Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 284: Raise a kid

Patent trolls did not come.

The rogue lawyer Shi Shiran came.

He was called by Wang Bu'an.

It's time to "donate" Qian Jiahuan's 500 mu of land.

Wang Bu'an never thought of being forgiving and forgiving. As long as it offends him, it must be revenge.

It's Qian Jiahuan now.

It will be Jin Chengwen and Jiang Xinglong's turn immediately.

Actually dared to find someone to hack Wang Bu'an to death in public. Do you really think that Huaxia doesn't have a king's law?

Since you don't teach the king's law, I, Wang Bu'an, naturally want to give a tooth for a tooth.

"Is this bad?" Gu Xialiu frowned.

"What's wrong?" Wang Bu'an disapproved.

"It's hurting others."

"It's okay."

Gu Xialiu still shook his head.

In his opinion, things that hurt others and benefit oneself can be done often.

But things that hurt others and disadvantage oneself are unnecessary.

It's a waste of resources!

You said that the 500 acres of land is not used for what it is good for? Why donate it?

How expensive is the land price in West Lake Province? Five hundred acres of land near the sea can be used for real estate development, and the value will never be less than 500 million.

Since you got it by Wang Bu'an, you can also use it to develop real estate!

What luxury villas by the sea, what sea-view rooms, don’t be too cool.

Or to be a seaside resort hotel.

In short, no matter what it is used for, great benefits can be obtained.

Besides, I have never heard of anyone donating land!

Land is originally national.

What's the matter if you donate it? There is no excuse! To whom? Who wants it?

"Then deal with it." Wang Bu'an said.

"You really don't want it yourself?" Gu Xialiu still frowned.

"No." Wang Bu'an shook his head resolutely.

This kind of land, I must not want it. Otherwise, it will be unclear later.

People around him can't ask for it either.

Don't mess with unnecessary troubles.

His purpose is to tell everyone not to provoke him Wang Bu'an easily.

But Wang Bu'an is absolutely not greedy.

Never do things that are not yours. I would rather donate it. It would rather be at the expense of others.


"I'll handle it for you.

Gu Xialiu had to agree.

Frankly speaking, he already regretted knowing Wang Bu'an.

He has been a rogue lawyer for so many years, and he has seen a lot of godlike operations. What kind of freak haven't you seen? However, Wang Buyan is really rare.

Following Wang Bu'an, there are new discoveries every time. New tricks must be "broken" every time.

The consequences of offending Wang Bu'an are indeed serious.

Qian Jiahuan was definitely going to hurt his muscles and bones this time. Maybe it's badly injured and depressed.

It happened that Wang Bu'an gave a very generous reward, and he couldn't refuse it at all.

No, the procedures at Xinhongyang Shipyard have just been completed.

Here, there is another legendary shipyard in the world.

However, the latter is easy to handle.

As long as you can find Jin Chengwen.

It is estimated that Jin Chengwen at this moment is anxious to let go immediately.

"Boss Wang, do you want to know what the outsiders are saying about you?" Gu Xialiu said boredly, "Would you like to listen and be sober?"

"I must be singing my hymn." Wang Bu'an said without embarrassment, "I am humble, so I won't listen."

"People outside now say that you are a ghost in the ground, knowing spells, and raising kids."

"Raise a kid? What do you mean?"

Wang Bu'an felt very surprised. What kind of evaluation is this?

You said that I am harmless to humans and animals, and I don't know what to do. But, where does this kid raising kid start?

There is no reason at all! I never pretend to be a fool.

"Do you remember Gao Xiang and Qiu Xinzhi?"

"Can not remember."

"It is rumored that the two of them were killed by your kid."


Wang Bu'an shook his head disdainfully.

What are rumors?

This is the rumor.

It's just nonsense.

They were obviously killed by Robot Elf One.

What kid?

Who is talking nonsense?

"Several celestial masters say so."

"Just talk about it!"

"Really. The people of the Gao family invited a celestial master. They all said that the death of the two is related to you."

"I go!"

Wang Bu'an rolled his eyes.

This Gao family is also neurotic. Did you even invite a heavenly master?

Don’t forget, it’s the 21st century! Who would believe in the feudal superstition? It's Shi Lezhi...

"I remind you, don't take it lightly. The Gao family will not let you go."

"But, they haven't been moving!"

"That's because they can't accurately capture your whereabouts. There is no way to shoot."

"is it?"

Wang Bu'an stroked his chin thoughtfully.

It seems right too.

I run around all day.

One time in northern Tibet, another time in Chengdu, another time in Bincheng, another time in Guanzhong, another time in Xiaocheng...

It is indeed very difficult for others to capture their whereabouts!

Unless it's a "coincidence"...

Forget it, wait for the Gao family to meet yourself.

"How is the situation of those few people?" Wang Bu'an staggered the subject, "Is there already an arrangement above."

"They are all promoted." Gu Xialiu said, "One person gets the way, but the dog and the chicken ascend to heaven."

