Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 649: 2 Gouzi, you have changed

damn it.

What a crow's mouth!

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

The Great Southwest Telescope really came here?

"I'm very busy now..." Wang Buyan moved quickly and wanted to drive away.

"You can't be as busy as DWA30900, right?" However, Cheng Kailong moved faster. Others are special forces.

"Well..." Wang Bu'an had to raise his hand to surrender.

Follow them out of the building. The helicopter has been parked outside.

The driver is surprisingly Pei Lan again. She appeared mysteriously again.

The helicopter arrived at the military airport, and Xia Nan drove the Bull Demon King transport plane to take charge of the relay. Fly straight to the mountains and mountains in the far southwest.

In less than two hours, Wang Buan saw the Southwest Radio Telescope.

This radio telescope with a diameter of more than 500 meters can definitely be called the largest in the world.

This giant “sky eye”, designed and built for 22 years, has a comprehensive performance that is about 10 times higher than that of the Arecibo 300-meter telescope in the United States. It will participate in major projects such as Mars and deep space exploration, and become a human exploration of the origin and evolution of the universe. "Extraterrestrial civilization" weapon.

This place, Wang Bu'an is the first time to come.

After getting off the plane, he still saw many acquaintances.

Among them, they include Lomachuan and Gongyang Yushan.

It's strange, why is Gongyang Yushan also here?

Was it the last choice or the destruction plan? Or do you want to destroy the meteorite from a distance?

"Master Wang!" Gongyang Yushan came up to say hello enthusiastically.

"Professor." Wang Bu'an responded politely.

Gong Yang Yushan gave him a wink quietly.

Wang Bu felt at ease.

Soon, the two hid beside them.

"Professor, what's the matter?" Wang Bu'an asked suspiciously.

"Don't go in in such a hurry," Gongyang Yushan said in a low voice, "Someone inside is not waiting to see you."

"No?" Wang Bu'an was dubious.

Is anyone targeting yourself?

Unlikely, right?

Long Zhenyu is now in hiding?

Dou Jinglue was already in hiding.

Is there anyone better than Long Zhenyu and Dou Jinglue?

In other words, I shouldn't offend anyone recently, right? The current self is definitely self-cultivation, and he doesn't hear things outside the window!

"Teng Raojiang, have you heard of it?"


"The director of the 801 Institute."

"What do you do?"

"Aerospace weapons research."


Wang Bu'an vaguely understood.

It turned out to be an authority on outer space research.

No wonder there are some who don't want to see themselves. It is estimated that it was affected by his moon landing plan.

From the perspective of the scientific research community, Wang Bu'an is indeed a bit crazy recently.

It can even be said that there is no limit to madness.

Actually announced the moon landing within a year!

Or the civilian version of the moon landing! No country's participation is required!

It sounds nonsense indeed.

You know, the moon landing plan involves many aspects. How can a private company get it done?

Even Musk's "spaceX" rocket recovery program has united many companies.

It is definitely not something one person, or one or two companies can do.

However, Wang Bu'an publicly announced it.

He also held a press conference!

In everyone's eyes, this is a gimmick.

No real researcher would like a guy who likes to brag.

Making gimmicks and emptying the cannon is not ashamed of everyone.

"You really shouldn't have that press conference back then." Gongyang Yushan said sadly.

"So, the sequelae are very serious now?" Wang Buan muttered to himself thoughtfully.

"Very serious. Even Kuang Donghui ignores you."


Wang Bu'an frowned slightly.

Sure enough, there is such a thing.

Many people I knew before seemed to be alienated from myself.

Including Kuang Donghui, Ma Xiangdong and others, they have no contact with him. It is probably because of the moon landing plan.

To paraphrase a network phrase, it is: "Ergouzi, you have changed."

You are no longer the same Wang Bu'an.

You are no longer a down-to-earth Wang Bu'an who does research honestly.

Now you like to play with concepts and make gimmicks.

One is not good, is the next Jia Yueting.

"Really so serious?"

"It's so serious."


Wang Bu'an obediently shut up.

It turned out to be such a thing.

It was because I announced my plan to land on the moon, and as a result, a bunch of big tech guys didn't wait to see me.

This result was indeed unexpected. At that time, this issue was indeed not considered. I thought the moon landing plan was feasible, so I announced it.

Unexpectedly, in the eyes of others, they are just playing with concepts, making gimmicks, and playing tricks to make their superiors like them.

For orthodox scientists, this is what they hate most.

Especially now, under the guise of scientific research, there are too many companies defrauding scientific research funding.

