In this era, smart technology has penetrated into every aspect of the world.

This is true in the military field, and it is also true in the civilian field.

Whether it is fully smart homes controlled by electronic systems, autonomous vehicle driving systems, or highly intelligent robots in the service industry, they have become a part of people's lives.

In a villa in the Lakeside Business District.

"Richard Quinn", the founder of the Quinn Consortium, returned home after a day's work.

He kicked his leather shoes into the self-organizing shoe cabinet, snapped his fingers, and said in the empty home: "Decorate the bathroom for me, just like before."

The sweet voice of the intelligent central control came: "Okay, Mr. Richard, I will arrange the bathroom for you."

Richard took off his clothes and threw them into the smart clothes closet next to him. He used his voice to give instructions for slow washing with warm water, and then walked to the bathroom on the second floor.

The bathroom has been arranged as usual. There is warm running water in the bathtub. Crown red wine and some nut snacks are placed on the shelf next to it. The LCD TV mounted on the ceiling has been put down. There are countless TV programs waiting for the owner to choose.

Richard has a habit of taking baths in winter, because there are too few opportunities to sweat in this season, which is not conducive to the body's metabolic cycle, so he spends dozens of minutes in the sauna before taking a bath to let himself sweat.

He set the temperature, brought a towel, entered the sauna and started steaming.

Sweat broke out quickly, mixing with water vapor and making him wet all over, bringing an indescribable sense of relief.

While steaming, he felt that the temperature was a bit too high, so he ordered: "Central control, lower the sauna temperature by 5 degrees."

Intelligent central control: "Okay, turn down the sauna by 5 degrees."

After a while, he felt even hotter and couldn't help frowning: "Center controller, what's the temperature now?"

Intelligent central control: "Hello, the temperature is now 70 degrees."

He clicked his tongue helplessly: "Is this damn central control broken? Don't adjust the temperature so high. Change it back to the usual 60 degrees."

Intelligent central control: "Okay, change back to the usual 60 degrees."

After a while, a huge feeling of heat hit him, making his skin feel an obvious burning sensation.

He was startled and looked at the temperature index in the sauna room. It had actually reached eighty degrees and was still rising.

"Control! What are you doing?!" Richard couldn't stay any longer and hurried toward the exit.

What frightened him happened. The electronic lock of the sauna was locked at some point, and neither fingerprint nor password could unlock it.

Richard was sweating profusely, knocking on the door and shouting: "Controller! What are you doing?! Open the door! Open it quickly! Ah!!!"

The voice of the smart central control is still so sweet, but what comes are two extremely cold words:

"Go to hell."

Richard was locked in the sauna and cried hoarsely. The internal temperature rose rapidly and soon turned into a terrible steamer, suffocating him to death inside.

Six years ago, he attended a dinner as an investor and applauded enthusiastically at the banquet to celebrate the beginning of a great era.

On a road in the high-tech park.

A smart car is driving itself.

"Pan Mo", who had just finished working overtime, was sitting in the car, silently staring at the night scene outside the window.

The car speakers played soothing piano music, relieving his inner fatigue.

His home is far away from here, but fortunately he doesn't have to drive.

With such a highly intelligent car, if you want to go anywhere, you just need to enter your destination into the fully autonomous driving system and wait for time to pass.

The night view of Crescent City flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the tall buildings in the distance, feeling melancholy in his heart.

He had had a chance to have them.

It's a pity that bad luck destroyed many years of achievements.

What is missed is sometimes missed forever.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar outside the window, and a car flashed past the window, and then the other party's horn was heard honking farther and farther away.

Pan Mo was stunned for a moment. He was looking at the distant scenery before and didn't notice the car driving so fast.

He turned to look at the driving instrument and suddenly frowned: "The speed limit on this elevated highway is 100, why are you driving at 140? Slow down! Do you want me to get a huge fine?"

The polite voice of the autonomous driving system came: "Hello, Mr. Panmo, we are about to slow down, please fasten your seat belt."

It said it was slowing down, but the speed on the dashboard was skyrocketing.




The crazy roar of the engine echoed in the car, and Pan Mo was frightened by the rapidly passing scenery around him.

"Holy crap! Is this thing broken?" He quickly held the steering wheel and began to brake lightly.

In the design of any smart vehicle, manual operation authority always takes precedence over everything else, in order to prevent certain unexpected situations.

But at this time, the accelerator, brakes, and steering wheel were all forcibly locked by the automatic driving system, and manual operations became unresponsive.