"They saved my life in the first place."

"Then why don't you come forward?"

"It doesn't feel embarrassing. Don't be embarrassed."


Gu Xialiu shook his head.

He was a little confused about Wang Bu'an's thoughts.

Obviously you want to repay your gratitude, so why not come out and thank you in person?

Now it's mysterious, others get promoted, and I don't know that you are working hard behind you. I guess they have forgotten you.

What Wang Buyan wanted to repay was actually those police "uncles."

At that time, it was just a difference in thought.

One side is heaven.

One side is hell.

If they send him to the young education center, his future will be ruined.

Fortunately, no.

They also supported him for a while.

In fact, those police "uncles" are also young people. It is estimated that he is in his thirties at most.

Of course he is grateful.

Of course he must repay.

He made a request to Cheng Kailong.

This incident was handled by Cheng Kailong behind his back. Gu Xialiu is responsible for verification.

But Wang Buan didn't want to come forward.

Maybe it's the feeling of being near hometown more timid? Afraid to see them again?

Anyway, it is very contradictory.

"Continue working hard in the future. At least let them wear white shirts." Wang Bu'an said.

"As long as you are interested, it's not that difficult," Gu Xialiu said. "In a few years, find a way to promote their police ranks to police inspector or above."

"Is this a back door?"

"Forget it."

"Then I will stick to this back door."

"Ha ha."

While talking, Gu Xialiu's phone rang suddenly.

He took out the phone, took a look, then apologized and ran to the side to answer the call. It feels a little sneaky, for fear of being known by outsiders.

Wang Bu'an accidentally caught a glimpse of the caller number...A familiar number?

Seems to be Hu Sanniang?

Looking up his own communication records, it turned out to be Hu Sanniang.

Strange, does Hu Sanniang's call need to be so sneaky? These two guys are lonely men and widows, and they are doing firewood. There is absolutely no good thing.

Just say that the two of them are ghosts. Even the cars are exactly the same. The license plate number is also one digit short of it.

Of course, Wang Bu'an will not reveal it.

Sometimes, middle-aged men have thinner faces.

If it is revealed, it would destroy a beautiful marriage.

Sure enough, Gu Xialiu returned soon after. His expression is like a cheating young man, is he still a little nervous?

"I'm leaving," he said fidgetically.

"Okay. You go." Wang Bu'an nodded.

Gu Xialiu went hurriedly.

Wang Bu'an shook his head.

Really, haven't you been in love?

Why are you still a famous rogue lawyer, feel more uncontrollable than a young man?

I don't know what Hu Sanniang is capable of?

Did Gu Xialiu get it done?

It's a pity that Fang Yuqing's charming female fairy was forced away by Bai Kainan.

Otherwise, he must be the gentle fragrance of nephrite now.

I didn't say anything, find a place to stay.

Sleep well all night.

Get up in the morning.

It was discovered that the faith value was 1.5 million more.

This is the contribution of the employees of Tyrannosaurus Rex Industries. Every day.

It's like Xinhongyang Shipyard. More than three thousand workers. Each worker contributes 100-300 points per day. There are seven to eight hundred thousand in one day.

If he showed up at the shipyard one day and worked with the workers himself, his faith value would be even greater. Directly exceed 1 million.

It can be seen that the generation of this belief value is closely related to the sense of identity.

Seeing is better than hearing. If the workers have only heard about it and haven't met, they certainly don't have a strong sense of identity.

If the sense of identity is strong enough, it is possible for each person to contribute 10,000 points a day.

According to Transformers, there is no upper limit for this belief value.

If a person has a strong sense of identity and is willing to sacrifice for you, then the value of faith will be more.

It may directly soar to one billion, one billion, or ten billion.

This shows that faith is very terrible.

Of course, Wang Bu'an did not dare to expect someone to die on his behalf.

It's impossible for others to identify with him so strongly.

His requirements are very low.

There are 7 billion people in the world. As long as it is recognized by 100 million people, contribute 100 points every day. That's 10 billion.

If 1 billion people identify with themselves and can contribute 500 points every day, then there will be 500 billion every day.


It's really enough.

Such a terrifying number is something he can't even think of.

However, for the nine industrial parks and 270 machines to be upgraded to Level 4, each one needs 1 million. A total of 270 million is needed. It is also a very scary number.

If it is all upgraded to the fifth level, 2.7 billion is needed.

All upgrades to the sixth level require 27 billion.

No matter how much faith it is, it is not enough. There is never a limit!

Still need more staff!

Let more people identify with yourself.

Or perhaps it is the products of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The biggest problem now is that what he currently produces is basically not consumer goods.

There are few opportunities to gain the favor of consumers.

It is like a bearing, which is completely a means of production. It needs to be processed a second time.

What is most easily recognized by others?


electronic product?

I feel conflicted with my own road map again.

Oh, it's really troublesome.

Even a basic roadmap for development is not well designed.

What are the long-term plans?

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