Insect swarms are spreading everywhere on Lingyuan Star.

The western city clusters of the Third Continent were devastated by the ravages of zerg.

The former Sunset Bay has become ruins and has become the real "sunset" of heaven and earth.

A small stretch of desert between Sunset Bay and Xindu became the main battlefield between Ari Company's troops and the insect swarm.

To the west of the desert, thousands of zerg are surging from the bottom of the sea, and their density is jaw-dropping. Looking from a distance, everything you can see is worms, and you can't see the color of the earth at all.

In front of them was a company of hundreds of combat mechs, as well as fighter jets and small combat spacecraft hovering at low altitudes. These large mechas, controlled internally by humans, use laser weapons and missiles to form a steel wall. They form the first line of defense to protect the city.

The location where the insect tide occurred was too close to the urban agglomerations of the third continent. Limited by the power of large weapons, in order to ensure the safety of the city and citizens, Ari Company can only use troops suitable for close-ground combat to eliminate those disgusting zerg.

After the mechas, fighter jets and spaceships, there are groups of "Flying Dragon" armed helicopters, "Earth Dragon" main battle tanks and armored vehicles loaded with various artillery weapons. They are the second line of defense to protect the city.

They are the main force in this war, because mechas and fighter planes are more useful to contain the "big guys" in the swarm, and the remaining massive zerg are their opponents.

Behind the helicopters and tanks were the infantry units of Ari Company. These uniformed soldiers hold the latest pulse rifles, electric grenades and hand-held howitzers in their hands. They form a mountainous human wall in a dense formation. They are the third line of defense, responsible for dealing with those who survive the missiles and artillery. A fish that slipped through the net.

Behind the infantry, a wall of lasers rose up on the periphery of the new capital. It was a trump card of Ari Company and the city's last line of defense. Its scientific name was "High Power Magic Energy Beam Defense Array."

This is a laser weapon blessed with magic stone energy. It sounds complicated, but its structure is actually very simple:

The flying robot hovering in the sky projects this high-intensity magic laser vertically to the ground, forming a beam of light that can burn everything. A large number of similar robots are arranged horizontally on the same horizontal line in the sky, forming a light on the periphery of the city. wall.

From the outside, the whole city seems to be locked in a laser prison.

Outside the prison, guns were everywhere and insects were roaring.

The giant steel warriors were entangled with those behemoths in the endless sea of ​​insects, and the hovering fighter planes dropped a large number of missiles under the clouds. Several missiles exploded among the swarm of insects, and a series of fires exploded. In the smoke of gunpowder, the broken arms and limbs of the zerg were rolling in the air with disgusting dark green blood.

These zerg don't just bite in close combat. For example, those spiders that Chu Yao had seen before, the venom they spewed from their mouths could even corrode the outer shell of the mecha.

A mecha warrior encountered this disaster. After escaping from the giant centipede in front of him, he was pounced on by dozens of small flying centipedes. Before he could get away, a group of spiders on the ground spit out acid at the same time, and his body was covered in acid. Black smoke emerged from the corrosion, and the huge body disappeared under the fangs of countless zerg.

Before dying, he activated the self-destruction device of the mecha, turning into a ball of flames and perishing together with the zerg around him.

Contained by the mechas and warships, several behemoths temporarily stopped in place, but the trouble continued.

Fighters and tanks galloping between the sky and the earth were firing non-stop. Large swarms of insects disappeared in the deafening explosions, and the earth was almost dyed green. But their numbers were still not small, and the infantry units on the third line of defense soon began to fight with those "insects that slipped through the net", even to the point of hand-to-hand combat.

Outside the light wall, there are swarms of insects like a tide, and spears shining like rain; above the earth, howls are everywhere, and blood flows like rivers.

These bugs have no brains and are just reckless. They are no match for pulse rifles and electric grenades when fighting alone.

But there are so many of them! Too much!

Ari Company's troops can block most of the Zerg, but it is still an almost impossible task to stop them all outside the light wall.

Some zerg have already passed through the infantry troops and came under the light wall of the new capital. They are constantly attacking with their flesh and blood bodies. The smell of burning paste floats away in the air with the wind, and green patches are reflected in the light. There is a continuous line outside the wall, that is their blood.

The battle situation outside the light wall is tense, and the situation inside the light wall is not optimistic either.

Residents living on the outskirts of the city went crazy and fled inside, dragging their families and families with them. The streets were crowded with people who wanted to escape. Their goal was Liberty City.

There is another "Light Wall" in Liberty City in the center of the third continent. If the new capital falls, it will be the last line of defense.

The roads, elevated roads, and even flying rails were crowded with all kinds of vehicles, all jammed together and crawling forward at a turtle speed. The traffic control department of Yali Company had tried their best to divert them, but they still couldn't. For what purpose, sports cars and pedestrians crowded together noisily, and the high-rise buildings that Xindu people were proud of became walls that prevented them from leaving.

Finally, a scream became the last straw for the citizens.

Under the fatal impact of the insect swarm, one or two finally squeezed in from the light wall, and they let out heart-stopping howls from their ferocious mouths.

"Bugs, bugs are coming in, run away!"

"Run, run, we are all going to die!"

Continuous screams and shouts rang out among the crowd like falling dominoes. These screams triggered a huge butterfly effect. Everyone rushed forward desperately, seeking a glimmer of life in the crowded city. .

Buses, subways, trains, all bus stops are full of people at first glance. The fleeing citizens are almost overcrowding these means of transportation, and urban transportation is on the verge of paralysis.

With such a huge and disorderly flow of people, a stampede is bound to happen, and piercing screams are heard everywhere. What is desperate is that ambulances cannot drive in at all. They are blocked in the street by the sea of ​​people. It is difficult to move even an inch.

There are those who collapse and run away, and there are naturally those who take advantage of the situation.

Smashing, stealing, and robberies have begun to proliferate in the city. These criminals who fish in troubled waters are now doing these crazy things openly, making the city that is already on the verge of collapse even more chaotic. Bloodshed abounded, and the dead arose in the quarrels.

These people did not die from the mouths of insects, but fell into cannibalism among their own kind.

In fact, the few bugs that had just squeezed in had been exterminated by the armed teams of the Law Enforcement Bureau, and the danger had been temporarily eliminated. The Law Enforcement Bureau had already informed the residents through the official media, but the effect was very little.

Here’s the impact of another group of chaos-mongers:

Street influencers of different looks hold up selfie sticks and attract attention in various jaw-dropping ways:

Some people were frantically smashing shops with others, some were filming the bloody scenes without any care, some were leaning against the light wall to take pictures of nearby insect corpses, and some were wearing insect-like dummy suits and roaming the streets and alleys. Scare passers-by for fun.

The most outrageous thing is that at this juncture, there are still people selling insecticides and pesticides through live broadcasts with the fleeing crowd as the background, and many people have even placed orders.

The videos they shot were forwarded and circulated on Feiyu and Fetion at lightning speed, while the official announcement video of Yali Company was inconspicuous.

This is a natural disaster that is difficult to defeat by manpower, a farce that makes people laugh, or a carnival of desperate people.

On a tall building not far away, two women stood silently on the rooftop, witnessing the chaos.

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