Originally, the male doctor thought that he might only be able to save one, but now that he saw the female doctor, he thought that maybe he could try and save both the adults and the child.

As soon as the female doctor came out of the operating room, she was called in again.

Liu Yuzhi looked at Mrs. Wang and her family with cold eyes, saying that they wanted to protect their children but not their elders.

If it were normal, she would probably warmly say that no matter what, the lives of adults are more important than children. If the children are gone, you can have them again, but if the adults are gone, they are really gone.

Moreover, one is the daughter-in-law who has been with each other for many years like a family member, and the other is an unborn child who has not yet met. It is clear at a glance which one is more important.

But Yang Guihua was the one who harmed her daughter-in-law, so she was not so kind-hearted to say good things for Yang Guihua.

Later, whether Yang Guihua and the child in her belly can survive depends on her luck.

Liu Yuzhi followed behind the hospital bed, holding the child in her arms and following carefully.

Zhao Qiumei also followed.

The presence of the two children was very low. At this moment, knowing that the mother/godmother and the children were safe, An An and Xiao Shitou rubbed their eyes, which became redder and redder. They also rubbed back the tears that were about to fall.

At that time, Liu Yuzhi couldn't think of cooking, put out the fire in the stove, and planned to go to the town health center to see how her daughter-in-law was doing. It happened that the two children had finished school, and Wen Yan wanted to go with them.

As soon as these words came out, An An also felt a little guilty. He looked at the sleeping female doll and said, "Sister, I'm sorry, brother is wrong. Brother should not think you are ugly. Even if you are really ugly, you are my sister. Don't worry. From now on, brother will definitely make money to buy you new clothes and cream, and try to dress you up more beautifully. Even if you can't get married, brother will still support you."

Moreover, Yun Qinghuan's mother-in-law didn't know that something had happened to her daughter-in-law, so she went to Bai's house and told Liu Yuzhi that Yun Qinghuan was pushed down and bloody. Now Bai Naihan took her away on a bicycle. Went to the town health center.

The child had no clothes to wear and was wrapped in hospital cotton.

In the evening, Bai Naihan took Yun Qinghuan to the town health center on his bicycle.

Xiao Shitou also stared at the child curiously.

She came with her because she was worried about Yun Qinghuan's condition. At this moment, Yun Qinghuan and the child in her belly were both safe, so she was relieved.

As for the situation of Yang Osmanthus, Zhao Qiumei was very indifferent and didn't care at all.

Liu Yuzhi carried the child into the ward and felt uncomfortable when she saw the scene in front of her.

Xiao Shitou was covering his mouth and laughing, obviously laughing at An An's lack of expression.

She walked forward with a smile and looked at her son, "You haven't eaten anything tonight. I brought some snacks. You can eat some to fill your stomach later."

"By the way, is this baby a boy or a girl?"

Liu Yuzhi also smiled and looked at her little granddaughter happily, "Good girl, my daughter is considerate."

Zhao Qiumei didn't plan to follow, but she was really worried about Yun Qinghuan's situation, so she followed.

But there are so many of them that you don’t have to worry about safety if you go together.

He tidied the quilt for his wife and rested his fingers on her pale face for a moment.

Liu Yuzhi did not refuse, thinking that she might not be able to come back tonight, so she just brought snacks from home and came over.

Liu Yuzhi's originally smiling face froze, and she looked at her granddaughter.

Liu Yuzhi went to see Zhao Qiumei again, "Zhao Zhiqing, you are the same. Your daughter is still at home. She is a young child and cannot live without adults. You can go back with them."

Otherwise, it would not be safe for Zhao Qiumei, a lesbian, to wait for others to leave later and then walk back to the countryside alone at night.

She looked at An An with disapproval, "My sister is still young now. She will be beautiful when she grows up. Besides, you are an older brother, how can you dislike your sister for not being beautiful?"

In fact, it's getting late now, it's past eight o'clock in the evening.

If they want to go back, they can only walk back because there is no bullock cart to ride on.

Just now, An An didn't see what her sister looked like, and she was still looking forward to it. She hoped it would be a particularly beautiful sister, but instead she saw a red and wrinkled child who looked like a monkey.

Liu Yuzhi had already put the child to sleep on the bed next to her.

The child is too young.

Bai Naihan came to his senses and glanced at the child in his mother's arms. The child was probably tired from crying and was sleeping innocently.

For a moment, he frowned in disgust, "Grandma, my sister is too ugly!"

However, the child was still young and it was not convenient for her to carry the child so far, so she asked the villagers to help bring the child back to the Wang family.

Liu Yuzhi walked a few steps, then remembered something, and thanked the dozen or so people from the same village behind her, "I'm really grateful to you for helping my family live happily today. I'll bring gifts to say thank you some other day. It's getting late. Yes, you should have something to do at home, so you can go back first, so as not to worry your family if you go back too late."

An An was also aggrieved. He felt that he was being blamed for telling the truth.

Liu Yuzhi's heart was filled with anger at these words, and she slapped her grandson's butt angrily, "You bastard, luckily your sister is still young and not sensible. Anyone who understands anything will fight you if I hear what you say. "

Zhao Qiumei originally planned to go home with her child in her arms, but when she thought of Xia Yuhua she accidentally saw, she still felt a little worried.

From just now until now, I haven't had time to ask the gender of the child.

In fact, this child is already pretty among newborn babies. His eyes, nose, and mouth are very delicate, but because he is still young, his skin is a little wrinkled, so he can't see it clearly.

"Okay, Auntie, I'll leave first." Zhao Qiumei did not force her.

At this moment, Bai Naihan was leaning against the wall of the ward, and his mind was completely calm.

Afraid that others would not know his dislike, An An's expression was exaggerated.

This gag made Bai Naihan feel a lot better.

He gave a rare smile and said, "She is a girl. Qing Huan has always wanted a daughter. Now that she has experienced life and death, she finally got her wish."

He took the snack bag from his mother, grabbed some biscuits and ate a little, but he didn't feel hungry and stopped after taking a few bites.

The small one is like a cat.

If there was a real fight, she wouldn't stop him. An An's mouth really deserved a beating. She was afraid that because of this mouth, he would not be able to find a wife in the future.

An An also gathered around curiously, "Is she a sister? That's great! I knew my mother would give me a sister!"

It happened so suddenly that no one in the family had time to prepare.

"Mom, Qing Huan is asleep now. It's probably a while before she wakes up. There's nothing here. I'm going to ride my bike back and bring some food. I'll also make some soup and bring it back. You and Qing Huan will have dinner too. She hasn’t eaten, and she just gave birth to a baby, so she has lost her energy and blood and needs to replenish her energy. It’s getting late now, and the state-owned restaurant has closed, and I’m afraid it won’t open until tomorrow morning.”

If Qing Huan woke up in the middle of the night, he would probably feel hungry.

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