Having been together for so long, she already knew the origins of Chu Yao and the others.

"Your qualifications are very good. If you become a monk, you don't need to hibernate, and you can live several times longer than ordinary people."

"Forget it, nuclear war or something, it's enough to experience it once in this life." Su Huohuo waved his hand, "I am a person of this era, so I will live in this era until the end."

Su Huohuo had made up his mind, and Chu Yao couldn't force him. He nodded: "If you change your mind at any time, just come to me."

Chu Yao turned around and was about to walk out of the room when Su Huohuo's voice came from behind again:

"Sister Xiaoye, those eyes of yours have always been calm."

Chu Yao's leaving footsteps paused in place.

"With such calm eyes, he must have seen a lot of things."

Su Huohuo took out a hand towel from the drawer and gently wiped the keyboard in his hand, as if talking to himself.

“For you, Lingyuan Star is just a passerby in a long life, so no matter what happens here, you don’t have to care;

Because sooner or later, you will leave it, because this is not your home. But I'm different,

Lingyuan is my home. "

Chu Yao was silent, sighing in his heart, and gently closed the door.


Chu Yao took a few more suitable modern weapons from the base and left here.

It was rare that she did not ride a bicycle, but put the motorcycle into a storage bag and flew into the wind.

After your cultivation reaches the golden elixir stage, you can physically travel around the world and soar into the sky without flying magic weapons.

Chu Yao stood alone in the air, feeling the cool breeze blowing across his face and the clear current blowing up his messy hair.

The high walls and buildings behind her gradually disappeared, and the desolate wasteland spread beneath her feet, reaching as far as the eye could see.

Fast forward five years, the world has changed and the world has gone through tremendous changes.

Xiaohuo's words seemed to still linger in his ears.

From the first day she came to this land, she was planning to leave all the time.

For this goal, she has been immersed in busyness, running around, engaging in various battles and calculations, taking one step and thinking three steps, and taking three steps and thinking ten steps.

When she finally took a break and wanted to take a good look at the planet, the land had become what it is now.

Desolate, dilapidated, barren of grass.

She thought more than once, if the Zerg crisis hadn't broken out, if there hadn't been Steel Dome's conspiracy, if the Celestials hadn't developed such a terrifying weapon, would all of this have been different?

Is there still a chance to take another good look at this planet that left a deep impression on her?

It's a pity that there are not so many what-ifs in life, and it's a done deal.

As for Tianren's technology, her thoughts also changed again and again.

First it was fear, then awe, then boredom, and finally it turned into a sigh.

It has saved thousands of living beings, but also destroyed thousands of living beings; it has benefited people and brought disaster to people.

There are a few people who can explain the merits and demerits.

Chu Yao's consciousness swept across the earth, and he discovered something inadvertently.

She put away her random thoughts and took a closer look, with a strange look on her face.

It was a group of Insect Fire Cultists. They used their vehicles to form a circle in the shade of a slope and erected dozens of tall pillars made of dead trees.

There were people tied to each wooden post.

These people were tightly tied with hemp ropes, with desperate looks on their faces. Around them, countless insect fire cultists were placing firewood at their feet, seemingly intending to burn them.

There is a man in the middle who is tied to a pillar. He has a wrinkled Taoist robe and a goatee. Who is it if he is not the old Taoist Qingxuan!

Chu Yao wanted to laugh a little. This old boy is so unlucky!

She knew immediately that the bus these people were riding in must have been robbed by this group of lunatics from the Insect Fire Cult. Things like this happen all the time in the wasteland.

Chu Yao stood alone in mid-air. From this angle, no one would notice her.

One, two, three...twenty-five, there are twenty-five people in total, it doesn't look like there are monks.

Twenty-five mortals were easy to deal with.

She landed quietly not far away, took out her motorcycle, and after thinking about it, she took out a dozen small robots from the storage bag and distributed the previous weapons to them.

Speaking of which, this is Xiaohuo's achievement. The scientific name of these small robots is "universal multi-functional small robots". Xiaohuo and Chu Yao call them "Xiaonan Unit 4".

These small robots are all based on Xiaonan. Although they are not as intelligent as the main body, they can understand most of Chu Yao's commands.

