"Shadow Lord!", Beta pushed open the door in surprise, but she was deeply shocked when she saw the scene in front of her.

Red wine worth 1.2 million, wine glasses worth 520,000 yuan, and accidentally picked up a world famous painting!

The whole house looks resplendent and upscale.

But it's all shadows, hard-earned gains!

Be the princess's boyfriend during the day and hunt thieves at night!

Just to set off the identity of the strong man of his shadow!

"The time has come, tonight will be a world shrouded in shadows", said Shadow, holding up his glass and taking a sip.

"Ah~ worthy of the Shadow Lord", Beta's face was dyed with a few red halos, and the night without moonlight was the world that matched them~

At the moment all the centaurs are ready, a total of 114. 10

"114", Shadow Convulsions!

"I'm sorry, but that's the only person available right now..."

Did you hire extras?, the Shadow muttered softly.



Reacting to it, the Shadow came back to his senses in time, and he almost lost his temper.

After all, the surprise is not in line with the identity of the master behind the scenes, but fortunately, Beta didn't care, she told the battle plan in its entirety, attacked the eight strongholds where the Order was located at the same time, and investigated the traces of the princess's magic, using Delta's raid as a signal to start!

"Alright", Sid interrupted her as she pulled out her envelope as Beta spoke of her plan.

He was not interested in the specific battle plan, and he didn't want to listen to it, but he was sorry that he had to play the prelude.

With a calm tone and elegant modifiers, Beta's eyes as if they were shining with light as if they were looking at Lord Shadow~~

Sid nodded, that's right, that's how it feels~

And at this moment, not far downstairs, the two of them were very strange, for some reason, the person in charge of monitoring Sid had disappeared, but soon they didn't think much about it, because the target person appeared!

"Hey~ handsome guy, what are you doing with the princess's shoes?"


"I see", and seeing this, Sid also understood everything, it seems that the princess was kidnapped, but in fact, it was the knights who kidnapped the princess, and now it is to completely blame it?

And the idea of the two is exactly like this, with Sid's character, they can only obediently submit to softness, but this kind of thinking comes and goes quickly.

"Peng-" A sound caught the attention of the two of them, and on the ground was the disappeared watchman.

What's the situation?!

He's dead...?!

Who is the enemy?!

In the next second, before he could speak, one of them had been directly cut off, and the yellow hair next to him panicked directly.

"Who?!", he jerked back.

But when he saw Sid, a smile appeared on the boy's face, which made people tremble and chill!

Wonderful world

"Damn! The routine of pretending to be a pig and eating a Land Rover will never get tired of it!", Kazuma clenched his fists, full of envy!

This is the essence of pretending!

Let others think you're weak, then reveal your identity and kill them after feeling the exhilarating fear of your enemies.

It's so cool!!

Spider sub-world

"Oh oh

In the next second, an arm was directly cut off in an instant.

"You did such a thing to the Knights! You don't want to be able to leave unharmed!"

When he was dying, Huang Mao wanted to threaten Sid, but Sid interrupted him with a smile.

"Don't worry about that kind of thing, wait until dawn...", the pitch-black shadow completely surrounded Sid, and his voice became domineering and ethereal, "Everything will also come to an end!"

When the two of them went to Yellow Springs together, Beta in the distance was quickly recording Sid's words and deeds, and Lord Shadow's noble way of loading forks must be recorded and passed on forever!

"Boom ——!!!"

At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise in the distance, and the Delta had already begun to move, the strongholds of the Order were being broken down one by one, and Alpha was watching from a high place, everything was going on in an orderly manner.

The huge movement caused the entire king to make a loud noise, and such a big movement also spread to the dungeon.

The crazy perverted eye man, holding the potion, walked directly to the guinea pig next to the princess, although the drug is still in the experimental stage, but now there is no way!

The thick needle pierced the failed object, and then the test object suddenly began to change dramatically, and its size directly expanded by three times, and the terrifying magic was almost materialized!

"Hahahahahaha! It's a success!" The man with glasses looked at this scene and became crazy excited, and then he was directly slapped into meat paste!

The monster is powerful, but it is not controlled!

"Damn... Are you really going to die here?", looking at the crazy monster on the side, the princess's eyes were full of unwillingness, but what she didn't expect was that the monster only broke the chains on her body and saved her!

Then, under the shocked gaze of the princess, the monster directly broke through the ceiling and began to wreak havoc on the royal capital!

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