model like her dream, wear beautiful clothes and take photos of her most beautiful moments every day, live in a large villa several stories high, and raise a family. A black Labrador, maybe he has found a sunny and reliable boyfriend~

No matter how long they are apart, they will eventually be reunited after enduring childhood hardships together!

Zero believed so firmly.


At 19:23 on the night of December 6, 146, in Daystar Eden-1 Laboratory, the "Intelligent Brain Project" was proceeding as usual.

Xiaoqi was restrained in a mechanical chair, with a device on her head that shocked the brain with electricity, just like she had done countless days and nights before.

But this time, she could never leave the lab.

Her face was covered with blood spots left by the strong electric current, spreading like spider webs in all directions, looking hideous and terrifying.

The little head leaned weakly on the mechanical chair, and his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were all bleeding. The blood was not even the normal reddish brown due to the damage of the electric current, but was scorched into a deathly black color.

The dilated pupils almost occupied the entire iris, and the cloudy eyes were not closed until death, looking forward without focus, facing Zero who was brought in.

All their expectations for future life are just wishful thinking.

The researchers in Laboratory No. 1 were talking next to the mechanical chair. Some were hesitant, some were indifferent, and most of them were anxious.

"Group Luo, she was supposed to be able to go out today, but we are still using her for excessive current experiments. Isn't it a bit excessive?"

"What's too much? She is from the Garden of Eden. From birth to adulthood, her food, clothing, and accommodation are all paid for by us. It is natural for her to make some sacrifices for the Garden of Eden, right?"

"That's it, there are so many experimental receptors, why don't we find young people the same way? There is no need to catch someone who is about to leave for excessive experiments."

"After she leaves the Garden of Eden, she will be under the control of the Social Training Bureau. Why give a good experimental recipient to others for free? Why don't we use it ourselves and make some contributions to the Intelligent Brain Project."

"Hey, okay, that's what you said."

"I'll conduct another model check, re-guide the data, and continue the over-the-counter experiment. This time I'll let Zero go aboard."

"Group Luo, could our model be wrong? More than a dozen people have already died. We have tried all the receptors of all ages. One of them died last time. Don't damage No. 0 by then."

"This model has been derived by me for more than 20 years. There is absolutely no way it is wrong! It's just that we haven't touched the most critical data yet."

"With so many receptors dead, I know that everyone is criticized by the superiors and is under a lot of pressure. But remember, we are doing this for the grand plan of all mankind!"

"Once the Intelligent Brain Project succeeds, our civilization will take an unprecedented step, and the human species will be as mortal as a god."

"And we will be the founders of this great era. In the countless years to come, our names will be engraved in the annals of history and passed down forever!"

"Excessive experiments continue. Get the body down and get Zero on board!"

Number Zero no longer remembers how he was dragged onto the mechanical chair.

Her consciousness was dazed and blurry, as if an eraser was constantly wiping away the memories of her time with Xiaoqi, but it was not completely wiped away, leaving fragmentary and mottled traces.

"Excessive experiment, mode one, start!"

Strong pulse current poured into the brain from both ends of the temples. No. 0's small body tensed uncontrollably, and all parts of it trembled due to nerve reactions, but nothing could be felt.

She was born a monster who couldn't feel pain.

"Red signal, mode one data error, failure."

"Locate the source of the error and redirect the model data. Excessive experiment, mode two, start!"

The companion who had cuddled together for countless days and nights had turned into a motionless corpse, slumped on the cold floor.

The researchers dragged Xiaoqi away by her hair, complaining from time to time that the spilled black blood stained the sterile floor.

At this moment, a very strange feeling spread in her heart. Number Zero didn't know how to describe it in words. Her heart seemed to be torn apart. She wanted to open her mouth and cry loudly, but her throat seemed to be blocked by something. No sound could be made.

"Red signal, mode 2 data error, failure."

"It's impossible that this kind of problem shouldn't occur. Try this set of data! Excessive experiment, mode three, start!"

Xiaoqi's body was put into a body bag. It was not placed properly at first. One arm was exposed. The researchers stepped on it with their shoes and stuffed it in like a toy.

Severe pain and despair, accompanied by an uncontrollable desire to vomit, rolled wantonly in No. 0's body.

She felt warm liquid flow out of her eyes. She didn't know whether it was bleeding caused by excessive current, tears, or both.

All kinds of negative emotions came over me, and my body felt shuddering without any warning. I only felt that the light around me disappeared little by little, and the whole world seemed to turn black.

"Red signal, mode 3 data error, failure."

"Group Luo, No. 0's vital signs are abnormal, she won't be able to hold on anymore!"

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, we can't let No. 0 die in our group, otherwise the director will deduct all the year-end bonuses!"

"More than twenty years. I believe in my model."

"Luo group!"

