"Wang Youjun is in a hurry to find a stepmother to take care of his child. Otherwise, he still has a job in the commune, so how can he have time to take care of his child?"

"Although he has good conditions, the teenage unmarried girl is not willing to follow him and become a stepmother for his children. Wang Youjun, a young unmarried girl with bad looks, doesn't like him. So, just find him. The matchmaker came to talk to Zhao Qiumei, and Zhao Qiumei agreed directly.

Yun Qinghuan's mouth twitched after hearing this.

How much do you hate getting married? Although Wang Youjun's family conditions are pretty good, of course, they are in this area.

But after all, you are a stepmother, and you must know that it is not easy to be a stepmother.

If Zhao Qiumei had known that the college entrance examination would be resumed as long as she persisted for more than one year, would she have regretted passing the college entrance examination and returning to the city?

Of course, this is not known yet.

Yun Qinghuan asked her, "Did Zhao Qiumei say when she would get married?"

"It's June 6th, not too long ago. There's still more than half a month left. This wedding is in a hurry. I feel like the Wang family doesn't attach much importance to her."

Qiao Yue shook her head. As an educated youth, Zhao Qiumei was actually in good condition and quite pretty. It would be a pity to find someone like Wang Youjun.

But her relationship with Zhao Qiumei was average, and she was too lazy to persuade others.

The people of the province will not blame her for having a difficult life in the future. 【】

"Then these days are indeed a bit anxious."

Thinking that Wang Youjun's ex-wife died in childbirth, Wang Youjun was probably not a good person. I heard that the two children left by his ex-wife were both boys. There is no such thing as a poor heir. For rural people, although two boys are Not too many, but not too few either. If Wang Youjun loved his wife, how could he keep her pregnant and give birth to children?

You must know that in this backward rural area, children are born by themselves and never go to the hospital. For women, giving birth is really like stepping into the gate of hell, which is very dangerous.

Don't say that contraceptive measures are not popular now. It may not be popular among ordinary rural men who have little knowledge, but Wang Youjun, a small commune official, doesn't know. Who can he lie to?

If you really don’t know, why don’t you go to the health center and ask?

Today's health clinics all sell small umbrellas, but they are too thick and the experience of using them is not good. However, they can be used repeatedly and are low-cost.

It's just that men only care about their own happiness and don't care about women's life and death.

Everyone in the village felt that Wang Youjun's mother-in-law had a bad fate when she died in childbirth, but Yun Qinghuan felt that the reason for this woman's bad fate was because she met a man like Wang Youjun. If she had married a good man, her fate would have been at least better than now. A hundred times better.

But this idea was too advanced, and Yun Qinghuan did not say it out loud.

Thinking of what people in the village said about Qiao Yue and his wife not planning to have any more children, they asked curiously.

Qiao Yue smiled bitterly and touched her belly, which was still a little loose after giving birth. "I really don't plan to have more children. When I gave birth to Yuanyuanzheng, I almost suffered from severe bleeding. At that time, my mother happened to be accompanying me during the birth, and it scared his legs." He softened, no, after giving birth to the child, he held my hand and said that he would never have any more children, and that our family of four would live a good life in the future."

"Actually, I asked him if he was afraid of being criticized for not having a boy, but Jingyang said he didn't care, and said that as long as the two girls can be good in the future, it would be fine."

A sweet and distressed smile appeared on Qiao Yue's face, "Actually, I'm very happy that he said that. To be honest, I was also afraid after giving birth to these two children. I was really afraid that I wouldn't be able to get off the operating table, but I was also worried that he was now It’s true that he doesn’t want a boy, but he can’t stand so many people around him saying, what if he wants a boy in the future?”

Lying on that cold operating table, she really felt like she was in hell, and she didn't want to lie down there again.

Yun Qinghuan held her hand, and she could feel the danger just by listening to her few words.

Qiao Yue smiled at her, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and continued, "But I am really grateful to Jingyang. At least what he said now makes me feel at ease. Even if he really wants to in the future, I don’t blame him for wanting a boy.”

Her eyes were clear and bright, and she was obviously thinking about it.

Yun Qing smiled happily and said, "I'm very happy that you can think so. I know a thing or two about Shen Zhiqing. I think what he said is true. We will see how he behaves in the future. Anyway, we can get together or not. It doesn't matter if you are gone. The most important thing is that you must love yourself and your two children well in the future. Now that you are still in confinement, you can't cry. It is not good for your health. It is true to take good care of your body. Yes, let’s talk about the future later.”

"You're right, I listen to you."

Qiao Yue's heart melted when she saw her two daughters sleeping soundly. She had to take good care of her health for the sake of her two daughters.

Yun Qinghuan thought of the names she heard just now and touched the two children curiously, "Is your daughter's name Yuanyuanmanman?"

Qiao Yue smiled, "My nicknames are Yuanyuan and Manman. I think this name has a good meaning, but I haven't given it a big name yet. Jingyang has been scratching his head and unable to sleep in the past two days. He was flipping through a dictionary just thinking about the name. .”

Yun Qing laughed happily, looking at the two little girls who looked exactly the same, "That's a pretty name."

They are much prettier than the random names given to grass, flowers, etc. by a bunch of little girls in the village. You can tell at a glance that their parents are interested in these two girls.

"By the way, which one is called Yuanyuan and which one is called Manman?"

Qiao Yue smiled and pointed at one of the children with a small mole on the tip of her nose, "Her name is Yuanyuan. She was born first and is the eldest. The other child without a mole on the tip of her nose is Manman, who was born later. .”

"Oh, Yuanyuan also has a beauty mark. She is so beautiful. She will definitely become a beauty in the future."

Qiao Yue and his wife are both good-looking, and the two girls are good-looking, taking advantage of their strengths.

Yuanyuan didn't know if she heard someone complimenting her, she grinned and her eyes moved, but she didn't wake up.

Yun Qinghuan's heart melted just looking at it.

It felt like she hadn't seen Shen Jingyang for a long time, so she asked her curiously, "Where is your man? Why didn't you see him? You are not well yet, do you still need someone to take care of you?"

Some were dissatisfied with the man's absence for so long.

Qiao Yue rectified her name, "He went to deliver the truck. He borrowed a truck from the town, pulled me and the child over, kept the things at the person's house, and said he would send the truck back in the afternoon. This was not just After making lunch, I got the kids and I ready and then went to return the car. It will probably be dark when we get back."

She looked at the sky outside with some worry.

Yun Qinghuan saw that she had a hot water bottle and some peach cakes in her hand. Shen Jingyang had obviously prepared it for fear that she would be hungry and thirsty. There was also a chamber pot at the end of the bed, and her opinion of Shen Jingyang dissipated a little.

At least she thinks Shen Jingyang is much better than Bai Guanglin.

"By the way, now that you are back from the hospital, does Shen Zhiqing still want to go back to work in the coal mine? You cannot live without people during confinement."

Qiao Yue smiled and shook her head, "He won't go for the time being. Yesterday, he said he would take another half-month's leave, and he would take care of me and the two children after confinement before continuing to work."

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