His tone was full of impatience, his eyes were cold, and he was so tall that when he stood there, he looked like a mountain, making Bai Guojin and his father look as skinny as monkeys.

Mrs. Wang stood in front of him like a child.

Mrs. Wang looked at the tall man, but she dared not speak in anger.

Even Bai Guojin, the person who usually made the loudest noise, got cold feet and quietly shut up.

Bai Guojin felt that if he dared to retort, this man would be able to punch him and send him flying.

When the man saw that they finally calmed down, he sat down again with a bad look, rested his head on his arms and fell asleep again.

Because this man was the first to get angry, Mrs. Wang and the others did not dare to quarrel no matter how dissatisfied they were. They spoke in invisible colloquial language, relying entirely on guesswork.

In short, I didn’t dare to make any more noise.

Lying on the hospital bed on the other side of Yang Osmanthus is a man in his thirties. He seems to have broken his leg and is wearing a plaster. He is lying there now, not asleep, staring at Yang Osmanthus with his eyes. He paused emphatically on her chest for a moment.

The look made Yang Guihua feel a little uncomfortable and turned sideways to avoid the man's gaze.

She looked around, her eyes paused on the little guy sleeping on the pillow, and after a while she said, "Am I dead? Otherwise, why would there be a child next to me?"


The sound was so loud that the pregnant woman who was sleeping on the bed next to her moved.

As for Mrs. Wang and her man, it was very simple. They borrowed two large sacks from the kitchen and spread them on the floor and slept there.

A series of questions were asked.

Bai Naihan staggered when he was photographed, but he stood still without reacting, and then remained motionless.

After yawning and feeding the baby milk powder, the moonlight gradually appeared on the horizon, and it was almost dawn.

I went to see my son again and found that his whole body was tense and his hands were clenched into fists unconsciously.

The man curled his lips, but did not dare to make a sound, but his eyes never fell on her.

But his eyes were staring straight at Yun Qinghuan.

My heart dropped.

Don’t blame others for saying that it is difficult to raise children, and that women tend to age quickly after becoming mothers.

If I don’t sleep well every day, can I not grow old?

Fortunately, it's the turn of spring and summer. The weather is good and the diapers dry easily after washing. If it were winter, it would be unthinkable.

A trace of worry could not help but arise in my heart.

With that said, she closed her eyes again.

Only then did Liu Yuzhi realize that her son was not in a good mood. He took a careful look at his daughter-in-law and saw that her eyes were still closed, but it could be seen from her slightly trembling eyelashes that she was pretending to sleep.

He gently placed the child beside the bed and was about to go back and squint for a while when Yun Qinghuan slowly opened his eyes and looked straight at him.

Bai Guojin was not someone who would wrong her master. Even though the hospital bed was very narrow, only one meter wide, and Yang Guihua and her newborn son could barely sleep on it, Bai Guojin still squeezed in. During this period, he held down Yang Osmanthus's wound hurt so much that Yang Osmanthus couldn't hold back and screamed.

Liu Yuzhi: "..."

But the movement around me is always there.

The man lying beside her bed immediately raised his head and glared at Bai Guojin, full of threats.

Bai Guojin was very satisfied with her knowledge. A grown man occupied most of the hospital bed. Those who didn't know it thought he was the one who was ill and hospitalized.

The three beds in the ward were all occupied by patients and pregnant women. If Bai Guojin and the others stayed at night, they would have no place to sleep.

Her quick movements don't look like an old lady's.

Children need to drink milk several times a night and change diapers several times, otherwise they will cry all the time. Diapers that are too wet will soak the child's buttocks and easily cause red rashes, so you can only change the child's diapers frequently.

Liu Yuzhi felt sorry for her son and wanted him to sleep a little longer, but Bai Naihan was unwilling. In the future, he would still take care of the child more and he would have to learn more.

It was also through feeding and changing diapers that Bai Naihan realized how tiring it was to take care of a child.

During the night, Bai Naihan and Liu Yuzhi got up several times to feed the child milk and change the child's diaper.

Next to him, Bai Naihan was frozen and motionless.

Even Bai Naihan boasted that he was in good health, but taking care of his children all night long was a bit overwhelming.

Bai Guojin was so scared that he froze on the bed.

When the man lay down again, he slapped Yang Osmanthus angrily and said in a low voice, "Keep your voice down!"

He used a sack as a quilt to cover himself, and also got some old newspapers to cover himself.

When Liu Yuzhi was talking to her son, she suddenly woke up, jumped out of bed, and quickly turned on the light.

Like falling into an abyss.

But the fear of Bai Guojin was engraved in her bones, so she moved and leaned as far as possible to the outside, leaving a place for Bai Guojin to save him from squeezing and touching her wound. Then she would be the one to suffer. .

Yun Qinghuan blinked, as if he didn't react.

Yang Guihua was aggrieved. She touched the clothes on her lower body and found that it was a little wet. She probably squeezed the wound until it bled.

There was a strange look in her eyes.

"It must be a dream."

she muttered.

Cloth is very precious these days, so there are very few diapers for children. Most people only have two or three to change.

Later, he almost had a conditioned reflex to the child's cry. As soon as the child cried, he was guaranteed to wake up instantly.

As for Bai Naihan's daughter, because her family has been a little rich in the past two years, she has prepared five or six diapers, but it is still not enough.

"Qing Huan, are you awake? How do you feel? Are you hungry? Does it hurt?"

Moreover, if the mother feeds the baby by herself and finally falls asleep, she has to get up to feed the baby again. If this continues for a long time, it is normal to have sleep disorders.

Bai Naihan paused his hands, his body trembled, and he remained motionless. He cautiously said, "Qing Huan? Are you awake?"

Liu Yuzhi even went to the canteen to borrow some plant ash and stuff it into the diaper so that it could absorb urine and the diaper could be used for a longer period of time.

Liu Yuzhi patted her son hard, "Why are you still standing there? Didn't you see Qing Huan wake up? Go and talk to the people in the kitchen in the cafeteria and borrow their kitchen to heat up the rice and serve it quickly Come here, your wife must be starving to death."

Fortunately, it was the end of May, and the weather was not too hot, but it was not cold either, so they slept on the ground to avoid freezing.

After the hunger was over, Yang Osmanthus felt herself getting cold and hot, and fell asleep again.

What's going on?

Bai Naihan didn't move and just said to Liu Yuzhi, "Mom, go and heat up the food first. I'll stay with Qing Huan here."

Liu Yuzhi was confused, but it was always a good thing for her daughter-in-law to wake up, so she obediently walked to the table, carried her lunch box and walked towards the canteen.

When we got to the door, we looked back a little worried.

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