Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 616: Should I use an excavator?

The Marines hurried back.

They are as far as possible from the cave wall.

All kinds of weapons are ready.

The loosening of the soil became stronger and stronger.

Immediately, a mantis creature suddenly emerged.

Good guy, it is actually a super huge mantis creature, and it feels like a three or four-story building.

Wang Bu'an frowned secretly.

A bad feeling arose spontaneously.

The mantis creatures that appeared on the ground before were not particularly big.

But what I see now is all giants.

Could it be said that they have evolved again?

"Puff puff!"

"Puff puff!"

Without thinking, various weapons fired quickly.

As a result, the praying mantis creature that had just emerged, its brains burst suddenly, and its skin was open and fleshy.

However, its inertial impact still threw several soldiers to the ground.

The sharp claws caught the soldiers.

Fortunately, the helmet and body armor were so strong that they did not suffer serious injuries.



Li Mu quickly issued instructions.

However, it was monitored from the rear that the underground mud moved frequently.

It is estimated that there are many mantis creatures trying to get out.

In the narrow cave, the special forces are attacked on all sides! It is easy to fall into the siege.

Fortunately, the retreat was timely and there were no casualties.

However, this is tantamount to announcing the failure of underground operations.

Those **** praying mantis creatures seem to have a certain degree of wisdom. Actually know how to lure the enemy deeper?

In particular, their ability to burrow into the ground is so strong that they are completely caught off guard!

On the ground, in the air, is the human world.

However, when it is underground, it is the territory of the mantis creature.

Various monitoring shows that deep underground, at a distance of 300 meters to 500 meters, there are frequent vibrations.

Obviously, this is a lot of praying mantis creatures, drilling holes.

"What about the large ground penetrating bomb?"

"on the way."

"it is good."

Half an hour later, the penetrating projectile arrived on the battlefield.

This is a specially made super ground penetrating bomb weighing more than eight tons.

It will be dropped from an altitude of three kilometers, penetrate deep underground at a terrifying speed, and then detonate.

It can shoot through five meters of reinforced concrete, or 30 meters of ordinary soil.


Facing 300 meters underground...

Wang Bu'an still feels powerless!

At 300 meters underground, even a super-large nuclear bomb may not be able to reach it.

After all, the soil is too thick. The defense is too strong.

Let’s talk about the strongest defense in this world.

One is water.

One is soil.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, this is not a joke.

Only water can destroy the soil. And the only thing that can eliminate water is soil. No other weapons can do it.

No matter how powerful a nuclear bomb is, there is no way to blast through the crust. Being able to blast a 150-meter deep pit is already very powerful.

But an earthquake can change the terrain and the vicissitudes of life.

As for ordinary conventional bombs, they can blow up a 100-meter deep pit.

Of course, the eight-ton ground penetrating projectile can still razed a radius of more than one kilometer to the ground.

As long as all creatures within this range are dead, there will be no corpses.



Sure enough, there was a continuous explosion.

But the ground was overturned. A huge mushroom cloud appeared.

Wang Bu'an shook his head secretly.

The effect is not ideal!

It is estimated that it is about a hundred meters deep.

There should be no damage to the space below 300 meters. There is more than enough energy but not enough energy.

Sure enough, soon, a message came from the front.

General effect.

In-depth interpretation is invalid.

"Should use cloud burst bombs."

"The cloud explosive bomb is coming soon."

Sure enough, a few minutes later, a heavy cloud explosive bomb was dropped.

This is a cloud explosive bomb weighing three tons, almost out of the scope of tactical weapons, and can almost be classified as a strategic weapon.

In terms of its destructive effect, it is more powerful than a ground-burrowing bomb.



Sure enough, the explosion of the cloud bomb lasted a long time.

However, the cloud explosive bomb exploded in the depths of the cave, and its power would become greater and greater, and it would continue to spread deep into the cave.

However, after ten minutes, everything was calm.

The effect is not clear.

In short, the biological activity of the mantis underground has not stopped.

This is depressing.

Still not done.

Is there nothing to do?

Suddenly, Wang Bu'an felt that the earth was still very dangerous.

how to say?

There are still many dead spots!

For example, the depths of the ocean below one kilometer. Humans cannot attack.

In addition, humans have no effective weapons to deal with the depths of the underground below 500 meters.

If these places are occupied by the enemy, we can only stare at them for the time being.

On the sea, you can have countless warships cruising.

In the depths of the ocean of 300 meters, 500 meters, and 700 meters, submarines can also run rampant.

However, if this depth exceeds one kilometer, all weapons will fail.

Similarly, facing "alien creatures" hidden five hundred meters underground, all weapons are also ineffective.

What does this show?

This shows that humans do not completely control the earth.