".I believe in my model! This is the data I just calculated yesterday. It has not been verified on other receptors yet. Import it into the ultra-excessive experiment! Mode 4! Start!!!"

Unprecedented pulse current was poured into the brain, and No. 0 was trembling uncontrollably. At first, he could still feel warmth in his eyes, mouth, and nose, but later the nerves in the back were completely numb, and he couldn't feel anything at all.

Zero's eyelids kept closing under the current, and she tried her best to open them, wanting to take one last look at Xiaoqi.

The eyelids closed and opened uncontrollably, and the eyeballs were also affected by the electric current and kept trembling.

One last look.

She struggled to control her eyes, and her vision became blurry as it swayed.

Just one last look.

Finally, she controlled the effect of the electric current on her eyes, her vision changed from blurry to clear, and she focused on Xiaoqi's face.

"Bah." The researcher zipped up the body bag.

In the end, the only thing Zero could see clearly was the cold black color of the body bag.

"Is this a green signal?"

"Luo Group! Luo Group, look! Green signal!!!"

"Mode 4 data is correct! Repeat! Mode 4 data is correct!!!"

In an instant, the laboratory turned into a sea of ​​joy. The researchers howled like crazy, hugged each other and cheered. Some even rolled on the ground holding the printed data, their faces flushed with laughter. He kept kicking his legs like a child.

Luo Mingsheng stared blankly at the signal uploaded by the computer, unable to recover for a moment.

He actually doesn't like the color green in life because it always reminds him of falling investment markets.

But at this time, he suddenly discovered the charm of this color, which is so refreshing.

more than twenty years

How many people can have more than 20 years?

In such a long time, he didn't know how many times he wanted to give up, but he persisted purely by relying on obsession.

Perhaps it was a moment that had been smoothed by age and witnessed by more than 20 years of hard work. He did not fall into that restless carnival. He just took off his glasses, silently wiped away his tears, and hugged and shook hands with his colleagues.

The crazy cheers in Laboratory No. 1 attracted the attention of other groups, and the researchers rushed over to ask. They were surprised and happy to learn the situation.

"Group Luo, you guys are so awesome!"

"Congratulations first, we have taken another big step towards the success of the Intelligent Brain Project! In the future, people will be unable to discuss the greatest scientist of the Dawn Era without your name!"

"Next, we will use the same receptor and continue to deduce data on this model. I believe that intelligent brain technology will be available soon!"

"Ouch! Little Zero, our big baby, uncle will help you wipe the blood. After so many years and so many receptors, it has to be you! You must be good in the future~"

After the researchers congratulated Luo Mingsheng, they also gathered around and joked with Zero. The coldness in the past seemed to be gone.

When someone came around, he accidentally stepped on the body bag containing Xiaoqi. He just glanced down and kicked it away with his foot. Then he smiled and touched No. 0's little head with everyone.

The Intelligent Brain Project has made key progress. This result not only caused a sensation among various research groups, but also made the managers of the Garden of Eden very happy.

That night, Hayato Miyata contacted all the investors of Eden Garden, and everyone went to the garden to hold a celebration dinner.

The dinner was held in the banquet hall of the main administrative building. Compared to the depressing experimental area restaurant, this place was simply another world. Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, spreading light all around.

The table is filled with mouth-watering food, which is extremely exquisitely arranged by the hands of the chef. Champagne is bubbling in crystal glasses, and the golden liquid sparkles in the light, exuding an alluring aroma.

The guests attending the banquet were all high-society figures in Crescent City, including business elites, key figures in consortiums, and government officials. They were dressed in gorgeous evening gowns, walking back and forth carrying wine glasses, and filled the entire banquet hall with laughter and laughter.

Hayato Miyata walked onto the stage, took the microphone and said enthusiastically: "Everyone, I believe you all know that the Zhinao Project has made key progress tonight. Let us first pay our sincere tribute to team leader Luo Mingsheng! "

The guests applauded enthusiastically, and Luo Mingsheng, who was sitting in front of the stage, also stood up and waved to everyone, with a smile on his face.

Hayato Miyata's tone became sad: "We have experienced too many failures along the way, and I don't know how many receptors died in the experiment."

"But the sacrifices of those children are meaningful. It was they who exchanged their lives for today's great achievements. I propose that we observe a minute of silence for those little heroes who died."

The banquet hall fell into silence, and everyone lowered their heads in a serious manner.

Occasionally, there was a soft, suppressed laugh from someone who couldn't hold it back.

The minute's silence ended.

The sadness on Miyata Hayato's face immediately disappeared, and he put on a warm smile: "Finally, I would like to introduce someone to you. She is the most special one among those little heroes. It is because of her that we can achieve such a critical success." progress."

"Let us welcome - Zero!"

The door at the other end of the banquet hall opened, and No. 0 was brought in by the guards.

