Babel Tower is the most shocking and terrifying existence in Crescent City.

No matter how prominent the dignitaries in the government are, no matter how powerful the mercenaries in the inner city are, they will not dare to offend the Babel Tower in the slightest, and they must be careful even if they secretly blaspheme in their hearts.

However, at this time, Fenrir threatened to reduce the Tower of Babel to ashes in front of Su Mo.

These words, which sounded so crazy to outsiders that they were almost ridiculous, did not arouse any teasing from Su Mo. He just stared at Fenrir silently, with an unreadable meaning hidden in his eyes.

Fenrir dusted off the cigar in his hand and said with interest: "You don't seem surprised at all, which is a bit beyond my expectation."

Su Mo did not answer directly, but sighed softly: "If you had the ambition to challenge giant companies, why did you break through the rust wall in the first place? You lost the hearts of the people in the inner city in vain."

"Popular sentiment? Are you so naive that you believe in this kind of thing?" Fenrir seemed to have heard some joke, with a cold look in his eyes. "I don't care about popular sentiment, because it can be manipulated."

"I only believe in one thing, and that is power. As long as the power is strong enough, others will fear you, surrender to you, and do everything you say."

Su Mo shook his head: "Since you believe in power, don't you believe in the power of the human heart? Countless weak fires can turn into raging flames if they unite."

Fenrir took a deep breath from the cigar and exhaled it slowly, his deep eyes looming in the smoke: "There was once a fool who believed in people's hearts and unity as you said, and he has been dead for more than ten years. ”

Su Mo whispered what she had not finished: "Alan, who took office as the director of the General Security Bureau, is a super hero of Crescent City, and personally created the "golden age" of the border area. "

He paused here, looked at Fenrir faintly, and told an astonishing truth: "He is your biological father."

Fenrir didn't speak, just smoked a cigar silently and looked at the night in the distance, as if recalling the old friend in his memory.

It is hard for outsiders to imagine that the daughter of a director of the Public Security Bureau who has received special meritorious service would become the leader of the largest violent group in the border areas.

All of this starts from the beginning of the birth of the border area.

Ever since the City Council signed the "Border Separation Act" 51 years ago and built a rust wall to divide the Crescent City in two, the confrontation between the inner city and the frontier has become deeper and deeper.

The inner city despises the border people and feels that the people in the border areas are born inferior and full of sin in their bones. These scum deserve their depraved life.

The border people hate the inner city and believe that the people in the inner city have occupied the resources that should be shared by everyone, and it is natural for them to use violence to take them back.

In this ever-deepening spiral of hatred, Border continues to fall, ever closer to hell.

But no matter how dark the place is, there will always be a spark of light.

22 years ago, in the 131st year of Dawn, a miracle occurred in the city council general election.

The first director of the Public Security Bureau who came from the frontier in the history of Crescent City has taken up the position.

The director's name is "Yalan". He was born and raised in the border areas. He immigrated to the inner city when he was young and worked successively in the City Defense Reserve Force, the Citizen Guard, and the Administrative Section of the Public Security Bureau.

Yalan not only has excellent work ability, but also has a deep understanding of the laws of power operation and is good at making connections. He relied on his excellent work resume and the support of noble people to successfully enter the city council, and finally succeeded in shining in the general election.

It was also from the day that Yalan took office as the director of the General Administration that the ten years known as the "Golden Age" by the older generation of border people began.

After reaching a high position, Alan did not forget his hometown, nor did he forget his original intention to join the city council.

He was born in the border area, and he understood the contradiction between the border area and the inner city better than any other bureau chief in history, so he started an unprecedented major reform.

Alan first carried out serious disciplinary rectification within the Public Security Bureau, vigorously restrained the excessively free law enforcement powers of the police officers, and established a complete and efficient accountability system to fundamentally limit the frequent occurrence of violent law enforcement.

In response to the various problems caused by people from the border smuggling into the inner city, Yalan took a completely opposite approach to previous directors. He did not strictly prevent such behavior, but coordinated with multiple departments to relax the immigration system.

Alan knew very well in his heart that illegal immigrants were repeatedly banned because the border area really left ordinary people with no choice but to make a living in the inner city if they wanted to survive.

And because the original immigration standards were extremely harsh, ordinary border people simply couldn't afford it and had no choice but to cross the border illegally, which would eventually cause a series of problems.

