As soon as the minister opened his mouth, he blocked everything the three brigade commanders could ask of him.

This makes the chief of staff who has not spoken yet feel helpless!

However, he immediately turned his eyes and looked at another man who was about thirty years old and sitting upright:"Come on, Captain Jiang, have a drink!"

All roads lead to Rome, if one doesn't work, just change to another!

However, the man who was called captain by the chief of staff showed an apologetic smile at this time, and then reached out to block the bottle that the chief of staff raised to pour wine:"Chief, I'm sorry, special forces members, drinking is strictly prohibited!"

"It's okay, it's a day off today, you're not wearing a military uniform, and we're not in the military camp either....."

The chief of staff was still trying to persuade him, but suddenly there was a knock on the door of the restaurant's private room!

The chief of staff frowned and looked at the door, as did the brigade commander and the chief committee member!

However, they are the only ones who can knock on the door now. If there is nothing else, they all know that they and others are entertaining distinguished guests! Will not be easily disturbed!

"Come in!"

The brigade commander put down his cup and sat down, and so did everyone else!

The door was quickly pushed open!

The person who came in was the chief of staff's guard!

"What's the matter?"The chief of staff spoke directly!

The guard glanced at the people present, in fact, he was looking at the two people coming down from above!

"I go out for a while!"

Since the expression of his guard is like this, the chief of staff can only stand up!

I still don't know what it is? What if it is my own private matter? I can't just ignore everything!

However, in less than twenty or thirty seconds, just The chief of staff who walked out with the door opened the door and came in!

His face was a little ugly, and the brigade commander who looked at him spoke directly.

"problem occurs!"........

In the reconnaissance camp, Lin Fan was squatting under the faucet outside the bathhouse, washing clothes.

Very abrupt!

A long"whining sound" came over!

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, and the movement of his hand was stunned!

But Lin Fan immediately came to his senses!

"Damn it, emergency assembly number!"

Lin Fan stopped washing his clothes, left all his belongings including the small yellow basin behind, and quickly ran back to his dormitory!

"what's the situation!"

As soon as he arrived at the dormitory door, Lin Fan saw two training veterans from other classes running out!

"Why didn't you bring anything? This is the emergency assembly number of the battalion headquarters. Why are you still wearing slippers?"

One of them immediately spoke hurriedly when he saw Lin Fan's empty hands!

"I'm doing laundry, don't talk anymore, I'll go back and change my shoes!"

Lin Fan didn't say much to him. He spoke directly and rushed up the corridor!

Returning to the dormitory, he quickly started to change his shoes.

At this time, in addition to the sirens and whistles, there were sounds coming from outside!

Just downstairs, It must be the company commander!

After putting on his shoes, Lin Fan arranged his clothes and ran out quickly!

"Um? what's the situation? Squad leader Zhou, where is the company commander?"

When he came downstairs, Lin Fan discovered that it was not the company commander who was blowing the whistle, but the company commander's paperwork. As for the company commander, he didn't see it at all!

"Join the team first. I don’t know the specific situation. It’s just that the company commander called me to assemble you!"

As soon as Zhou Wenshu finished speaking, the company commander over there ran over!

"All go back and arm yourself!"

The order made Lin Fan and others stunned. One of the corporals couldn't help but say:"Company commander? What happened? There are only a few of us!"

"Stop talking nonsense and go back fully armed, the others are on their way back!"After Lin Fan finished speaking, he called Zhou Wenshu to leave!

In an instant, Lin Fan had a premonition that something big had happened!

He didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he quickly ran back to the dormitory from the corridor and started to get fully equipped!

Three minutes later, they gathered again.

This time, it was all about security. The company commander was actually fully armed!

Without any unnecessary nonsense, the company commander led everyone to run directly towards the battalion headquarters!

Soon, Lin Fan saw that at this time, in front of the battalion headquarters, there were constantly lines of fully armed troops. Running here!

Even occasionally, there were some who were alone and quickly came over to dress themselves up!

Soon, the entire battalion was gathering in front of the camp headquarters. Except for the three main combat reconnaissance companies, in the distance Trucks are driving over quickly!

What’s a little embarrassing is that there is a large area in the Second Company, but now there are only eight people standing here!

Of course, everyone else knows why this is the case! So there is no one I felt strange, and at most I looked here twice!

The battalion commander and instructor stood in front of everyone, fully armed!

At this time, the battalion commander spoke loudly!

"Just over an hour ago, the police in City Z, which is more than 50 kilometers away, successfully disrupted a large-scale drug trade case!

Fortunately, in this operation, they stopped the drugs being traded and prevented a large amount of drugs from flowing into Z City and even the surrounding areas!

But unfortunately, one of the people in this group was a smuggled drug smuggler from overseas, and he belonged to a group of gun-wielding gangsters!

The armed police of the Ministry of Public Security suffered eight casualties, while the other party only had one person left.

Everyone else fled into the mountains!

Considering that there are not enough people for the armed police to search, we also consider that our department is nearby.

Therefore, the Ministry of Public Security requests our department to participate in the operation!

I have handed over the instructions to the brigade headquarters, and the brigade headquarters has just issued the order.

The reconnaissance camp fully cooperated with the local public security department to assist in arresting and even killing these drug dealers and gangsters!"

"Damn it, it’s real or fake, it’s a war!"

"Instead of fighting, catch drug dealers!"

"It makes no difference, the other party has a gun!"

In the queue, after the battalion commander's words fell, there were mutterings immediately.

On Lin Fan's side, there were only eight people standing together, including the company commander, but even at this moment, someone could not stop talking. The situation!

This shit is going to be real!

The casualties are all out!

The reconnaissance company usually always says that it is preparing for war, but the real situation, in addition to exercises, is actually saying that it is going to fight with real weapons. In a few years It's rare!

Many of the soldiers standing here have never encountered such a thing!

Not to mention the eight Lin Fan, they are all newcomers who joined the reconnaissance company within a year!

This is quite exciting!

The battalion commander ignored the voices below and continued to shout loudly:"Comrades, I know that most people have never experienced such a situation. You may be nervous, or you may be scared now!

But what I want to tell you is that you all look down at the clothes on your body and grab them in your hands!

Tell me, do you have the courage?"

"have!"This time, although the whole battalion was loud together, it was somewhat chaotic!

Immediately, the battalion commander spoke again!

"louder please! Are you ready to sacrifice your life for your country and join this real war?"

"Ready at all the time!"Lin Fan also roared with all his strength!

At this second, Lin Fan felt his adrenaline secreting rapidly!

There was nervousness, excitement, and...Various factors that are unclear and unclear...

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