After I Crossed, I Became A King, and My Uncle Wanted to Rebel

Chapter 183 Adjustment of the three military structure, the absolute hegemon of the electric vehicle

According to his plan, the navy will be organized into two fleets, namely the first fleet and the second fleet. The First Fleet will be the main fleet, and the combat direction will be the east of Tang State, that is, the Atlantic Ocean. It has a vast ocean and a deep, protected area, and it is also the most important area of ​​Tang State, such as Tang, Jinghu, eastern Qinchuan and Hechi. North and other regions are almost the most important economic and population areas in Tang.

The operational direction of the Second Fleet is the western waters of the Tang Kingdom, that is, the Caribbean Sea. There are Havana, Yamaga, Haiguo and other reasons around it, and it is in a state of encirclement. This is destined to be a defensive nature of the Second Fleet. For the range of activities, this is the topographical point of view.

Of course, from the actual situation of the three countries, except for Havana, which has a complete military system, the other two countries are empty shelves. In fact, the basic ships are only a few patrol boats of dozens of tons.

On the contrary, Havana has combat units such as surface ships and submarines, but they are all old-fashioned Soviet-made weapons, which can be said to be outdated and less threatening.

Breaking through the Windward Strait and the Yamaga Strait is the relatively broad Caribbean Sea.

However, this direction is not the direction of Tang Guo's key business at the moment.

It is enough to have 1 frigate and 2 submarines, mainly operating the First Fleet in the Atlantic direction.

He plans to transfer four frigates to form the first fleet after the remaining two escort 470 frigates are launched, and the remaining one will serve as the temporary flagship of the second fleet. As for underwater submarines, it is also allocated according to this ratio, and the safety of the east is guaranteed first.

After all, he intends to use the island resource card rewarded by the system in the east, north of Riyue Island and south of Great Inagua Island, about 34 nautical miles away, which happens to be the main traffic route that jams the North-South route.

At the same time, it can also prepare for further expansion to Baja.

The biggest challenge facing is the threat of the Bald Eagle (Stars and Stripes), and there must be a sufficient surface fleet and underwater submarines to support the threat.

As for the air force, he intends to adopt the establishment common to all countries in the world, with squadrons, battalions, and wing units as the main establishment, and an aviation division will be established on them to govern. Each squadron has 12 aircraft. If it is a Black Hawk fighter, it is called a Black Hawk squadron. If a transport aircraft is used, it is changed to a transport aircraft squadron.

This is just a fixed frame, and in actual combat, it can be temporarily mixed to form a tactical team.

In terms of the army, the changes are minimal, just follow the two-level combat brigades he planned before, and only need to be deployed.

This is the architecture, the rest (acfb) is the command.

The joint combat command of the sea, land and air forces was established.

He does not intend to follow the example of the previous life, Earth Daxia, to set up a war zone. First, Tang is too small, and it is completely unnecessary. Second, the current Tang's combat mentality is coastal defense forces, and bordering on land is only two countries, which is completely unnecessary. According to the current situation Under such circumstances, a single Class A brigade combat unit can annihilate both countries.

Therefore, according to the national conditions, a joint combat command of the three armed forces can be established, and it can be under the jurisdiction.

However, the selection needs to be considered.

As for the Department of Homeland Defense, it is only responsible for the daily recruitment, establishment, equipment, training and compensation of personnel. The specific military command is delegated to the Combat Command of the Three Armies, which issues orders, and the commander of the fleet, the brigade commander of the army, or the commander of the army. The aviation commander will execute again.

To put it simply, the three-army command is more like a staff organization, responsible for making strategic plans, and the specific implementation still requires front-line commanders.

Of course, the original ministers of the navy, the army, and the air force were all nominal. In short, they did not have command power, but only served the three armed forces, such as foreign reception work, overseas visits and exchanges.

Jiang Feng thinks this structure model is more suitable for Tang Guo.

"His Majesty.

Just when Jiang Feng fell into deep thought and planned the structure of the army, he had reached the palace before he knew it, and the guards were waking him up.

He looked up and looked around, then lowered his head and got out of the car, walking towards the palace.

"Your Majesty, President Xu of Hengxing Company is asking to see him, and he is already in the lounge.

On the way, I met Yan Hong.

"Well, take him to the parlour.

Jiang Feng nodded.

As for Xu Dongping's intentions, he guessed one or two, it is estimated that there is good news from the new energy vehicle side.

as predicted.

Ten minutes later, when he came to the living room, Xu Dongping said to Jiang Feng with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, good news, the new energy vehicle has been successfully developed. 35

Saying that, he took out a prepared document and handed it to Jiang Feng, "This is the battery, motor, chassis and other technical parameters currently developed, as well as the model the company plans to launch. 35

Jiang Feng nodded slightly.

Reached out to take the document and read it.

There are pictures and texts, and there are some labels, such as the "star motor 1," parameter, the maximum power of a single unit reaches 380kw, and the peak torque reaches 500N.m. This is the low version, as well as the medium version of the star 2 and the high version of the star motor 3 and so on.

The battery has made a big breakthrough. Using graphene technology, it can be freely combined, and the battery capacity can be combined according to needs.

As for the shape of the vehicle, the design is better than he imagined.

There are sports car appearance, as well as sedans and commercial vehicles.

After reading it, he put the document on the table aside, Jiang Feng looked at Xu Dongping, "Tell me what you think, for the first car, do you plan to focus on sedans, sports cars, SUVs, or commercial vehicles?

"Your Majesty, that's what I think." Xu Dongping sat up straight and opened his mouth to express his thoughts, "In order to launch the first shot of electric vehicles, my idea is to enter high-end sports cars and participate in world-class racing cars. To improve our car products, we will first gain a foothold in the sports car market, then develop downwards in order to erode the high-end car market of fuel vehicles, and finally drop to the mid-level car market.

If we launch an ordinary version of electric vehicles at the beginning, we will inevitably face the distrust of customers, who think that there is a problem with the battery technology, or that the charging is inconvenient, maintenance, and after-sales problems.

In terms of these problems, sales will inevitably be affected, and a few cars will not be sold.

Moreover, the positioning is low at the beginning, and it will be difficult to enter the high-end market later.

Therefore, based on these problems, we simply directly positioned the high-end, starting with sports cars, to improve the gold content of our brand.

At the same time, taking advantage of this time difference, we are deploying directly-operated stores around the world.....99

"Good idea.

Jiang Feng first affirmed Xu Dongping's idea, and then asked: "In the later stage, my idea, you can consider, mid-range cars can consider building factories overseas, such as the Daxia area, to take advantage of the low local labor costs and resources.

That is to say, the core battery technology is to produce graphene batteries in Tang country, and then transport them to Daxia for assembly, so that we can grasp our absolute leadership in the field of electric vehicles.

The core of an electric vehicle is the battery.

Others, such as motors, chassis, etc., can be iteratively upgraded as long as it takes a little time.

Only battery technology, according to the current situation, even in 2030, it is impossible to break through.

This means that in the field of electric vehicles, Tang Guo will be the absolute hegemon. Even if other car brands enter the field of electric vehicles, they will either use lithium batteries or hydrogen energy, or spend money to buy graphene batteries from Tang Guo.

In this way, it can bring a steady stream of income to Tang.

So to be on the safe side, graphene batteries can only be produced in Tang and then shipped to assembly plants around the world.

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