The operators sat back in front of the computers. The few who had just experienced physiological reactions also recovered and quickly returned to work.

Two hours passed, and the ring of secret peeping continued to operate until it subsided.

The main controller reported: "The second memory dive is completed."

Everyone put on neural prosthetics and entered Qi Ling's memory.

They say that after all hardship comes happiness.

Perhaps the gods could not ignore the tragic fate of this child. In her dark childhood, she met the person who changed her life.

Everyone's consciousness continued to rise, as if they woke up from a long dream, opened their eyes in a daze, and saw a sweet smiling face.

It was a beautiful girl with a smile like a green sun, her eyes were full of clarity and gentleness, and she was reaching out to touch their faces, gently and softly.

"Little monster, why are you crying again?"

"Xiaoqi. I have a nightmare."

"It's okay, don't cry. Nightmares are all fake, good boy, don't cry. Come on, give me a hug~"

The feedback brought by the neural equipment was so real that when they were hugged by the girl named "Xiaoqi", everyone trembled unconsciously.

With the touch of skin touching each other, they felt a warm current seeping into their hearts. The anxiety and confusion that had been lingering in their hearts all the time disappeared, replaced by unprecedented calm.

In this depressing Garden of Eden, Xiaoqi's existence is like a beam of light that ignites life, shining on those dark and lightless nights.

Their hearts are full of trauma from childhood, and they often feel helpless and confused. At this time, Xiaoqi will always hold them tenderly, like caring for a damaged flower, allowing them to pick up and continue living. courage.

"She is truly an angel." One operator murmured what everyone was feeling.

The memory fragments keep dancing, all of them are beautiful memories of getting along with Xiaoqi. They are living more and more cheerfully, full of longing and hope for the future.

They believe that no matter what they encounter in the future, Xiaoqi will face it with them, and it is impossible for them to live without this companion.

But in the end, without any warning, as Xiaoqi's body came into view, all the beautiful illusions that had been there were shattered.

Uncontrollable mania overflowed in their hearts, burning away all reason. Their thinking fell into chaos, and their bodies gradually became cold.

The beatings by the guards, the rotten rice that even the dogs would not eat, the scars all over his body caused by self-inflicted wounds, and the maggots that grew out of the wounds that were not treated in time. The dark memories of the past kept flashing back, occupying all the consciousness.

Hatred, gloom, grief...all kinds of negative emotions tear at the heart like devil's claws, bringing about near-substantial despair.

The impact of this emotional feedback was so intense that the operators gritted their teeth and their negative emotions became somatic, making them tremble uncontrollably.

There are even some operators who have been too deeply involved and cannot accept the gap between the front and back of shattered hope. They scream and remove the neurological equipment, hold their heads and cry while cursing the demons in the Garden of Eden.

Finally, the second deep memory dive ended with the death declaration at the celebration banquet in the Garden of Eden.

This deep dive spans a long time, and the theme is the same as the first deep dive, which is about Qi Ling's memory in the New Moon Garden of Eden.

Adding up the content of the two deep dives, darkness and the only light, from despair to being rescued, and then falling back into the vengeful monster Qi Ling's entire childhood, are completely displayed in front of everyone.

Zhao Yiming took off the neurological instrument, and his willpower was really strong. Even with the deep memory of integrating body and mind, he was still not affected by emotional feedback, as if he had just watched a wonderful movie.

The operators slowly calmed down and began to discuss what they had just seen.

"No wonder she attacked New Moon Eden before. Those people she killed should have been the murderers who directly or indirectly caused Xiaoqi's death."

"The super brain project carried out by New Moon Eden sounds interesting."

"Don't think about it. It's just nonsense. The Cranial Nervous Group of the Scientific Research Department has studied similar things decades ago. It's technically impossible to realize."

"Don't look at what key data those people in Eden seem to have obtained. As long as they continue to study, they will hit that wall. This is determined by the nature of human beings as carbon-based organisms. Their efforts are meaningless from the beginning. "

While everyone was busy discussing, Zhao Yiming touched his chin and said to himself: "So this is your past, interesting."

The controller pondered for a moment and whispered: "Mr. Zhao, we only have one last chance to dive deep."

