Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 749 Remains in the Mist

Whether it is the characteristics of the mist habitat itself or its distribution on Alpha Planet, it gives people the feeling that this forest was created by the Alpha civilization - except for the Gray Mist Forest, it can be found in any corner of Alpha Planet. There is no trace of the mist perch and its exclusive parasite species "Mist Vine".

The institute has also tried to transplant fog perches to other places, but even in the ecological experimental cabin where various climatic and environmental conditions perfectly simulated the gray fog forest, this strange plant has never been planted.

The gray mist forest is not a dead land. The encounter of the "Special Operations Fleet" tells mankind that there are actually a large number of indigenous creatures living in this forest... If the mist perch can survive elsewhere, then so many indigenous creatures will be so... Their seeds must have been carried out of the forest over the years, but they are not.

Both the mist habitat and the animals bound to this strange ecological environment seem to be locked to this land. This is a "forbidden zone" artificially created by the Alpha civilization, and they created this forbidden zone. The purpose is to prevent outsiders from prying into... "the secret" hidden in the center of the restricted area.

If you think about it from this direction, Ke Lan feels that the core area of ​​the Gray Mist Forest will most likely not be the site of an engine wreckage.

He can conduct reverse reasoning from two angles to verify this point of view.

First of all, from the perspective of Alpha civilization: the Alpha survivor in the ruins of Engine No. 92 clearly expressed its desire to communicate with humans, and obtained information from the memory fragments of Ke Lan's "subconscious". Most Alpha people have this idea. Since they want to communicate with humans, they should not set up their hiding place in a place where humans cannot enter.

In addition, from the perspective of Mo Jue's father, Mo Zhuorui: Although Ke Lan is still not sure what clues Mo Zhuorui found in that failed operation, if there is an engine wreckage in the gray fog forest, there are people living in it. A remnant of the Alpha Civilization, Na Ke Lan felt that Mo Zhuorui would most likely not be so fanatical about going to the core of the Gray Mist Forest.

First of all, as the C.I.C information control officer of a high-mobility support ship, Mo Zhuorui is not at a low level, but he is definitely not high enough to have access to the core secrets of the Ark. Therefore, it is impossible for him to know about the existence of the 'symbiote' Yes. As an ordinary human being, even if he could pass through the gray fog forest and reach that place, what could he do?

He can neither communicate with the Alpha, nor can he judge whether the other person is kind or malicious toward humans... Moreover, judging from the equipment of the lumberjack team, if the Alpha wants to kill them, they have no chance. of resistance.

Then why does he want to go to the core of the Gray Mist Forest so much? You can't just rush to die, right?

This doesn't make sense.

The gray mist forest is like a fortress. These plants and weapons are the walls of the fortress, and the flying indigenous creatures capable of shooting down battleships are the anti-aircraft firepower of this fortress.

But whether the purpose of this fortress is to prevent people from outside from entering, or to prevent things inside from coming out... It's hard to say.

Ke Lan couldn't help but think of the conversation he had with Hound and the others before departure... Could it be that the Gray Mist Forest was really a trap set by the undead crew against him?

They thought they had broken free from their control, but in fact, entering the gray mist forest was the result they really wanted to see?

If this is really the case, then their purpose should not be to kill themselves - there are many ways to kill themselves, and deceiving themselves into a dangerous place to "kill someone with a borrowed knife" is undoubtedly the most unreliable one. .

Ke Lan is a "symbiote". In a place with the ruins of Alpha civilization, symbiotes have a home field advantage that is unimaginable to ordinary people. If you want to use the trap left by Alpha civilization to kill a "symbiote", it is better to directly Sending a team of clones to carry out the assassination has a higher success rate.

Perhaps their purpose is similar to that of the prophets?

When he was in the molten mine area, the prophet wanted to use himself to activate "Yagunaktor"; so this time, would it be the undead crew who wanted to use himself to activate some mechanism hidden in the gray mist forest?

But are they so confident that they can pass through this forest?

After walking less than a hundred meters, one of the two senior "lumberjacks" was already missing... Even Ke Lan began to have some doubts. Can his team really reach the core of the Gray Mist Forest? ?

Everyone continued to move forward in one direction. Every five meters, Ivan would take out two beacons made of special alloy from his bag, nail one into the nearby tree trunk, and the other into the soil. In the cargo hold carried on the back of the Blasphemer mecha, there were more than 100,000 beacons the size of this kind of bullet case.

Before walking very far, Thirty-Three, who was walking at the front, made a stop gesture. He bent down and picked up a gas mask used by "loggers" from the ground.

This gas mask is complete. The fixing straps and buckles are not damaged. The oxygen generator tank is also well connected to the valve under the mask through a pipe. Judging from the pressure gauge, there is a residual amount of oxygen generator. At least more than 80% is left.

"Is this Danning's gas mask?" Ke Lan guessed, "If it were the mask left here before, it wouldn't look so clean, and the oxygen generator in the jar must have finished reacting long ago."

"Yes, this is his mask." Mo Jue said immediately, "Look at the 'T.N.' written in marker next to the valve of the mask. That's his initials! He...he actually took off the mask! "

There was despair in Mo Jue's voice.

If she had held on to the illusion that Tanning could walk out of the forest on her own before, now this illusion can be said to be completely shattered - Tanning is not an enhanced person, nor has she received body modifications in terms of toxin resistance. After losing her After the team's isolation barrier and gas mask, even if he could regain consciousness immediately and find the right direction, he would never be able to get out of the forest before the toxins in the mist took effect.

The gas mask that fell to the ground was tantamount to a direct death sentence for Dan Ning.

Mo Jue covered her mouth, her eyes slightly red.

"Keep going, maybe... he's not far from us, what if we can find him?" Thirty-three couldn't help but comforted, but when he turned around, I saw a vague humanoid skeleton floating towards this side in the thick fog.

Thirty-three suddenly tensed up, and dozens of black flying blades instantly rose up and hovered in front of him.

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