As more and more people came out of the convoy, an invisible aura shrouded the surroundings. Even the elites of the fourth anti-violence class who had experienced hundreds of battles fell into horror, and no one dared to come forward.

There are dozens of members of the cooperative company wearing official uniforms, with cold and indifferent expressions. Judging from the four-star logo on their ties, they are all senior managers of the Crescent City branch. Everyone is a person who can make a difference in this city. .

The leader is none other than Zhao Yiming, the vice president of the Crescent City branch of the joint venture company. He is nominally one person with more than ten thousand people, but actually holds the power of the top leader.

When a big shot of this level showed up, all the reporters present went crazy. They kept their distance and took photos frantically, flashlights lighting up everywhere.

The accompanying Hefei company guards seemed to have been greeted a long time ago. They just glanced around coldly to prevent possible dangers and did not stop reporters from taking pictures of this scene.

Zhao Yiming shook hands with Su Mo and said with a smile: "First meeting, Captain Su. Qi Ling said that you have encountered a little trouble, and I hope I can come and help you."

Su Mo and Qi Ling's eyes met, and each saw the depth flashing in the other's eyes.

Su Mo nodded slightly to Zhao Yiming and said respectfully: "There are a lot of things going on recently. I am grateful to Mr. Zhao for coming here because of his honor."

"Don't say that. I am a person who cherishes talents. How can I let a young hero fall into the hands of a rat?" After Zhao Yiming finished speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the Edge Building. "Let's go. There are too many outsiders here. Let's go in and have a detailed chat."

"Tuk-tuk-tuk." Schenkov was sitting in the car blankly when he suddenly heard a knock on the window.

He gradually came back to his senses and looked at Su Mo outside the window.

"Brother." Su Mo pointed to the place where he was slapped on his face and joked, "I remember this slap. Next time I invite you to drink, you have to slap me back."

After saying that, he waved goodbye to Schenkov and quickly followed Zhao Yiming.

When everyone walked into the door, they saw the messy lobby.

This place was smashed to pieces by Lucifer before, and before he had time to repair it, there were fragments of furniture and wreckage everywhere.

Zhao Yiming looked around and asked, "Is this all done by Lucifer? I heard that he was wearing the uniform of Hefei Company at the time."

Su Mo said softly, "That's right. He holds the title of company leader, and there's nothing our people can do against him."

Zhao Yiming's face was expressionless, and there was a hint of coldness in his indifferent expression: "You are a dandy, you will bring disgrace to the company."

He told his accompanying assistants: "Calculate the on-site losses and let the finance side allocate funds to compensate for the margins."

"In addition, let the directors, managers, and supervisors who are here take a closer look at the good things our company's executives do every day by conniving with their subordinates."

Zhao Yiming's voice was not loud, but it was extremely intimidating, causing the company executives behind him to lower their heads.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yiming walked towards the elevator first: "Ariwuler, follow me."

In the crowd, the tall man with a Chinese character face followed Zhao Yiming and took the elevator with Su Mo and Qi Ling to the tea room on the 80th floor.

Qi Ling acted like a hostess, very proactive and enthusiastic: "Everyone, sit down, I will make tea for you."

Su Mo and Zhao Yiming sat face to face, and the man with a Chinese character named "Ariwule" stood beside him with his hands folded. His strong physique looked like a hill.

Su Mo tentatively asked, "Would you like to sit down and drink together?"

Zhao Yiming smiled: "This is my bodyguard. It's okay, just let him stand. Like you, he is a carrier of the crazy blood code, but his level is higher than yours, and now he is an "unlimited high-level". "

Qi Ling came over with the brewed tea: "This is tea fried last autumn. I don't know if you are used to drinking it."

When the cup was put down, Su Mo looked at Qi Ling intently and held Qi Ling's hand: "Zi Ling, why didn't you pay attention?"

The tea was made with boiling water, and Qi Ling couldn't feel pain. She didn't even know her hands were burned when she picked up the cup.

Seeing Su Mo hurriedly getting an ice pack to apply to Qi Ling's hands, the latter's eyes were full of happy smiles, Zhao Yiming said with emotion: "Young people have such good feelings."

Su Mo smiled slightly and looked at Qi Ling with soft eyes: "Although we have not known each other for a long time, Qi Ling has helped me a lot. I am very grateful to her."

Qi Ling said nothing and responded with a kiss on the cheek.

Su Mo suddenly blushed: "Oh, what are you doing? The guests are here."

Qi Ling smiled generously: "We are all our own people, what does it matter~"

Zhao Yiming burst out laughing: "You're right, don't be reserved. Miss Qiling and I are old acquaintances. She stayed in the company for a while before, but then left due to personal issues. I have always regretted it."

