[Rusty Wall Area, Hideout]

Qi Ling stood in front of the window, her amber eyes reflecting the turbulent city.

Smoke rose from the high-rise buildings, and the firelight flickered on the windows inside and outside the buildings, giving off an eerie light.

The flames generated by the explosion were still blooming irregularly, intertwined with the city lights, dyeing the night sky red, as if the entire sky was burning.

The drone swarm has completely occupied the airspace of the inner city. They are arranged in a neat matrix and press on the heads of all living beings. The indicator lights are shining one after another, like countless burning eyes.

The streets were empty, and it was difficult to see pedestrians anymore. Everyone was hiding at home or hiding in underground bunkers, trembling in front of this catastrophe, waiting for the end that would come at some unknown time.

Qi Ling watched all of this calmly, without any expression on her face, but it was this calmness that brought an ultimate coldness.

The room behind her was filled with various electronic equipment, wires were crisscrossed, the computer system was running quickly, and a series of avatars were displayed on the computer screen.

Each avatar represents a hunting target.

They were either investors of Daystar Eden, researchers who participated in the Intelligent Brain Project, or employees or guards within the institution.

As long as there is even the slightest involvement in Xiaoqi's death, regardless of status, he will be included in the hunting list of the virus database.

They will shed every last drop of their blood for what they have done.

Qi Ling walked to the wall, where portrait photos of hunting targets were hung. Whenever a target's profile picture on the computer screen turned red, the coldness on her face would become more profound.

She picked up a red marker and drew a cross through a photo.

In the Lakeside Business District, a business elite was shot in the head with a gun by a mechanical soldier who broke into his home.

She held the scissors against a photo and cut it in half with a click.

In the Northern Industrial Development Zone, a technical blue-collar worker was caught in a winch by a construction machine that suddenly started up, and his body was crushed into two pieces.

She took a photo and held it in her hand, tore it into pieces and threw it into the air.

In An'an New District, a rich man was hit by a missile falling from the sky. The fragments of his body burst out in the firelight, as if a coquettish bud of blood had bloomed.

Qi Ling is like the craziest conductor on the stage, dancing with death and performing the sonata of killing.

Sometimes she was intoxicated by the burst of pleasure that she had endured for half her life. She clutched her restless heart and couldn't help but let out crazy screams. Every sound was a response to the humiliation of the past.

Sometimes he was torn apart by the painful memories of his childhood. He hid his face and knelt on the ground helplessly. A huge sense of depression filled his heart. He wanted to scream, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't scream no matter what.

Memories of past years came flooding back, her own cries and laughter intertwined, turning into chaotic noise in her mind. Xiaoqi's smiling face and her dead appearance overlapped, seeming to tear her consciousness apart.

She felt hot and cold all over her body, her mania and anxiety were severely somatized, and she felt like there were ants crawling on her body.

She kept scratching her face with her hands, and her nails dug into the flesh without even realizing it. Countless ferocious blood marks flowed and mingled with each other, spreading from her forehead to her chin, tearing her beautiful face apart.

But she felt nothing.

Her natural weakness as a human being was taken away the moment she was born, and she became nothing more than a monster that could never feel pain.

In the end, her hand fell weakly to her side, letting the blood drip down her face, dyeing the clothes in front of her red.

Quietly, she unconsciously hummed the song again.

"The years pass quietly, and the past is like smoke."

"The memories are devastated, but everything will never be erased."

"This is my promise to you."

"You have become a ghost of time."

"I will also become a ghost and span time."

She sang over and over again, and the more she sang, the more trembling her voice became. The blood on her face dripped down her chin like raindrops, spattering tiny blood flowers on the floor.

"This is the promise I make to you."

She slowly looked at the computer screen, and her blurred vision only saw dense red, like a sea of ​​blood.

it's over.

This is her whole life.

A person begins alone and ends alone.

No love, no companions, no one cares.

I can free myself from this hellish world.

Qi Ling fell on her back on the floor. Her amber eyes had lost focus. She numbly took out the pink-painted revolver in her arms, filled it with bullets, pulled down the hammer, and then pressed it against her temple.

However, just as she was about to pull the trigger, she caught a glimpse of the computer screen from the corner of her eye.

She suddenly discovered that in that sea of ​​red, there was still a tiny bit of green.

It was so inconspicuous, like a young leaf floating in the sea of ​​blood, the only remaining breath of life making people sick.

Qi Ling put down the gun, walked to the computer screen, and silently looked at the green dot.

All other targets are dead.

All those who had served the Intelligent Brain Project over the years, whether they participated in research, funded it, or simply contributed a negligible amount to it, were all dead.

But there is one last person alive.

Luo Mingsheng, leader of the Experimental Team No. 1 of the Daystar Eden Intelligent Brain Project and current researcher of the Edge Mercenary Group.

Not long after, the computer program automatically cleared the heads that had turned red and enlarged Luo Mingsheng's head.

[Tracking failed] four words are displayed on it.

Tracking failed?

The virus she developed will use all controllable electronic systems to hunt designated targets.

The tracking failure means that the target was not recognized by any electronic system, which was obviously deliberately hidden.

There was light in Qiling's distracted eyes again, as if she had found the direction to live again.

However, that kind of light is cold, the light that a hunter shines on his prey.

Qi Ling sat in front of the computer, tapping the keyboard with her fingers quickly, and the room was filled with the low hum of the system speeding up.

After typing the final code, the virus's operating mode was further updated, and something strange also appeared in Crescent City.

The swarm of drones in the sky stopped blocking the airspace and flew towards the Lakeside Business District in unison.

The military robot stopped searching on the spot and headed in the same direction.

The sky and the ground seemed to be carrying out a huge march.

These instruments designed for killing are all heading towards the final goal - the Edge Towers.

After doing all this, Qi Ling was ready to deal with the wounds on her face.

Because she had lost a lot of blood before, her head was dizzy when she stood up. She staggered and subconsciously supported the table with her hands.

This action knocked the phone off the table and it fell to the floor, the screen lighting up during the collision.

She was about to squat down and pick it up, but her hands were stuck in mid-air.

Those amber eyes reflected the phone screen, and the screen saver was a photo of her and someone.

The morning was bright that day, and they were in a sunny world.

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