This battle lasted for a full month.

It hit until the air covered the sky, the sun and moon lost their color, the sky was shattered, and the earth was silent.

When they saw the shadow of the monstrous demon descending into the world, the cultivators finally learned Chu Ye's true identity.

This was Chu Yao's battle to become famous, and even the mountain peak that was on the verge of being broken in the thousands of Taoisms was later named "Ghost Immortal Peak".

The name of ghosts and immortals completely resounded throughout the Northern Territory.

Tianyin Sect has another Tianjiao.


Bai Yuejian came out of seclusion and was successfully promoted to Nascent Soul, filling the vacancy caused by the death of his master.

The Xiaoxiao disciples who were surrounded by the outside of the sect ceased their activities, and the impetuous hearts within the sect were completely stabilized.

After hearing this letter from afar, Chu Yao finally felt relieved and focused on his travels.

Travel to secret places, visit famous mountains, travel to dangerous places, and seek immortality.

From the Northern Territory to the Nanling Mountains, from the Western Desert to the Eastern Sea, her footprints have traveled to every corner of Fengyuan Continent.

Traveling through the hot and cold world, I am used to seeing the joys and sorrows of separation and reunion.

After countless hardships, he was able to turn the crisis around.

This journey lasted for several years.

It has been so long that Tianyin's old friend has almost forgotten her name, and it has been so long that senior sister can only rely on the often swaying soul lamp to confirm that she is still alive.

Until one day, at Tianyin Mountain Gate, Bai Yuejian finally met his junior sister who had disappeared for many years.

She was thin and tired, but her eyes, which had seen the world of mortals, were still exquisite.

Looking at his dearest senior sister, Chu Yao showed a big smile:

"Sister, I want to retreat!"


This is Chu Yao's longest retreat.

One hundred and thirty-nine years.

On the day of leaving the customs, the sky and the earth changed, auspicious clouds arrived, phoenixes chirped and cranes chirped.

The entire clan was shocked.

The Tianyin Sect welcomed the fourth Nascent Soul cultivator, and from then on it became the strongest in the Northern Territory.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction.


Chu Yao finally had a cave of his own.

Said to be a cave, it actually covers a large area, including mountains and forests within a hundred miles. This is naturally the prerogative of Nascent Soul monks.

"Hey, after working hard for so many years, I can finally enjoy the blessings!"

Chu Yao used the treasures in the storage bag to build the cave as beautiful as a fairyland.

She also released the little spirit that had been with her for a long time, and built a lotus pond in the yard. She felt indescribably satisfied watching the flowers and leaves intertwining in the pond, and the koi carps swimming around.

But there is always a vague uneasiness in my heart.

"I seem to have forgotten something very important...what exactly is it?"

Chu Yao felt more and more strange.

Her figure flashed in the Tianyin Sect, and she saw the head Chen Qingyu who was busy with affairs, the inner disciple Yao Han who was immersed in cultivation, Mu Yao and Elder Lu Hua, and Gu Yue, Jiang Lu, and Li Dayin …

Countless people, both old acquaintances and new ones, some saluted her and some didn't realize she had been there.

"What's going on?"

Chu Yao muttered to himself, feeling increasingly uneasy.

She decided to go back home and use Taoism to divine a divination. When she was "rummaging through boxes and cabinets" in her storage bag, a broken scroll came into view:

"Spirit Preserving Secret".

Chu Yao's head buzzed, and lightning seemed to flash across her soul. She finally remembered her true self and what was about to happen on Feng Yuan Star.

But what she did was not to find a way to investigate, but to rush to the senior sister's cave:

"Senior sister! Quick, we have to run!"

"Huh?" Bai Yuejian was still looking after Lingtian, and frowned when he saw his junior sister rushing over.

"What's wrong with you? Could it be that something went wrong in your practice?"

"It's not a mistake! The sect will be robbed soon, and everyone will be captured by Yali Company's warship!" Chu Yao couldn't hide the anxious look in his eyes.

"Pfft." Bai Yuejian couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Do you hear what nonsense you are talking about? You are also a Nascent Soul cultivator after all, so calm down."

"Calm down...yes, I have to calm down." Chu Yao took a deep breath

"No, their weapons can cover the entire sect, and there is no place to run away... At this point, we can either escape to the alien world, or we can try to see if the secret realm within the sect can hide the secret... The safest method is the first method! Senior Sister , is there any flying magic weapon in the sect that can shuttle between the sea of ​​stars? The kind that can fit the whole sect into it!"

"Have the inner demons entered your mind?" Bai Yuejian looked at Chu Yao. "You have to carry a magic weapon that travels across the sea of ​​stars, and you have to put the entire sect in it. Do you really dare to think that Feng Yuan Continent is not enough for you? How could it be possible? If there was such a magic weapon, we would have ascended to immortality long ago!"

Chu Yao's expression froze, and his face changed color instantly:

"No, you are not a senior sister!"

The two have been together for a long time, and it is impossible for the senior sister to talk to him like this!

If she were a real senior sister, no matter how ridiculous Chu Yao's words were, she would consider them carefully instead of just joking like a child's play.

"What you're talking about is, who am I if I'm not your senior sister?" Just as Bai Yuejian was about to speak, their expressions changed again.

Chu Yao felt the familiar yet unfamiliar feeling of limited spiritual consciousness and slow spiritual power.

She immediately looked up to the sky.

Above the clouds, a huge black shadow loomed in the sky.

Next, the scene that happened happened again.

The whereabouts of the battleship seemed like a natural disaster. All the Taoist magic weapons were completely useless, the disciples were displaced, and the sect fell apart.

Chu Yao stood on the top of the peak, looking at the huge thing, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart asking himself:

If this hundred years of hard work is doomed to be in vain;

Relatives and friends who are regarded as one's own will eventually be separated;

If you spend half your life practicing Taoism but end up re-cultivating;

If you had known that such a disaster would happen in your life,

In the restaurant back then, would you still kowtow to the old man?

Chu Yao closed his eyes.

At this moment, she finally understood what Xinguan was asking.

Everything I experienced in the past comes back to mind.

Leaving hometown and going to the city, becoming a disciple in a restaurant, encountering evil cultivators on the road, going on the run...

Enter the Northern Territory, fight against the cultivators, enter Tianyin, and inherit the alms bowl...

Calculate the tide of beasts, refine Zihuang, shake Xiaoxiao, form Yuanying...

It’s been a hard journey and a long journey.

She actually knew in her heart that this was just a trial, but she still made the same choice as before again and again.

Just because her name is Chu Yao.

Half my life has passed and I am still me.

Chu Yao opened his eyes.

She looked up at the huge celestial creature, her eyes clear and bright.

"Cultivating immortality is basically going against nature."

In the endless strong wind, Chu Yao talked to himself.

"Even if I am destined to suffer such a disaster, I will still leave."

"This is my life, Chu Yao."

Facing the overwhelming golden light, Chu Yao opened his arms without fear and showed a firm smile.

"Never regret it!"

Everything suddenly turned into clouds, like bubbles in a dream, dissipating with a cry of no regrets.

When everything settled down, the sound of waves could be heard in my ears, fish were playing in the water under my feet, and birds were circling above my head.

She has returned to the first door.

After re-reading these four chapters, I feel that the writing is quite satisfactory.

It can be regarded as a complement to Chu Yao’s past.

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