Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 635: Prodigal son!

"bring it on!"

"bring it on!"

Wang Bu'an's fighting spirit quickly burned.

Finally, I have a chance to fully demonstrate my strength.

On the earth, subject to the law, there is no way to kill. But it's different in Middle-earth.

The wolf cavalry wants to kill me?


bring it on!

Huh? wrong……

Three views are wrong again.

I did not come from a big killing.

I came to Middle-earth to help develop technology.

I am a scientist...

I am here to maintain peace and justice...



The wolf cavalry was already surrounded.

They are really masters at war, and they know how to outflank, chase and intercept.

They surrounded Wang Bu'an in silence.

Wang Bu'an looked around...


The retreat was cut off.

Now, he is lying on a big rock.

Behind the big rock is a cliff, which is suspended in the air, about 30 to 40 meters high. About ten stories.

In front of the big stone, there is a relatively gentle slope. There are almost no ups and downs.

On the cliff behind, Gamba Wolves might not be able to rush up. But the orcs may climb up.

Those wolf cavalry, according to science (?), should be called half-orcs. They are combined with Gamba wolves, and they are called wolf cavalry.

If it is a walking half-orc, the combat power must be reduced by at least half. Mobility is greatly reduced.

Pure Orcs are not scary.

The real killer is Gamba Wolf.

Their speed is too fast, and the impact is too strong.

When encountering the Gamba wolf, the archer cannot be trusted, and the magician cannot be trusted, what should I do...

Wang Bu'an checks his watch space.


There are a lot of equipment to carry.

A full fifty assault rifles.

There are also ten sniper rifles.

There are more than a hundred grenade with wooden handle.

Other weapons are temporarily gone.

Fortunately, bullets are enough. There are 500 magazines for rifle bullets. Each magazine has 48 rounds.

Each sniper rifle is also equipped with 500 rounds of ammunition, for a total of 5,000 rounds.

However, enough bullets are useless. Many firearms are also invalid.

He has only one person!

He has no three heads and six arms.

He is not the eight-armed ape.

At the same time, he can only use one weapon.

Others, Chow Yun-fat, can fire with both left-handed guns at the same time, but he can't. He has not received formal military training.

Moreover, he did not carry a pistol.

I always feel that the power of the pistol is too weak to use.

In case of real danger, the assault rifle is reliable.

If it is a Uzi submachine gun or MP5 submachine gun, it's even better. Unfortunately not.



The wolf cavalry suddenly hissed sharply.

The wolf cavalry roared in the entire mountain range, one after another, echoing each other, with great momentum.

The old wizard who was flying away by the rabbit couldn't help but glanced back. He didn't know who it was, and at this most critical moment, he drew the attention of the Gamba Wolf Cavalry away.

The number of Gamba wolf cavalry who had chased him was very large, but now it has been reduced by almost a third.

More and more wolf cavalry separated and outflanked Wang Bu'an.

The roar of the wolf cavalry became worse and worse.

The entire mountain range seemed to be filled with a certain taste of killing.

Wang Bu'an could not understand at all.

It feels like a pre-war mobilization?

Probably to encourage everyone to rush up and tear him up to feed the wolf?

In other words, how can so many Gamba wolves divide up their enthusiasm? A wolf gnawing a piece is not enough...

"Cowardly human!"

"I give you a chance to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff!"

Suddenly, a very clear voice came. The sound was loud, and it felt like thunder.

The penetrating power of this sound is also very strong. I feel deaf can hear it.

The strangest thing is that Wang Bu'an can understand!

Well, can understand...

However, the other party was clearly not speaking Chinese!

To be precise, it should be the language of a special minority tribe.

In short, you can understand. It's as if it was born with Chinese.

Is it true that the vomiting in "A Hundred Thousand Cold Jokes" is true? Does the whole world speak Chinese? No matter what language it is, it will eventually become Chinese?

"This is a necessary procedure for dimension switching." Shockwave explained disapprovingly.

"The earth..." Wang Bu'an hesitated to speak.

"Most languages ​​on your planet are more difficult to understand than Middle-earth."

"No way?"

"In order to figure out the language of your earth, I spent half a year of your earth."

"No way?"

Wang Bu'an secretly smacked his tongue.

With Transformers’ cleverness, it would actually take half a year?

Is there any mistake...

Should it be said that the language of the people on earth is difficult to understand?

Or is the IQ of Transformers worrying?

"Don't you think?"


Wang Bu'an nodded in sympathy.

What Chaoshan dialect, what Leizhou dialect, what Wenchang dialect, is simply a password.

Outsiders feel like listening to the bible.

It is said that Tolkien created more than a dozen languages ​​unique to Middle-earth?

In fact, to be honest, it is difficult to create words. But to create different languages...Just find dozens of local dialects.