It's very similar to the monk's puppet technique. The advantage is that you can act on your own without needing to use your spiritual consciousness to control it.

Of course, Chu Yao could slap these insect fire cultists into ashes, but in order not to scare the victims, it was more appropriate to use this method.

Fully prepared, Chu Yao held the shotgun in his left hand, turned the accelerator with his right hand, and rushed toward the crowd with an army of small robots holding guns and cannons.

The engine shook the ground and dust flew up. Chu Yao was discovered by the Insect Fire Cultists as soon as Chu Yao appeared at such a big movement:

"It's the witch! She was the one who beat the three brothers to death!"

"Guys, copycats! Let her see how powerful our six departments are! Ooohhhhhhh-"

"Destroy those robots! I hate these robots the most!"

"Sacrifice her to the Insect Mother! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!"

Howls like this came one after another, and the screams made Chu Yao's ears numb.

She didn't talk nonsense to these lunatics at all. She raised her hand and fired a shot. "Xiao Nan's Army" followed closely behind, and there was a hail of bullets in the shadow of the hillside.

Without much effort, these people fell to the bullets, and the surrounding ground was filled with blood for a while.

Under Chu Yao's order, the little robots untied the innocent people. Everyone looked at Chu Yao with grateful expressions as if they had survived the disaster.

Qingxuan recognized Chu Yao at a glance, with tears in his eyes. He walked forward and knelt down to worship:

"Thank you so much, Heroine Chu, for saving me! There is no way to repay such a great kindness..."

Yes, I'm a heroine again.

"It's just on our way, fellow Taoist, no need to be polite." Chu Yao waved his hand, the smile on his face not diminishing, "Fellow Taoist Qingxuan, how come you were caught by this group of people from the Insect Fire Sect again?"

"Oh, it's a long story..." Qingxuan smiled bitterly. He was also quite helpless about his bad luck.

"I caught the last shuttle bus, but unexpectedly, I met these gangsters again on the way! They stopped the bus, clamoring about what they wanted us to do and sacrifice... We have been imprisoned by this group of people It lasted for many days, thanks to Chu Nuxia’s rescue, otherwise we would have been roasted alive by them with fire.”

"Okay, it's fine." Chu Yao stretched out his hand and pointed, "You go straight east and you can see the high walls of the new capital. Don't worry, I have just walked this road, there will be no more Worm Fire Cult." people."

As she said this, she was muttering secretly in her heart.

Ordinarily, in the past, although this group of lunatics did evil things, they did not dare to get so close to the city.

But recently, there seem to be a lot of these Insect Fire Cultists near Xindu. I don’t know what they are up to.

"That's really great!" The old Taoist priest wanted to salute again, but suddenly his steps staggered.

He touched his gurgling belly and looked at Chu Yao with some embarrassment: "Nvxia Chu..."

"You haven't eaten for several days, right? Wait." Chu Yao walked a little further, took out some water and food from the storage bag, and asked the small robot to distribute it to the people in distress.

Everyone who was given the food immediately started devouring it, and no one thought about how Chu Yao took out so many things from the small back box of the motorcycle.

The passengers who had eaten and drank a lot thanked Chu Yao again, and their gratitude was beyond words.

"Okay, I have other things to do, so let's go first. Fellow Taoist Qingxuan, remember to go straight east, otherwise if you encounter something again, I won't be able to save you."

"No problem! No problem! Qing Xuan will never forget the great kindness of Heroine Chu!" The old Taoist priest bowed repeatedly, with crumbs still falling on his beard.

"By the way, you all have passes, right? Don't wait until you are blocked outside."

"Yes, yes."

The city pass distributed by Steel Dome Company is universal. As long as you have it, you can enter and exit any city on Lingyuan Planet at will.

"Okay, let's say goodbye then." Chu Yao started to drive. After watching this group of people go away, the small robots who were still searching nearby gradually ran back.

Chu Yao has developed a habit of carefully searching for the results after every battle.

But it seems that these "Xiao Nan" didn't gain much today.

Just when she was about to put them back into the storage bag, a small robot walked out of a car with slow steps, carrying a "big guy" on its mechanical arm.


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