In the new immigration system reformed by Yalan, in addition to the original single and expensive investment immigration, multiple channels such as skilled immigration and labor immigration have also been added.

For those border people with technical attainments, they do not have to sneak into the city from the sewers like rats and hide as gangsters. The Public Security Bureau will actively help them settle through formal channels and find suitable jobs for them.

Even if they are not technically gifted, as long as they are willing to participate in production work, work diligently and abide by laws and regulations, and use their working hours to accumulate corresponding points, ordinary border people have the opportunity to obtain immigration qualifications.

In the borderland, Yalan spared no effort to launch the "Headhunting Operation", using the four anti-violence courses to accurately hunt down the leaders of uncontrolled violent groups, and support willing and obedient puppets to take over.

As more and more puppets were supported, a very miraculous phenomenon emerged. During the day, the leaders took their younger brothers to fight with hostile forces, and at night they went to the city to attend work meetings at the Public Security Bureau. Some of them even performed well. Also received the Medal of Honor.

It is said that the economic base determines the superstructure.

In fact, this sentence can also be said in reverse - the superstructure determines the economic base.

It is absolutely impossible to develop a prosperous economy in a place where violence, chaos, and crime are common.

When various violent groups are brought under control and the overall border environment becomes stable, the germination of economic revitalization becomes inevitable.

Since the border itself has a large amount of cheap labor and a stable environment, the business elites in the inner city sensed business opportunities and began to try to invest outside the city.

In those ten years, border infrastructure developed vigorously, and various factories sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. There were fewer and fewer hooligans on the streets who had nothing to do but kill people, and they were all busy working to earn money.

After all, everyone comes out to make a living. As long as they can make a lot of money in their pockets, except for a few lunatics who are not very smart, who wants to live a life of licking blood every day?

With the rapid economic development, the contradiction between the inner city and the border has also been fundamentally alleviated. During that period, not only did the crime rate in the inner city plummet, there was even a "reverse immigration wave."

Many people in the inner city think that the border areas are a wasteland waiting to be developed. They should buy a piece of land and a house as soon as possible while the area is not fully developed and housing prices have not yet risen, and wait for future appreciation. Financial freedom is just around the corner.

People in the inner city saw that people from the border no longer called people with dog tags, but gathered together to discuss business opportunities and called each other brothers.

Sheriffs are no longer tense when they meet border people, and they don't just give each other a New Moon Iai. Instead, they can pass cigarettes to each other and chat about interesting things they have encountered recently.

It was a dreamlike era when infrastructure was booming, capital flow and investment were booming, talents were flowing, and public security was harmonious.

The people on the frontier broke free from the quagmire, and the people in the inner city also smiled at their former compatriots. The tall rusty walls were in vain, and the once dismembered Crescent City was reunited.

This is the memory of the "golden age" of the older generation of border people.

But in Dawn 141, everything was shattered.

That year, a violent group called Crow's Nest appeared in the border area.

No one knows where the Crow's Nest got its start. They only know that they have heavy firepower and high-tech weapons that are no less than those of the regular army, and their elite extraordinary warriors are even enough to suppress the Fourth Counter-Insurgency Class.

In the name of "the border people rule the border areas," Crow's Nest attracts extremists from all walks of life, destroys newly built factories, massacres inner-city people living on the border, and wildly incites hatred.

As for Alan, perhaps no one expected his fate.

The day after he vowed at a press conference to destroy the crow's nest and safeguard the common interests of the inner city and the border, he was suddenly accused by a girl he had never seen before, saying that he had been sexually assaulted by the director of the General Administration of Public Security.

On the same day, Yalan was quickly arrested by the municipal garrison and put on file.

A month later, he was found dead in the Civic Center jail.

According to feedback from the on-site investigation, Yalan swallowed the finger-covered toothbrush specially used in prisons, causing his trachea to become blocked and suffocated to death.

It just so happened that the surveillance system was broken that day.

It happened that all the prisoners in the nearby cells were out for a walk.

It happened that the two guards responsible for guarding made a mistake in handover and went out for lunch at the same time.

It happened that the lawyer responsible for the independent investigation of the case was involved in a car accident when he was out and could not be rescued in the hospital.

The final result announced to the public was that the suspect Yalan committed suicide out of fear of crime.