The steering wheel swung by itself in Pan Mo's hands, overtaking neighboring cars one after another at a furious pace, unable to turn back.

He was still lightly braking at the beginning, but when he found that it was not moving, he started to apply harder and harder. Finally, he used all his strength to apply the brakes, and the vehicle did not slow down at all.

"How can this not happen? Stop the car!!!"

Soon, the smart vehicle overtook nearby traffic and drove to the tunnel entrance.

The steering wheel turned automatically, and the vehicle entered the hard shoulder and rushed straight towards the tunnel wall ahead.

"Stop! Stop! Ah!!!!" Pan Mo shouted heartbreakingly, but he only saw the stone wall approaching quickly in front of him, occupying all his sight.

At the last moment of his life, he heard the polite voice of the car system:

"Go to hell."

"Boom!!!" The car hit the stone wall at super high speed, shattering both the person and the car.

Six years ago, he collected the body of a failed experimental subject and kicked her into a body bag, just like discarded garbage.

A fast food restaurant in the Rusty Wall District.

"Old Senke" retired last year. He liked to squander when he was young and didn't save much money. When he gets old, he can only live on the subsistence pension.

He likes to come to this fast food restaurant for late night snacks because the waiters here are young and beautiful.

But thanks to the rapid rise of intelligent technology, service robots have gradually replaced humans, and those perky and elastic buttocks have become difficult to touch.

Just as Old Senke was staring at a female customer at the bar, the intelligent robot moved over with the meal he ordered.

A bowl of powdered appetizer soup, two pieces of factory instant wheat toast, and an artificial meat steak were his standard late-night snacks.

The service robot brought the food and cutlery to the table and said in a mechanical voice: "Hello, your food has been served. Please take your time."

Old Senke waved his hand impatiently: "Get out of here and don't block me from seeing you."

The service robot used its robotic arm to grab the knife on the table and stabbed it into Old Senk's throat with a pop.

Old Senke covered his stabbed neck in horror, blood bubbling in his mouth and making a gurgling sound.

There were screams all around, and the guests stood up in fright, looking at the murderous robot in bewilderment.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The robot stabbed Old Senke with a knife, stabbing a bloody hole and quickly turning him into a bloody man.

The severe blood loss caused Lao Senke's blood pressure to drop rapidly, and his vision fell into darkness.

Before his consciousness completely disappeared, he saw the service robot looking at him with a smile and saying in that mechanical voice:

"Go to hell."

"Pfft!" The table knife stabbed into Old Senke's eye socket, damaging his brain and ending his life.

Twelve years ago, he was a strict guard who showed off his power in front of children. His favorite thing to do was to put a little monster in a dark cell.


On this strange night, Crescent City fell into a major turmoil without warning.

Drones shuttled back and forth in the city's airspace, blocking the way to escape from the air. From time to time, missiles hit vehicles on the ground, exploding into a ball of fire, causing nearby pedestrians to scream and run away.

The smart devices have gone crazy, refusing to listen to all instructions, completely disobeying their Creator, and turning all instructions written into the program into murderous tactics.

Various civilian and military robots rush onto the streets, identifying the humans around them one by one, like the god of death marching, launching a never-ending pursuit of specific targets.

No one knows where the disaster started, no one knows where this madness comes from, it just flies around like a headless fly.

The most collapsed group at this time was undoubtedly the security forces.

They originally had plans for various emergencies.

Especially after the fall of Rusty Wall, Schenkov coordinated various departments of the Public Security Bureau to reconstruct the city's security plan.

This time there was sudden unrest, and the security forces did take over the situation immediately.

But the problem is

Where is the enemy?

Each branch only continued to receive reports that someone had been attacked and killed, but the dispatched police officers had no idea who to arrest.

Are we going to catch those cars driving on the road? Arrest those robots walking around?

Even those who are as strong as Counter-Violence Class 4 are still confused when they take to the streets, and they don’t know who to aim at when they raise their guns.

Ivan stood in the chaotic square, looking up at the group of drones in the sky, and shouted into the communicator: "Where is the air defense system? Hurry up and lock on those drones and shoot them down!"

Desperate shouts came from the communicator: "It can't be locked! The system is controlled by a virus, and it is recognized that they are all friendly forces!"

Just when Ivan was at a loss, he suddenly heard a cry for help from in front: "Help! Counter-Violence Lesson 4, help me!"

Ivan looked over and saw a man covered in blood walking towards him. He was clearly an important city official.

He rushed forward: "What's going on?!"

