There is a big difference between being a squad leader and being a platoon leader.

Although it seems that there are only two more classes in charge.

But the platoon leader is already an officer series.

Even because of Lin Fan's arrival, Lin Fan also wore his military rank when he wore his training uniform.

With the rank of captain, the company commander can secretly touch his nose during morning exercises and roll call every morning.

After all, he and the instructor, who had the rank of captain.

This also led to the fact that after Lin Fan became the platoon leader, the number of training sessions for the entire company became less frequent. Almost every day, they trained in separate platoons, allowing Lin Fan to lead the team to conduct daily drills.

As for the company commander, he would only have a meeting with the two platoon leaders in the camp every night during the meeting, and let the two platoon leaders report on today's training summary and tomorrow's training plan.

To be honest, if you do it this way, being a platoon leader is much more tiring every day than being a squad leader or a soldier.

Lin Fan couldn't go back to bed until after ten o'clock or even eleven o'clock every night.

However, there are also benefits. After personally leading the army, Lin Fan can experience something completely different from that in school.

The theories of the military academy are just theories after all. Only the current kind of real leadership can truly integrate into the identity of an officer.

However, fortunately, Lin Fan showed off his skills to Class 8 on the first day he came, which made Lin Fan's leadership of the troops go smoothly. No one dared to jump in because he was an officer from a military academy.

Moreover, he also participated in the training with Lin Fan when he led the troops. Especially during the combat training on the third day after taking office, Lin Fan completely defeated them all by himself.

Here, there are no military academy clubs and fighting stages, and there are not even boxing gloves or protective props.

However, there is a big playground and a sand pool.

Lin Fan stood in the sand pool.

First it was an individual challenge, then it was changed to a team challenge, and finally everyone from one class to another was directly called upon.

There is no doubt that Lin Fan stood at the end.

Even if Lin Fan had some remaining strength and could control his strength enough not to seriously injure them, a tiger would still be a tiger. Even if the tiger controlled his strength, a group of sheep would not be able to eat the tiger.

After the third day of the whole platoon, Lin Fan's prestige reached its peak.

Not to mention the old veteran Youzi who stumbled over his feet, if Lin Fan walked by and glared at anyone, that person's hair would stand on end.

Even the company commander, instructor and even the battalion commander, when they found out about this situation, smiled bitterly and shouted in admiration.

This way of leading troops and subduing his subordinates is very cool.

However, they cannot learn this method.

I don’t have that strength!

This is a flaw......

"In today's 400-meter test, the five with the worst scores had to wash all the smelly socks at night!"

Outside the 400-meter obstacle course, the three classes stood neatly in three rows. Lin Fan stood in front of the queue, with a stopwatch in one hand and a notebook and pen in the other. He looked at them with a straight face and shouted.

No one dared to say a word, and Lin Fan was not prepared. Let them speak, and then continue shouting:"Class 7 comes first!""

After saying that, Lin Fan called to Class Nine and threw the pen and notebook to him.

He asked him to help record the time, while he only held a stopwatch.

Army training and assessments are common things.

It's more than four hundred meters. There will be assessments in daily training such as reconnaissance camp, 100-meter rapid fire, target practice, five kilometers, ten kilometers, and armed swimming.

Of course, these assessments are not unified, but are just a data used for the annual selection of training pacesetters for normal training within the company. Reference.

Soon, the first soldier from Class 7 came to Lin Fan, and Lin Fan looked at him:"Are you ready?"


The corporal nodded, and Lin Fan didn't say much. He pinched the stopwatch and shouted:"Start!"

Training, usually Lin Fan will join in. Only during this kind of assessment, Lin Fan will act as a leader and preside over the assessment.

However, today's assessment is destined not to be peaceful.

Because only three people from the seventh class were tested.


In the camp, a long siren suddenly sounded

"Um?"Lin Fan frowned and turned around in an instant.

The ninth squad leader who was helping to record the results said directly:"Fuck, what's going on?"

"What's wrong? I don’t understand the level 1 combat alert. Lin Fan yelled at him

"Tian Hao, come back, no more exams.

So people, hurry up and get back armed and gather downstairs!"

Lin Fan shouted to a soldier who was still in the obstacle, and then gave orders to the others. After that

, he ran back quickly towards the company's Suse side.

He had to go to the company commander to ask what was going on.

Damn it, the first level battle alarm has been sounded, it’s a bit scary! I quickly rushed downstairs to the dormitory, the company commander and instructor were already waiting here

"Company commander, what's going on? The drill is still real!"

"I don’t know, the battalion has set off an alarm, hurry up and arm yourself, we have to go to the battalion headquarters for the assembly later!"


Since the company commander didn't know, Lin Fan didn't dare to ask any more questions and rushed upstairs quickly.

However, when he was putting on his equipment, Lin Fan came to his senses.

It's understandable that the battle alarm in the camp was issued without prior notice. There is no sound from the problem system.

You know, if it comes to actual combat and you haven’t done anything to make the system shut down, then there will definitely be a mission.

But now there isn’t?

"System, what's going on? No mission?"

The system is almost ready at any time. As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, the system directly spoke:"The exercise camp and tasks have not been determined yet, and the tasks will not be distributed for the time being.!"

"Damn it, you knew it was a drill!"

Lin Fan felt a little disappointed in his heart, but also a little relaxed.

Playing is really exciting, but when playing for real, sometimes there are casualties among comrades, which is also very uncomfortable, so Lin Fan doesn't know if he really likes going to the battlefield.

However, Lin Fan definitely did. He didn't like drills.

He didn't participate in drills during his three years in the military school. He didn't participate in drills during his freshman and sophomore years. He participated once in his junior year.

During that drill, Lin Fan was speechless.

He didn't even dry his hair. It was almost like going to practice. In the end In a daze, he was directly declared eliminated by the director's room.

The reason was that the enemy carried out a covering strike with missiles on the area.

There was no sound of firecrackers, but a word came from the director, and then a group of people came back!

That exercise , from the excitement at the beginning, preparing for a big fight, to the later coming back cursing, every student who participated did not curse.

Then, the scolding was useless.

And now, it was practiced again.

After Lin Fan passed that time, he thought This time, he was not interested at all.

Of course, even if he was not interested, he had to go. The first-level battle alarm was sounded, but you don’t just want to go.

At this time, other soldiers from the eighth squad behind him also came back.

"Come on, there won't really be a war, right?"

"MD, the squad leader missed the opportunity to make contributions!"

"Don't talk nonsense, there is no way to fight, you will definitely practice!"

Everyone quickly packed their backpacks and armed themselves, while still muttering. When

Lin Fan heard these words, he turned around and cursed:"What are you muttering about? Still in the mood to chat, didn’t you hear the level one battle alarm? Give me some speed. If anyone fails to follow me when I go downstairs, it will be up to me to deal with you afterwards!"

With one sentence, the only sound of Class 8 was to pack things up.

Lin Fan's authority, when he didn't speak, the familiar guys from Class 8 still dared to laugh and make a fuss, but once Lin Fan lowered his face, who would When the fart reaches the door, it will be clamped back directly...

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