Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 621: Go to heaven

Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus Chapter 621 went to heaven and a group of people came to the airport outside.

Here, there are already hundreds of Little Linglong helicopters lined up.

Well, it may not be accurate to say that it is the Xiaolinglong helicopter. It should be the second-generation improved model of the Xiaolinglong helicopter, code-named Xiaojinlong.

What is the difference between Xiaojinlong and Xiaolinglong? It is nothing more than more spacious and more humane.

The biggest feature is the addition of voice commands.

No operation is required, just opening.

It supports 300 mainstream languages ​​on the planet at the same time. Including hundreds of dialects in China.

Previous trials in Morocco have proved the market value of Xiao Linglong.

However, Xiaolinglong still has some flaws.

The main reason is that the design is not beautiful enough.

Including the appearance of the fuselage, as well as the decoration inside.

Xiao Jinlong made a special improvement on this, giving people a relatively luxurious and beautiful feeling.

Correspondingly, the price has increased by about $10,000.

"Does everyone feel unsafe?"

"My helicopter will give you the greatest sense of security."

"No fuel needed."


Wang Buyan said with a smile.

As a result, many reporters were indifferent.

No need for fuel?

Rechargeable? How long can it fly?


Do you think it is a remote control plane?

"Come on, who will take the initiative to try?" Wang Bu said calmly.

"I'm coming." Song Xiaoping was the first to stand up.

He came forward with serious doubts.

He wanted to expose Wang Bu'an's lies.

What does not need fuel?

What autonomous driving?

It's all fooling people!

Just like Bitcoin and blockchain, they are all deliberately playing concepts.


fasten your seatbelt.

Song Xiaoping discovered that the cockpit of the Xiaojinlong helicopter was very simple.

Apart from a few major instruments, there is nothing else.

I don’t feel high-tech at all!

It became more certain that Wang Bu'an was deliberately fooling people.

How to control the plane with such a simple cockpit?

You think it's like in a TV movie, you can start the plane with just one idea!


OK, wait for me to expose your fake tricks.

By the way, debunk the hypocrisy of White Feather Whale Technology and Tyrannosaurus Industry...

"How to do it?"

"Please set the coordinates yourself. Just select it on the map."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

Song Xiaoping began to operate dubiously.

Find out the map first.

turn on.


Find the target that needs to go.

Choose Shixi Park in Pearl City, 30 kilometers away. The land here is large and there are many flat areas, so it is easy to land.


start up.

The Little Golden Dragon helicopter took off quickly.

Song Xiaoping was surprised and happy, and subconsciously looked around, repeatedly confirming whether he really left the ground.

As a result, he quickly determined that he was really flying.

He is getting farther and farther from the ground.

Everything on the ground is shrinking rapidly.

He couldn't help but frown.

No way?

Really so humane?

Only need to set a destination, the helicopter can fly automatically?

Could it be said that it really has the function of autonomous driving?

It won't be so powerful...

Cars have not yet achieved autonomous driving.

How come the helicopter is the first to implement autonomous driving? This technology is too advanced.

"How to control it?" Song Xiaoping suddenly thought of another thing.

"Just speak directly." Wang Bu'an said.

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

"Okay. I want to be elevated."

"I want to rise! I want to rise! I want to rise!"

Song Xiaoping shouted vigorously.

The Little Golden Dragon helicopter quickly adjusted its attitude and climbed quickly.

In just a few minutes, it has climbed more than a thousand meters. The helicopter itself is also tilted forward and backward.

"Mr. Wang, how high can it jump?" Song Xiaoping hurriedly asked.

"About three kilometers." Wang Bu'an replied calmly.

"so tall?"

"Three kilometers."

Wang Bu'an nodded affirmatively.

In fact, three kilometers is nothing at all.

According to Xiao Jinlong's performance, it is completely possible to jump to 10,000 meters.

However, in this way, it will seize the airspace of other aircraft. Especially in the airspace of civil airliners, this is absolutely not allowed. It is easy to cause a collision accident.

It must be limited to a height below three kilometers to ensure the safety of the airspace.

If you have special needs, please purchase other models.

For ordinary household use, three kilometers is enough.

Soon, the Little Golden Dragon helicopter had already reached the limit of three kilometers.

"Is this three kilometers?"

"of course."

"How to lower?"

"You can give instructions."


Song Xiaoping hurriedly issued instructions.

The Little Golden Dragon helicopter then slowly began to land. It soon landed to about 300 meters.

During this period, Song Xiaoping repeatedly issued various instructions. Test the sensitivity of the Xiaojinlong helicopter. As a result, Xiao Jinlong Helicopter has been implemented to the letter.

