All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 855: Settling down and settling down

Liu Er made a swallow-tailed bun for Yu Youyao, with her hair piled up on top of her head, a swallow-tail braided on the back of her head, tassels and pearls hanging from the tail, and a gilt-silver flower crown on top of her head.

The so-called: "Corolla skirt and coat, big sleeves and round neck."

This combination looks good.

After Yu Youyao became the princess, she also became more particular about her daily grooming and dressing.

Such as single snail and flying fairy bun, these buns with hanging hair and rings are only found in boudoirs. Most of the time, they wear solid buns and small crowns to show their solemnity.

However, in the Zhou Dynasty, women who had not left the imperial court had their hair hanging down and tied in knots, and only married women would wear a solid bun, so they left a swallowtail on the back of their head to show their status as not having left the imperial palace.

Because of her filial piety, the jewelry she wears is still made of silver, jade, pearls, etc., which are mostly simple and elegant.

The folk customs in the north are open, and she rarely wears clothes that are too light, and she still mainly wears dark colors.

Chunxiao helped Yu Youyao to the flower hall.

Uncle Sun is still the same, the old god is drinking tea on the ground.

Butler Wen is neither thin nor fat, but his buns are gray and his face is old. But in fact, this old man who has accompanied the master's family through many ups and downs is only in his early fifties.

Seeing Yu Youyao approaching, Butler Wen quickly stood up and saluted.

Yu Youyao hurriedly stepped forward and gave him a virtual hand: "Butler Wen, there is no need to be polite. The roommates in front of me all grew up in the capital. When they came to Xiangping City, they were not familiar with the place. There are some matters in Yuyuan. , could you please help me take care of it."

There were deep wrinkles at the corners of Butler Wen's eyes, but he was very easy-going: "Princess, you are so polite. Your Highness is thinking about the Princess. He also specially ordered not to wrong the Princess. His Highness used to rely on the Princess to take care of him when he was in Beijing." , so that you can get well. Now that the princess has come to the north, it is your highness's turn to take care of you."

Seeing the bright and beautiful Yu Youyao, she was like the old princess, a rare wise woman, and he couldn't help but feel comforted.

I just hope that His Highness can marry the little princess as soon as possible.

Yu Youyao blushed at these words.

Butler Wen smiled deeply and asked Uncle Sun to take Yu Youyao's pulse.

Uncle Sun put his fingers up, closed his eyes, and stroked his long beard. After a while, he said: "There is a slight lack of Qi and blood. It is mostly caused by fatigue, exhaustion, and worry. It is not a serious problem. In the future, use more warming and replenishing Qi." It’s a meal of blood, relax, just feed it a little more and you’ll be fine.”

It was still the same as before in Beijing, with the pulse record of Dr. Hu, but after taking care of it for a while, the symptoms were mostly cured.

Yu Youyao nodded: "Thank you, Uncle Sun."

Uncle Sun glanced at her: "The blood is not harmonious, and all kinds of diseases arise due to changes." He put down the tea cup: "Although it is bitterly cold in the north, the Feng Shui of your residence was personally designed by Mr. Yin. The yin and yang of Xie Mansion are in harmony, and Xie Mansion is good to people. It is a house that accumulates good deeds, so there is Yuqing. If the two mate, the vitality will be long, and it is intended to nourish life. As long as you are fine and stay here for a long time, you will have the wonderful place of rest and recuperation. .”

Taoist Feng Shui metaphysics focuses on the mutual influence of essence, qi, and spirit, which correspond to human psychology, body, and spirit, that is, cultivating the mind, nourishing the nature, and benefiting the spirit.

The mind is relaxed, the body is harmonious, and the spirit is peaceful.

Living in this kind of good house for a long time can achieve the effect of recuperation and rest, and you will naturally be able to settle down and live your life.

Therefore, all three are indispensable.

Yin Huaixi put a lot of thought into repairing this house, and even carefully laid out every flower, tree, mountain and water.

Yu Youyao was a little surprised: "No wonder when Chu entered the house, he felt that the place was spacious and open, which made people relaxed and relaxed, as if they were free. I didn't expect that he was proficient in this."

