Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 708 Fusion after eating

"Perhaps...can we find a reason?" Aya whispered, "For example, stage a scene where a 'dangerous element' sneaks into the neighborhood, and then uses this as a reason to ask people to evacuate?"

"It won't work." Ke Lan shook his head, "Let's not talk about whether doing this will alert the people of the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce. If the other party's important figures also run out among the evacuated people, wouldn't our work be in vain? You can't let people surround the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce and only let everyone except them evacuate, right? By doing this, wouldn't it be clear to them that the people we want to arrest are them."

"It's almost impossible to evacuate people from the neighborhood without the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce being aware of it!" Aya said with a hint of anxiety in her tone.

Ke Lan and the others originally planned to put aside the matter of the fusion body and find out the "someone behind the scenes" who was hiding inside the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce... But the problem was that on the sixth floor of the Chamber of Commerce, they didn't know how to deal with it at all. Can't get down.

The sixth floor of the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce looks like a dormitory for employees of the chamber of commerce from the outside, but this is actually just a disguise for the outermost circle of rooms. Behind the thin wall of the disguised room is a tightly guarded biochemical laboratory.

Countless glass jars are piled up in the empty hall, and there is a person in each glass jar. According to the information obtained by Asano Akira, these people are still alive, but their heartbeat frequency is extremely low. They should be trapped in a trap. In a state similar to hibernation or suspended animation.

But this is not the key. The key is that the defense on this floor is many times stronger than that on the seventh floor. Not only are the corridors full of armed guards, but the ceiling is full of cameras and remote-controlled machine guns. There are almost no blind spot.

Even a "perfect individual" like Marshall who has done telekinesis experiments in vivo, or Ke Lan who still possesses a living body armor, cannot instantly eliminate all the guards and at the same time destroy the remote control of the almost ubiquitous camera. machine gun.

It is not that they have not considered bypassing this floor from the outside of the building, but through the observation of external street cameras, it seems that the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce has been transformed into a "fortress" very early, and all the windows and glass curtain walls are simply inaccessible from the outside. After being dismantled, except for the main entrance and the roof, if you want to enter the building, you can only use violent means.

It's not like they haven't thought about another power outage. However, according to the reconnaissance results of the micro-drone, the entire sixth floor, including the biochemical laboratory, monitoring devices and remote-controlled machine guns, all use independent power supply systems. Even if If an entire neighborhood loses power, they won't be affected in any way.

In the corridor outside, the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart made Ke Lan a little irritated... When those corpses were eaten clean by the fusion body, it would probably be their turn.

This situation is simply a dilemma...

Outside the utility room where the three of them were hiding, a mechanical spider was attached to the wall. Four pairs of red composite cameras were like the eyes of real spiders, tightly locking the bodies of the fusion larvae.

This is a reconnaissance micro-drone equipped with Aya's cybernetic body. It's not like they haven't tried to use this thing to explore the situation inside the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce - but when the mechanical spider approached the first floor of the chamber of commerce, the remote control signal There will be extremely strong interference... Apparently, the remnants of the heretical sect have placed high-power electromagnetic interference devices on the first floor or in the basement.

Ke Lan had already seen the design drawings of the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce headquarters building on the way here. In addition to the eight floors above the ground, there are two basement floors underground - they didn't even set up interference with the biochemical laboratory on the sixth floor. field, this means that the most important secret of the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce should be buried underground.

Ke Lan has notified people from the Research Institute, Crisis Management Department and Ark General Engineering Department, asking them to stand by at the bottom of the module floor where the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce headquarters building is located - if it really comes to the point where nothing can be done, they will choose to go directly from A passage was drilled underground, leading directly to the basement of Xinxing Chamber of Commerce.

"To be honest, I have never seen it..." Aya paused, as if trying to find a suitable adjective, but after searching for a long time, she realized that her vocabulary was indeed a bit poor, "I have never seen it. There have been...monsters like this."

She shared the footage captured by the micro-drone with Ke Lan: The corpse in the corridor had been devoured, and the imaginary image of scattered flesh and blood did not appear - the fusion larvae were very Knowing how to cherish food, even the blood beads scattered on the ground were sucked clean. Except for some traces of corrosion by digestive juices, there was no trace of blood on the ground.

But the most eye-catching thing is the fusion larva itself.

It had broken free from the corpse of the "container" and had eaten the corpse. Its size had now expanded several times, and it was nearly three meters tall, almost touching the ceiling of the corridor.

As for the appearance of this monster... well, it looks like a novice programmer who has just learned modeling, haphazardly pieced together more than a dozen human body material packages - a mess of limbs interspersed and entangled together. A head that was half flesh and half white bones was pressed to the ground. What connected the head was not a neck, but a skinless thigh...

Many organs are directly exposed outside the body... three still beating hearts are gathered together, enveloped in a bag of white fascia, and underneath is an unusually large lung lobe, which seems to be vaguely visible. The blood fluid flows in the tubes, from the three hearts to the lungs, and then flows back along another blood vessel.

Ke Lan couldn't decide for a while whether this was an internal circulation system or an extracorporeal circulation system like ECMO...

Corrosion seeds need to breathe, Ke Lan knows this, but like earthworms, this kind of thing can directly use the mucous membrane on the body surface to breathe. It can directly absorb oxygen from the air and water... Ke Lan doesn't either You know what role human organs like the heart and lungs can have on this fusion larvae.

So far, the fusion larva has only eaten a few human corpses, so all the organs and limbs it has grown on it are human organs and limbs... Although the distribution of these organs and limbs is a bit "messy", there are no any substantial variation.

Ke Lan even suspected that if these organs and limbs were cut off, maybe they could be used directly for human transplantation?

I just don’t know if this part of the “material” contains the genetic code of the fusion body itself…

In addition to the human part, there are many tentacles extending from the gaps in the limbs - these tentacles are the body of the fusion body. They are not only weapons, but also organs of movement and eating.

But just when Ke Lan was about to observe for a while, Asano Akira suddenly reminded him: "Someone is coming up... Two people have reached the middle platform of the stairs."

[P.S. The number of subscriptions has dropped a lot recently...even half of last month's subscriptions are gone. If you are still buying books, stop buying them now...In addition, I have already designed the ending, and it is finished. It’s on the schedule. According to the current progress, I will probably finish and open a new book during the National Day. As for the new book, to be honest, I kind of want to revise and rewrite the previous book "Stepping Through the Flame" and add fantasy elements. I wonder what you think?

(Science fiction is too difficult to write, but fantasy is easy...)]

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