All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 255 Sense of Belonging

255、Sense of Belonging

"Why don't you let us work!! I used to work on this road before!!" A villager from Muhe Village shouted loudly.

In front of the villagers is a member of the self-police group wearing a gray security uniform. Behind him is a road being leveled, with more than 10 NS-4 robots and more than 50 workers working in full swing. There is also a car parked next to it, and the chef in the car is carrying down boxes of lunch.

Members of the self-police group looked at the villager coldly and said: "Boss Yan said that the people of Muhe Village have made great contributions to the ruined city, but everyone doesn't know enough about their contributions. Therefore, they should have a full understanding opportunities to show themselves.”

"Then why don't you let me go to work!!" The villagers roared loudly.

"Because the tools used to level the road are all provided by Boss Yan's production line. In order to allow you to show your value, you are not allowed to use these tools. Of course, if you bring your own tools, I can still let you in, and You will be paid according to the amount of work you complete." The members of the self-police regiment replied indifferently.

"I'm a fool, you are bullying people!! I want to go in!!" The villagers were furious and pushed the guard back.

"Hostile behavior detected, hostile behavior detected. Please stop immediately, or I will take action." A protector robot staggered over from the side.

Looking at the steel body of the robot, and at the workers who had finished their work in the morning and were happily eating their boxed lunches, the villager's face was livid. When he saw a worker take a big bite out of a large round piece of artificial meat from the lunch box, and the oil and water flowed down, he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, lifted a stone and rushed up!

Phew~~~~! The low-energy laser gun equipped in the protector robot's hand fired a scorching red laser, which immediately burned the villager's hand into a scorched black spot!

With a scream, the villagers dropped the stone and squatted on the ground. The robot walked up, and the three-fingered mechanical claws grabbed the villager and dragged him towards the guard. He kept saying, "When hostile behavior is detected, arrest it immediately. You have the right to remain silent."

Such a scene was staged in many places in Muhe Village.

In the previous construction, Chunyuyan intentionally avoided Muhe Village from factories and other facilities that provided job opportunities. Therefore, before the villagers of Muhe Village had to go to other villages to work, but because the distance was not far away and the roads had been leveled, there was no problem at that time.

Moreover, at that time, Jiang Qing was obsessed with Chun Yuyan's policies, and he didn't want to do work, and he took a lot of benefits, and pocketed a lot of money. Therefore, the development of Muhe Village was very lagging behind.

In fact, it was because at the very beginning, Chunyuyan just sent the veteran Hou Xiangyang to take an AMX-10P infantry fighting vehicle to Muhe Village and Baitie Village for a walk, declaring his sovereignty. In addition, Jiang Qing was used to being domineering in the small place of Muhe Village all year round, so he didn't think highly of Chunyuyan.

Anyway, in her opinion, Chunyuyan, like Qi Wei, had to rely on the food produced by their three villages to survive here. So she always thought that as long as she set the bottom line, Chunyuyan would turn a blind eye to her various behaviors like Qi Wei, and even provide some help.

At that time, Chunyuyan also saw the small thoughts of these people, and he also discovered this mentality of eating and waiting to die very early. He is determined to change this status quo, so he has been conniving at Jiang Qing's behavior. This made Jiang Qing feel that her views were correct, so she went further and further on this road, dreaming of Chunyuyan's big spring and autumn dream that today relies on their full support.

And when this dream was shattered, Jiang Qing, who realized that he might not be able to cover the sky and enrich his own pockets like before, had the same first reaction as those shrews who scolded the streets in the vegetable market—playing rogues. She still believed that the law does not blame the public, as long as she incited the villagers to rebel, Chunyuyan would make some concessions.

The situation was different the day after Jiang Qing mobilized the villagers to rebel and demanded more benefits from Chunyuyan.

The passages in Muhe Village were closed, and unless they could prove that they had nothing to do with the previous day's resistance, all villagers had to be monitored if they wanted to go out. Moreover, all job opportunities are closed to the villagers of Muhe Village. In other words, they can work, but they cannot use any tools Chunyuyan made before.

And what tools do the villagers of Muhe Village have in their hands? Before Chunyuyan came, they, like Xingfu Village, planted some crops for a living, and handed them over to the Black Wolf Tribe in exchange for protection.

But now, they found that once Chunyuyan stopped supplying Muhe Village, they would have very little in their hands. And there is no job opportunity to make money, how many things can I get in exchange for the crop output of the primitive farming in my village?

Chunyuyan's logic is very simple, aren't you playing tricks on me? Don't you think everything is easy to get? Don't you think that you can eat enough by farming anyway, and the rest of the extra work is my contribution to Chun Yuyan? Then let you take a good look back at what your life was like before.

And not only to reminisce, but also to show the thriving and good life here in front of you, so that you can take a good look at the comparison between the two.

Not only to show the villagers of Muhe Village, but also to show this negative example to other people.

Now the hundreds of villagers in Muhe Village have become a joke in everyone's eyes. When people are not working, they often point to the helpless villagers of Muhe Village and laugh at them for being too lazy and too lazy to do what they can do. At the same time, these people themselves will work harder to show their sense of superiority in labor.

It is precisely because I have the opportunity to work that I have the opportunity to eat meat and enjoy various benefits. People in Muhe Village do not have to work and just idle around all day long, but what do they get? Nothing but a bite of homegrown brown rice.

With the strong contrast from the villagers of Muhe Village, everyone began to face up to the preciousness of what Chunyuyan provided them! In the past, everyone more or less took it for granted. Workers thought it was natural for Chunyuyan to give them tools and build factories. Soldiers thought it was natural for Chunyuyan to use B.O.W.

But now they understand the preciousness of these things. Once people start to cherish the life in front of them, they will have a sense of belonging in their hearts. Once they have a sense of belonging, they will fight to the death with everyone who tries to take their life away!

Thanks to samwyc, 124 and 865 for the reward of 100 starting coins! !

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