The effect of the Circle of Secrets is very powerful, no doubt, but it also has its limitations.

Due to current technology, the Ring of Peeping can only perform deep dives on the same person up to three times.

The deep dive process reveals the deepest memory in the recipient's subconscious mind and is not subject to human control.

Although the first two deep dives have allowed everyone to learn about Qi Ling's childhood, there is another goal that has not been achieved.

As a rising star in recent years, Su Mo's growth rate is beyond the normal and somewhat unbelievable.

Whether it was defeating the crow's nest, slaying the toothed tiger, or later sweeping the seven stars, it was a miracle.

He, and his edges, must hold secrets.

These secrets must have been strictly sealed by Su Mo, and it was almost impossible to dig them out from the front.

As the person closest to Su Mo, Qi Ling's existence is an opportunity.

This time, Zhao Yiming sacrificed the Fool's Club and a senior executive in exchange for Qi Ling's 8 hours. He wanted to use three memory dives to capture the secrets she had seen in Su Mo without anyone noticing.

But at present, it seems that this goal has not been achieved yet.

Zhao Yiming looked at the unconscious Qi Ling, squinted his eyes and said meaningfully: "There must be some secrets in the margins that impress you, it's impossible not to exist."

"Everyone, prepare for the third deep dive."

The operators sat back at their computers and began to restart the Peeping Circle.

The two hours became so long that the only sound in the operating room was the typing of keyboards and the sound of the secret-peeping ring.

Time passed slowly, and as the Secret Circle stopped operating and returned to its original position, the last memory dive was completed.

Everyone immediately put on the neural equipment and began to play back the third most profound memory from Qi Ling's subconscious.

This memory happened after Qi Ling grew up. From the occasional flashes of pictures, you can see that the date on the phone screen is the period before and after she joined the Edge at the end of last year.

From a timing perspective, this is very consistent with what everyone wants to see.


The content itself makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Because most of them are memories from when Qi Ling and Su Mo were dating, full of little teases, sweet words, and all kinds of hugs.

From the very beginning, it was just a matter of fun.

Then you are attracted unknowingly, and you are immersed in the fake show.

Finally, there is a subtle resonance deep in the soul, and the heart is full of rippling.

This process is like a spring breeze, and there is a feeling that a withered and dead heart is suddenly revived.

But everyone present was male, so it was a bit strange for them to experience this from a female perspective.

There was a scene in the middle where Qi Ling used a biscuit stick to tease Su Mo and ask for a kiss.

Looking at Su Mo's big face right in front of them, some operators were a little overwhelmed.

Later, when they slept together in the same bed, the feeling of kissing came back completely. They were so embarrassed that their toes almost dug through the ground, but they did not dare to neglect their official duties, so they could only bite the bullet and continue to look down.

The picture keeps moving, and the last scene is a picturesque dawn scene.

Su Mo was enveloped by the rising sun on the horizon, and his whole body seemed to melt into the light curtain, looking at them tenderly.

"Qi Ling, survive, I need you."

With these soft words and the warm embrace after each other, the memory picture turned into darkness.

The third memory dive is over.

The operators took off the neurological instruments one after another. You looked at me, I looked at you, and they all fell silent.

The content of this memory is substantial, but compared to the previous two deep dives, it seems to have little value.

What it shows is Qi Ling's journey of being redeemed by Su Mo, which allows people to easily understand why Qi Ling chose Su Mo as his destination.

But for everyone who has a purpose, this result is somewhat unacceptable.

Qi Ling's three most profound memories did not include Su Mo's secret.

Is there really nothing unknown about him?

Or is it that Su Mo does have secrets, but those secrets that are actually extremely shocking have no place in Qi Ling's heart, and their importance is not even as important as the date that day?

No matter what the situation was, on this third memory dive, they were almost forced to watch a sweet youth movie.

It was almost like some kind of invisible mockery.

The atmosphere was silent and anxious, and everyone looked at Zhao Yiming uneasily.

Zhao Yiming sat on a chair, lowered his eyes and thought deeply. No one knew what he was thinking.

The main controller swallowed his throat and asked tentatively: "Mr. Zhao, are we losing money by doing this?"

Zhao Yiming: "Is it a loss? I think it's worth it. Three paragraphs of memories obtained from deep diving, one about pain, two about redemption, and they can be summarized into one core point - love."

