Age of Mysticism

Chapter 611: the rebellion

Suddenly, an elf wearing a postman's hat landed on the protruding balcony outside the window, and he bowed gracefully to Daier: "Smart and beautiful Miss Jasmine, are you looking at your hometown from here again? The great empire is falling into a trap. In the midst of the war, your family will definitely be happy that you can study abroad in the stable and peaceful Emerald Forest."

Dai'er smiled back at the elf and said, "The postman is busy and free, and always brings news of relatives far away without feeling tired. You are the most well-informed elf. Has anything happened in the outside world recently? "

   "The war has spread to the entire world, and important things are happening every day and every hour. The biggest recent event must be the Great Battle of Usliska Plain on the eastern border of the Kingdom of Leo.

The Republic of Restron and the Federation of Fentoon assembled 350,000 troops and launched an attack on the Kingdom of Leo with the support of the Shuojin people. The armies of both sides have been on the Usliska Plain for more than a week. Intense contests, tens of thousands of casualties occurred on the worst day.

  The latest news is that the newly reorganized Wolf Legion of the Golden Shield Empire's Tedgar Hills has arrived in the Kingdom of Leo. It is an army composed entirely of barbarian blood humans, and the head of the legion is the newly promoted Viscount Sergey. I heard that Viscount Sergey swore an oath when meeting Queen Christina, that the Wolf Army would never allow the enemy to step into the territory of Leo Kingdom. "

  Since the outbreak of the war, Princess Dai has become very concerned about the changes within the empire.

  A year ago, the Duke of Rage, Meteorite, led the imperial army to pacify the Tedgar Hills and captured the Celtic Duke himself. After negotiations, the Duke of Celtic signed an agreement with the Empire, voluntarily giving up the right to use the Tedgar Hills, and recognizing the empire's direct rule over the Tedgar Hills.

  Raging Duke Meteor immediately established the Tedgar Hills Province, acting as the governor of the province.

  The Duke of Meteor vigorously promoted human officials, and while reorganizing the Barbarian Legion, he established the Wolf Legion with humans as the main body.

Now it is this wolf army that was sent to the Kingdom of Leo to participate in the war. They received most of the equipment replaced by the original northern army and added a batch of magic weapons to become a powerful main force of the empire. .

  Such a legion was sent to the Kingdom of Leo, which shows that the situation there is very serious, and the military power of the Kingdom of Leo alone is no longer able to stop the enemy's offensive.

  Princess Daier said to the postman: "Thank you, postman. Did you come to me because you have my letter?"

The elf postman finally got down to business. He patted his head and took out a letter from his satchel: "Every time I see the beautiful Jasmine, it always makes me forget my job. This is your letter... this letter is very Strange, I don't remember when it was in my satchel. But since it was addressed to you, I brought it with me.

   Please put it away. "

   "Thank you..." Princess Dai took the letter and looked at the envelope, which was also very strange, because there was no sender's address and name on it.

   Just as Princess Dai was about to open the envelope, an alarm sounded in the academy.

   "Urgent notice: Rebellion in Dragon Country! Rebellion in Dragon Country! Without knowing the truth, any college staff and students are prohibited from going to Dragon Country.

   Repeat, any college staff and students are prohibited from going to the Dragon Kingdom, try to avoid direct contact with the dragon.

  All professors in charge of the college are requested to come to the dean's office immediately!

  All professors in charge of the college are requested to come to the dean's office immediately! "

  The elf postman was stunned by the sudden incident. A giant dragon whizzed past, and the wind almost knocked him off the terrace. He grabbed the railing to stabilize his body, and said nervously to Princess Dai: "The good chatting time is always short, I must send all the remaining letters before the city is under martial law.

  Goodbye, beautiful jasmine fragrance.

  The war will eventually end, and peace will surely come! "

  The elf postman turned over and jumped down, a flying horse rushed up to catch the postman, and then flew towards the Emerald King Court quickly.

   At this time, the entire Emerald Fantasy Academy was in a panic, and everyone was afraid that the rebellion in the Dragon Kingdom would spread to the Emerald Forest.

  Princess Daier quickly ran back to her room, sat in front of the desk lamp and opened the letter.


  Hello, I am Sunny Sky! I am now in the abyss and can only contact you in this way.

   This is a very wonderful journey, the abyss is constantly affecting me, and I am constantly understanding it. I don't know what I've been changed by the Abyss, but my research on it has yielded some results.