"I heard that she joined the Fringe some time ago. I am really pleased because she has chosen a place with great potential. I am very happy to see you join forces and write a legend in this city."

At this point, Zhao Yiming changed the topic: "But later I heard that you Xiaoxiao was using the company's resources to suppress you for no reason. I felt very angry. Qi Ling happened to come to me for help, so I came."

Qiling said with a smile: "Then you two bosses can talk about the next thing. I won't be in the way. I just go shopping."

She patted Ariwule on the stomach, turned around and walked out: "Brother, you are so strong, come and help me carry my bag."

Ariwule glanced at Zhao Yiming, who nodded to him.

After the two left, Su Mo and Zhao Yiming were left alone in the tea room.

The atmosphere gradually became more subtle.

Zhao Yiming leaned back in his chair and his smile became mysterious: "Okay, let's stop with the polite words and let's get down to business. You choose to operate on Lucifer, which means you already know who you are facing, right?"

Su Mo nodded: "The head of the intelligence department of your company, Mamen."

Zhao Yiming's eyes were full of amusement and he said with great interest: "Knowing that he was a senior executive of our company, you actually killed his only son and even sent a provocative video of the execution."

"In my opinion, this is not a rational choice. Can you tell me what you think?"

Su Mo: "Because I believe in Qi Ling."

Zhao Yiming: "Oh? What does this have to do with Qi Ling?"

Su Mo: "Qi Ling told me that there is a friendship between you two. She said that no matter how much I make trouble, as long as she comes to you, you will come forward to help settle things and let me vent my anger."

"She believed in you, and I believed in her, so I chose to be crazy."

Zhao Yiming burst out laughing after hearing this and said in a praising tone: "Very good. He speaks very directly. He is not secretive like those common people. I like that."

"Then I won't beat around the bush and tell the truth. You are indeed in a lot of trouble this time."

"When Mammon learned of her son's death, she immediately contacted the crisis management center. A full razor brigade was ready to go, ready to kill Margin until the rivers of blood flowed, and make you disappear from this world forever."

Seeing that Su Mo's expression was a little stiff, Zhao Yiming deliberately did not continue speaking, and just looked at him with a smile, letting his nervousness continue to simmer.

The sound of pindrops became audible in the tea room.

Zhao Yiming blew the hot air from the tea cup slowly, and then said slowly: "But don't worry, I have ordered the operation to be suspended and the crisis management center to stop taking care of this matter."

Su Mo was stunned for a long time. After regaining consciousness, he breathed a long sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Mr. Zhao came to the rescue. I am very grateful to this junior."

Zhao Yiming raised his hand and said with a smile: "There is nothing to thank you for. Qi Ling has done so many things for the company, so I still have to help with this little help."

"What's more, this is an unreasonable quarrel between Mamen and his son. They usually do mischief all day long, and when they get out of hand, they use the company's resources to support themselves? How can such a good thing come from?"

Su Mo said respectfully: "Mr. Zhao is sensible and the younger generation admires him."

Zhao Yiming took a sip of tea and his face suddenly wrinkled: "She really doesn't know how to make the tea so strong every time. She wasted several cans of tea in the office."

Su Mo: "Shall I make you another drink?"

Zhao Yiming shook his head: "No, you shouldn't care about tea now, but about your future."

"I will help you settle Mammon's move this time, and I can also guarantee that he will not abuse the company's power against you."

"But a person of Mamen's level, in addition to having resources in the company, also has many connections in other places. He and the Fools' Society he founded are not easy to mess with. There are countless ways to kill you."

At this point, his smile was full of meaning: "What are you going to do? Just spend time with him day after day, waste your youth in vain, and die in frustration with all your talents and talents?"

Su Mo asked cautiously: "This junior is not talented. May I ask Mr. Zhao what advice you have?"

Zhao Yiming: "You know, my time is precious. If it's just the things I just mentioned, I can just ask my assistant to send you an email. There is no need to come to the door in person."

He walked to the window and looked at the distant city line. His words were quite meaningful: "You are very high here, but it is not high enough."

"I would feel very sorry if you were killed here by Mammon."

Su Mo also stood up and walked to the window to stand side by side with him: "Mr. Zhao, are you willing to help me solve the problem once and for all?"

Zhao Yiming said slowly: "You should know that in this city, or in this world, if you want to climb up, you can't do it without someone behind you."

"You were made so miserable by Mammon this time. To put it bluntly, it's not because he relies on the company and you have no one to rely on, so he can deal with you unscrupulously."

At this point, he finally showed his trump card and said meaningfully: "If you also hope to find a backer, then before I leave this tea room, opportunities will be in front of you."

"The only question is, what are you willing to give me in exchange?"

