Qin Yao asked him: "What do you think is the most important component of a stable and strong country?"

This is not difficult, Liu Ji can answer it casually, "The vast and fertile land, and the hard-working people."

Qin Yao nodded and asked again: "What reasons would shake the vastness of the land and the diligence of the people?"

This is easy to answer, it’s right in front of you.

Liu Ji pointed to Zhuangzi on both sides of the official road. These fields were all owned by the big landowners in the county. These people were either rich or noble. They had long used their power to acquire the best farmland.

If ordinary people want to support themselves, they can only rent their fields and become tenant farmers.

If all the land becomes like this, coupled with today's pests, or last year's war, and these big men who occupy the land and rights not only do not reduce the rent, but also increase the rent, then the people's survival will change. It was very difficult.

Once people are forced into a desperate situation, they will fight back.

Liu Ji said solemnly: "It is due to frequent natural disasters and wars that have caused people to be displaced and good farmland to be abandoned. It is due to the corruption of the old dynasty that allowed the local powerful to annex the land, raise private soldiers, and shake the country's foundation."

Qin Yao glanced at him in surprise, and it seemed that he was not completely useless.

She asked the first question again, "So, after getting a country that has finally been unified after decades of chaos, what should we do next?"

She did not let him answer, but continued: "The people should be allowed to recuperate, the corvee taxes should be reduced, wars should be avoided, and this devastated land should be given time to recover."

"It's not that we're afraid of those barbarians in the north, it's just that there are more important things to do now than teaching them a lesson."

If he was afraid, Sheng Guo would not have sent troops last year, but would have taken the initiative to offer conditions such as marriage from the beginning to show weakness.

Instead of bringing up the matter of a truce with the bride in a conciliatory manner after winning a battle.

"If the fighting in the north doesn't stop, it will only be those of us at the bottom who will suffer."

Qin Yao looked at Liu Ji and pointed at him, "Without the princess taking the initiative to end the war, you are still working as a food transporter at the border. This year's taxes will increase, and the consequences of pests will be even more disastrous than what we see now. Dozens of times.”

"The caravan will be unable to carry out foreign trade transactions, and the economy will be severely affected. I'm afraid I won't be able to sell the newly made book boxes."

"The chain reactions caused by a war are beyond ordinary people's imagination, and if these chain reactions are spread to everyone, they are enough to destroy a small family that was originally peaceful."

As the city gate was approaching, Qin Yao took the reins from Liu Ji's hand and said calmly: "I am just an ordinary citizen. I only see that the decision to get married has brought me a peaceful life."

"Not everyone can be like the princess, willing to sacrifice themselves to help others."

Anyway, she couldn't do it.

Looking at Liu Ji, Liu Ji swallowed hard with a guilty conscience. He couldn't do it either.

A feeling of guilt spread from his heart, and Liu Ji whispered: "I really deserve to die!"

Qin Yao handed the city defenders two cents to enter the city, feeling heartbroken.

She only wanted to go to the outskirts of the city to see the pest situation in the county, but she forgot that it was easy to get out of the city, but she had to pay an entry fee to enter the city.

If I had known she would have gone out of the city alone, now she still has to pay Liu Ji's share, which is not cost-effective!

The couple separated at the back door of the restaurant. Before leaving, Liu Ji received 50 yuan for living expenses and smiled so hard that his teeth were almost blinded.

Qin Yao returned to the inn, and after dinner, she helped out in the lobby. Since she was not staying in a guest room, shopkeeper Fan didn't ask for her accommodation fee.

Qin Yao wanted to give him money, but he was still angry, so he could only do what he could to make up for the accommodation fee.

Liu Ji spent eight cents as soon as he got the money and had a luxurious meal of meat wontons.

After filling up my stomach, I rubbed my belly and returned to the academy.

During his absence, the students taking the re-examination in the academy were already chatting in a lively manner, for fear that others would not know that the questions in the re-examination were the same as those in the first examination, and the conversation was so exciting.

Liu Ji, who had just returned, was so frightened that he stayed away from them.

But when he walked to the door of the dormitory, he was afraid that these fools would implicate him, so he turned around and ran back with a cold face, scolding all the students like crazy, and drove them all away.

Since returning from the border, Liu Ji is no longer afraid of Fan Xiucai.

He would yell crazy curses at anyone he saw, and even Fan Xiucai was now avoiding him, not to mention other ordinary students with little influence in the academy.

After Liu Ji's angry rebuke, the academy quickly became quiet, and no one mentioned the re-examination papers again.

He snorted and then turned back to the dormitory.

Pushing open the door of the dormitory, the familiar smell of feet appeared. Liu Ji couldn't bear it. He pinched his nose and picked up the pairs of shoes and socks he had taken off with charcoal-holding iron tongs, and threw them all out!

Several roommates were shocked and shouted angrily: "Liu Ji, why do you throw away our shoes and socks!"

Liu Ji picked up the washbasin and washkerchief and walked directly in front of them, ignoring them.

This was not the first time that he reminded them to pay attention to personal hygiene, but a few of them refused to listen and piled their smelly socks in the corner without washing them for a month.

Why do you have the nerve to ask him now?

Several roommates watched helplessly as Liu Ji ignored him and went out to fetch water to wash his face and feet. Their faces turned red with anger.

Just as he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight, Liu Ji turned around and raised his hand to point in the direction of the restaurant in the city.

"I can tell you that my wife is currently living in Shopkeeper Fan's restaurant. Do you dare to lay a finger on me?"

The roommates all took a big step back. Who didn't know that Liu Ji's wife could smash them into meat pies with one fist?

"Liu Ji, you, you" the roommates said to each other for a long time, but they couldn't say anything harsh.

But I felt aggrieved. Why did the good Liu Ji go crazy and throw their shoes and socks?

Is it just because it smells so bad that he will get angry?

Then why haven't I seen him so angry before?

Liu Ji wiped his face, poured out the water from the washbasin, and washed his feet. Seeing his roommate's cowardice, the guilt he felt towards Princess Huiyang finally dissipated.

Pointing to the righteous education of several people, "The princess is a great person. She sacrifices her small self to fulfill the greater self. What do you people who have no vision and no structure know?"

After that, he added viciously: "If I hear you say that the princess's marriage is a humiliation for the people of Shengguo in the future, I will ask my wife to beat you to death!"

The roommates looked at each other and said that Liu Ji had another seizure.

Liu Ji hung up the wash handkerchief and looked at his roommates with disgust, "Whoever doesn't wash their face and feet from now on will never be able to sleep in the house. I'll beat every one of them on sight!"

Afraid that they wouldn't believe it, I imitated the way my elder brother did his morning exercises, stood up, raised his fists and said, "I have practiced with my wife before."

His three roommates were so frightened that they quickly picked up their shoes and socks and washed them.

That night, the lingering smell of feet in the air finally disappeared. After coming to the academy for so long, Liu Ji breathed in the fresh air and finally slept comfortably.

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