After Yaran's death, Kitahara Hayabusa took over as the new director of the General Security Bureau. He not only completely abolished a series of policies during Yalan's reign, but also vigorously advocated the border threat theory.

Under the subtle propaganda of the media, Yalan's personal image has also changed from a hero who created the golden age, to a villain who betrayed the inner city to please the border, to a sexual predator who likes underage girls, and finally to a villain who does not hesitate to die. .

It was also from that time that the golden age ended, and the conflicts between the inner city and the frontier once again became acute and irreconcilable. They were hostile to each other and hated each other in various bloody conflicts.

Peace has become a decade-long dream.

Fenrir looked out the window, the faint light of the cigar reflected in his pupils, as if there were sparks burning: "The year he died, I had just grown up."

"You may not believe it, but I grew up hearing about his deeds. My original ambition was to join the Security Bureau like him, become a glorious peace officer, and contribute to the peace of Crescent City."

"But later when I learned about his death, I realized that he was actually a fool, and I who admired him were also a fool. We actually believe that people's hearts can change everything."

"The human heart, it sounds beautiful, but it is actually the most useless thing in the world, because it can be easily influenced. People applaud you today, but they can abandon you like a pair of shoes tomorrow, and it all depends on the person in the high position. How to manipulate."

"So, don't talk to me about unity. I don't believe in this. I only believe in my own strength."

After hearing this, Su Mo couldn't help but sigh: "Everyone has their own experience, and I won't dictate other people's opinions. But don't you think these words will chill those companions who trust you?"

"For example, Sibel has been following you since the beginning of Wolf Raid. He has been following you since he was a little kid until he is now this big. He even suffered from "Blood Code Dissociation Syndrome" due to excessive use of blood codes. You Don't feel anything about it? "

When Troy heard this, his eyes became a little sad, and he looked at his biological sister with a complicated expression.

Sibel didn't expect that the topic would come to him. He was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Don't sow discord here! Being sick is my own business and has nothing to do with my eldest sister!"

Su Mo asked back: "Sibel, why are you so willing to risk your life to follow my eldest sister?"

"I think, isn't it because we have the same goals and ideals and are willing to fight for them together?"

Sibel said nothing, just looked at Fenrir with a longing look, and silence was the answer.

Su Mo looked at Fenrir again and continued: "The same goes for everyone else. Those Wolf Attack members who you haven't met a few times and may not even remember their names gathered around you because they share the same goals with you. .”

Fenrir gave a short smile: "Captain Su, you are quite good at brainwashing people. Let me tell you, most of the Wolf Raid members follow me not because they share the same interests, but because they follow me so they can eat. I will not be able to eat any day. When they were full, they still left without looking back.”

Su Mo: "There are quite a few of the people you mentioned, and I have met them too. But it is precisely because of their existence that those who never give up are more valuable, isn't it?"

Fenrir: "Even if you are right, in this world, only power is still the most important. Without power, you can only be slaughtered by others."

Su Mo: "Power is very important, but the power mentioned here is not limited to personal power, but also includes the power of companions."

"People are not gods, and a person's power is limited after all. Only when more and more people gather around you and are willing to unite and trust you can you create miracles."

Fenrir: "Have you ever seen a miracle?"

Su Mo smiled slightly and his eyes became deeper: "Let me ask you a question, do you think that with the current strength of the edge, if there is a head-on confrontation, how would it compare to the wolf attack?"

Fenrir: "Far worse."

Su Mo: "Then do you believe that even such a force that is far inferior to yours will come here without hesitation when their leader learns that it is impossible to defeat you?"

As soon as Su Mo finished speaking, a member of the Wolf Attack rushed in from outside and said to Fenrir solemnly: "A group of armed forces parachuted into our hinterland. Those people have red umbrella marks on their clothes. It has been confirmed that they are Marginal mercenary.”

Sibel quickly ran out to check.

Dozens of carrier airships were seen hovering in the night sky, with the flaming red red umbrella logo shining on the aircraft. A large number of fringe mercenaries were descending from the sky along ropes and landed around the Wolf Raid base camp.

Fenrir was also watching this scene silently at this time, with a strange look hidden in his dark purple eyes.

Sumer walked to Fenrir, looked at her companions who rushed to save her without hesitation, and said deeply: "In fact, many times, if a person fails, it does not mean that the path he took is wrong. "

"It just needs people who come after us to continue on that road again and again."

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