  This letter counts as one of the results...if it gets to your hands.

   Now I need you to find the magic fountain..."

  The letter was very short and ended abruptly before it was finished.

  Daier didn't know why Miss Qingkong asked her to go to the Magic Spring now. Since the incident of the headhunters, she was instinctively afraid of the Magic Spring. But this is Miss Weatherly's letter from the abyss, and it must be of great significance.

  No matter what danger is waiting for her at the magic spring, or what is happening outside, Dai'er packs her luggage immediately.

   After writing a note to his mentor, he quietly left the Emerald Academy of Magic and re-entered the Emerald Forest where there were still remnants of headhunters.

   began her second adventure to find the Magic Spring.

   At this point Luke is already in his king dragon lair.

  Silver Ice Dragon Soto King's rebellion has traces to follow, and the large-scale gathering of ice dragons cannot be hidden from the giant dragons in the Dragon Kingdom.

   Facing the approach of the Silver Ice Dragon King Soto leading the Frost Dragon Army, Luke also summoned his own King Dragon Army, which is a powerful force with more than a thousand dragons.

It is strange to say that when Luke ended the war in the Tedgar Hills and returned to the Dragon Kingdom from the Empire, he found that there was a huge group of dragons without a dragon king here, so he used a very fast speed before the other dragon kings found out. Received the territory occupied by this group of dragons and the group of dragons.

  Luke can quickly receive this group of dragons, and this group of dragons is also very close to him.

  As for why there is no dragon king in this group of dragons, and why they are close to themselves, the giant dragons in the group don't know why. They feel like they have a dragon king in command, but they just can't remember who he is.

  Luke immediately guessed that the dragon king must be the giant dragon that entered the abyss, but for some reason, the world forgot about him.

  As a result, the king dragon group has greatly expanded, and the volume and influence of speaking are naturally very different from before. As King Taotie's position became more stable, the Dragon Kings who opposed him became more and more impatient.

  Because the elves and humans entered the Dragon Kingdom to build cities and factories, and their activities are constantly affecting the living environment of the dragons, King Soto, the Silver Ice Dragon, took the opportunity to provoke the dissatisfaction of some dragons, and this rebellion began.

  With the ice dragons taking the lead, more and more dragons joined the rebel army against the gluttonous king.

  More spectator dragons also gathered on the outer layer of Wangwangfeng.

  However, the giant dragons were still very restrained, and there was no internecine fighting, but a confrontation at Wangwang Peak.

  The Dragon Kings all know that resolving this dispute at the least cost is the best solution. If there is a large-scale civil war within the dragon country, it may bring disaster to the dragon under the environment of the outside world.

  Therefore, the rebels only put forward one condition: King Glutton abdicates!

   Coercing public opinion and oppressing the downfall of the current regime.

  Luke is all too familiar with such plots.

   King Taotie proposed to negotiate, and asked the opposition to send representatives to the king's dragon nest.

  In order to show his sincerity of not wanting to fight a civil war and establish his prestige to overthrow the current king, King Soto of the Silver Ice Dragon was invited to the king's dragon nest.

   On behalf of the opposition dragon, negotiate with King Glutton.

  The dragon kings who came are also in place.

  Before the negotiation started, the Silver Ice Dragon Soto King first listed the three major crimes of the Gluttonous King.

   The first is to destroy the peace of the Dragon Kingdom. The human race and elves built cities and opened factories in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, and wantonly collected the resources of the Dragon Kingdom and various thefts, which have deeply affected the normal life of the dragons. And these are all brought by the gluttonous king. He is betraying the interests of the dragon kingdom, destroying the traditional life of the dragons, and making the dragons unable to sleep peacefully.

   This one got a lot of responses from dragons.

  Although the Golden Shield Empire is vigorously cracking down on various crimes that cross borders and invade the living areas of giant dragons, driven by huge interests, such crimes can only be reduced, not eliminated. There are not many such problems in the elf city, but they do exist.

  And with the expansion of the city and the migration of more and more people, similar cases are on the rise, and more and more dragons are being deeply affected.

  The second crime, King Taotie annexed dragons that did not belong to him.

  When Taotie King became the king of the Dragon Kingdom, there were several Twilight Dragons around him, and all the Dragon Kings saw it. Although some wild dragons were recruited later, the size of the king's dragon group has not been large. But one day, the number of the king's dragon group skyrocketed in an instant. At that time, the dragon kings discovered that there was a huge dragon group without a dragon king in the Dragon Kingdom.

