Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 406: Sea fishing

"Your mental awareness has improved."

"You get a reward of 50 million faith points."

Oh, good thing.

So there are rewards.

However, this reward is not worth it.

This time, Brother really didn't come for rewards. Brother's thinking is really sublimated.

The speedboat began to transport the wounded.

Both fishing boats were unable to move.

The vast majority of personnel, especially the wounded, must be transferred.

Our own fishermen were all accepted by the Jianzhou ship. The fishermen of the Philippines are mainly handed over to the Qinzhou and Weizhou ships to accept them.

The valuables on the two fishing boats are also transferred as much as possible. So as to avoid accidents.

However, there are still a few boat bosses to stay. They will continue to control the ship.

The next step is to evacuate.

How to evacuate?

It is not difficult to simply evacuate personnel.

However, these two fishing boats are worth several million. It cannot be easily discarded. After all, it is a major asset.

Even the fishing boats of the Philippines must be taken away as much as possible.

What is the spirit of internationalism?

Wang Bu'an couldn't figure it out.

In short, there are prescribed procedures for handling such matters.

The general principle is still to be reasonable and modest, neither humble nor overbearing.

But Wang Bu'an wanted to be crooked...If you don't lose money, I will sell your fishing boat as compensation!

After a brief discussion, I decided to drag it away.

Both fishing boats lost power, and their appearance was somewhat damaged.

The mechanics brought some tools, and temporarily welded them to technically repair the damaged area so that they could continue sailing.

At this time, God seemed to have opened his eyes, and the weather conditions unexpectedly began to improve.

The tropical storm has escalated into a typhoon and is heading westward.

As the typhoon went away, the sea gradually returned to calm.

After several hours, the technical repair was barely completed. Can be dragged and sailed.

Towing, the power of the Jianzhou ship is of course no problem.

Don't say it is a small fishing boat dragging 800 tons. It is possible to tow large cargo ships of 8,000 tons.

It has a full 60,000 horsepower, even a super giant towing 80,000 tons.

The only worry is that the Jianzhou ship will fall apart. Its keel is not that strong. Unless it is specially strengthened.

The keels of all newly started battleships have been specially strengthened. The forgings used are also forged by hydraulic presses of at least 500,000 tons. Just to be able to adapt to the powerful power of the Rock 600.

There will be Rock 700 in the future, the power is even more terrifying, and the requirements for the keel are even higher.

"set off!"

"set off!"

After everything was ready, the formation began to evacuate.

Before that, the specific situation had of course been reported to the superior.

When the superior calls back, a maritime police boat will come to take over. They will take away all the fishermen and fishing boats from both sides of the conflict.

After the handover is completed, the frigate formation will continue to move south.

As the sun sets, three frigates dragged two fishing boats and moved forward slowly.

This time I really can't get up anymore.

These two fishing boats can only withstand a maximum speed of 25 knots.

The current speed is about 25 knots. Always guard against whether the two fishing boats will fall apart and sink.

Fortunately, the typhoon went west, and the sea conditions have been good.

Wang Bu'an stood on the deck watching the scenery.

The sea after the storm is really calm as a mirror!

At a speed of 25 knots, it will not splash too high waves. No more water swooped on the deck.

The pressurized water tank has also been completely evacuated. The Jianzhou ship resumed its displacement of 2,100 tons. The deck level returned to normal. Standing on the deck, there is no danger anymore.

Sailing on the smooth, mirror-like sea is like walking leisurely in a garden, and it feels very comfortable.

It happened to be dusk, the sun was setting, and the sky was full of colorful clouds, and it felt more beautiful than ever.

A little bit of golden light falls on the sea, and there is a dreamlike artistic conception.

Unfortunately, no seagulls fly.

Seagulls can only be found near the shore.

It's still deep in the vast sea, hundreds of nautical miles from the coastline.

No birds can see. Only unscrupulous sharks passed by. From time to time, they deliberately jumped out of the water, as if to demonstrate to the passing ships.

The radar will detect some special signals from time to time. The radar soldier said that these are all big fish.

It's hard to tell what kind of fish it is. But the possibility of sharks is the greatest.

This sea area was originally the territory of sharks.

It is conservatively estimated that there may be tens of thousands of sharks in the surrounding sea area. If it smells of blood, it's terrible.

When some sharks get crazy, they even dare to chase warships.

Until it was crushed by the propeller.

Then he was completely torn apart by his companion.

But it is the **** smell of companions that will attract more sharks.

At its most spectacular time, hundreds of sharks once followed the warship. He was continuously wounded and killed by the propeller, so that he smelled blood all the way.

"What happens if someone falls?"

"What do you mean?"

Wang Bu'an couldn't help taking many selfies, and then sent them to Huang Ruoxi.

For the entire frigate formation, he has a mobile phone.

Well, it's a little special...

Well, we must thank China Mobile.

Above the sea, there are strong 3G and 4G signals.