If you let a person from the capital come to listen to Leizhou dialect, it is probably more difficult to understand than the language of Elvish...

...I'm sorry, it's far away.

Let's deal with the current dilemma first.

Well, how to deal with...

First express your intentions.

When I came to Middle-earth, I definitely did not do bad things.

I'm here to help you improve your technology. It is definitely not to interfere in your internal affairs...

Whether you are half-orcs, dwarves, elves, ordinary humans, in short, what should you do, I'm just an outsider.



However, he couldn't wait for him to speak.

Two sharp arrowheads had already shot on the rock. The arrow shafts are already rusty.

Wang Bu'an's eyes sank slightly.

its not right!

The arrow shaft is actually iron?

In other words, shouldn't ordinary arrow shafts be wood or bamboo?

How come here in Middle-earth, the steel is so rich that it can be used to make arrow shafts?

It feels that all dimensions of magic civilization should lack steel, right?

Their technology trees are very low. The ironmaking industry is not good.

They prefer to call it alchemy.

Their main purpose is gold.

It seems that only dwarves have a little bit of ironmaking skills?

But compared with ironmaking and steelmaking on the earth, that is really insignificant.

If it is possible to relocate, any steel factory on the earth can relocate, and it can suppress the entire Middle-earth world.

It seems that the annual output of steel in super large enterprises such as Baosteel, Shougang, and Wuhan Iron and Steel is enough to cover Middle-earth World. What Minna Strai, what Saint Helm Valley, can be built with steel and concrete. It is impossible for those monsters who only know how to practice iron head skills to break through the city wall.

The trebuchet is also at the level of primitive society.

Any mortar can hit the opponent.


It is estimated that Middle-earth uses black powder.

As long as the people on earth just get a little black gold, or C4 or something, they can let thousands of half-orcs fly on the earth plane.

No wonder it can output technology...

In terms of technology alone, Middle-earth is really too low-dimensional.

Wang Bu'an wanted to speak.


He found himself unable to speak.

He could understand what the wolf cavalry said, but he couldn't express it.

Others don't understand it at all!

"what's the situation?"

"Native language, you have to learn."

"You also learned the language of the people on earth?"

"Of course. Otherwise, how could I have spent half an earth year?"


Wang Bu'an was immediately held back.

Grass, is there any mistake? Don’t you have 9999 high-tech?

Why is it so troublesome to learn a language? Why can't it be directly instilled into everyone's mind? Direct molding?

However, Sasser did not explain.

In this way...

The trouble is big.

He can't speak.

The other party did not understand what he said.

This is a unilateral exchange! Grass, isn't this deliberately causing trouble for yourself?

Sure enough, the wolf cavalry was angry.

They are full of hostility towards humans.

Now, Wang Bu'an's attitude made the Gamba Wolves cavalry feel insulted.

Without thinking about it, a large number of wolf cavalry rushed up.

Wang Bu'an's first reaction was to shoot.

He has long forgotten his mission.


Death is coming, okay?

If you hesitate a little bit, your head will be smashed into blossom!

Look at the weapons of those half-orcs and wolf cavalry. They are very rude. Either a mace or a serrated knife, all of them are of a heavy-duty type.

With his little head, if it is touched, it will definitely look like a broken watermelon.

It’s not a good Are you going to kill me?

I will kill you first!

"Puff puff!"

"Puff puff!"

Without thinking, Wang Bu'an shot immediately.

The dense bullets whizzed away.


In an instant, three wolf cavalry fell.

Their bodies, like rocks, rolled down the slope.

Even the Gamba Wolves under their crotch screamed and rolled down.

Facts have proved that the 5.80mm small caliber bullet is still very lethal.

Within a kilometer distance, there is considerable penetration.

What about the Gamba wolf?

Wasn't he killed with a single shot?

What about wolf cavalry?

Isn't it the same as being beaten to blood splashes?

Wang Bu'an could clearly see that the wolf cavalry hit by the bullet seemed to have been hit by a heavy object.

Their bodies were all overwhelmed with emotion, and then they collapsed.

In terms of impact alone, bullets are much larger than arrows.

The bullet's exit speed is more than one kilometer per second!

Of course, Wang Bu'an is too extravagant.

He emptied a magazine in one breath.

Forty-eight bullets!

Only three Gamba wolf cavalry were eliminated!

If someone from the Dingjun Mountain Special Training Camp, or the Beiman Mountain Special Training Camp or the Yandang Mountain Special Training Camp comes, they will definitely call him a prodigal.

With so many bullets, the three frontal impact enemies were eliminated. It's a waste.

If they came, at least ten would fall.

Three bullets were fired in a short burst.

Forty-eight rounds were fired in 16 short points.

Even with a 60 hit rate, you can hit ten Gamba Wolf Cavalry.

Prodigal son!

The real prodigal!

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