   This is very weird, everyone can't remember who the dragon king of this group of dragons is, but King Taotie's swallowing of this group of dragons makes all the dragon kings jealous. At the same time, they all felt vigilant, how did the Dragon King disappear, and was it related to the Taotie King?

  The third crime is that King Taotie is not actively looking for artifacts. The other four ancient civilizations sent at least one powerful member into the abyss to find the whereabouts of the artifact, but King Taotie did nothing.

  Old dragons know what artifacts meant to ancient civilizations. If the other four civilizations have recovered the artifacts, and only the dragon civilization has not, then there is only one ending for the dragon civilization.

  Compared to the first two crimes, the last one is the biggest dereliction of duty of a Dragon King. Even the dragon kings who supported King Taotie could not justify him on this point.

  The Silver Ice Dragon King Suoto talked eloquently there, and the voices enumerating the crimes of the gluttonous king became louder and louder.

"I know that King Taotie is the king of the Dragon Kingdom elected after the king's trial. Although I was not satisfied at the time, I also accepted this fact. However, King Taotie's subsequent administration disappointed me and most dragon kings. He completely forgot about himself. He is the king of the Dragon Kingdom, who regards himself as a servant of human beings, constantly betraying the interests of the Dragon Kingdom.

  If we don't overthrow this rampant king, the Dragon Kingdom will definitely become a vassal of humans, and even become a mount of humans! "

   This is simply the biggest insult to the giant dragon. The instigation of the silver ice dragon king Soto immediately aroused the denunciation of the dragon kings against the gluttonous king.

   Request King Taotie to abdicate.

   King Red Crystal Dragon Saier stood up, and he made the king's dragon nest quiet with a fairly high-pitched dragon cry.

Then he said to all the dragon kings: "Magic makes dragons wise, and longevity makes them thoughtful; a loud voice does not represent truth, and unilateral conviction does not represent notarization. The king of the Dragon Kingdom has never been a leader full of honor. Good is his duty, if he fails to do well, he will be held accountable by the dragon kings.

   But never a dragon king lost the right to argue for himself. "

  The words of King Red Crystal Dragon Saier calmed down the dragon kings.

  The king of the Dragon Kingdom indeed cannot lose the power to defend himself.

  The silver ice dragon King Soto snorted ice mist from his nostrils, and said: "Of course King Glutton can defend himself, and that will let us see more clearly the crimes he committed."

   King Red Crystal Dragon Saier said to Luke who was standing in the center of the king's dragon nest: "The dragon kings need a reasonable explanation."

  Luke opened his mouth and said to the dragon kings: "If I make a decision and need to explain everything to you, then it will not only waste precious time, but also risk important secrets being leaked.

  King Soto, you secretly visited Sky City, and you were summoned by the Sword of Oath, don’t think you did it secretly. "

  The dragon kings looked at King Soto, the silver ice dragon.

  A millennium of peace cannot erase the hatred of a thousand years ago. With many old guys who participated in ancient wars present, it would be too inappropriate for King Soto to secretly meet the Sword of Oath.

   King Silver Ice Dragon Soto didn't expect that King Taotie would find out about the secret of the Sword of Oath.

  How did he know?

   Did you leak the secret, or did Sky City betray you?

"I have seen the sword of the oath." Not knowing how the secret was leaked, King Suoto simply admitted, he explained for himself: "The sword of the oath believes that human civilization is a great threat to our ancient civilization, and I think so too Yes. And he invited me to this meeting. I was afraid of causing unnecessary misunderstandings, so I secretly went to Sky City.

  I didn't do anything that harmed the interests of the Dragon Kingdom. "

"Of course I know that you haven't done anything harmful to the interests of the Dragon Kingdom, because you don't have the ability yet." After mocking King Soto, Luke continued to say to the Dragon Kings: "Although the Sword of Oath has become the Archangel of Sky City, But his act of killing the former archangel aroused the dissatisfaction of some angels, so I obtained a channel to listen to news from Sky City.

  It is the same in Longguo. Anything I say here may reach the ears of our opponents.

  Especially one of your charges against me has to do with artifacts. No! There are two items related to artifacts, do you still want to hear my explanation?

  Look, I've just spilled a secret. "

  The dragon kings were silent.

   There are two items related to artifacts, besides three items, which one is there?

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