I have to say that in the past few years, China's basic communication facilities have really become more and more powerful. On the vast sea, you can actually chat on WeChat and QQ.

"Where have you been?" Huang Ruoxi wrote back in surprise.

"I went to perform a secret mission." Wang Bu'an replied.

He still wouldn't disclose such things. The first rule of the confidentiality rule is, never say what you cannot say.

Can you tell me what happened today? He actually didn't know. But he is used to keeping secrets.

However, the information on the Jianzhou ship does not need to be kept secret.

Its information is known all over the world.

It took the angle of a naval gun and sent it to Huang Ruoxi.

With Huang Ruoxi's cleverness, one can definitely guess that he is performing a military mission. Naturally, I won't continue to ask in detail.

Sure enough, Huang Ruoxi kept silent immediately.

"be careful."

"Thank you."

"what are you doing?"

"Prepare for the exam!"


"The end of the month."


Wang Bu'an was finally relieved.

It turned out to be an exam at the end of the month. Then there is no problem.

He can continue to go to sea with the frigate. Continue to complete the task of sea trials. This matter must start and end well.

He developed the Rock 600 power system and he must be responsible for it.

The most rigid data must be used to prove the reliability and stability of the Rock 600 engine.

Indirectly, this also proves the product quality of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The rock 150 is of excellent quality.

Panshi 500 is also of excellent quality.

Of course, the Rock 600 is also of excellent quality.

In the future, Rock 700, Rock 800, Rock 900, etc. may be exempted from inspection.

The establishment of word-of-mouth is of course not easy.

Especially in heavy industry.

One mistake can ruin all efforts.

If you want to seize the power market, you still need to do every detail. He, the developer, must be the first line of testing.

He will follow wherever the sea trial goes this time. Even boring.

"You got Huang Ruoxi's love."

"You get 500 million faith points."


Five hundred million!


Do you want so much!

The Empress of the Palace is the Empress of the Palace! Contribution is absolutely awesome!

That **** Luo Yiyi dared to **** the Zheng Gong empress with me! It was a pity that she didn't kill her last time. I must not let it go next time...

No, no, no... Brother's mental awareness has improved now, so let her be generous.

Huang Ruoxi was busy reviewing and did not talk to Wang Bu'an.

Wang Bu'an already felt very satisfied.

He stretched his waist, stretched and stretched his body, full of energy.

"Come on, Mr. Wang, let's go fishing." Guan Hongru came over with the fishing rod enthusiastically.

"I won't." Wang Bu'an said, shaking his head.

"Come, I teach you."

"it is good."

Wang Bu'an did not refuse either.

Now that the sea conditions are so good, it's a pity not to fish. Even want to swim.

It's a pity that his water quality is really not very good. If you jump into the sea, I'm afraid you can't get up by relying solely on your own ability.

Besides, the Jianzhou ship currently has a speed of 25 knots, how can it be swimming? When you get down and float again, the warships are already gone. You just wait to feed the sharks at the back.

There are tens of thousands of sharks in this sea, not enough to stuff their teeth.

"I can teach you!" Chen Xiangmin also came out cheerfully with his fishing tackle.

"Okay." Wang Bu'an went up to help.

Soon, all kinds of fishing tackle were installed. All are placed on the railing.

No bait required.

Pure dry fishing.

Wang Bu'an deeply doubted whether there would be any results.

You don’t even have a What a stupid marine fish to get the bait! I'm afraid the fish's head is full of water.

Who knows, it hasn't been three minutes before fish bites.

Chen Xiangmin hurriedly swung his fishing rod.

Very heavy.

It is estimated to be a big fish.

Wang Bu'an became excited immediately. Come up and help.

It's really heavy. It feels like the fishing rod will be towed away. From time to time, there are very intense struggles. One hundred percent is a big fish without a doubt.

It's too big. I don't feel like fighting for half an hour of wits and courage.

"Aren't we catching sharks?" Wang Bu'an was whimsical.

"Not a shark. It should be a squid." Chen Xiangmin said calmly.

"Yes. It must be a squid." Guan Hongru said, "Only squids are so big."

"It turned out to be squid!" Wang Bu'an was immediately discouraged.

He doesn't like squid. unpalatable.

There are so many kinds of marine fish, why is it just squid?

Large yellow croaker, small yellow croaker, hairtail, yellow-bone fish, white-bone fish, owl, red stingray, conger...Any one is better than squid!

"Little guy, don't be discouraged! Help me pull it up and I'll bake it for you. Make you satisfied."

"Yes, hurry up and help. The grilled squid is delicious."

"Can you bake?"

"I said yes, yes."

"it is good."

Only then did Wang Bu'an help hard.

Inadvertently discovered that his strength seems to have increased a lot?

My previous self was almost powerless. It feels hard to lift thirty pounds. Now it seems to have a hundred pounds of strength?

The squid biting the hook seemed to feel the danger and was struggling hard.

I want to let go of the fishing rod several times.

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