The city official said in shock: "I was eating at a nearby restaurant, and the robot there suddenly..."

"Bang!" Without any warning, a violent gunshot rang out. The head of the city official was directly blown to pieces, and his body lay paralyzed in front of Ivan.

Ivan looked in the direction where the gunfire came from in shock.

A "Defender" series self-propelled mecha equipped by the Public Security Bureau stood in the center of the anti-riot team's front line, with smoke rising from the muzzle of a large-caliber gun.

"Die," it said in its dull, rough voice.

[Crescent City Municipal Center, Municipal Building Underground Emergency Bunker]

In the past few days, Municipal Speaker Amir went to the capital for another meeting. Sichenko, Director of the General Administration of Public Security and member of the ruling Council, presided over the municipal administration as acting Municipal Speaker.

At the conference table, all the main members of the city council were present. Schenkov sat at the head of the table, his face as gloomy as water.

The muscles on his face kept twitching, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Why do some inexplicable lunatics come out to cause trouble every time I act as a municipal official? Damn!"

Councilors, look at me and I look at you, speechless for a moment.

can only say.

This old man is really unlucky.

He is there for every big event.

At this time, the assistant ran in panting from the door.

Schenkov immediately asked: "Has the Speaker of Amir City been contacted?"

The assistant shook his head: "No, I didn't answer the phone and turned off the phone directly afterwards."

Schenkov said coldly: "Oh, I'm used to it, let that useless thing hide."

The city councilors all lowered their heads and sighed from time to time.

Schenkov asked: "What did the information security team say?"

The assistant lowered his head and reported: "They are still analyzing the virus source code."

Schenkov cursed and stood up: "There are dozens of people from the consortium and the authorities who have been confirmed dead, and there are also a lot of missing people. The entire Crescent City will be turned upside down, and there are still Then analyze!”

He came to the computing room on the other floor, where the most powerful information security team of the government department was gathered. Dozens of people were sitting in front of special computers, busy with a bunch of programs.

The security team leader was sitting in the main seat, and the screen fluorescent light illuminated the horror on his face. His eyes reflected the full screen of code, and he said blankly: "Oh my god. This is an evolutionary algorithm."

"What evolutionary algorithm?" Schenkov came over with a cold face.

The security team leader stood up subconsciously and was so excited that he said, "Mr. Acting Speaker, the virus source code has been analyzed. You can never imagine what we found!"

"This is a high-order evolutionary algorithm, and its adaptability and self-learning have reached unprecedented heights! The person who wrote this virus is definitely a genius! It's a genius I've never seen before."

Schenkov grabbed his collar, glared and said, "I came to you to help you solve the problem, not to praise your enemy's genius!"

The security team leader finally came to his senses and said solemnly: "I understand. I understand."

Schenkov let go of his hand and asked coldly: "What is going on now? The firewall of the Public Security Bureau has never had problems before, so why did it fall this time?"

He added: "Tell me in layman's language, don't talk about obscure professional knowledge."

"Plain language, ok. ok" the security team leader muttered for a while while pressing his temples.

He gathered his thoughts and said slowly: "Mr. Acting Speaker, next I will compare network offense and defense to a gladiatorial arena."

"Suppose there are two gladiators in the arena, one is called the firewall and the other is called the virus. The former is responsible for defending and the latter is responsible for attacking."

"The firewall blocks virus attacks and completes our defense in the traditional sense."

"And if the virus defeats the firewall, that means the computer has been taken over by an infection."

"Is this metaphor understandable?"

This metaphor couldn't be more popular, and Schenkov said without hesitation: "Okay, continue."

Security team leader: "Okay, let's go deeper. Regarding the attack and defense modes of viruses and firewalls, we still use the metaphor of the arena."

"The firewall holds a shield and is the defender. The virus holds a weapon and is the attacker. Assuming that the shield cannot be directly penetrated by weapons, how can the virus defeat the firewall?"

Schenkov thought for a moment and said: "Look for gaps in the defense, bypass the shield, and directly attack the main body behind."

The security team leader said happily: "Yes, that's right! You can already understand the basic principle of viruses infecting computers, which is to find system vulnerabilities."

"Still using the metaphor of the arena, let's take the simplest virus as an example, and assume that it has only one attack method, which is a frontal thrust."

"As for the firewall, as long as it can put a shield in front of it to prevent such frontal thrusts, it will be useless no matter how many times the virus launches attacks, because its attack methods are too rigid and cannot find system vulnerabilities at all. "

Schenkov nodded and asked: "So, what about advanced viruses?"

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