The divine soldier glanced at the demon soldiers in fear and continued,

"A few of us have just built the foundation, and several of them have already arrived at Baodanjing."

"Of course we couldn't defeat them, but we didn't want to give in, so we started fighting with the demon soldiers."

The God Emperor looked at these divine soldiers who had just established their foundation. In order to defend the territory of the God Realm, they were beaten with bruises and bruises by the demon soldiers holding the pill mirror. The

God Emperor's face was calm, but in fact, his heart was full of anger.

He looked at the Demon Lord, waiting for the Demon Lord to make the next move after listening to the descriptions of the magic soldiers.

However, he stared at the Demon Lord for a long time, and he did not see the slightest sign of apology on the Demon Lord's face.

Not even his eyes. It was still dodging, so the God Emperor had to suspect that the Demon Lord had tacitly approved of this matter, otherwise why would there be a demon soldier holding a pill mirror here. The

God Emperor stared at the Demon Lord's eyes and noticed that the Demon Lord's face He looked a little unnatural, and he didn't speak first, as if he was waiting for the God Emperor to ask him first.

So the God Emperor spoke, and the God Emperor asked,

"These little magic soldiers have already told the reason for this matter, don’t you magic soldiers have nothing to say?"

As he said this, he glanced at the faces of the magic soldiers and found that they did not feel guilty about the magic soldiers at all. The expressions on their faces were rather ridiculing and sarcastic.

When the God Emperor saw this, he probably He had already understood the reasoning behind this matter.

He stopped talking and waited for what the Demon Lord would say next.

The Demon Lord was a little embarrassed to be stared at by the God Emperor, so he asked the Demon Soldiers,

"Did you just do what the magic soldiers said?"

The demon soldiers all replied no, they were just joking. Unexpectedly, the magic soldiers took them seriously. When the demon king heard the answers from the demon soldiers, he gave the god emperor a look of 'Look, they are just joking'..The face of the God Emperor gradually became frosty, and he stared at the Demon Lord with cold eyes and said,

"oh? Yeah? If this is the case, then we will no longer pursue it."

The devil replied with a smile,

"Then this matter is over and we can live together peacefully."

The Demon Lord felt something was wrong with the God Emperor's face, and also felt the inconsistency between what the God Emperor said and the expression on his face.

He even had goosebumps on his back when he was stared at by the God Emperor's cold eyes.

Not to mention The demon soldiers standing behind the Demon Lord were stunned. They didn't even dare to look into the eyes of the God Emperor anymore.

The incident just ended. The soldiers did not receive an apology from the Demon Lord, and this incident became a The relationship between the God Emperor and the Demon Lord fell into a freezing point.

When the God Emperor returned to the God Realm, he summoned all the officials in the God Realm and ordered them to pass on the order. From now on, they would no longer be friendly with the Demon Soldiers.

If someone comes to invade , no more concessions, but if the demon soldiers don't take the initiative to stir up trouble, we divine soldiers can't trouble them first.

Once this order is issued, it means that the former friendly relationship between the gods and demons is over.

And at this time, A nursing spirit appeared in the Demon Clan, and the Demon Lord was especially fond of him. The Demon Lord has always taken her with him since the appearance of the vixen. He even sometimes goes out to play with her and ignores the Demon Clan.

It is precisely this The vixen has been blowing wind in the ear of the devil, saying that the God Realm has occupied the land with strong spiritual energy for tens of thousands of years. Why don’t we seize the place.

Let the land with strong spiritual energy in the God Realm become the land of the demons from now on, and let those realms The humble demon soldiers all practice in places with strong spiritual energy.

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