After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 144 The man is a bit lecherous, what’s wrong?


It wasn't until their figures completely disappeared from sight that Chen Ping'an turned back to his table and sat down.

No one spoke in the room for a moment.

After a while, Chen Pingan took out his computer from his bag, opened it, and then started to look at the stock market trends.

Upon seeing this, Ding Junzhe dragged his chair over and sat down next to him.

"I've been studying it all morning, and to be honest, I don't feel much about it."

As soon as Ding Junzhe finished speaking, Li Hongzhong said:

“I know that all stock trends are driven by money.

Others can be said to be ignorant. "

Chen Pingan turned around and smiled, "You are absolutely right.

The trend chart is indeed made of money.

What level of trend chart corresponds to what level of capital amount.

If you want to participate, you must first understand the cruelty involved and have fear in your heart.

Otherwise, it would be a death to come in. "

Ding Junzhe shook his head and said: "I really have no interest in stock trading, but I am interested in the trading model you mentioned.

I just like to ponder and study..."

Chi Yonghao felt bored after hearing this and climbed into bed to lie down for a while.

Li Hongzhong said: "Boss, since you are interested and don't trade in stocks, why don't you play the simulated market and help Ping An get a model?"

Ding Junzhe shook his head and said: "No. One is that I haven't fully understood it myself, and the other is that my own reserves are not enough.

What's more, even if I, Zhao Ritian, figure it out, Ping An's actual match is over and it's meaningless..."

Chen Ping'an smiled, "It's not meaningless, it's just that it won't be used in this competition.

In the long run, if you can really come up with a trading model based on your own operating style and habits, you won't be able to make a lot of money, at least you won't lose money.

Brother Zhe, do you want to systematically learn how to trade stocks? "

Ding Junzhe touched his chin and thought for a while.

“From my point of view, this thing is just like someone asking my dad to invest.

First you have to figure out which stocks are worth investing in.

So first of all, we need to understand their products, business conditions, prospects, etc.

Anyway, when you talk about it now, all I can think of is that the first step is not to speculate in stocks, but to first learn how to analyze the situation of the company behind a certain stock. "

Chi Yonghao shouted in the upper bunk.

"Brother Zhe is wise. When buying a lamb, don't you have to check whether it is sick before buying it?

It's all the same.

My grandma said that when buying something or investing, you buy an expected value. "

Chen Ping'an couldn't help but sigh.

"That's so right.

Stocks are not bought for consumption. The purpose of buying them is to sell them at a higher price in the future and make a profit.

So, what you said is correct.

But there is another product that you should all know, and that is futures. "

Li Hongzhong nodded and said: "Futures are more risky, and they are leveraged.

Although I don’t know much about it, I have heard some of it.

There are also foreign exchange markets and so on. These are extremely risky things.

It is simply not something that small retail investors can touch.

If you are not careful, your family will be destroyed.

Every time there is a stock market crash, many people commit suicide by jumping off buildings. This is the result of using leverage to speculate in stocks or playing futures and eventually lose everything.

Brother Zhe, please don’t touch this thing. "

Ding Junzhe smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry, I will never touch these things.

The research is okay, but if you let me play, I'm afraid my mother will strangle me to death. "

Chen Pingan focused on the trend, and he bought two tickets related to the pharmaceutical industry.

However, his attention is not on the price trend, but more on the details of the transaction.

Ding Junzhe didn't stop talking, "If you want to play this, we happen to be finance majors. The first thing we have to do is to make every effort to learn the professional courses well.

With professional knowledge, at least you can understand the financial reports of listed companies.

Not to mention whether the financial report is fraudulent, at least it can be judged based on various economic parameters of the industry and other related upstream and downstream industries.

I always believe that everything depends on data. Regardless of whether the change in data is caused by a group of aunts, in the market, data is data.

The rolling transaction volume and transaction price are all real and incomparable data. "

Li Hongzhong took out a lighter from his pocket and played with it.

“Learning professional courses well is the foundation.

I also saw that Ping An read a lot of investment books in the library.

I always feel that the stock trading industry really requires a very large reserve of knowledge, and you can't make a fortune just by relying on gossip. "

"Don't you like making money very much? Why don't you give it a try?"

Chi Yonghao said something above.

Li Hongzhong smiled and said: "No one doesn't like money.

But I know where the boundaries of my abilities are.

If I hadn't been lucky enough to share a dormitory with a few of you, I might have followed the crowd like everyone else.

In addition to studying hard, the focus may be on climbing up. "

Chi Yonghao then asked: "What about now? Has anything changed?"

"Yes. If I follow the path my parents planned for me, I may be like them in the future, and that will be my whole life from now on.

Find a girl who also works in the government and get married. Just like that, you will know the day of retirement from the first day of work.

I don’t know what’s the point of living like that. "

Chen Pingan turned around and said seriously: "Fourth, you have to know that there are countless people out there who can't get the job you can easily get even if they break their heads.

If you don't cherish it yourself, I don't think you will cherish it no matter what you do.

If you don't cherish it, you won't take it seriously.

Without seriousness, you can’t do anything well and you can’t succeed. "

He could feel that Li Hongzhong's thoughts were nothing more than unwillingness.

At this time, it is his own business whether he can listen to what he said.

This sentence was a bit harsh, Ding Junzhe blinked and continued: "Three hundred and sixty lines, the number one scholar will be the best. Although it is very common, it is indeed true.

Fourth child, if you don’t plan to work in an agency, you should make plans early.

The few of us are a little different from you. Although we didn't choose it ourselves, we still followed the plans of the adults in our family.

Look at Lao San, does this bastard have nothing bad besides his sex appeal? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Chi Yonghao shouted: "My yang energy is too strong. This is due to my body, not my mind.

What do you know!

Besides, what’s wrong with men being lustful? "

Ding Junzhe laughed and said: "It's okay, it's okay, you can sleep on your own.

I am also horny, and there is no man who is not horny.

This is also true.

But we still have sense, right? At least we won’t see pretty girls armed with guns.

Oops, I'm off topic.

What I want to say is that the third child didn’t go out and cause trouble all day long just because he was so good at wrestling, right? "

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