There are so many places on the earth that human beings cannot reach. It is the "weak underbelly" of mankind.

The technology is not advanced enough.

Industry is not strong enough.

In terms of the technology tree, there is still a lot of room for improvement...

"Master Wang!"

"Minister Liu!"

While watching the video, Liu Zhenhua came quietly.

He invited Wang Bu'an to the proving ground.

"doing what?"

"Set off a large firework."

"Super aerial bomb?"


Wang Buan knows the elegance of the song.

The large fireworks of the Air Force Rabbit must be specially made super aerial bombs.

To be precise, it should be an aerial bomb over ten tons. It is mainly used in conjunction with the Bull Demon King transport aircraft and the Madame Zhu Rong bomber.

Of course, Tyrannosaurus Rex helicopters and Sword Kingsaurus helicopters can also be hovered at high altitude.

In the past, this super large aerial bomb was almost useless.


It's too powerful!

Where can you put it?

Now it's alright, the appearance of the mantis creature gives the super aerial bomb a chance.

"How is the situation outside?" Wang Bu'an asked.

"Very bad." Liu Zhenhua's face was rather gloomy.

"what's wrong?"

"Mantis is overwhelming!"

Liu Zhenhua briefly introduced that similar mantis creatures have appeared all over the world.

The place where they appear seems to be random. Not sure at all.

Most mantis creatures have suffered a devastating blow.

All countries have concentrated their most elite military forces to strike against them in all directions.

However, there is always no eradication.

Their drilling ability is too strong.

They are hidden in the depths of several hundred meters underground, making people helpless.

Especially in Africa, it's almost like being in no one. It feels like Africa will be occupied by them.

It is said that the United Nations will meet again to discuss...

However, everyone knows that the United Nations is just furnishings.

In the end, all countries have to work hard. Come without any delay.

The longer the delay, the greater the number of mantis creatures. Its individual combat effectiveness may also increase.

The most terrible thing is that the research on the mantis creatures has never reached a fundamental conclusion.

Is it a carbon-based organism?

Does it need oxygen?

How does it reproduce?

What is its main food?

There have been no answers to several fundamental questions.

This means that there is no completely effective way to eliminate the opponent. It can only be a simple pile of military power.

Now, all countries have moved out all the weapons they have in stock, and kept putting them out.

Whether it works or not, I will blow you up first.


"Please see."

The two went outside.

A bull devil transport plane is docked here.

It was modified, with two super bombs installed in the cabin.

The total mass of each aerial bomb is twelve tons. Eight tons of charge. Looking at the whole world, it is the aerial bomb with the largest number of ordinary charges.

However, these are the beginnings. There are larger aerial bombs under development.

Twenty tons, thirty tons, fifty tons...

Even hundreds of tons!

"The minimum is three hundred meters."

"The highest is 30,000 meters."

Liu Zhenhua said simply. Wang Bu'an said the data is good.

Both of these data are the height of the bomb. Among them, the highest is 30,000 meters, and the lowest is 300 meters.

"Let's go!"


Wang Bu'an boarded the plane.

Liu Zhenhua also boarded the plane. There are others.

The Bull Demon King transport aircraft will fly to the war zone and drop bombs on the ground However, this war zone is not Qiangtang. It's a certain area abroad.

The military power in this area is very weak, unable to cope with the mantis creatures that pop up suddenly, so they can only request military assistance from China.

After notifying the United Nations and obtaining the authorization of the United Nations, China Huaxia sent reinforcements.

The first action was the fighters of the two squadrons.

A J-11 fighter squadron.

A J-16 fighter squadron.

They rushed down fiercely from a high altitude and dropped thousands of tons of ammunition.

Among them, just over 80 large-scale aerial bombs weighing five tons were dropped in one go.

All the mantis creatures that appeared on the ground were swept away by Huaxia fighters. The remaining ones hid in underground caves.

This 12-ton super aerial bomb is meant to deal with targets deep in the cave.

How effective is it? Try it first.

"Target locked."


Soon, the transport plane entered the war zone.

After the target was determined, the super bomb was launched manually.

This big creature weighing twelve tons was pushed down by the robotic arm. 1500 meters above the ground.

In less than a minute, there was a deafening loud noise on the ground.

Obviously, this is a super aerial bomb exploded.

It set off a huge mushroom cloud, which is heart palpitating.


The result is not optimistic.

The result reported by the ground forces was that the blasting effect was average.

It can only spread to a depth of 200 meters underground. It has little effect on the area of ​​300 meters or 500 meters underground.

Wang Bu'an frowned subconsciously.

The bomb has no effect.

How to do?

Should I use an excavator?

Is it necessary to use an excavator to dig out the mantis creature?

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