Occasionally there are incorrect commands that cannot be executed, and the system will give an explanation. For example, tumbling.

As a civilian helicopter, rolling, rotating and other functions are prohibited.

"Can I fly directly to Central?"


"Then we will fly to Central now."

"Excuse me. If you cross the border, you may be intercepted by military helicopters."

"is it?"

"You should choose another place."

"Then, Yangcheng?"

"no problem."

"Okay. Go to Yangcheng immediately."

Song Xiaoping re-selected the target on the map.

This goal is one of the largest cities in Lingnan: Yangcheng.

The little Golden Dragon helicopter turned lightly and flew to the northwest without a sound.

The speed gradually increased, reaching 350 kilometers per hour.

Pearl City was quickly pulled behind him.

In less than an hour, the system prompts that it is close to the destination.

"Is Yangcheng down there?"

"What do you mean?"

"I want to land."

"Please choose a landing place."


The landing place Song Xiaoping chose was Yuexiu Park.

It's next to the Wuyang sculpture.

He wanted to confirm whether this place was Yangcheng.

In such a short time, coming to Yangcheng from Pearl City, I always feel a little dreamy.

If you are driving, it will take more than an hour to travel from Pearl City to Yangcheng. However, it takes almost half an hour to take a small Golden Dragon helicopter.

Such a speed is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Always feel a little unsure?

No, after the helicopter stopped, he walked out in a daze.

Look around...

Yes, it is indeed a statue of five sheep.

It should... This is Yangcheng.

"Who are you?" Two security guards came over, "Why landed here?"

"Excuse me, is this Yangcheng?" Song Xiaoping asked hurriedly.

"You are crazy!" a security guard said.

"This is Yangcheng!" another security guard said.

"Thank you!"

"Strange, what does this person do?"

"Is it an alien?"

"It's probably because other cities got lost, right?"

"I don't even know the statue of Five Goats, what an idiot! Didn't it come out of the mental hospital?"

"Probably not..."

Song Xiaoping hurriedly ordered to take off.

The Little Golden Dragon helicopter took off quickly, quickly leaving the Wuyang statue behind.

Gradually, the helicopter jumped to an altitude of three kilometers again.

Looking down, I can only see the hazy buildings of Yangcheng, and I can't see the details.

The system suddenly issued an alarm.

But a police Sword King Dragon helicopter caught up.

"How to do?"



Song Xiaoping issued instructions.

The Xiao Jinlong helicopter landed as required by the police.

After some inspection, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and the Xiao Jinlong helicopter was allowed to take off again.

He returned to Pearl City smoothly.

Song Xiaoping discovered that the other reporters were gone.

"where are they?"

"All gone to heaven."


Song Xiaoping's first reaction was to curse.

Woke up immediately. The so-called God is the real God.

They must have ran around in the Little Golden Dragon helicopter. God knows where they are now.

Maybe, they are already flying to the Yangtze River.

Sure enough, another reporter came back more than half an hour later.

The other reporters are still missing. It feels like I really took a small Golden Dragon helicopter to travel far away.

After getting off the plane, the reporter hurriedly said: "I want this prototype, I want it, I have marked it, you must not sell it to others!"

"Gao Man!" Song Xiaoping cried in disbelief, "Are you going to buy it now?"

"Yes, I want." The reporter named Gao Lao couldn't wait to say, "I'll drive back to Xiangjiang directly after a while. My hometown is in the New Territories, so I just can stop."

"I also have a piece of land in Yuen Long..." Song Xiaoping thought telegraphed.

Sixty thousand dollars...

Really not much...

They are all affordable.

The point is that they are journalists and they have a 20% discount.

That is equivalent to using about 300,000 yuan to buy a fully humanized helicopter.

No fuel costs are required.

No pilot license is required.

As long as you give instructions, it will fly automatically.

With such a helicopter, what car do we need?

The car also needs a driver's license!

The most important thing is...

This thing can also be controlled remotely.

You can go to work in Central and remotely control the helicopter to dock in Yuen Long or the New Territories.

When needed, it can fly from Yuen Long or the New Territories to Central with one instruction. Bring you on, send you to your destination, and then fly back to Yuen Long or New Territories automatically and consciously.

In other words, you are in Central, where there is little land and no parking lot is needed. When needed, just find an open space.

Such a convenient and practical means of transportation is still so doesn't like it?

No wonder the Gao guy wrote his name in advance.

This guy is definitely the first customer of Xiao Jinlong Helicopter!

This glory is worth it.

"I also want."

"you sure?"

"I confirm."

"no discount."


"Because you doubted my product just now..."


Song Xiaoping almost vomited blood.



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