"The adult world is very realistic. I have already repaid Qi Ling's favor, and you can only fight for the rest by yourself."

"If I say that I don't want to do anything, that I just like you and am willing to help you unconditionally, you won't believe this nonsense."

"So the question is, what kind of chips are you willing to give?"

Su Mo: "What does Mr. Zhao want from me?"

Zhao Yiming: "You can talk about your needs first, and I will naturally give you a fair quotation."

Su Mo: "The reward for Nobai on the dark web has been cancelled, freeing her from the pursuit."

Zhao Yiming: "Okay."

Su Mo: "Dondong's attack on the Hellhound Building should not be pursued by the company, and we should help her deal with the subsequent consequences."

Zhao Yiming: "Okay."

Su Mo: "If I encounter anything difficult to deal with in the future, please take care of me, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Yiming: "No problem."

Each of the three things Su Mo asked was shocking, but Zhao Yiming answered them without thinking at all, as if they were talking about what to eat tonight.

After answering, there was a brief silence.

Zhao Yiming looked sideways at Su Mo with a mysterious smile on his face: "That's it? No more? You still have something very important to say. Go ahead and say it boldly."

Su Mo met Zhao Yiming's gaze and said seriously: "Mamen, and all the members of the Fools' Society, I want them to die."

A mysterious light flashed in Zhao Yiming's eyes, and the corners of his lips raised a dangerous arc: "Young man, you are very brave if you want to eat a company executive."

After looking at each other for a moment, Zhao Yiming gave an astonishing answer: "Okay, if this is what you want, then that's it."

Su Mo nodded to show respect: "Then what do you want in return?"

Zhao Yiming: "I want Qiling."

Su Mo's fingers twitched unconsciously.

This unconscious reaction was captured by Zhao Yiming. He smiled meaningfully and said: "It seems that in your heart, she does have an irreplaceable position."

"Don't worry, you two young people get along so well, how could I be willing to separate you?"

"I will not force Qi Ling to go to the company. I only have a small request - I want 8 hours of her time."

Su Mo frowned in confusion: "Eight hours?"

Zhao Yiming: "Yes, 8 hours, 8 hours at my absolute control. During this period, she must not resist anything or refuse any request."

Seeing that Su Mo's pupils were dilating, Zhao Yiming raised his hand to relax and said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't think about dirty things. I have always regarded her as a friend, and I don't mean any blasphemy."

"I promise you, my hands will not touch a hair of hers. I just want her to cooperate with me in completing some work matters, that's all."

These words made Su Mo sluggish.

Before that, all the conversations were as expected by Su Mo, and those humble gestures were just a show-off with Zhao Yiming.

But Zhao Yiming's last request was beyond Su Mo's expectations.

Su Mo originally thought that Zhao Yiming would ask to sign some long-term contracts that were beneficial to the company, deploy the company's manpower within Edge, and even ask for equity in Edge Technology, etc.

There are ways to deal with these, and Su Mo has also thought of countermeasures.

But Zhao Yiming wanted Qi Ling to cooperate unconditionally for 8 hours?

Su Mo couldn't see through the intention behind this, couldn't assess the risks, and couldn't predict the possible consequences.

For a moment, he hesitated.

Zhao Yiming glanced at his watch leisurely and said, "You know, I'm very busy at work and don't have much time to spend here, so why don't you just reply quickly."

He stretched out his hand to Su Mo: "Qi Ling's eight hours are the end of all these days."

Su Mo looked at the hand, pursed his lips, and hesitated to hold it.

Zhao Yiming's expression suddenly became dull, and he retracted his hand and walked out: "It seems that you have other ideas in mind, so I wish you good luck, young man."

Just as Su Mo was hesitating at Zhao Yiming's back, the micro communicator hidden in his ear rang.

"Ta, tap, tap, tap"

In order to exchange news in a timely manner, both Qi Ling and Su Mo wore such communicators.

This regular tapping sound is the encrypted language agreed upon by the two.

The meaning of this sound now is-promise him.

"Ta, tap, tap, tap"

"Ta, tap, tap, tap"

The knocking sounds kept coming.

【Promise him】

【Promise him】

After several repetitions, perhaps sensing that Su Mo was still hesitating, the pattern of the knocking sounds changed.

"Ta-ta, tap."

【Believe me】

Just when Zhao Yiming was about to leave the tea room, Su Mo's call came: "Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Yiming turned around and saw Su Mo's extended hand.

Su Mo's eyes were hot and his voice was full of unshakable determination: "Qi Ling's eight hours have brought an end to everything these days."

A deep smile appeared on Zhao Yiming's face, and he held Su Mo's hand firmly: "Get ready to go higher, young man."

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