Some companies also used the guise of high technology to cooperate with local governments to make frauds. Change the land used for scientific research projects without authorization, build villas, build buildings and halls, and make huge profits.

Just now, a company called "X Big IFLYTEK" was notified and criticized. No wonder many scientists are heartbroken.

As for tax evasion and tax evasion of several hundred million yuan, but do not need to go to jail, the public outrage is even greater.

In the past, it was better to sell tea eggs than to engage in atomic bombs.

Now, it’s better to be a face-sucker than to engage in the atomic bomb.



"Listen more and talk less."


Gongyang Yushan repeatedly urged.

Wang Bu'an nodded seriously and said that he would definitely do it.

Gongyang Yushan really loves himself!

It may be too lazy to talk to myself after changing someone else.

Play concept?

Making a gimmick?

Real scientific research hates this one the most.

Black sheep, everyone gets punishable.

The two entered the central hall silently.

Along the way, Wang Bu'an also saw several acquaintances. The result was a polite nod, and did not speak.

Obviously, they are similar to what Gongyang Yushan described. They all feel that Wang Buyan's "ergouzi" has changed. It's not the former Wang Bu'an anymore, it's not worthy to associate.

Among them, the most obvious manifestations are the three brothers Jiang Kongshan, Jiang Songluo, and Jiang Weimian. They turned a blind eye to Wang Bu'an.

Wang Buan shook his head helplessly, and said nothing.

He would not use his hot face to stick to other people's cold ass.

Since Gongyang Yushan told him to speak less, then shut up. With eyes only, no mouth.

From a certain perspective, these old scientists are not wrong.

They have long disliked the unhealthy trends in the scientific research community, but they have no ability to change.

To be honest, almost none of the people present are engaged in applied research. They are not in direct contact with the market. There is almost no contact with outside money.

Only those engaged in communications, chips, and application engineering will have many projects to defraud funds.

It just so happened that Wang Bu'an's White Feather Whale Technology is one of the "blacklists".

"sit down."


Wang Bu'an quietly found a place to sit down.

The location he chose was a relatively remote corner. This can avoid being noticed.

At this moment, in the hall, various large LCD screens are transmitting data back.

The data is very abstract. Only simple numbers or symbols.

There is no chart. have no color. There is no classification.

Almost all the data is messy.

Obviously, the putting into use of the radio telescope was a bit hasty.

Previously, it was only used for exploration. It can be done in a step-by-step manner.

However, now, the emergence of dangerous meteorites has caused the radio telescope to operate at full capacity. Various detection data are also too dense.

Now, more and more professionals have been concentrated here.

However, judging from the current situation, it is obviously not running to the best condition.

For the calculation of various data, there are deductions, and it seems that there is no result.

"Did you see anything?" Gong Yang Yushan asked in a low voice.

"Where are they?" Wang Bu'an has learned a lot, and first ask other people what they think.

"Not yet."

"What hasn't been calculated?"



Wang Bu'an nodded thoughtfully.

Gongyang Yushan was worried. He knew that Wang Bu'an must have seen something.

For Wang Bu'an's character, Gongyang Yushan did not agree with him. However, he was still very impressed with Wang Bu'an's ability.

This guy is definitely a genius and a wonderful work.

If you ignore his, his research ability is absolutely unparalleled.

When everyone else gathers together, they may not have his brain alone.

"What's your conclusion?" Gong Yang Yushan asked in a low voice.

"No..." Wang Buan said deliberately.

"You must have."


"You tell me. I promise not to talk nonsense."


Wang Bu'an explained in a low voice.

He found some strange details from the disordered data.

The trajectory of this meteorite is not stable. It seems to be affected by the attraction of multiple planets, and its trajectory is always changing.

In terms of data, the change in this data is relatively weak. Most people may not notice. However, Wang Bu'an is no ordinary person! The computing power of Transformers is not a blow. Two ultra-miniature Transformers were calculated together, and a new trajectory was quickly drawn. However, only to reach Jupiter.

Why can't Jupiter's future orbit be calculated? Many factors cannot be determined.

"What do you mean?" Gong Yang Yushan frowned.

"Everything is changing." Wang Bu'an said meaningfully.

"I don't understand."

"I will explain later."


Gongyang Yushan had to end this topic regretfully.

Since Wang Bu'an didn't want to say it, he certainly couldn't keep asking. Continue to ask no results. Wang Bu'an wouldn't say it.

In fact, he has received enough information.

Everything is changing...

The meaning inside is rich.

Wang Bu'an obviously means that the trajectory of the meteorite is unstable.

What does instability mean?

It is possible to wipe the earth.

In other words, it may not hit the earth.

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