Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 328: Electric motor

The team slowly entered Tangfeng Battery Factory.

Tang Fenghua has been waiting inside for a long time.

Wang Buan got out of the car.

There was another person behind him. Ancient city cloud.

There is a car behind.

After the car stopped, a heroic woman came down. It was Huang Ruoxi.

Behind her was naturally the inseparable assistant Chu Yulan.

There is also the driver Xiaodie.

The matter at Tangfeng Battery Factory has been delayed for more than a month, and now it is time to solve it completely.

Wang Bu'an plans to transform it into a motor manufacturing plant.

"Uncle Tang!"

"You came!"

After a brief greeting, a group of people entered the hall and sat down.

It is said that the hall is actually very empty.

There are no facilities.

The original machinery and equipment were all moved by Tang Fenghua's children.

There is only one empty shell left in the current Tangfeng Battery Factory. Wang Buyan bought it and put it under his own name. It has nothing to do with Tang Fenghua.

However, he still hired Tang Fenghua as the deputy factory director to be responsible for daily management.

The real director is Gu Chengyun.

Guchengyun is a veritable MIT graduate.

Knowing that Wang Bu'an wanted to intervene in the electric motor market, he immediately hired and took the initiative to serve as the technical director.

For electric motors, Gucheng Yun is very familiar. His initial goal was actually the electric motor market. It was only afterwards that too much capital was needed to raise money, and I had to intervene in the bearing industry temporarily. I wanted to make a little money through the bearing industry and then intervene in the electric motor market. Unexpectedly, I would be arrogant in the bearing industry.

"Xiao Wang, do you still decide to make a motor?"


"You really don't want to be a battery?"

"I want to be an electric motor."


Tang Fenghua has no objections.

This is also the expected result.

Wang Bu'an is a person who will not change his mind easily.

Since he is going to decide to make a motor, he must be a motor.

Although Tang Fenghua always feels that Wang Bu'an seems to be a bit playful. The market he pays attention to seems to be different from that of others.

The market that others pay attention to is mainly to make money. It is best to be mature, large-scale production.

However, Wang Bu'an is concerned about various non-standard motors.

He obviously wants to specialize!

The market for non-standard motors is actually very narrow.

Most motors have standard parameters and standard performance, and will not change easily.

Because all kinds of machinery matched with motors are designed according to standards. If your motor parameters are not standard, it will affect the matching effect. No one else can evaluate the specific role of your motor. It can be said that he blocked his way into the market.

Why did Wang Buyan do this?

What is his goal?

Is making money?

Is it developing technology?

Or is it really fun? Just play and leave?

It was not until Gu Chengyun appeared on stage that Tang Fenghua's thoughts changed. This ancient city cloud is very knowledgeable. Others are professionals.

In a few words, you directly enter the technical link.

The main components of the motor are the stator, rotor, bearing, and coil.

The raw materials are mainly hard alloy, high temperature corrosion resistant alloy, high magnetic induction oriented silicon steel, high performance copper alloy, etc.

All motors have basically the same structure.

The only difference is quality.

The basic principle of an electric motor is to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.

Among them, it involves the key physics knowledge: electromagnetics.

No matter what kind of motor, the principle of its application is the same. The key is how to maximize it.

With the development of the times, the application of electric energy is becoming more and more extensive. Most of the mechanical energy comes from electrical energy. In our country, the electric energy consumed by electric motors accounts for 60% of the national electricity consumption and more than 80% of the industrial electricity consumption. However, the market share of high-efficiency motors has never been high. Only about 10%-20%.

In other words, most of the high-efficiency motor market is occupied by foreigners.

The average efficiency of small and medium-sized motors in my country is about 87%, while the international advanced level is above 92%.

Some organizations have calculated that if the efficiency of all motors is increased by 5%, the annual electricity savings can reach 76.5 billion kWh, which is close to the annual power generation capacity of the Three Gorges Power Station. Therefore, the energy-saving (high-efficiency) motor industry has large development space and strong demand.

The quality of a motor is nothing more than several aspects: stability, reliability, efficiency, and life.

It seems very simple, but it is not easy to do.

Especially many small three-phase motors.

Except for the big brands, the others are basically inefficient.

Some small three-phase motors have an efficiency of less than 80%. In other words, if you input 10 kWh, 2 kWh is wasted.

It happens to be the national market where small three-phase motors account for the largest number. One can imagine how serious this waste is. It can be said that about 10% of the country’s annual electricity generation is wasted by electric motors. From the perspective of energy saving and emission reduction, it is imperative to improve the efficiency of electric motors.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Wang Bu'an for the time being.

