Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 764: The Age of Interstellar Navigation

That's right, Wang Jianxing.

They have indeed returned to Wang Jianxing.

It was repeatedly confirmed that the planet closest to the destroyer was Wang Jianxing.

It took a full four-year voyage before, and it only took a moment to return.


Sure enough.

No wonder the mantis creatures can move freely.

Dare to love others is already mastering the secret of the wormhole. You can easily cross the vast universe through the wormhole.

What does this mean?

This means that the door of the universe is completely opened.

He can freely travel to and from the star field within 50 light years. Expand to the outside world one by one. Station by station is getting farther and farther away from the solar system.

The previous solar system was the Stone Age. It is very difficult to walk tens of kilometers outside.

With patrol ships, there are horse and ox carts.

With the frigate, there are trains and cars.

The emergence of destroyers is the aircraft.

The upgrading of technology made the vast universe begin to become insignificant for the first time.

From the neighboring galaxy to the solar system, through the wormhole, it can be reached in an instant. Faster than going from Wang Jianxing to Jupiter.

From Wang Jianxing to Jupiter, there is no wormhole available.

Can only rely on space jumping.

The space jump ability of the destroyer is actually very strong.

However, due to the obstruction of certain asteroid belts, two space jumps are still required.

The cooling time of each space jump is 6 hours.

In other words, it will take at least six hours to return from Wang Jianxing to Jupiter.

From the perspective of space navigation, this speed is already very, very fast. Therefore, the emergence of destroyers is very popular.

Lu Lingqi ordered five hundred destroyers in one go. They are all unarmed. Fully commercial.

An unarmed destroyer is actually very cheap.

The cost is only about one-fifth of the original cost.

At the same time, the construction period will be shortened by more than two-thirds.

If all goes well, it only takes 180 days to produce an unarmed destroyer hull.

"Apply to land."

"Landing is allowed."

"Apply to log in."

"Allow login."

Soon after, the destroyer slowly approached Wang Jianxing.

Its size is too large, it is impossible to land on the surface of Wang Jianxing. Must use space shuttle to connect.

The huge battleship shocked the Hausa creatures, almost afraid to look up.

"Master Wang, do you want to go down?"

"no need."

"Then let's go first."


Wang Bu'an has made ships his home.

If there is nothing special, he doesn't want to leave the destroyer.

In fact, such a large destroyer can be regarded as a home! It is still a home for activities. Go where you want to go.

A 400-kilometer-long super star warship! How many people can be loaded?

At least 100,000 people started.

When necessary, there is no problem for one million people.

However, the entire warship had fewer than five hundred people.

The space fighter is not equipped.

The mech forces are also unequipped.

If it is heavily armed, it can carry a space fighter wing. Contains thousands of space fighters.

You can also carry a complete mech assault group. Thousands of mechas.

In the interstellar age, destroyers are not mere combat ships. It is also an aerospace carrier and landing ship. The functions are multifaceted.

If it is a long-distance battle, space fighters can be dispatched. Kill a wave first.

If it is to occupy a certain planet, after the particle bombardment, it will be the turn of the mecha assault.

However, in the neighboring galaxy, Wang Bu'an has no opponents.

Even within the galaxy, there may be no real opponents.

If there is a very powerful civilization in the galaxy, Transformers has long revealed it.

Actually not.

Humans who originated from the earth are already the best.

In the eyes of human beings, the Milky Way has been out of reach. But in the eyes of Transformers, it may be a small pond.

In a small pond, is there anything that can make waves?

"Master Wang, are we going back to Jupiter now?" He Chenghua asked eagerly.

"Okay." Wang Bu'an nodded, "Go."

He Chenghua hurriedly ordered.

The destroyer began a space jump in place.

After a while, the destroyer was already close to Pluto. But encountered a chaotic asteroid belt.

As always, the nuclear fusion engine needs 6 hours to cool down.

"Wang Bu'an, is that you?" An excited call from the Jupiter base came from the communicator.

"Report Jupiter! It's us!" He Chenghua answered hurriedly.

"You are welcome home."

"Thank you."

He Chenghua was so excited.

Now, the homeland of mankind is not limited to the earth.

The solar system has truly become the "home" of mankind. When many people refer to home, they are referring to the solar system.

Going home means going back to the solar system.

To leave home is to leave the solar system.

Now, all the planets in the solar system have been deeply developed.

Different planets have different development directions.

People of all colors can find their own lives on different planets.

The number of humans has also increased to more than 20 billion. Among them, 10 billion human clones are included.

In fact, many of the concerns about human cloning are unnecessary.

Human clones are also human.