Her original shabby laboratory clothes were gone, and she put on a small white dress that suited the dinner party style.

I just bought this dress. Hayato Miyata found the fashion magazine that No. 0 often read, and found a few pictures with little hearts drawn on them, so he picked one of them and bought it as a super A gift for a successful quantitative experiment to No. 0.

He didn't know that Zero actually didn't like those clothes.

Those little hearts are all left by Xiaoqi.

But he has forgotten who Xiaoqi is, or he has never paid attention to this person from the beginning.

There are hundreds or thousands of receptors, new and replaced every year. Pay attention to them everywhere.

At this time, Zero stood there silently, with no color in her eyes. Only her beating heart indicated that she was not a doll.

She looked at the floor-to-ceiling window next to her, and her figure was reflected in the glass.

Sweet laughter, gentle hugs, the warmth of cuddling together, two little souls meeting in the dark. Fragments of past memories gathered from all directions, becoming clearer than ever before in my mind.

Suddenly, Zero seemed to be hallucinating. The reflection in the glass was distorting. Sometimes it was himself, and sometimes it looked like Xiaoqi. The boundaries between the two people became so blurred that they seemed to blend together.

At this moment, countless voices echoed in my mind, both real and illusory:

"Drink, drink with gratitude. Remember, this is what will happen if you don't obey me in the future."

"When facing the guards, smile and talk to them. The happier you are, the better. It will make them feel that you are a welcome person, so that their attitude towards you will also change. A smile is the best weapon to protect yourself!"

"Kill you monster! You're ugly and disgusting. Beat you to death!"

"What's wrong with being called a monster? Let them call you that. When your body gets better, your hair grows, and your face becomes fleshy, you will definitely become super beautiful, and many people will like you~"

"After you go out, I will be alone."

"You won't be alone, no."

"She is from the Garden of Eden. From the time she was born to the time she grew up, we paid for her food, clothing, and shelter. It is only natural that she should make some sacrifices for the Garden of Eden, right?"

"So, Zero, run, don't stay here anymore, run to the outside world, and embrace true freedom."

"I can still see you, right?"

"I will come to you. No matter where you are hiding, no matter how long it takes, I will definitely find you!"

Along with those voices from the past, scenes from the past emerged in Zero's mind.

The scene when the two met for the first time.

The first time Xiaoqi affectionately called her little monster.

The two sat side by side looking forward to the future.

There is also the scene of hugging each other tightly when they parted at the end.

Coldness and warmth, loneliness and companionship, pain and happiness. The past life is like a mirror smashed on the ground, broken into incomplete pictures.

The atmosphere of Hayato Miyata's speech reached its peak. He raised his voice very high and said with a smile: "Number Zero, you have a share of the credit for today. On behalf of the Garden of Eden, I promise you a reward. If you have any small wishes, you can do it now speak out!"

Zero's eyes retracted from the glass reflection. She looked forward, raised her hand, and scanned the guests with her fingertips: "You guys."

This answer made Miyata Hayato a little puzzled: "We?"

Number Zero: "My wish is for you."

"From today on, I will eat well and sleep on time. I will take care of myself and try to survive."

Those amber eyes reflected everyone present, and the light that was born to be human was extinguished in the pupils, leaving only the frightening darkness: "Until I kill every one of you."

There was a brief silence at the banquet.

I don’t know how long it took, but the laughter gradually spread, and the guests whispered to each other with interest and joked again and again.

"Hahahahaha, is this a surprise show for the dinner? It's very innovative."

"God, the way you look at her, the emotional power that bursts out! If she is nurtured well, she will definitely become an excellent actor!"

"Miyata-kun, the people you have trained are really unique and can bark loudly."

Miyata Hayato's expression was a little stiff. He calmed down, walked off the stage, clasped his hands to the guests around him, and apologized with a smile: "Hahaha, I'm sorry."

He picked up the champagne bottle on the table and walked slowly towards No. 0. The smile on his face slowly turned cold: "It's different without the supervision of parents."

"Bang!" He swung the round wine bottle and hit it hard on Zero's head, causing blood to drip and dye the white dress red.

Hayato Miyata grabbed Zero by the collar and lifted her up from the ground.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

He punched the young face hard with his fists, causing blood to flow from his mouth and nose with every punch.

"I feed you, give you clothes, I'm a little polite to you, and then I start kicking you on the nose? You little bastards really have to be disciplined as dogs, not as humans."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Hayato Miyata beat No. 0 mercilessly, causing his eyebrow bones to be discounted and his nose to be broken. His little face was like a dirty canvas, stained with scarlet everywhere.

But from the beginning to the end, No. 0 just looked at him and everyone present with cold eyes, etching their faces in his heart forever.

Once upon a time, monsters became humans for a short time because of tender love.

Now, the monster has killed the humanity in himself.

The monster becomes a monster again.

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