Uncle Sun rolled his eyes and said, "Humph, he's not a good scholar. He always asks my old man for advice on the layout of the flowers and trees inside."

"This is already great," Yu You said quickly and habitually defended Yin Huaixi. Seeing Uncle Sun blowing his beard and staring, she quickly looked surprised: "Uncle Sun, you actually know Feng Shui?"

Uncle Sun immediately sat up straight, stroked his beard with one hand, and made an inscrutable look: "Our old Sun family, but after the King of Medicine, the King of Medicine advocates Taoism, and what he studied includes Taoist medicine, and Taoist medicine also includes Including Feng Shui, I, an unworthy descendant, will inevitably dabble in it."

Grasses and trees are transformed by vitality. Each kind of grass and trees has its own unique function. Only when placed in the right position can it grow luxuriantly and exert its other characteristics and functions.

Such as elm!

Feng Shui believes that the elm tree grows towards the sun and is a yang tree, which can stabilize the house, ward off evil spirits and make the home settled.

Pharmacologically speaking, elm wood has four uses: medicine, food, appreciation, and play. It has the effect of transporting yang and reducing dampness, and has the effect of calming the mind and calming the soul. Living in a place where elm trees flourish, it can help sleep and calm the mind. It is a longevity tree.

From the perspective of a scholar, elm wood is appreciated by both refined and popular people, and is a symbol of perseverance.

Different cultures have reached a subtle harmony and unity in the elm tree, which is beneficial and harmless to people. Living in the elm tree is naturally beneficial to the body.

Therefore, it is a lucky tree.

Yu Youyao looked admiring: "You are so awesome!"

Real Taoist medicine includes dozens or hundreds of medicines, elixirs, physiognomy, celestial phenomena, Feng Shui, numerology, etc.

Taoist medicine, on the other hand, pursues erudition, prudence, discernment, and sincere practice, which is completely contrary to those among the people who have only half-knowledge and thus blind superstition.

Uncle Sun painstakingly studied the inheritance left by King of Medicine, but did not put too much energy into treating diseases and saving people.

Some people think that Sun Bokong learned medical skills but did not think about saving people, which is contrary to the way of a doctor.

Uncle Sun said seriously: "The good things left by our ancestors must be studied and passed on by someone. Nowadays, each generation is no longer as good as the last. If the inheritance is lost and the good things are lost, future generations will inevitably regard them as Because the world thinks that only good things are worthy of inheritance. If the Taoist doctor has stopped the inheritance, does it mean that the things of our ancestors are not good? But it is clearly good. "

Uncle Sun cleared his throat and glanced at Yu Youyao: "I set up a pharmacy school in Xiangping City. I teach for an hour every three days. Anyone who is interested in medicine can come to attend the lectures. Those who attend the lectures only need to go up the mountain in person every time. Pick an herb to make a bundle. If you have anything to do in the future, go to the Medicine School to find me."

Yu Youyao understood immediately after hearing this: "Are you going to choose a successor?"

If you cast a wide net like this, many people will definitely come to attend the lectures, but over time, the people who can really persist and learn something are the good students who are truly interested in medicine, are determined, and are talented.

Regardless of whether you can learn everything Uncle Sun learned one by one, even if you can pass on the same thing, it is already amazing.

In the early stage of studying medicine, you need to memorize soup songs, identify medicines, and understand the properties of medicines. Even if you are illiterate, you can still learn.

Students who are illiterate also have the opportunity to learn literacy.

At present, there are more than 2,000 to 3,000 kinds of medicinal materials recorded in the Pharmacopoeia. You only need to remember the name of each medicinal material, pay more attention to it, copy it during class, and read more. By the time you finish studying the Pharmacopoeia, you will be almost there. I have learned all the characters that need to be recognized.

? ?In ancient times, women who combed their hair and wore swallowtails were basically women who had not left the court. Sorry, the author caught a cold again. After taking the medicine, the reaction was a bit severe. My mind is groggy, I'm sorry it's later today~



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