He does not want to seize the low-end market.

Even, he does not want to occupy the market in large quantities.

What he wants to do is the highest-end, most powerful, and most efficient motor.

At the same time, it is also to be the most efficient and power generator.

The motor and generator are actually connected in the same pulse.

The difference is that one is to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. The other is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Full electric propulsion requires two conversions.

The first is to convert the mechanical energy of the engine into electrical energy.

The second is to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. In order to push the propeller forward.

These are two processes.

In the first process, the efficiency may be only about 85%.

In the second process, the efficiency may be only about 85%.

Then, when the two processes are combined, the efficiency may be only about 85%×85%=72%.

Obviously, in these two processes, the energy loss is very serious.

The conversion efficiency of each process must be improved as much as possible.

The problem is that high-power motors, or generators, are not very efficient.

Subject to raw materials or manufacturing processes, it can reach more than 85%, which is considered relatively good. Some super-power motors have an efficiency of less than 80%.

Generally speaking, the common motors on the market have power below 1000KW. The highest is around 3000KW.

If it exceeds this value, it needs to be customized. It will not be publicly available.

The output of 10,000 horsepower requires an electric motor of 8000KW.

With an output of 20,000 horsepower, it requires a 16000KW electric motor.

In addition to power, there are stability, reliability, life and so on.

In many ways, there is room for research.

Tall buildings rise from the ground.

What Wang Buyan has to do now is to lay the foundation.

The working principle and manufacturing process of the motor must be thoroughly understood, and then it will rise layer by layer and gradually increase the power.

Of course, the electric motor cannot be artificially produced.

Must be mechanical equipment.

Soon after Wang Bu'an arrived, several new Handong Model 0742 machine tools also arrived.

It is the main function, which is to wind the coil of the motor.

Its own working motor needs to be modified and upgraded.

The early spindle drive of CNC machine tools all adopted the structure of three-phase asynchronous motor plus multi-stage gearbox. With the continuous development of technology, the structure of the machine tool has been greatly improved, which puts forward new requirements on the spindle system. At present, DC spindle drive system and AC spindle drive system are mostly used. The feed system uses stepping motors and CNC lathes. The movement of the tool table mainly relies on the rotation of the screw, and the stepper motor is connected to the XZ axis screw.

How to do this control motor? Can only rely on handwork.

Wang Buan started the milling machine silently, and first made the stator and rotor. Then match the bearing.

This is really a step by step start.

Tang Fenghua's eyes lit up slightly.

There is no technical content. But the quality is good.

Feel that the life span can reach more than 100,000 hours?

The life of the motors generally used now is about 40,000 to 100,000 hours. Some high-quality motors will have corresponding technologies, such as oil-free lubrication, sealed bearings, with overheat protection, and significantly improved commutator life. Compared with AC motors, DC motors have a relatively high failure rate. The quality of maintenance can directly determine the service life of DC Motors used on warships, or used in shields How long does the life of the motor on the machine need?

100,000 hours of working time, converted to 11 years.

This is just working hours.

Non-working time is not counted.

In other words, the working life of 100,000 hours can basically be used intermittently for 20 to 30 years.

Of course, if it is used with high intensity, 100,000 hours is not enough. It is best to increase to 150,000 hours or 200,000 hours.

The life span, the most critical factor is the life span of raw materials.

To be precise, it is the life of the coil.

The stator, rotor, and bearing are not easily destroyed.

The only thing easily damaged is the coil.

The quality of the coil is mainly derived from copper alloy.

High-grade coils are made of high-end copper alloy. The quality of copper alloy is directly related to the quality of the coil.

High-end copper alloys are very expensive. The cost is very high. Tremendous stress.

In the final analysis, the quality of electric motors is mainly related to raw materials.

Of course, the quality of the manufactured electric motor with excellent raw materials is excellent.

Stator, high magnetic induction oriented silicon steel.

Rotor, high magnetic induction oriented silicon steel.

Bearing, hard alloy, high temperature corrosion resistant alloy.

Coil, high-grade copper alloy.

Only if every raw material is the best, the motor can be the best.

Does Wang Bu'an have such conditions?


He has all the raw materials.

All raw materials are the highest-end. Performance is the best.

This is also the reason why Gucheng Yun Mao recommended himself.

You have the materials and technology, and you are worried that you can't make the best motor?

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