They are the same as natural persons.

Their feelings, skills, and consciousness can all be cultivated.

Their genes are more perfect, and they can master various knowledge and skills faster. They are very good blue collar workers. Is the backbone of the manufacturing industry.

Tyrannosaurus rex industry employs a lot of clones.

Beluga Technology also employs a lot of clones.

The life and rest, knowledge, skills, and behavioral norms of cloned humans are no different from natural humans.

They have not lost their fertility. It can also reproduce the next generation.

Worried about not getting married?

It's ok.

Clone a husband. To be the most handsome and handsome. If you want Louis Koo, you need Louis Koo. If you want Li Yifeng, you need Li Yifeng.

Worried about not getting a wife?

It's ok.

Clone a wife.

If you want Tong Liya, you need Tong Liya. Want Wang Likun to have Wang Likun.

How handsome I want to be.

I want to be as beautiful as possible.

From then on, there is no need to worry about dating, wedding rooms, and red envelopes.

Even in places where ethics and morality cannot be restrained, one can have several cloned husbands, or a large group of cloned wives.

However, it should be noted that clones are also emotional.

If the two parties cannot get along well, it is possible to divorce.

In short, the emergence of human clones has triggered a lot of sharp and intense discussions.

Many people agree.

Many people oppose it.

A hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend.

This is the most free era. It is also the most gorgeous era.

Wang Buyan once again became a target of public criticism.

The era of great voyage has also restarted.

The appearance of interstellar patrol ships makes it possible to explore the starry sky near the solar system.

The emergence of interstellar frigates makes it easy to explore the starry sky around the solar system. Adventurers can discover more planets.

Wang Buyan's exploration direction is only one of them. It is the direction of Proxima Centauri.

So, what about the opposite direction? More directions?

Wang Bu'an discovered many planets.

Other adventurers also discovered many planets.

Among them, the exploratory fleet led by Liang Baimu has achieved remarkable results. They landed on many planets.

Now, with the arrival of the interstellar destroyer, starry sky exploration has become easier.

As long as the corresponding wormhole is found, it will be more than ten light years away in an instant!

Anyone can explore.

Everyone can go through the wormhole.

It is conceivable that human tentacles will bloom to every corner of the galaxy in a very short time.

At that time, the invasion of civilization seems inevitable.

Low-level civilization must be affected.

The premise is...

Lots of destroyers!

The manufacture of destroyers requires the release of a large amount of production capacity.

Wang Bu'an made a preliminary estimate. He can currently produce 50,000 destroyers at the same time.

This number seems large. In fact, it is far from enough.

How big is the Milky Way?

One billion light years in diameter!

One billion!

One billion!

The important thing is said three times.

It is only 4 light years from the solar system to the neighboring galaxy. Equivalent to one-250 millionth of the diameter of the Milky Way.

How many destroyers must be produced to meet the needs of interstellar navigation?

Must apply for more industrial zones.

Production capacity must be expanded.

Obviously, this is something that Shockwave loves to see.

For Wang Bu'an's request, Shockwave is a generous satisfaction!

Soon, the production capacity of destroyers increased to about 100,000 ships. But still not enough. Still need to continue to improve.

In other words, just need more planets One Wang Jianxing is not enough.

Jing Kexing? can.

Le Yi Star? can.

Bai Qixing? can.

What did not say, continue to expand production capacity.

All the accumulated belief points are consumed. Until there is no faith value.

Finally, the production capacity of destroyers was expanded to about 250,000 ships.

In other words, in one construction period, 250,000 destroyers can be produced.

If it is used conservatively, it should be fine.

"Master Wang, Jupiter is here."

"You go down."

Wang Bu'an really uses ships as his home.

He is inside the destroyer and has his own private space.

It's not a question of how many rooms and rooms are. It's an independent world. At least a few square kilometers.

The destroyer has a length of 400 kilometers and a width of more than 10 kilometers. How big is its volume, you say? This vast space can accommodate a kingdom without problems.

Without space fighters and mech troops stationed, it always feels like something is missing.

So, let them in?

It seems unnecessary...

There is no fighting at all now.

For the time being, the Milky Way is still very peaceful.

The appearance of destroyers means that there must be no rivals in the galaxy.

Unless you leave the galaxy and go to other galaxies to participate in battle.

So, is there such a possibility?

It depends on the arrangement of Transformers.

Wang Bu'an is of course happy.

Unfortunately, others look down upon it.

Transformers don't think humans have any fighting power at all.

In their eyes, cell organisms are very fragile. In high-level battles, it is not useful at all!

At present, let's be a man with his tail sandwiched!

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