He looked sideways at Qi Ling, who was still unconscious, and said meaningfully: "We now know that this is a person who is extremely lacking in love. The thing she longs for most in life is to be loved."

The controller asked cautiously: "But, what's the use of knowing this?"

Zhao Yiming was like a sentimental poet, saying slowly: "Love can be a weapon, making people strong and capable of anything."

"But at the same time, it can also be a shackle that makes it difficult to stop."

After finishing speaking, he motioned for everyone to put on the neural equipment again and began to play back the first and second deep memories obtained previously.

The tortured childhood was once again exposed in front of everyone.

Along with it comes the only light, the girl as warm as the sun.

Zhao Yiming led everyone to replay the memory fragments related to Xiaoqi over and over again, observing all the details they saw.

Gradually, the corners of his lips curved in an unpredictable way, revealing some kind of danger signal.

"Go to the head of the genetic compilation department and ask him to bring an elite team up for a meeting, and then find me some psychological profiling experts."

When Qi Ling went to the Hefei Company, Su Mo had been waiting outside the Tower of Babel.

Zhao Yiming has a good sense of time. When the eight hours were up, he personally sent Qiling out without any delay.

Qi Ling seemed to be in good condition, and did not encounter any difficulties. She was talking and laughing with Zhao Yiming, as if they were just old friends catching up.

Zhao Yiming opened the door for Qi Ling in a gentlemanly manner. After she got in the car, he closed the door and smiled at Su Mo through the window: "Our agreement is complete. If you have any questions in the future, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to your journey to the top of this city." That day."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao." Su Mo nodded to Zhao Yiming and drove away in the black ark.

After returning to the Edge Building, Qi Ling told Su Mo everything about what happened to her, without reservation.

As soon as he heard that Qi Ling had swallowed poison, Su Mo immediately found the future and arranged a full set of physical examinations for her.

Looking at the complicated test sheets on the computer in the future, he held his forehead in distress: "What Qi Ling took was not an ordinary chemical poison, but a targeted gene drug."

"A lethal gene is embedded in a DNA fragment in her body. It is usually in a dormant state, but will be activated periodically."

"Once this gene fragment is activated, cells throughout her body will undergo irreversible apoptosis within a very short period of time."

Su Mo asked solemnly: "Is there a way to cure it?"

The future shook his head: "This is the top technology of the Synergy Company. It is not a general chemical reaction, but involves exquisite compilation at the genetic level. With our current hardware and equipment conditions, there is no solution."

Nuo Bai seemed to have an idea and took out his cell phone to type.

[Is it useful to give her a blood code? 】

[For example, get her a crimson rose blood code and make her a carrier]

[Relying on the resilience of the blood code, is there any way to remove the lethal gene? 】

The future still shook his head: "It would be nice if it was that simple. This lethal gene is harmless until it is activated and will not be recognized at all."

"And the Crimson Rose blood code can only repair injuries at the cellular level. If it can repair genetic trauma, there will be no blood code dissociation syndrome."

"I'm afraid the only way to alleviate it at the moment is to follow what Zhao Yiming said and get specific medicines from him on a regular basis."

"If you can bring the medicine back, I can try to imitate it. But I don't think he will reveal such a low-level flaw."

Dongdong scolded: "Fuck Zhao Gou, you are using Qi Ling as a living hostage. You will force the boss to do whatever he wants in the future."

KK couldn't help but said angrily: "How disgusting. Isn't this just like when Ou Chenyu stuffed a bomb into my stomach? The vice president of the company actually did such a dirty trick!"

Qi Ling sat on the medical bed not far away, shaking her calves casually: "This is just a very common method. I thought of this before going there. Zhao Yiming will not leave any loopholes in this kind of thing, let's not get entangled, Let’s take a look at it later.”

"The key question now is, I know nothing about what Zhao Yiming did while I was anesthetized. If we can't grasp the relevant information, we will be passive in this round of confrontation."

Sumer thought for a moment and said, "You just said that you were taken to a strange instrument like this. I will find a modeler and you can cooperate with him to restore the appearance of that instrument."

Qi Ling: "No problem." (End of chapter)

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