Even a thick-skinned woman like Yang Guihua couldn't help but darken her face and unconsciously covered her chest with her clothes.

It's just that the range of movement was probably a bit large, which made the child groan a few times in discomfort.

Mrs. Wang slapped her angrily, "Your whole body has been seen by a male doctor. Why are you being pretentious now? If you make my precious grandson uncomfortable, I won't take care of you!"

Yang Guihua's eyes turned red, and her face also turned red.

His mouth was mumbling, not knowing what to reply.

The arrogant middle-aged man had a malicious smile on his face, and he looked even more wanton.

Mrs. Wang seemed not to notice the embarrassment on her daughter-in-law's face, and just looked at her with a half-smile.

It was as if she was deliberately looking at Yang Osmanthus in embarrassment.

There was a surge of joy in my chest.

He's just a little bitch who's younger than me!

Mrs. Wang turned around and saw that her husband was also staring at her daughter-in-law. She rolled her eyes angrily, slapped her, and whispered, "You are such a disrespectful old man, your eyes are almost glued to her."

It should be said that although Yang Osmanthus suffered a lot, did a lot of farm work, and her skin was very tanned, surprisingly, she was in good shape.

Especially now that I am breastfeeding, my baby is developing very well.

At least it's much more interesting than Mrs. Wang's withered old tree bark look.

Old Man Bai coughed and looked away under the threatening gaze of his old lady.

Yang Guihua had no choice but to be ridiculed by her mother-in-law. The man lying on the hospital bed did not have any restraint in his gaze. He could only turn slightly sideways and use his clothes to cover it.

She subconsciously looked up at Bai Guojin. No matter what, Bai Guojin was still her man. She hoped that Bai Guojin could say a few words for her.

After all, she is Bai Guojin's woman, and even a man would not feel too comfortable seeing his woman's body.

As a result, Bai Guojin didn't even react. Instead, he looked at Yang Osmanthus with disdain.

The look in her eyes made Yang Guihua swallow back the words that came to her mouth, unable to speak.

The vague guilt in my heart dissipated a lot.

About a quarter of an hour later, the baby in the bed next door also started crying. Shen Hua hurriedly picked up the baby and comforted it.

But the woman had also been awakened. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked in a hoarse voice, "The baby is crying? Is he hungry? I'll feed him milk."

The woman was about to lift her clothes when she looked around, paused, and looked at Shen Hua with her brows furrowed.

Shen Hua understood it almost instantly. He took a sheet from the side and held it up. He stood in front of the woman and stretched out his long arms, just in time to completely bring the woman within the range of his arms, and the sheet also blocked it. The probing eyes of outsiders.

The angry man saw nothing and looked away in disappointment.

Not to mention, this woman is much prettier than Yang Osmanthus, who is crying and dying, but this woman's man always shields her tightly and does not give others a chance to peep.

After Wei Yeyan finished feeding, the child calmed down. She patted the child's back gently, and the child soon fell asleep again.

She glanced at Shen Hua distressedly and said, "It's not okay to do this all the time. Are you tired from lifting it?"

It takes a long time to lift each time, and the time when the child is hungry is uncertain, and he is not always seen in the ward. It is really not very convenient.

Seeing her frowning and distressed look, Shen Hua couldn't help but touch her head. A rare smile appeared on the tough man's face, "Don't worry, I'll think of a solution."

He frowned and began to think.

At this moment, Wei Yeyan wanted to go to the toilet, so she asked the man to help her go to the toilet.

There is only one toilet in the health center, which is an aqua toilet. There are separate toilets for men and women. At the end of the corridor, there is a squatting pit. However, the toilet does not carry people. Although it has big characters for "men and women", it can't stop some people who are illiterate and use it randomly. bathroom.

Or there are some men who are not very qualified and will run to the women’s restroom when they see someone in the men’s restroom.

There was no door to the toilet, only a wall blocking it. Every time Wei Yeyan wanted to go to the toilet, she asked Shen Hua to accompany her. Shen Hua stood guard at the door of the toilet to prevent anyone from entering the women's toilet.

This time is no exception.

The child was placed on the hospital bed and fell asleep.

It's not that the couple is careless, but that even if they don't deal with the people in this ward, there are so many people here, and people from outside don't dare to come in and steal the child easily.

What's more, there are nurses checking at the door from time to time.

Wait for the couple to go out.

The oppressive atmosphere in the ward relaxed, and Bai Guojin and the others finally dared to speak loudly.

Bai Guojin was used to being arrogant and domineering in the village. Now, he was so frightened by Shen Hua that he shut up and felt that he had lost face. As soon as they left, he spat disdainfully in the direction Shen Hua left, "Bah! What the hell? ? You dare to preach to me!"

Mrs. Wang also supported her, "You still dare to talk about my son?! Judging from the scars on his face, he is probably not a good person. He must have just come out of the police station, right?"

She spared no effort to slander and speculate on men.

The arrogant middle-aged man couldn't help laughing when he heard what the family said, "Hey, you family can't see that you are so bold to say bad things about Shenju behind your back. You are really talking about it." With your eyes wide open, do you know who you are scolding?"

Bai Guojin was a little disdainful, "Who could it be? Could it be that he is still an official?"

The man smiled and said, "You are quite smart, little brother. It's true. This Shenhua Shen Bureau belongs to the public security bureau in our town!"

He gave a thumbs up.

"I was injured when I was a soldier in the Shen Bureau. Later I was transferred to the Bureau in our town. I am very selfless."

Seeing Bai Guojin and the others turned pale, the man seemed to have a special sense of accomplishment.

The arrogant man is in his thirties or forties this year. He is good at eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. He spends the little money he earns. The family has no money, and he looks ordinary and lazy. Therefore, at such an old age I haven’t mentioned the daughter-in-law yet, she is a widower.

Usually, whenever I meet any older wife or younger daughter who looks a bit prettier, I will whistle and tease her.

For this reason, he was often taught a lesson by Shen Bureau, and he was almost a regular visitor to the Bureau, but every time he committed minor crimes, he would be released after being locked up for a few days, and then commit crimes again.

This time, he was also dishonest in his walk and teased someone else's newly married young lady. He was severely beaten by the man who married the young lady. No, his leg was broken and he was sent to the town health center. That's all for him. Restless.

But he didn't expect to meet Shen Ju and his wife in the ward, so the man restrained himself a lot.

The man said with a smile, "Don't mention it yet, you are right in what you said. This Shenju really comes from the bureau, but there is still a difference between the one who manages others and the one who is managed by others."

When Bai Guojin heard the man's words, he was stunned.

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