Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 732 Three Questions

Under the deliberate obstruction of other members of the Undead Crew, many of Ke Lan's plans are actually as difficult to implement as piloting Agunak Tol... Although he now possesses power that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve, this power will also be Being constrained by other members of the crew association.

Since they are unwilling to tell themselves the secrets related to Alpha Civilization and Alpha People, they naturally will not support themselves in mobilizing a large amount of resources to find relevant clues.

If Ke Lan wants to have his own way, he can't rely on the resources from the Undead Crew Association.

The only feasible plan at present is to form an expedition team that is strong enough...even strong enough to be described as "perverted" and hike through the gray mist forest.

This plan can be said to be very risky... In the eyes of others, it is basically the same as seeking death - even an army of thousands of people cannot pass through the gray mist forest. Why should an expedition team of about ten people... Dare to head to the heart of the forest?

You know, the expedition team that crossed the "red line" 400 meters, each of their waists were connected with high-strength cables, but even so, two-thirds of them disappeared out of sight. Inside the five-finger thick fog...

Ke Lan's greatest confidence comes from Ze Luo, a bad guy who has the ability to control time and space.

No matter how weird and dangerous the Gray Mist Forest is, it still needs to abide by the basic physical laws of the universe... and Ze Luo is an existence that can break this law.

Coupled with Valentina's Blasphemer mecha and Thirty-three, the "immortal cultivator" who can wield a sword, the combat effectiveness of their team is no less than that of the 1,500-man armored force... If the two sides met on the plains, Ke Lan and the others could even kill the fifteen hundred people on the opposite side without any damage.

All it takes is one plasma cannon blast from the Blasphemer...or a wave of his hand from Zeluo, and the battle is over.

The next day, Ke Lan disclosed the plan to everyone in the Hunting God Hunting Group.

Zeluo, Asano Akira and Valentina agreed to Ke Lan's proposal without any hesitation, while the rest fell into a brief silence.

This eerie silence lasted for a full half minute before it was broken with the sound of the can's ring being pulled open and the fizzy alcoholic beverage making a "poof" sound.

The hound took a hard sip of the cold beer in his hand, stared at Ke Lan, and said slowly: "In the core of the Gray Mist Forest, there is an 'engine wreckage' that the undead crew tried to blow up but failed to blow up. This There is a living Alpha human who is willing to communicate with humans living in this 'engine wreckage'... Are you sure?"

"I can't be completely sure." Ke Lan answered truthfully.

Everything was just his speculation, and he couldn't even produce a reliable piece of evidence.

"Ke Lan, are you getting a little carried away... Let's ignore the conspiracy of those guys in the Undead Crew, the degree of erosion and super corrosion, and let's just discuss the matter." Hound grabbed the remote control on the table and pressed it, Alpha The holographic projection of the star appeared in the center of the office. Then with a move of his right hand, the virtual sphere began to rotate, and the direct observation angle was adjusted to directly above the gray fog forest.

The virtual projected planet disappeared and was replaced by an aerial view of the gray fog forest taken at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Looking from the air, it is impossible to tell that this area is one piece, and everything within sight is completely obscured by thick gray fog.

There are two completely gray areas on the surface of Planet Alpha. One is a mortar swamp bordering the molten mine area, the western plains and the "Hell Corridor"; the other is located on the northeast side of the Great Basin at the 30th parallel north latitude. The "grey fog forest".

The former is a treasure land with the most complex ecological environment on Planet Alpha and is called a "unique natural research site" by biological and environmental scholars, while the latter is a forbidden area of ​​death that has never been penetrated by human footprints.

"First of all, you said that there is an 'engine wreckage' in the core area of ​​the Gray Mist Forest. This news comes from the internal mission records of the Undead Crew. Like the 776 Special Forces Team, there is no trace in the military archives... ...Then I assume this news is reliable." Hound said while drawing a circle with red handwriting in the center of the gray fog.

"But you said that there may be a living Alpha man left in the engine wreckage, but this is open to question..." The hound's heels tapped lightly on the floor, and the hard rubber soles of the military boots collided with the solid wood floor, making a loud sound. There was a "tap-tat" sound, "You can infer this information from the mission records of the 776 Special Forces Team. Then... we have to face three problems."

The hound raised a finger: "First, assuming that there is really an engine wreckage in the middle of the forest, is there really a remnant of the Alpha civilization left in this engine wreckage?

"If the video you saw was not deleted and the content you recounted was not omitted, the surviving Alpha Man encountered by the 776 Special Forces Team only said that a very small number of individuals remained. But it doesn’t say that there is a guy like it left behind in every engine wreckage like this.”

"Second." The hound raised another finger, "Even if there are indeed remnants of the Alpha civilization in the engine wreckage in the gray fog forest, we are completely unsure whether it is still alive."

"The last question." The hound raised a third finger, "It is also the most important question... How can you be sure that this remnant of Alpha civilization is still willing to communicate with humans... In these long years, anyone can The thoughts of living things are likely to change, not to mention..."

The hound paused and said in an aggravated tone: "The Undead Crew has blown up dozens of engine wrecks like this, which also means that the special forces they sent have slaughtered many people like that Alpha who were left trying to When the remnants who communicate with us humans face a group of barbarians from a lower civilization who cannot communicate and only know killing and destruction, do you think the remaining Alpha remnants will still maintain such a friendly attitude?"

"This is also what I'm worried about." Ivan took over the words and said, "If the Alpha remnants in this engine wreckage are hostile to humans... or even hateful, we have no leverage to compete with them... ...Even if we can get through the gray fog forest by luck, we may not be able to walk out of the wreckage alive."

"No, I think the Alpha people... must really want to communicate with humans. This is a task assigned to these remnants by the entire civilization, and will not be influenced by their personal feelings." Ke Lan suddenly said decisively.

"Why are you so sure?" Hound looked at Ke Lan with confusion and frowned.

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