After the Eldest Sister-in-law Died Young, Dai Wen Remarried

Chapter 237 The drunkard doesn’t care about the wine

An An naturally received the damn look, and his whole body became animated. He pulled Xiao Shitou and started to introduce Ji Huaimo.

Xiao Shitou is his good friend, and Ji Huaimo is also his good friend. An An naturally hopes that the two good friends can live in harmony, so he does his best to introduce the two people to each other, and from time to time he uses himself as a tool to liven up the atmosphere.

Although Ji Huaimo's family background is considered good, perhaps because of his family, he does not have the aloofness of a rich kid, but is extraordinarily approachable.

Therefore, when he saw the patched clothes Xiao Shitou was wearing and the smell of sweat, he didn't dislike it at all, but took it for granted.

With An An's help, Xiao Shitou and Ji Huaimo quickly became familiar with each other, and even went to feed the chickens together.

The long green bug made the three children laugh for a long time.

Yun Qinghuan occasionally looked up and couldn't help but smile.

Looking at this scene, no one would have thought that in the original work, the three little guys were mortal enemies who would never stop fighting.

When the time came, Yun Qinghuan called Xiao Shitou over and taught him how to study. The three little ones were still a little reluctant to leave. Yun Qinghuan could not stand the appearance of the three children, so he very kindly arranged them for An An and Ji Huaimo. Operation.

It is the kind of homework that is not too much, but requires a lot of time to write carefully.

The two of them looked at each other with a grimace. There were probably very few children who really liked doing homework, even if they were smart and good at studying.

An An and Ji Huaimo secretly competed with each other. They both wanted to get praise from Yun Qinghuan, so they wrote more seriously than the other.

So much so that Yun Qinghuan could devote himself to teaching Xiao Shitou.

Little Shitou is a smart child. After one or two months of teaching, he has already recognized more than 200 common words and numbers within 1,000. He is a little behind on addition and subtraction and needs to learn more.

But the learning gains have been significant.

Yun Qinghuan taught him the last bit of Pinyin and taught him to use Pinyin to read. At first, Xiao Shitou couldn't learn it, couldn't turn corners, and couldn't pronounce Pinyin coherently.

"W~an, play."

Yun Qinghuan tried his best to read it accurately and asked him to look at his tongue.

Xiao Shitou followed suit, "w~an, An."

"No, keep reading with me."

Yun Qinghuan is very patient and takes the trouble to do it over and over again.

Little Shitou read it a dozen times in a row, and finally got it right the last time, "Play!"

Yun Qing's eyes lit up with joy and she praised him, "Little Stone is awesome!"

I quickly taught him to read the pinyin of other Chinese characters.

He would always make some small mistakes at the beginning, but later on, the mistakes would become less and less, and he would read more and more smoothly.

Until you can independently recognize the pronunciation of words.

Yun Qinghuan took the Xinhua dictionary and asked him to read it by himself. She had never taught him many words, but Xiao Shitou read it accurately.

The two of them were learning enthusiastically. Over there, An An and Ji Huaimo were secretly competing with each other at first, but after seeing each other for so long, Yun Qinghuan didn't even come to read what they wrote. Instead, he taught Xiao Shitou for so long, which was a bit boring. .

An An deliberately made noise, and even read out her own words on purpose.

Ji Huaimo also followed suit.

The two boys were so arrogant that they were afraid that it would really delay Xiao Shitou's studies, so they always used Yun Qinghuan to teach Xiao Shitou and let him read aloud while he was thinking.

No matter how stupid Yun Qinghuan was, he knew that these two drunken men were not interested in drinking, so he got up to take a look.

Ji Huaimo quickly winked at An An, and the two children instantly sat upright.

The handwriting is also neat and straight. Although the two little ones are not strong enough and their handwriting does not have the power of the sky, they are definitely the best among their peers.

Yun Qinghuan was not stingy with his praise, "An An, Huai Mo, you two wrote very well. I will make braised pork as a reward for you at noon!"

"Yeah!" An Ante was happy. He liked the braised pork made by his mother very much!

"Huai Mo, you are in for a treat today. The braised pork made by my mother is delicious! Even better than the ones in state-owned restaurants!"

Ji Huaimo was a little greedy when he heard this and looked at Yun Qinghuan eagerly.

His mother could only make sure the rice was cooked every time. She didn't care whether it was delicious or not, as long as she didn't eat dead people. His father was an idiot in life, or it was because his mother was unreliable that he slowly learned to cook. It was just that The rice cooked is only slightly better than his mother's, but far from delicious.

Occasionally, the family would go to a state-owned restaurant to have a meal, but it was really only occasionally. After all, the food in state-owned restaurants was not cheap, and their family was not wealthy enough to eat out every day.

When Xiao Shitou heard the commotion here, he looked over with envy, braised pork? Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

Yun Qinghuan turned to him and said, "Little Shitou, you will also stay for lunch and chat with Huai Mo. By the way, I will also reward you for your progress in study today. You can talk to your grandparents when you go home later."

Xiao Shitou wanted to refuse, but Yun Qinghuan had already stood up and walked into the room. The door was closed, cutting off his words.

He swallowed and swallowed the words.

At noon, Xiao Shitou came over, holding four eggs in his hand and handed them to Yun Qinghuan, "Auntie, you can add one more dish at noon."

Yun Qinghuan glanced at him and knew that these four eggs were given to him by Xiao Shitou. He stayed here for lunch. If he didn't give him something, he would probably feel bad. Even if he did keep them, he would probably eat them. Absent-minded.

Yun Qing smiled happily and did not refuse the eggs given by the little guy, "Okay, I will make scrambled eggs with chili pepper for lunch."

Little Shitou's eyes flashed with stars, and he hummed a song and helped fold vegetables and peel garlic.

The four of us were busy together, so lunch was made quickly.

A plate of braised pork with potatoes and a plate of scrambled eggs with chili. Just like yesterday, one fish was made into fish soup and braised fish. Mushroom and hen soup were also stewed. The remaining half of the hen was kept for next time and fried at the end. There was a plate of beans, stewed potatoes, four dishes and two soups. The portion of the soup was extra large, enough for each person to drink a big bowl.

While cooking, several children were so greedy that they wanted to drool. Because there were two friends around, An An was also particularly greedy today.

After all, it is better to grab the popularity than to eat alone.

At noon, Bai Naihan and Ji Xingjun came back. When they saw the dishes on the table, they naturally gulped again. Bai Naihan was okay. After all, family conditions had been rising in the past six months, and there was no shortage of chicken, duck, and fish. , eat it often. He and Yun Qinghuan are both very good at cooking. Even Liu Yuzhi is not willing to put oil in cooking under their influence, so the taste is not bad.

So when Bai Naihan saw this dish, he just felt hungry after an empty stomach all morning, but he still had the image to hold it back.

But Ji Xingjun was different. Smelling this extraordinarily fragrant dish, he wanted to wash his hands and eat quickly. He could not take his eyes away from the dish.

He looked at Bai Naihan and felt extremely envious. Deputy Factory Director Bai was really lucky to have a wife who was so good at cooking.

Although everyone is very greedy, they still have to wait a while before eating because mother-in-law Liu Yuzhi has not come back yet.

There were guests at home today, and naturally we had to wait for the eldest Liu Yuzhi to come back before we could start eating.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the door creaked open, and Liu Yuzhi walked in from the outside.

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