Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 683 Another colonial ship?

Several soldiers from the 776 Special Forces Team here had already begun to argue, but Ke Lan, who was in the "Super Dream" state, was lost in thought.

The fact has become too obvious - the person who built this ruins, or in other words, this "Engine No. 92", is not an Alpha person, but an Earth person... Moreover, it is not the person who came to Alpha Planet in the Ark. Batch the earthlings.

In addition to the crew of the Ark, is there another group of Earthlings on Alpha?

Could it be that there is another colonial ship?

Second Ark? !

Is this engine the engine of a super colonial ship? This colony ship arrived first, arriving at Alpha Planet earlier than the Ark, and then crashed on this planet?

As for the humanoid monsters sealed in the hibernation cabin... they are actually ordinary earthlings, but they chose to hibernate in order to survive the long interstellar journey?

No...that's not right.

From a logical point of view, there is no problem with this guess, but from a practical perspective, it is a bit untenable.

Putting aside the possibility of the second colony ship landing on the same planet as the Ark, Ke Lan felt that the possibility of the second colony ship's existence was almost non-existent.

The construction of Noah's Ark and the star gate used to accelerate the Ark have almost emptied the available resources of the entire solar system. As for the hometown of mankind, the Earth and the moon, they have been irreversibly damaged. In order to extract "helium- 3", almost one-third of the mass of the entire moon was dug away.

The cost of doing this is that the moon's gravitational pull on the earth decreases... The tides weaken, and the rise and fall of sea water also weakens, which directly leads to sea level rise. A large number of coastal cities are completely submerged, and some low-lying island countries are completely submerged. Even removed from the list.

In order to build Noah's Ark, many people died from secondary disasters caused by the construction plan, and even more people lost their hometowns and property and were displaced. The war that broke out because of opposition to the Ark plan lasted for two full years on the earth. In the past ten years, the number of people killed by gunfire far exceeded the number of people killed by these disasters.

Great people are willing to sacrifice themselves to preserve the fire of civilization for mankind, but the vast majority of people are not great people.

Hundreds of millions of people watched helplessly as a colonial ship that they had no chance of boarding was slowly built, and the cost of building it was the homes, property, status and even relatives of these "abandoned people"... ...That kind of despair and resentment, it is too pale to describe it in words... Even the army that suppressed the resistance has experienced large-scale defections.

Many times, people thought that the Ark project was about to fail, and that the human race would perish together with their home star... But fortunately, Noah's Ark was finally completed before the sun completely decayed into a red giant, and I embarked on a journey with no return date and no end in sight.

As for the "most people" who failed to board the Ark... about 90% stayed on the earth, which was full of chaos and war at that time, and the remaining 10% took advantage of the engineering ships and boats used to build the Ark. The resource collection ship, relying on the remaining energy of the star gate, sailed towards the outer reaches of the solar system, trying to find a planet in the nearby star field that could be colonized by humans.

That is a tragic history that humans are still reluctant to mention.

It is impossible for the people who stayed on the earth to build a second ark, and the remaining resources and time left for them were completely insufficient.

If this ruins is the engine of a super colonial ship, then judging from the size of this engine, the scale of this colonial ship will definitely not be smaller than Noah's Ark - it will only be bigger than the Ark, and much bigger. .

After all, the number of this engine is "Ninety-two", and there are at least ninety-one such engines.

Ninety-two such engines are piled together, and the propulsion generated is very terrifying, even the power of Noah's Ark when it is moving at full speed cannot be compared.

As for those who fled the solar system on small ships, Ke Lan did not think they could survive - the engines and energy reserves of those small ships were not comparable to those of the Ark. Being able to sail out of the solar system was already their limit, but Humans have already observed and searched the star fields around the solar system countless times, but have never found a planet that can support human survival.

Moreover, with the staffing and mastermind database on those small ships, even if they could survive, they would not be able to build another super colonial ship like Noah's Ark in a short time.

This "short time" refers to within a thousand years.

Then the question arises... Since it is impossible for people on earth anywhere except the Ark to build a colony ship of this size, how could this "engine" with traces of the earth everywhere appear on Alpha Planet? Up?

Why did the Undead Crew send out one special force after another to blow up these engines?

What are they trying to hide?

(P.S. Some readers have previously pointed out that building a colony ship cannot use the resources of the entire solar system. They said that my description is too exaggerated. Here I need to explain that emptying out the resources of the solar system ≠ adding the stars of the entire solar system plus eight planets and various Celestial bodies, large and small, are all hollowed out. Here, the word "resources" refers to "available resources", which are resources that can be collected and utilized based on the current level of human science and technology.

Otherwise, when it comes to resources, who has the most resources in the solar system? It must be the sun, but with the technological level of humans in the old era, they couldn't even build a Dyson sphere, let alone develop the sun... The so-called solar energy actually uses only one trillionth of the energy emitted by the sun. It's just energy...

In addition, some rare earth resources and rare metals are not inexhaustible even from the perspective of the entire solar system. Especially to collect resources from some distant planets, a collection ship needs to go back and forth. A lot of consumption and time.

Therefore, based on human abilities and the "resources that can be used by humans" in the solar system, building an ark is already the limit...

To be honest, I really don’t want to type so many words to explain, it’s really verbose, but if I don’t explain, many people have doubts, and some people jump out of the way - sometimes I even want to learn. What kind of scriptwriters are there for Marvel and DC? They are indecisive, quantum mechanics is unexplainable, and they travel through time and space... It's so simple and saves my brain. I don't have to spend so much time and energy looking up information, or just write fantasy calculations. . )

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